Put A Name To A Face! (Picture Thread)


I'm terribly ugly.



Make the idiot new person stop trying to put photos in this thread just to be cool. (That would be me. Parentheses are necessary for such a state of crisis. Sarcasm noted in last sentence without the parentheses; just to let the serious people interpret my dry humor.)
No, no you're pretty.

But look at my picture, I'm just all fat.
Thank you, but I still believe I am a walking Strawberry Shortcake.

Anyway; you are beautiful too in my state of comparing me to you.
Thank you! :3

But for some reason, I've been attacked by people with forks because of how I look. :T

But no you beautifuuuu! Hair soso pretty.
I think a little recognition of my face may be in order. xD I was so surprised by what some people on here looked like looking through some of these. I mean wow. So here it goes i guess.


A la me on the far right.
As thank you for you complimenting me on my Strawberry Shortcake hair.

May I stab my fork into your syrupy texture?
Um, that would be, extremely uncomfortable.
I don't know how to make them unsideways or smaller. {if you can help with that message me I'd love to fix it} xD But here I am in my halloween costume. {For the record I don't take many pictures of my self because i can't say I think I'm pretty or anything but my friend was wondering what i was wearing and apparently she couldn't wait. Anywho, this is without my awesomely cheap red and black cape and you can't see my foot braking awesome black medium heeled boots} My cat Steve {my lovey dovey cat that leaves the house every chance he gets because of our two dogs} is at the bottom. ^_^

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View attachment 9037
Meh first post on the site, since I just joined. ;3

At least I get to see how my banner and avvie look before rp. ~fufufu

(In this one I'm the dark haired one--I love photobooths, rofl.)

View attachment 10251

(and these are most recent. My hair's actually naturally curly, not straight xD )

View attachment 10252

I've had just about every hair color except blue. Maybe i'll post some--anything from fuschia, to cherry red, to purple, to teal, blonde, etc.
View attachment 10728 Hey guys!

....(._.) I don't know how to work the pictures, so this is my, sort of like my 'trial'. Besides, peoples need to know the boy behind the monitor. :nuts:

View attachment 10624 This is the only one I can do, totally not my best looking one. ;_; Well, here's my taking a picture in the bathroom, because,

I am cool like that. ^_^

Smaller one is my yearbook picture from a couple years ago. I look so military-y. ._.

View attachment 10729 ........

I don't wanna explain. ( ._.)

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