Push. (Still Open)

"A little," said Olivia. She thought about it for a moment, trying to recall the last meal she had. She realized all she had done that day was, well, drink. Some days she could go without eating and never even realize it.
Terra freezes and then grabes her arm and jogs towards a window. "Olivia someone in this building is after us..they....have a pistol.. If we keep moving in the direction we were going we will be caught." Terra explained and then looked at his watch. "Remember its only a chance but.....it just might happen"
"Are you sure?" said Olivia, looking a little confused. She didn't want to just up and leave. If someone was after them, they'd find them eventually anyway.
Addison wasnt exactly sure how to take being picked up, shes a bit oblivious to whats all going on around her. "Whats happening? Why'd you pick me up? we passed my apartment!" she screeched.
Dustin looked at the drunk girl, "That heliocopter.. It crashed into that building!" He said. He continued running with the girl as he came closer and closer to his car outside of the Division building. Good thing most everyone had no idea what that building was. "We have to get out of here," he said as he placed her on her feet they held on for a few moments but only for her balance. "This car is mine," he said pointing to the black cadallac.
Terra looks at her and then sighs. "Okay....okay lets do it your way ok?" Terra gets figgety and stays on full guard.

Britt said:
"Are you sure?" said Olivia, looking a little confused. She didn't want to just up and leave. If someone was after them, they'd find them eventually anyway.
Olivia's head instantly went down, "Um.. okay." She started to play with the ends of her hair, a nervous habit she had. She felt like she was really starting to stress the boy out.
Dustin got in, buckled up and sped off. He looked over at the girl, smirked then returned his eyes to the road. Where to go.. he thought. He really needed to know if this girl had any abilities or was of any use to him because if not, there's no reason for her to be with him.
"So, where are you taking us?" She said a bit worried. Shes starting to sober up and when shes fully herself she normally would never agree to be around some strange guy who just picked her up in the street.
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"Somewhere that's not in the damage zone of whatever is going on over there. With the way that building is built, I doubt it'll collapse but it's still not safe to be around," said Dustin flatly. He was beginning to lose his patience. 

Shiku said:
Terra looks at her and then sighs. "Okay....okay lets do it your way ok?" Terra gets figgety and stays on full guard.
Olivia felt really bad and she looked down. An idea popped into her head and that's when she looked up at the boy with a smile. Her pupil engulfed her iris in blackness as she pushed the feeling of calmness into his mind. She felt good about it, she was helping someone.
Terra looks at her with a eyebrow raised "You got something?" Terra then looks at her eyes and his widen "Wait are you thinking of pushing someone?" Terra starts looking exicted.
"Oh, don't worry about that.. It should be working in just a moment," she smiled. She pushed that feeling of calmness in Terra's mind a little harder, to take the edge off. "Feeling any better?" She asked.
Terra smiles and relaxes. "Ahh yes oddly I am." Terra smiles and then his shoulders ease up.
Olivia's pupil returned to normal to reveal her brown eyes. She grinned at him, "Good." Being a pusher was difficult at times, it always felt like she was doing something bad and controlling someone but this was helpin him.
Terra looks at her and whispers in her ear. "Well...i can do a little more.than..watch....something my....mother did.." Terra starts feeling so relaxed he just wants to tell her his secrets.
"What's that?" She asked him curiously. She wondered what it could possibly be.

(All I ask is that you don't make him have another power, please. It's just too much ya know?)
(its nothing major just a thing that was awaken by the drug he can see the past of a object that shouldnt be too much right?)

Terra eases away. "Its..nothing nevermind forget I was taljking and come.on you need tp eat or you might collapse." Terra walks relaxed and undisturbe ev by the sitiuation.
(Yeah that's fine!)

"Oh.. Um, alright," said Olivia. "It's totally fine, I don't have much of an appetite today. It happens sometimes," she cracked a smile and giggled a little. Her eating habits were odd. Being someone who drinks often, her body got used to not eating as often as she wouldn't eat a lot before visiting the bar so she would feel the effects faster.
Terra takes Olivia with him sneaking out of the apartment and walks over to a nearby Subway. And takes her inside. "Get anything you want for now" he goes to a table and sits looking outside."Oh yeah here is $50" he hads her the money.
"Oh.. Um thank you," said Olivia who then went in, ordered a small sandwich and returned to sit with the boy as she nibbled at the food.
"Well at least you are eating If you didn't eat I'd fell bad" Terra said with a smile and looks in her eyes even though he knows she is a pusher he still loved her eyes.

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