Push. (Still Open)

Terra walks up to a Orange Lamborghini And looks at it funny" My keys are in my back pocket." Terra takes out a set of keys and unlocks the doors. "Get in and Buckle up"
Olivia walked around the car, opened the passenger door and got in. She buckled herself in and looked over at Terra. "You own a lambo.. does that mean you like to drive fast, then?" she smirked upon speaking the words.
Terra smirks.'Yeah i have no intention of being slow" Terra puts the key in the ignition and starts the car up and speed off ignoring street sighs but stopping at stop lights.
Olivia giggled a bit but she tensed up. She liked the car, she liked going fast and she liked having fun but she couldn't help but worry. At least a little bit.
Terra glances at her and smiles. " Its okay if i was going to crash i would know five minutes before hand." Terra makes a sharp left turn and speeds towards a Apartment building.
"Ah, yes," she said. That made her feel better and she relaxed her body and really enjoyed the ride now. "So, what's the place like?" Olivia questioned.
Terra slows as they enter the Parking lot. "Its very clean and neat..some what fancy. Its a good place to relaxe for about two days." Terra gets in a parking space that is away from the other cars.
"Sounds nice," Olivia smiled sweetly. Once he had parked, she opened the door carefully, undid her seat belt and removed herself from the car.
She shut the door, made her way around the car and to his side. "Okay!" Olivia grinned and began to make her way to the elevator. She seemed happier than she had been in some time.
Tai watched the two supers exit the car from the roof of a tall brick building, still in the stages of its construction. A large black backpack lay next to him as he stared through the binoculars, comparing them every so often to the photos he had been given by his commanding officer. As soon as they entered the building, he made his move. The photos were stuffed roughly into the jean's back pocket and he leapt up, snatched the backpack from where it lay and began sprinting down the stairs, taking them two at a time.
Britt said:
She shut the door, made her way around the car and to his side. "Okay!" Olivia grinned and began to make her way to the elevator. She seemed happier than she had been in some time.
Terra and Olivia reach the top floor and they both go to the penthouse room. "Here we are make yourself at home for now." Terra says and picks up a laptop that was waiting for him. 'Perfect.'
Olivia followed Terra and was impressed by the place. "I love it!" she beamed her brightest smile. But there was a strange feeling in her stomach. She didn't feel right. Something wasn't right.
Quickly reaching the car, he searches around it. Brushing the seats with fingertips, he listens to the entire car ride's conversation in the blink of an eye.

"Targets confirmed" he whispers to himself, and looks up to the building they have entered. He reaches into the backpack and withdraws a small, magnetic silver disk, roughly the size of his palm. He attaches it to the underside of the car with a soft CLUNK, then makes his way towards the double-doors at the base of the building.
Olivia tried to shrug the feeling off as she explored the apartment she'd be staying for the next two days. She wished they could stay longer but understood why it was better for them to move that often. She sat on a couch near the window and could see smoke still pouring into the sky from the accidents that happened not too long before.
Terra looks outside"We got to go I have a feeling that they are,coming" 
Terra thinks a little and the again comments "Should we ditch the car I never use them more then 3 times..." He looks a Olivia with a small hint of fear.
Olivia could see the worry in his face but smiled sweetly, as to reassure him that everything would be alright. "Nah, I really do like it and I think you might be a little too paranoid. Everything will be okay!"
Terra looks at her wearily. "But my visions....if its..right.." Terra takes his stuff grabs her hand and walks out of the Apartment
Olivia trotted after the boy, "Are you sure? The future's always changing." She looked up at him, he was so jumpy. She just wanted to keep him calm.
Terra nervously fiddles with his figures "yeah...but...they are in certain limits..." He picks out a gun from his bag and hands it to Olivia"Just in case.."
Olivia looked down at the gun, took it and stared at it for a moment before looking back up at the boy. She forced a smile on her face, hoping to ease his tension. "We'll be fine and if anything.. I've got a pretty decent push at this point. We can do this." Her voice was calm and collected and showed no signs that she was the least bit worried. The brunette kept her guard up but wasn't all that alarmed. Somehow the uneasy feeling she had before just disappeared.
Terra follows her quietly and stays on guard. He was feeling very scared for her he only wanted for them to be safe "Hey...i have another car somwhere.."
"Are you sure?" The girl asked, "I mean.. the lambo was fun!" She understood his concern and it made her happy knowing that he was trying to keep the both of them safe. "I know you wanna remain out of their sights, but if it comes down to it, we can run. My push could create a distraction for us to get away. We'll be okay." She placed a hand on his shoulder.
Terra finally eases up "Okay then lets make the most of what we got" Terra sniles and takes her to the louge"oh you hungry?"
Tai trotted up the stairs, sliding a pair of specialized reflective sunglasses onto his head. This wasn't the first time he'd come up against a Pusher, and he knew how to counter their mental attacks. He clicked the safety off the pistol, and checked it was loaded. He took a final deep breath, then gently pushed open the door to the hallway.

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