Push. (Still Open)

"You're a Watcher," said Olivia as she came to the realization. "But why? How did this happen?" She was confused.. it was all so sudden.
"It happened because the pilot was hit with something causing a explosion chain" Terra explained and realized she knew what he was. "Wait how did you know i am a Watcher?"
"Ah.." the girl said, staring off for a just a moment. Her eyes looked back up to meet his and she smirked, "How did I know? I mean, it's a little obvious, you knew all that was gonna happen and why. And well, I'm a Pusher."
"A...pusher....ah....no wonder..." Terra looks at his drawing. And then he takes her arm and tuggs her to follow"We have to move. Or we die"
She said nothing but understood and ran with him. While doing so she had to ask, "Your visions.. are they clear? I mean, how good are you at this?" she said lightly, making sure she didn't insult him. It's not that she doubted his words, she just wanted to know.
Terra looks back at her"I m strong enough to see whats going in 5 minutes exactly" he looks ahead and then realizes he didnt introduce himself " I'm Terra by the way"
She nodded her head, "That must be quite helpful, then." She smiled, "Nice to meet you Terra, my name is Olivia." She continued to run, only slightly behind the boy.
Terra smiles and runs bringing them into a safe distance away. "We should be safe now" Terra takes his drawing pad and puts it ubder his shoulder.
"Well isn't that a relief.." she sighed. "Sorry to bombard you with questions but is Division after you by any chance? I trust that you're not working for them, that is.." Olivia really didn't think that but it was good stay on guard, especially when she was getting a better grasp on her ability and they way she could work with people's minds.
"The Division yes they are on my tail. But since my Watcher skill is so strong at the moment i always get away from them..I trust that you aren't working for them either? Right?" Terra gives a sincere look trying to be as calm as possible and making sure nothing else bad happens.
"Of course not," she giggled. "When I was younger, I wasn't so could with what I could do but I've been trying so hard to get better. Actually, just before the explosions I pushed more than I ever had before and I was actually worried that they might take notice of me.. I don't wanna go there and I certainly don't wanna be another guinea pig for that drug." She cringed at the thought of it, as easily as it could enhance her skills it could also kill her in just moments.
Terra looks at her with a blank expression. "I...already have the drug in me but...i didn't die thats why i can see five minutes....." Terra becomes quiet remembering the suffering he went through.
"Wow.." she said, in awe of the boy. "But.. how are you still alive now? Isn't there things they need to continue to give to you so you'll live. I've heard of very, very few surviving that drug." She looked past him, just staring off into the distance again, "I've always thought about how much easier it'd be to just go to them. I've wanted to try it for my own benefit but all I'd be is a lab rat to them, another tool they can use and I'm not ready to risk my life like that."
" Don't...I only survived because i used all of my will power to stay alive.." Terra looks down and breaths quickly. "Its not a great experience"
"I know.. I know.. it's pain, it's suffering and most often death.." Olivia said. "But I want to be the best I can be. I'm a pusher and if my abilities were to be enhanced, I mean, what couldn't I do? I could walk right out of Division, couldn't I?"
"Its true but...They have more than one pusher Olivia" Terra says slightly and looks around cautiously. "If we spend more time here the police will be here...and they will make a excuse to detain everyone in a 8 bock radius" Terra grabs Olivia"s hand "Lets go."
"I know.. just wishful thinking I suppose," and again the girl sighed. She looked down at him grabbing her hand but didn't think much of it, "Sounds good." She nodded and began to run with the boy.
They both make it out of the Perimeter and Terra looks at Olivia and mumbles something quickly to himself. "Well i guess if you want to stick with me you can but if you want to go off you can too its your choice." Terra asks bluntly and looks dead in her eyes.
"I mean it'd be nice to have some companionship.. But that's only if it's okay with you. See, I live alone. I moved away from my parents when I began to develop my skills, couldn't stay anywhere too long so Division wouldn't find me." She looked up at him with a grin, "So yeah, I'd like to stick with you."
Terra grins "Well Lets go. I have many apartments in the city but i never stay in it twice you up for extreme movement?" Terra take out a watch and gives it to Olivia.
Olivia took it, "Thank you!" She pondered the thought of it for a moment, "Sounds great.. A lot more exciting than the situation I was in." She liked this, having someone like her always around. It felt good. When she was younger, she had her mom but.. she never really used her abilities and when she did, it was just barely. She scolded Olivia whenever she tried to push and being a young girl, she feared being yelled at. So that's why she hadn't used them much then and she was making up for it now, that's why she was so determined.
Terra looks at her and smiles but also remember his friend who died taking the drug he didn't want Olivia to become a Victim of the drug knowing it capabilities. Terra gently hugs her as if she was the friend he lost.
Her eyes widened in surprise and she contemplated jumping back and screaming but it just seemed.. okay. She didn't move her arms to return the gesture but rather just kind of stayed there.
Terra backs up slightly and becomes quiet. "I'm sorry You reminded me of my friend...she was a pusher too..but...the Division got her.." Terra turns and walks off a little quickly. "Lets go i have a car around here."
"It's fine," Olivia said softly, reassuring him. She followed after the boy but her gaze was on the floor. She felt bad for him. She had never known loss like that. She was never too close with anyone like her, with exception of her mother of course. But her mother never used her abilities so she'd never seen Division take away anyone she cared for.

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