Push. (Still Open)

Scar sighed as she walked. The girl was going to be a pest that she had to get rid of. "Isn't it obvious? Your the Kid, Kid." She announced, moving forward. Scar was a Mover, she was considering the action of using her powers against the girl. Could she be really working with the Government. "I'm Sorry Tipsy. Didn't mean to offend you." She announced, tucking her hands in her pocket.
"I really don't know who you think you are.. I'm not a kid, thank you. And tipsy? Please, nothing but a little buzzed. Believe me, Scar," she dragged out the girl's named sarcastic, "I'm experienced in this setting. But really, where are your manners? I was just trying to be social." The brunette grinned and was on edge, it would only take just a bit more now to get her to push.
Addison walks a bit down the street and fell straight on her face, she whimpered at the pain and got back up and continued walking.
Dustin was shocked, he didn't think the girl was that drunk. He ran up to her quickly as the crowd of people walking the side walk began to look at her. "Hello, Miss," the dark haired man smiled that was almost.. sinister but he figured she was too drunk to take notice. "Do you need help? You seem rather.. oh well, I'll be glad to help though."
"Oh don't you just seen so helpful? Let me guess, you're here to act like a gentleman and the take advantage of me, huh? Don't think you have me fooled, you just....just...okay. I live in the apartments on sixth street." She barley manger to say, Slurring her words together and just full on making no sense.
"Oh no, no! You have me all wrong. Just seems as though you need some assistance and I'm always one to help. Seems as though fate brought me here to help you," Dustin smiled. He almost seemed genuine but it was just him, sweet talking anyone he could.
Scar had a bad feeling about thia girl. She steped backwards quietly and allowed herself to create a force field around herself for protection. She glancd back up at the girl. "Manners? I ain't git them , nor do I need them Tiptoe. Now if you could take your twisted panties inside and leave me alone so I could enjoy my night it would be just peachy." She growled lightly.
And that was all it took, the girl smirked. Her pupils grew wider as she began to push. "Are you sure about that? We were just having a nice conversation.." Her words seemed to trail off. Her pupil now engulfed the entire iris and her eyes were entirely black. The alcohol had mostly worn off so she had good control over her abilities and was confident in the push.
Scar could feel something odd as though she wanted to agree with her, but instead she smirked. She just realized who this girl was. She stepped forward. "You know I can play games myself." Scar pulled her hand out from her pocket and held it put. A big piece of glass levitated through the air and into her palm. It took a lot of energy to focus on using her power and to avoid giving in on hers. Scar stepped cleaRs. "So pusher, either walk off alive now or die by my wrath." She advised.
She forced herself to try harder and the blackness in her eyes grew. "What are you doing?" She smiled. "You know me, a long lost friend. Don't you remember?" This push was a sure win now.
Scar narrowed her eyes. The girl aS obviously a pusher. She atarted to actually believe what she was saying was true. "Shut up!" She growled. She couldn't let this girl get to her.
"Stop what, Scar? I don't understand. I'm your friend," the girl looked confused and her eyes remained the way they were. This had to work. It would, she knew it.
(Hey dont wanna be rude but with the way the movie is you cant exactly stop a person from doing what their power is)

Addison stumbled a little more and leaned on to Dustin to stand up straight. "Oh my. I'm sorry, I guess I went a little over my limit tonight. I'm so sorry!" She quickly got bright red from making a fool of herself.
Terra stays on his bed while hearing a loud train. While looking around he starts drawing the train crashing. And watches as the event happens. "My it always happens...always"
"Quite alright, Miss," Dustin smiled, showing of those perfectly pearly whites. "I didn't quite catch your name, though. I'm.. Dustin, and you are?" the man considered lying but figured his name would give nothing away.
"Its..uhh..hmm..." Addison was trying to get her words out but she seemed to be having trouble, mainly from the alcohol but also the attractive man helping her out. "Its Addison, im new here.",she smiled.
"Nice to meet you, Addison," said Dustin. He took her arm and wrapped it around his shoulders to held stable her. "The apartments on sixth you said, didn't you?" he said as he took her towards sixth. He looked over the girl, nothing about her seemed out of place or odd, but then again most of them never did. He just smiled at her as to not let her know his intentions.
Addison looked up and smiled, "Thank you so much, yes I live on sixth room 204. I guess I should get back there. Hopefully the neighbors are calmed down now." She laughed in an annoyed way.
Terra walks outside and looks around but immediately looks back at his drawing pad. "If this happens then it might be a little harder to think.." Terra starts to walk around the city.
Dustin smiled at first but it soon faded, all apart of his act. "Calmed down? What do you mean? Is everything alright?" he seemed worried.

Olivia figured Scar wasn't worth it, at least not now. She smirked, "I'll see you soon then, Scar?" Her pupils returned to normal and she was on her way. She walked aimlessly, making no decisions. That push was hard and she tried her hardest. She hoped it didn't set off anyone in Division. Anyone around her could work for them and could be after her. So she made no decisions a Watcher could track.
Terra stops and looks at a Skyscraper. And looks at it closely drawing it blowing up. Terra takes off half expecting it to happen without a doubt. And after a few minutes a helicopter plows straight into it causeing the same explosion that he drew.
Olivia heard the loud crash, "HOLY SHIT!" she screamed and ran as fast as she could the opposite way. What just happened?! her mind screamed. She pushed past people who just stared in awe. She didn't wanna stick around to see what happened.

Dustin was shocked and didn't know what to do. He considered leaving the drunken girl to fend for herself but she might just be someone Division needed. Maybe. On that off chance, he swept her off her feet and picked her up bridal style, "Don't you worry, Addison!" he shouted as he took the girl away from any immediate danger.
Terra walks away in his Black leather jacket knowing exactly what happen and stays extremely calm about it.

"Now if i'm correct it will be another explosion....." Right after his last words the gas line of the Skyscraper blows up engulfing it in total flames
Olivia screamed yet again. She felt helpless. What good would her pushing do right now? It wouldn't save her, not in this situation. And so she ran and ran. She couldn't care less about Division right now. Hell, if anything, with them was probably safer. She didn't want this to be happening, not now. She was looking back at the explosion, still running just as fast as ever, when she ran right into a tall boy in a leather jacket. It stopped her for a moment, "I-I.."
Terra looks at her and he drops his Drawing pad that had all of the Drawings of the explosion. He looks at her with fear in his eyes. 'It...Its okay you didn't do Anything wrong....Its gonna blow up one more time.....' Picks up the drawing and Grabs her arm and hides in a Ally while another explosion blows off. "Youy should be alright now"

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