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Realistic or Modern Pull it Together, damnit

She nodded. “I can’t tell you what to do but I would be checking it now so it doesnt get unfixable.” She told her. “It’s a girl… she’ll be called Maya.” She smiled feeling her moving around a little. “She’s just got 6 weeks to stay safe and then they’re gonna induce.” She told her quietly.

Jon glared at him then sighed heavily. “If I get you involved then you’re liable as well if we get caught… but if you wanna be involved it brings in more money than you could possible make as a cop.” He told him seriously
Max gave a small nod and smiled softly "Thats a nice name. I'm sure everything will go great. But why are they inducing? Are you past due?" She asked softly before sipping her drink.

JD frowned more as he picked up on what was happening "Shit....you're fucking dirty?" He muttered shaking his head more "Does your wife even know?"
She shook her head, "I'm not well... I never have been and if I carry to full term I probably won't survive." She explained slowly, not used to having to say it out loud, "But we're trying to not focus on it too much." She told her quietly.

Jon nodded slowly to him "I can't believe it's taken you this long are you really that dense? And no she doesn't and she doesn't need to." He muttered, "So do you want in or nt? I can get you in easy." He told him seriously "But if you don't want to be in then I need to do those stops alone." He told him seriously
Max gave her a small nod and then smiled softly "I'm sure your daughter will be beautiful, and judging by yours and JD's hair, she'll have a whole head full when she comes." She said giving a small laugh

JD shook his head more "I had my suspicions, but I also try to give people the benefit of the doubt." He muttered before taking a deep breath "Drop me off before you go, I don't need to be apart of your bullshit."
carmen smiled tiredly and nodded. “I hope so…. I uh… I hate to be rude and kick ouou out so quick… but I need to go lay down.. I’ll get JD to organise a take two of the dinner.” She smiled and stood up to let her out.

Jon frowned. “You sure you don’t need the money? I’m bringing in an extra 80k a year…. Untaxed.” He told him seriously. “I’m sure that wouldn’t hurt to have on the side for the medical bills for your wife and the kid.” He pointed out.
Max looked at the time and went a bit wide eyed "Oh goodness I didn't realize it was getting that late. I'm sorry for holding you up." She said before getting her things and making her way to the door "It was nice to talk with you though, thank you."

JD frowned more as he listened to him feeling his anger boil "I didn't take this fucking job for the money, I took it because I felt I had a duty to uphold and to make people feel safe. So no, I'll be fine without your trash money while you let whoever you're working for get off scott free." He spat before getting out when they arrived at the station.
She nodded and smiled some. “I’ll see you soon.” She told her, watching her go before going to lay down, starting to feel a little fuzzy.

Jon scoffed a little. “It’s bullshit and you know it. This job doesn’t let you help people! You don’t even wanna see about doing the under table stuff?” He groaned when he stormed off and just shook his head muttering about him being a child before starting to head home, walking in and finding max in a good mood for once. “Hey, things go well today?”
Max looked over at Jon giving a small smile "Hey there, it went well. We spoke and got along well." She murmured going over and kissing him gently "We need to talk though."

JD got in and went up to find Carmen. He frowned softly seeing how she looked "Carmen? Baby you okay?" He asked softly
She frowned and nodded a little. “I’m okay… just a little fuzzy. My head hurts.” She told him quietly. “I do like a man in a uniform.” She smiled tiredly, reaching for him until he was changed and laying with her. “Max came over… she apologised. She brought me snacks.” She smiled tiredly. “Your day good?”

He frowned and kissed her back, holding her close. “Alright…. What is it?” He asked her quietly, kissing her head and going to sit down with her.
JD smiled softly at her getting himself changed before laying with her "Thats good to hear that she apologized. My day was....fine I guess." He muttered pulling her close to him "I just missed you. Was worried about you."

Max went to sit with him in their living area. She frowned deeply as she looked at him "You've been distant since everything happened. The past 7 months I've felt more like a burden or hinderance with everything." She said softly before taking a deep breath "I looked over the bank account....you've been gambling again haven't you?" She said before looking at him
She frowned and held onto his hand tiredly. “Doesn’t sound like it was fine.” She mumbled, “she’s been kicking my spine all day.” She grumbled.

He tensed a little and shook his head. “Why were you doing that? Are we not financially doing well?” He muttered
JD rubbed her bump gently kissing the top of her head gently "Just some bullshit, nothing to worry about." He said softly

Max frowned more and shook her head "We are, but the way you've been acting is the same as you did before. And I know your late nights haven't been because of overtime. So either you're seeing someone else or you're gambling again."
He grit his teeth and shook his head. “Do not. Do not start asking questions about the late nights. It has nothing to do with me cheating which I’m kinda pissed you think I ever would… and nothing to do with the gambling… stop while you are ahead. Do not push about the late nights.” He begged her. “Fine I’ve been gambling but I’m bringing in more than I’m spending. So there is no problem.” He promised her.

She nodded and frowned. “Jay…. I feel weird.” She mumbled as her vision had gone really blurry all of a sudden and it felt like there was a huge pressure on her chest.
Max frowned more as she listened to him shaking her head a bit "I can't...this is how it always goes Jon! You earn and then what if we loose big again huh?! What if we loose everything we have again?! We just got out of that debt!" She said before taking a deep breath "Why are you hiding things from me?! Aren't we supposed to be open to one another?!"

JD frowned softly and moved to sit up more "Whats wrong baby?" He asked softly frowning more when she didn't respond. "Carmen? Carmen?!" He said quickly moving off the bed and calling 911
He frowned and shook his head. “Sweetheart please. Do not go down that route. Leave it as it is. I will never lose everything again. Do you understand me? Stop asking questions cause you’re gonna get someone hurt.” He warned her.

She was still conscious but she couldn’t move or respond until her breathing started getting worse again and the pain was starting in her lower back and creeping up into her chest by the time the paramedics arrived.
Max frowned more at his last words "Get someone hurt? Jon what the fuck is going on?! What have you done?!" She yelled moving away from his as he came towards her "No! Don't come near me...what are you talking about getting hurt?"

JD helped the paramedics in giving them all the details they needed "I don't know what happened. We were laying here and she said she felt funny then stopped responding."
They nodded and were in the process of moving her out to the ambulance when she started seizing up and they made JD stay behind so he couldn’t get in the back with them.

Carmen next woke up late into the night and frowned some, seeing JD outside the room with a doctor, barely remembering anything past him coming home.

He glared at her “Calm the fuck down.” He snapped a bit. “This is why you should stay out of my work.” He snapped again. “Drop the questions Maxine. That’s all you need to know am I not making it clear enough?! I can’t tell you anything because it will only be a problem.” He muttered.
JD looked over at Carmen as she woke up quickly taking her hand in his "Carmen? Hey...hey everything is alright, she is okay." He murmured rubbing her bump gently

Max frowned more as she listened to him "Whatever....I'm done with this shit." She muttered before going upstairs to pack an over night bag.
Jon frowned and followed after her "The fuck you mean you're done? You're gonna leave? Over me bringing in MORE money than ever before?!" He quesioned her, fuming.

She frowned a litle and watched him tiredly, "What's going on?" She mumbled, frowning more "I don't... I thought we went home." She whimpered
Max turned to look at him shaking her head some "No I'm leaving because you have been lying to me over important things! You are still lying to me!" She yelled before grabbing a bag "I can't sit here and pretend everything is all happy when you're continuously lying to me!"

JD nodded softly "We did baby, but something happened and we had to come back." He said quietly trying to keep her calm.
She frowned and tried to sit up a little. “What’s going on? Why are we back here?” She mumbled, watching him.

“So youre just gonna ignore the fact that you fucking lied to me about going back to work as well?” He snapped
JD frowned softly as he watched her "I don't know yet babe, they want to keep an eye on you. The doctor should be here soon to explain everything." He explained quietly

Max frowned more as she continued to pack "I lied about going in, I've been working though and my job isn't going to fucking hurt people!" She spat glaring over at him
She frowned a little and rest her head back, closing her eyes. “Bet you wish you’d picked Sarah now huh?” She mumbled, just feeling like she’d been hit by a freight train and struggling to breathe steady.

He grit his teeth again and shook his head. “You have gotta be kidding me! You’re just gonna walk out then?! Throw away all of this shit because you want things your way and you want everything to be fine and safe and happy and you won’t just sweep it under the rug? Fuck you.” He spat at her and stormed out of the house, slamming the door shut behind him.
JD shook his head some giving her hand a squeeze "Never in a million years." He said quietly kicking himself for what he had done in the past.

Max shook her head a bit more "I have to worry enough about you at your job! Now there might be something worse that could hurt us?!" She yelled letting a few tears fall "Fuck you too!" She screamed as he left the house
She frowned a little and gripped at his hand tighter, hearing his phone going off. “Do you need to go in?” She asked him quietly, frowning some.

Jon sighed heavily getting the call about them making a bust so went back inside and grabbed his stuff before heading out to work, knowing he shouldn’t have gone while he was so distracted and in such a horrible mood

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