Siena Keo
A utopia where persevering will bring blue skies
Siena didn’t think much upon finding the sigil behind a school. Perhaps it was good because of the lack of people during the summer, but it was still a strange location. The last time she went into such a place, there was an office lady stuck in a trance. Would there be someone here too? She glanced at the younger magical girl as she spoke. “Should we wait for the others? I dunno how strong this witch is so...” Siena spoke cautiously. If this witch was strong... then only Asuka and Elena might be able to handle it. Perhaps Siena was just being a little too hard on herself. She’ll be fine, right? “Ah, wait, shou--” And then Elena dove in.
Oh, c’mon. Even Siena wasn’t being too gung-ho for once! However, she didn’t jump in right away. She nodded at Asuka’s gesture, wasting no time in transforming. Once she had her staff and her outfit on, Siena—albeit while grumbling—followed after Elena. But she immediately regretted it upon losing her footing. Jumping in, she expected another solid platform, not a damn freefall. Rather comically, Siena was flapping her hands and yelling as if that would change anything. Then Asuka’s words from earlier struck her. Stay calm and keep her mind sharp, huh? Taking a deep breath, Siena held her scepter out and made a large coin, only to land on it face-first with an “Oof!”
Sure, she stopped her own fall, but the coin was still falling. If she didn’t do anything... Maybe she’d fall to her own demise before she can even bug a certain rat again. “Ahhh, this is such a paaaaaaain!!” Asuka and Elena would hear a panicked Siena flying downwards as she tried to pivot the coin so it could land in the water. She didn’t want to land anywhere that would mess the other magical girls up. She... wasn’t sure how exactly her magic worked, but hey, she could manipulate coins. Perhaps, and just perhaps, Siena could make the coin float? She landed with a splash, not too far from Asuka, as she sat on a surprisingly buoyant coin.
A nervous laugh left Siena’s mouth as she stood up, staggering in place as she was still recovering from such a high fall. She had never fallen from such a height before! The worst fall was slipping forward on ice in the winter time. Or turning too much in her bed and waking up to hitting the floor. Ugh, Siena needed therapy after all this, even if she hadn’t seen the worst of it. Let’s ignore the fact she can’t even talk to anyone about this without seeming like a lunatic.
“I-I’m okay,” Siena spoke up, giving Asuka a strained grin and a peace sign with a trembling hand. Seems like this magical girl just got a new fear of heights. She then looked over at Elena, who seemed quite at ease. But then there was another voice. Another magical girl with another girl in plainclothes. Ugh, was this a trap? “Asuka, this isn’t some sorta trap, right? Like, the girl there ain’t in cahoots with Lora, yeah?” She asked the idol, unable to keep her own thoughts in her head. But there was always the chance that they had nothing to do with Lora. Well, sure. Why not? Siena sighed, aiming her scepter forward. “Truth be told, I don’t know the limit! But I guess we can find out together?” Oh, Siena. Maybe this was something she should have figured out.
Twirling the scepter in her hand, she aimed at the kelp sneaking up onto the island. Three medium-sized coins appeared in front of Siena—no bigger than an average dog—before they sped off into the water and towards the kelp. Two of the coins would be trying to run the kelp over, or even bash into them, to clear a space for Elena. Then there was the third coin, which went up to the island and tried to run over any part of the kelp that wasn't trying to attach itself to the unknown magical girl’s leg, hoping to slow it down, or even pull its aggression to the coin instead. If there wasn’t any part of that kelp to run over, the coin would would instead position itself in front of the other girl that was knocked out, acting as a defensive barrier that would block the kelp’s slow advances, or run them over.
Idiot Doom Spiral
Lora fighting squad:

Lora fighting squad:

Code By Nano