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Fandom Puella Magi Site

Siena Keo
A utopia where persevering will bring blue skies

Siena didn’t think much upon finding the sigil behind a school. Perhaps it was good because of the lack of people during the summer, but it was still a strange location. The last time she went into such a place, there was an office lady stuck in a trance. Would there be someone here too? She glanced at the younger magical girl as she spoke. “Should we wait for the others? I dunno how strong this witch is so...” Siena spoke cautiously. If this witch was strong... then only Asuka and Elena might be able to handle it. Perhaps Siena was just being a little too hard on herself. She’ll be fine, right? “Ah, wait, shou--” And then Elena dove in.

Oh, c’mon. Even Siena wasn’t being too gung-ho for once! However, she didn’t jump in right away. She nodded at Asuka’s gesture, wasting no time in transforming. Once she had her staff and her outfit on, Siena—albeit while grumbling—followed after Elena. But she immediately regretted it upon losing her footing. Jumping in, she expected another solid platform, not a damn freefall. Rather comically, Siena was flapping her hands and yelling as if that would change anything. Then Asuka’s words from earlier struck her. Stay calm and keep her mind sharp, huh? Taking a deep breath, Siena held her scepter out and made a large coin, only to land on it face-first with an “Oof!”

Sure, she stopped her own fall, but the coin was still falling. If she didn’t do anything... Maybe she’d fall to her own demise before she can even bug a certain rat again. “Ahhh, this is such a paaaaaaain!!” Asuka and Elena would hear a panicked Siena flying downwards as she tried to pivot the coin so it could land in the water. She didn’t want to land anywhere that would mess the other magical girls up. She... wasn’t sure how exactly her magic worked, but hey, she could manipulate coins. Perhaps, and just perhaps, Siena could make the coin float? She landed with a splash, not too far from Asuka, as she sat on a surprisingly buoyant coin.

A nervous laugh left Siena’s mouth as she stood up, staggering in place as she was still recovering from such a high fall. She had never fallen from such a height before! The worst fall was slipping forward on ice in the winter time. Or turning too much in her bed and waking up to hitting the floor. Ugh, Siena needed therapy after all this, even if she hadn’t seen the worst of it. Let’s ignore the fact she can’t even talk to anyone about this without seeming like a lunatic.

“I-I’m okay,” Siena spoke up, giving Asuka a strained grin and a peace sign with a trembling hand. Seems like this magical girl just got a new fear of heights. She then looked over at Elena, who seemed quite at ease. But then there was another voice. Another magical girl with another girl in plainclothes. Ugh, was this a trap? “Asuka, this isn’t some sorta trap, right? Like, the girl there ain’t in cahoots with Lora, yeah?” She asked the idol, unable to keep her own thoughts in her head. But there was always the chance that they had nothing to do with Lora. Well, sure. Why not? Siena sighed, aiming her scepter forward. “Truth be told, I don’t know the limit! But I guess we can find out together?” Oh, Siena. Maybe this was something she should have figured out.

Twirling the scepter in her hand, she aimed at the kelp sneaking up onto the island. Three medium-sized coins appeared in front of Siena—no bigger than an average dog—before they sped off into the water and towards the kelp. Two of the coins would be trying to run the kelp over, or even bash into them, to clear a space for Elena. Then there was the third coin, which went up to the island and tried to run over any part of the kelp that wasn't trying to attach itself to the unknown magical girl’s leg, hoping to slow it down, or even pull its aggression to the coin instead. If there wasn’t any part of that kelp to run over, the coin would would instead position itself in front of the other girl that was knocked out, acting as a defensive barrier that would block the kelp’s slow advances, or run them over.

Interactions: Dawnsx Dawnsx (Elena) Idiot Doom Spiral Idiot Doom Spiral (Asuka)
Lora fighting squad: galvanismgal galvanismgal (Claira) Nellancholy Nellancholy (Ella) Dawnsx Dawnsx (Marina)
Code By Nano
Chapter 2
Puella Magi Site

Clair’s cloth successfully bound Lora’s foot, but instead of letting it knock her off-balance, the garish magical girl twisted in midair like a nimble cat and landed on her feet. With a flick of her wrist, the cloth was ripped to shreds.

Although being a veteran magical girl prepared Lora for most tricks that came her way, she still wasn’t quite prepared to see a bike crashing toward her. Her brief moment of surprise cost her the window of opportunity to dodge, and she grunted as the bike collided heavily with her right side. Instead of collapsing into a heap on the ground, she disappeared in a glimmer of light. At the same time, an invisible force knocked the bike off the roof.

“If you people won’t respect territories, then I won’t either!” Lora’s manic voice rang out, moving unseen in all directions. “I know you have Grief Seeds on you. Hand it over or you’ll be sorry!

Once more, a dagger appeared in a shimmer of light and flew at Ella’s neck. The projectile was knocked off course with a metallic clang when a buckler materialized in its path – Marina’s handiwork with her magic. Just as quickly, Lora appeared again, kicking the buckler toward Clair and stabbing a dagger at Ella’s face.


“Awesome teamwork, everyone!” Elena chirped when Asuka’s song and Siena’s coins successfully cleared away a chunk of the kelp. Now with more room on the pistol-girl’s island, Elena deftly leapt over and made short work of the rest of the kelp with her cutlass.

With the immediate danger gone, Elena turned to the damsel in distress. “You okay? The kelp and your pistol aren’t a great matchup, huh?”

“I-I’m okay, b-but…” the girl stammered, then turned to her friend behind her. Tears welled up in her eyes. “I d-don’t know what h-happened. We fought the Witch b-but it was t-too strong and Lily… I don’t know what h-happened to her…”

Elena frowned and kneeled beside the unconscious girl, whom she presumed was Lily. There weren’t any visible injuries on her. Elena reached out and shook Lily by the shoulder. She flinched back a little when the girl’s head lolled to the side lifelessly.

“Is she…” dead? Elena wanted to ask, but her sentence was cut off when something massive broke out of the ocean. A wall of water crashed over all of the magical girls. Elena was violently thrown into the water, and several kelp immediately tried to grab onto her. She cut them down as she had previously and fought her way back up to the surface, coughing out a lungful of water as she did. She clumsily climbed back onto a piece of driftwood and cast her gaze around even as her chest burned from the seawater.

The magical girl they’d rescued also managed to surface, but she was looking increasingly distressed as she futilely searched for her missing friend.

And there, drifting lazily in the sky, was a blood-red whale with the bow of a ship embedded on its back.
Code by Nano
Interactions: Dawnsx Dawnsx Nellancholy Nellancholy
Your grief seeds should not be the only black thing at my funeral mentions: Idiot Doom Spiral Idiot Doom Spiral methoxetamine methoxetamine

While her attempts to knock Lora off her game was less than successful her slip and slide technique was allowing Clair her to dodge. If the fight was just between the two of them Clair was confident, she could win but such a long-drawn-out ordeal was unneeded because Ella came in with her bike blow like a wrestler using the steel chair.

Based on how Lora vanished and knocked the bike off the room it seems her wish granted her invisibility rather than teleportation. Still, Clair would take caution since most girls had a trick or two up their sleeve and since she seemed to be the only one in the group with impulse control. She could easily imagine her funeral where through some long-convoluted misunderstanding it not only would have live animals but also a witch forming. At least three of them would show up in Minecraft outfits confusing the black dress code as block.

She would haunt them so bad.

Clair didn’t bother expanding her energy to save Ella’s bike since it shouldn’t fall on any stray pedestrian and bikes were easy to fix. Instead, she used it on the more pressing concern of being pressed into paste by the redirection of the buckler Marina summoned. If one had trust they would assume Marina would summon another object to deflect it or else unsummon it but Clair had none so she summoned a cloth to deflect it just in case.

“Elena’s group has the spare grief seeds I believe so fighting us over them is unnecessary,” Clair said dryly glancing to Marina to confirm. The groups last conversation with Lora clearly went in one ear and out the other. Based on her babbling Ella wanted to avoid further fighting but like the cat she seemed to be it was hard to tell if Lora’s desperation would have her fight or flee.

“If you’re in desperate need of a grief seed and don’t feel like helping things go faster, we could delay the inevitable by divorcing the soul gem and body to sever the connection through distance like a failed marriage. It might give you some time to reassess...this.”

While Clair tried to lay out the facts and possible solutions, she also laid out the ground work to counter Lora’s invisibility. Unsummoning the cloth she used to slide Clair took control over the water puddle it had feebly tried to absorb scattering it into small droplets around the group. They might not let her see exactly what Lora could be up to but it at least she could direct the others where to aim if she got too close. That or if Lora was hiding anyone close by with her powers but it seemed more unlikely for her to have allies than Clair herself which was saying something.

If Lora wanted kicking the trio could kick her ego down a peg or two but it would be her or Marina deciding when the other shoe would drop.
Was that really why Lora was so hostile? So desperate? She was going full throttle in terms of both behavior and magical exertion all the times Ella had seen her so far. Which really amounted to twice, but it wasn't like Lora was offering her a complex, multi-faceted perspective of her just yet. Ella was something of a loner too, but she certainly didn't waste her energy on futile pursuits like fighting with other magical girls. Was she just reckless, or was she pushing herself so hard for a reason? Every wound that Lora incurred during skirmishes like this would cost more and more of her soul gem to recover. Ella too knew the hard way that an injury that would be fatal for a normal person could be endured, provided the soul gem could sustain it. But even if (and that was a big if) she managed to blow Lora's head off...how much would it leave her soul gem with? Wouldn't she just be worse off?

Those concerns had to be momentarily cast aside as Lora forced Clair on the defensive and lunged at Ella like a wolf going for the throat. Ella didn't like what she was about to do, but she could do it.

Anticipating Lora's lunge, Ella took half a step to the side and then sprung up, kneeing Lora in the chest. Straightening her kicking leg, she pushed off Lora, launching herself into the air. Leveling Excalibur at where Lora was a moment ago, she chose not to aim at her but instead fire off several shots offset from that point, blanketing the area in buckshot that hopefully wouldn't hit Lora too many times and give her a chance to back off.

"It's not too late to ease off the throttle, Lora! You're burning yourself out!"
Asuka Kayahara
Elena made quick work of the remaining kelp, which allowed Asuke to safely hop onto the island where the others resided. Upon examination, the first magical girl was uninjured, but a chill shot up her spine the moment she saw Lily's body--a spitting image of a former band member. The youngest member to join and the first to leave, Murasaki longed for the billboard charts.
This couldn't be happening again. Where was the rest of their team? Why did they go here alone? Why didn't you tell us? she thought while digging her nails into her palm. Even with the territories divided, everyone was supposed to work with each other! The website was supposed to be better than the mill that Kyubey created. The artists that turned their noses to a team always fell before their peak. Asuka closed her eyes, trying desperately to shake the image of her former teammate painted with blood.
"Please, be different," Asuka whispered. "Please, li-" Before she could finish her prayer a hum echoed through the labyrinth, shaking the driftwood around the island. A wave descended thereafter, enveloping the island and knocking Asuka into one of the labyrinth's walls. Dizzy and bleary-eyed, Asuka reached blindly for her staff only to find it wedged between a rowboat and a dingy.
She paddled forward, gripping her weapon with both hands before mounting her feet onto the surface of the boat. A single heave was all it took to dislodge the microphone, but not without using her air supply. Normally, this would be enough to kill a human, but her gem glowed; with it came a boost of energy that allowed her to propel herself to the surface.
"Where-"a cough-"where is every-" then a sputter. Her throat burned with salt, turning her voice hoarse and her head dizzy from the lack of air.

-Barely notices the giant whale that emerges and gets thrown into the water
-Grabs onto plank
-Asks if everyone's okay through mouf-fuls of water but chokes/has dry mouth
-Maybe microphone goes missing? Just spitting out ideas
Siena Keo
A utopia where persevering will bring blue skies

A wave and a yell after, Siena was completely engulfed within the water. Waving her hands around—albeit slower due to the water—a large coin was created under her. Like before, the coin was buoyant, literally pushing Siena up and out of the water. She knew how to swim, but the sudden wave couldn’t be dealt with by holding her breath and spreading her limbs out. Hacking the saltwater out of her lungs, the girl hit above her chest a few times, hoping it would help and remove most of the water. She cringed at the taste. Salt and water were always a horrid mixture.

“Bleh...” She stuck her tongue out. It was a shame her clothes were drenched. Ugh, could magic like, suddenly undrench them? This was so not cool. Sitting on the enlarged coin, she looked around for Asuka and Elena. She spotted Asuka, who was climbing back onto a ship. With a flick of her dripping scepter, the coin Siena was originally on moved beneath the woman, preventing the kelp from trying to grab at the idol. “I’m—” A cough cut her off as she tried raising her voice. She waved her hand, still coughing. “I’m here!” Her voice was strained from the water and the impact of the wave.

Shit, where was Elena? Siena frantically looked around for the de facto leader of their little sub-group. She spotted the kid, clinging and sitting on top of a piece of driftwood. Was that still safe? Couldn’t the kelp still get to her? Then there was the other magical girl? Where was she? Wait, where was the unconscious girl? Shiiiit, this was too many people to worry about. The three coins from before were no longer in view. But perhaps to... limit how much of her stamina was getting used up, Siena waved her scepter in the air, the gem on her back glowing slightly as she—hopefully—dissipated the three coins from earlier.

“Are you two able to come here!? It’s best if we regroup or som—”

Then a large shadow loomed over the water, effectively distracting the new magical girl. She looked up, looking at the large, red whale hovering over the sea. Siena’s brows furrowed, her breath heavy from earlier as she couldn’t tear her eyes away from it. Was this the witch? She only had fought familiars mostly—with an occasional weak witch defeated with the rat telling her what to do. Just what the hell was this witch? She had never seen a witch—or a whale—that looked like that before. It was clear that this was an unexampled, ineffable entity that Siena had never even thought of seeing before. That shade of red was... strange. It was like a red that should not—could not—exist. With a nervous gulp, she finally tore her gaze away from the whale, looking back at Asuka with a fearful expression.

Despite all her bravado and immature mask, Siena was still a scared girl.

“What the hell—do we do—Asuka?” She yelled out towards the Idol, her sentence broken up and punctuated with deep breaths. With a grunt, she pointed her scepter in the general direction of Elena and the newer addition to their group. Two coins were created, bent and acting like shields that hovered around the two girls. Surely if anything were to happen, the shields should at least help in some way; even if it is just weakening an attack from that giant up above.

Interactions: Dawnsx Dawnsx (Elena) Idiot Doom Spiral Idiot Doom Spiral (Asuka)
Lora fighting squad: galvanismgal galvanismgal (Claira) Nellancholy Nellancholy (Ella) Dawnsx Dawnsx (Marina)
Code By Nano
Chapter 2
Puella Magi Site

Clair would quickly find that she made the right call in summoning a cloth to deflect the buckler – Marina failed to recall the shield in time, but it bounced harmlessly off of the cloth and clattered to the ground.

Lora grunted at the force of Ella’s kick and stumbled to keep her balance. A scowl passed her face before she laughed in the face of Ella’s gunshots, even as one nailed her in the shoulder and another in the thigh.

“What? Too afraid to kill me for real?!” Lora roared, spreading her arms out. She conjured a dagger and deflected a few bullets, but it would be clear even to a novice that she was growing sluggish as some nicked her anyway. She didn’t seem to notice either way as her magic worked overtime to stitch each of the wounds together. Staggering forward, eyes wide and maniacal, she giggled, “I don’t need your help… I don’t need your Grief Seed… I’m gonna kill you either way!”

Even over the din of gunshot, the group could hear a crackle from Lora’s Soul Gem. The once-golden diamond on the clasp of her cape was muddled brown and black.

Marina’s eyes went wide.

“Clair! Grab the gem!” she yelled. With a wave of her pen, a thin disk flew out and sliced the Soul Gem from the cape.

Still too late.

A burst of energy exploded from the Soul Gem, the dark gale knocking all three magical girls back. The top floor windows of nearby buildings rattled and cracked as a violent hailstorm of dark magic whirled around them. It threatened to suffocate and smother them– until it abruptly stopped.

Once the girls regained their bearings and looked up, they would find themselves no longer on the rooftop, instead standing face-to-face with a surreal facsimile of a cat – one that was twenty feet tall, with shimmering gold scales instead of fur.

As soon as any of them registered the abomination to be a Witch, the cat would flick her tail and send a flurry of sharp scales at her prey.


“This is it,” Elena croaked, a glimmer of excitement in her eyes that seemed terribly out of place as she heaved another violent cough to expel the rest of the seawater from her lungs. Her Soul Gem shone a brilliant blue as it worked to reverse the damage done. Wiping her mouth, she confirmed Asuka and Siena’s location and called out to them, “This is the Witch! We’ve gotta take it down!”

She eyed the coin that Siena had summoned above her head. With a powerful kick, she sent it flying up before leaping off of the driftwood. The magic-propelled jump sent her halfway toward the Whale Witch before she began to lose momentum. She twisted in midair, and using the airborne coin as a platform, catapulted herself further up.

It wasn’t quite enough to bring her to the Witch, but it was close enough. Gritting her teeth, she swung her cutlass upwards, lobbing a blue crescent of magic energy at the Witch. The strike connected with its jaw, causing a shockwave that sent Elena flying back down. Anticipating the knockback, she landed gracefully back on the same wooden platform.

Bolstered by Elena’s attack, the magical girl they’d rescued popped out from under Siena’s shield and fired her pistol up before ducking back. Instead of regular bullets, the pistol shot out large blasts of energy in the shape of hearts, each of which also connected squarely with the Whale Witch’s massive torso.

The Witch’s wails reached their ears as its magic pulsed weakly.

“Not so tough, are you!” Elena cheered triumphantly. “Asuka, Siena! Let’s finish it off!”
Code by Nano
Asuka Kayahara
Asuka clutched her staff upon seeing the Whale Witch. While not the largest Witch she'd ever fought (that title belonged to the Kaiju Witch they fought during their second tour). The blood of the voyagers mixed with the wreckage of an unknown journey. What was once a girl was now a monster--a sailor who couldn't pay the tithe. The depths of this labyrinth spoke to the tragedy contained within the Witch; if they were not careful, they'd become part of its calamitous waters.
She swam to a large piece of driftwood before propping herself up. While the gunslinger seemed fine beneath Siena's shield, the other was woefully missing.
"I have to-" she coughed "- find-" another cough "-her." The sea water left her voice hoarse and her nose stinging with the salted air. She wiped her mouth before continuing.
Without knowing where the missing girl was, defeating the Whale Witch would nearly guarantee her death. Unlike the previous labyrinth they visited, the exit wasn't as easy as walking out an alleyway. Everyone needed to be in good condition if they wanted to escape or at least, near someone who could carry them.
It made Elena's call to action thoughtless--selfish even when they considered the possibility of leaving someone to drown. However, that was to be expected with someone so inexperienced, so reckless, and so lucky. Their encounter with Lora, the lack of bloodshed, and shine of her Soul Gem spoke to the innocence she still held as a hero.
But was that not something to be shattered today. Not again.
Asuka's gem glowed, soothing her body. She turned to Siena. "Stay alive and kill the Whale Witch."
The idol took a deep breath before diving back in the waters, searching for the missing girl.
Interactions: Witch formerly known as Lora, Kyubey, its just a corpse Dawnsx Dawnsx
Watch this tosses Kyubey in harms way: Marina, Ella Nellancholy Nellancholy

Would it kill anyone to have some consistency? If Clair knew Ella was going to call shotgun she would have launched an attack herself as well. The balance of hope and dream girlies was sorely lacking with the group division. Working with others was a pain she was forced to partake in often but Clair would do so every time given the alternative. It did not mean she would not complain the whole time though.

To say Clair was surprised by what came next was hard to judge. That it happened? No. That she decided to in front of them rather than conserve the last of her will to do it in front of Elena? Yes.

Hearing the all too familiar sound of a soul gem cracking Clair had already begun to gather the scattered water back together assuming the worst. Marina not only shouted to her but gave an opportunity for Clair to Kamehameha Lora’s soul gem to kingdom come but the cost of prioritizing the survival of others earlier in the fight became clear.

And Clair was going to pay it.

Only one second, no less than one second, and it was too late to stop the dark gale from sweeping over the trio. The windows of nearby buildings were not the only things to crack as Clair was knocked back along the rooftop like a bouncing ball. The dark magic surrounding them seemed to seep into her own soul gem as it darkened to heal the injuries she sustained.

It did not help she chose to prioritize landing in a less vulnerable position over reducing the damage. As the bruises and scrapes healed from her face they were replaced by anger and frustration only to be replaced yet again by a look of sheer annoyance.

“Kris Kringle,” she said like one would swear.

For Clair had been forced to roll about on the dirty ass ground.

It did not matter that they now found themselves in a labyrinth the ground was the ground.

For an experienced magical girl, it would not take long to put two and two together what had happened and for someone who had witnessed this first-hand time and time again Clair instinctively could tell you the answer was four.

Tacky as ever the looooonnnngggg gold scaled cat at the center was the magical girl formally known as Lora.

Which part was formally though?

The fact Lora was now a corpse?

The fact she was no longer a magical girl?

Yes, witch indeed.

The natural fate of magical girls whether they wished for it or not.

Whether they decided to fight or flee regrouping back together would be the wisest form of action. Regardless of its strength taking it down by herself would be hard for her given its size. Clair would definitely be recording this as the witch with a nature of annoyance in her notes since everything about it had ruffled her feathers more than the rest of her party combined.

In the single moment Clair recognized the witch for what it was the sensibility offending creature flicked its tail to continue the onslaught Lora had started. The empty labyrinth would make it easy for the witch’s attack to reach her as easy as it was for Clair to see a path to regroup with the other two.

But the witch wasn’t the only thing Clair recognized.

Only in New York could you find a rat thing inside of a witch’s labyrinth.

“I’d say this is a first,” Clair said to the never seen before in a labyrinth Kyubey as she used her telekinetic powers on Lora’ corpse to bring it to her. She knew the trick passed from one senior magical girl to another that exiting the labyrinth with the corpse would make handling everything that followed easier.

Plus, if she was putting in the effort she might as well use it to block the witch’s attack.

“New city new you? It’s not like I can make a wish so who are you taking such a risk to observe?”

Clair asked rhetorically tossing Kyubey with her magic to block a scale. Probably the most useful he would be in a labyrinth after all.

A burst of wind sent the assembled magical girls flying, leading to the generation of a labyrinth right next to the one that the other group of magical girls were already attempting to address. Ella had witnessed the generation of a labyrinth before, she certainly wasn't new to this. But it was the first time she had been in the epicenter of it. But even as the deafening shockwave flung her like a ragdoll and utterly devastated the surroundings, it wasn't the physical impact that hurt her. It wasn't hitting the ground that sapped her strength. It was the fact that Lora was so close, so desperate, so in need...and Ella had failed to help her.

And now her soul gem was ruptured, depleted, her body little more than a grotesque image of what once was.

And a brand new witch- or rather, a resurgent witch was now here.

Because that was clearly the most plausible sequence of events, right? Lora was carrying one or more grief seeds that had already been used before, instead of feeding them to Kyubey. Trying to get every last bit of use out of them. And one of them must have ruptured or something. Turned back into the witch it once was...and now it fell to them to deal with it.

There was a certain realization, a sudden insight prowling at the edge of Ella's consciousness, like an immeasurably large, predatory fish threatening to breach the surface of the water. If one and two made three, Ella's mind was firmly resisting the possibility of putting one and two together. No, it would be unbearable to know the truth. And even as it was, a few dark wisps had formed in her soul gem, like so much pond scum.

And at this juncture, she could continue thinking about unthinkable truths, or she could take action.

Ella stood up straight for a second and then threw herself into a cartwheel, handspringing into the air. As she came back down, Knight formed beneath her, and she seamlessly landed on its seat with a heavy thud which the suspension absorbed without complaint. She revved the engine once, twice, then peeled out, heading towards the rooftop Clair was on. As she rode up the side of the mangled building, a wave of glimmering projectiles flew in her general direction, threatening to lacerate the magical girls like a blender.

The Knight remained perfectly straight, continuing at full speed as Ella willed it even as she took one hand off the handlebars, Excalibur appearing in her hand again. With two shots, she blasted two large holes in the hail of scales, each pellet punching several projectiles out of the air like so many clay pigeons. As she flipped onto the roof, she pulled on the brake with her other hand, skidding to an almost-stop next to Clair.

"Hurry, get on!"

With Clair's assent, she would let her get on, and focus on escaping the labyrinth at top speed instead of staying to fight, at least for the moment.

galvanismgal galvanismgal

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