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Fandom Puella Magi Site

Bippity boppity booo
Puella Magi Site

The pencil musketeer tried to shoot again, clumsily tracking Ella and the woman with its musket. Before it could take its shot, Siena’s large coin obstructed its view. At the same time, several clotheslines caught its musket like a spider’s web. In a fit of desperation, it yanked upwards and back – a decision that proved to be its literal downfall as it lost balance and fell off the massive bookshelf.

Already splintered by Serina’s relentless strikes, the pencil familiar broke apart on impact with the floor. Just as quickly, the labyrinth around the magical girls wobbled out of existence.

It took another moment for Elena to fully relax. She clapped her hands together and cheered, “We did it! How’s the lady?”

In Ella’s arms, the woman was unconscious but breathing steadily. Any sign of the familiar’s ensnarement was gone.

But before the magical girls could properly celebrate their victory, a dagger flew down from above and embedded itself on the ground in the middle of their circle.

Marina gasped and quickly waved her fountain pen to conjure a translucent shield above their heads. A pointless act; in a yellow blur, a figure leapt down and kicked the shield with enough force to shatter it and launch Marina into the wall behind her with a sickening crack. The figure flipped in midair and landed on her feet, graceful as a cat.

“Marina!” Elena yelped. She was at least smart enough to not immediately tend to her friend, instead taking up a defensive position in front of Marina.

Before the group was another magical girl, clad in a gaudy, golden bodysuit with a furred short cape. The newcomer lazily twirled a dagger in her hand, eyes skipping from face to face before stopping on Elena’s.

“I remember you, Miss Sunshine,” the girl said with a snarl. “Don’t know if you’ve noticed, but this is my territory. That familiar was ripe to become a Witch, and the lot of you just mucked it all up.”

Elena opened and closed her mouth a few times. She recognized this girl from both personal experience and from the Puella Magi Site. It was hard to forget that costume. If she recalled correctly, this girl had been a magical girl for far longer than Elena and Marina, maybe even longer than Clair or Asuka. She was one of the first users of the site who still clung onto the old rules of maintaining territories.

Finally finding her voice, Elena argued, “B-but it’s not fair to keep territories all to one person! Some girls might really need Grief Seeds! Besides, it’s not right to let familiars turn into Witches!”

“Ah, you’re contradicting yourself,” the girl noted smugly. “You’re right that us magical girls need Grief Seeds, so shouldn’t it be natural for us to let familiars turn into Witches?”

“Well, if you need Grief Seeds, you should just join a hunt instead of hogging Grief Seeds! And the recruitment posts are visible to everyone on the site, so we know better than to poach other groups’ kills too!” Elena countered indignantly.

“Right, and I’m sure all that’s been working out great for your group,” the girl drawled. She gestured to Elena and Marina with her dagger, plainly ignoring everyone else. With a mocking tone, she asked, “Say, weren’t there three of you?”

Behind Elena, Marina was already wobbling back to her feet. Blood dribbled down the side of her face, which was dark with quiet fury. Even Elena’s magic was quivering with anger, a sharp contrast from her typical sunny disposition.

Marina lifted her pen, poised to attack. With a feral grin, the flashy magical girl lifted her dagger. Whether the other magical girls took that as a cue to attack or chose to diffuse the situation was up to them.
Code by Nano
Siena Keo
A utopia where persevering will bring blue skies

A sigh left Siena’s mouth. For such a rag tag group, they managed to do pretty well. Well, of course they would. Siena was here after all. For a newbie magical girl, she was a little too egotistic, huh? With a hum, she rejoined the group, scepter resting on her shoulder as she heard Elena cheer on a job well done. “Well, it wasn’t too hard, now was it?” She grinned at Elena, giving the girl a peace sign. Siena then placed a hand above her chest, about to act prideful, but the noise of a dagger being shot down between the group prevented her from saying anything else.


Siena looked up, but everything happened too fast. First, Marina tried blocking the group from any harm, only for another girl to appear and kick Marina back. Mouth agape, Siena watched as Marina was launched into the wall, wincing slightly. Part of her almost ran up to Marina, but Elena was already getting into a defensive position before her friend. Gritting her teeth, Siena whipped her head to face the new person. So, this was a conundrum. Siena had fought familiars and a weak witch or two, but she had never fought a person, let alone another magical girl.

The back and forth between the new girl and Elena mostly went in one ear and out the other, but there were a few things that caught Siena’s interest. First, was the Familiars becoming Witches. Sure, that made enough sense. Siena never really thought about where Witches came from, but that was probably an answer to that. But there was also a bit on how familiars become witches. Hm. So they probably needed power in some way. Siena glanced over at the woman in Ella’s hands, pursing her lips in thought. So, to become a witch, a familiar had to get strong by... preying on non-magical people? She really was trying to make sense of this, really. But the constant yapping from the new person was driving her insane.

“Blah, blah, blah... shut the hell up, oh my god!” Siena raised her voice, scepter pointing at the new arrival, who seemed to be more trouble than Siena expected. “I didn’t see your damn name on the entrance to this labyrinth! You lost your chance, boo fuckin’ hoo. Stop lashing out and go find some other labyrinth to creep after,” Siena spoke with a scowl, getting annoyed by the new girl. She gave a sideways glance over at Asuka, silently chastising the woman for not letting her really post anything on the site. Ugh! She should have posted something about finding this! Siena had a good idea back there! Why didn't she just pull out her phone and post!?


“Plus, what do you mean you were waiting for this thing to become a witch? You think some random office lady should be sacrificed just so you can get a grief seed?” Siena glanced back over at the girl before jabbing her thumb over at the unconscious woman. “Wow, I know we’re strong but I didn’t expect someone to let that get to their head...” Frankly, in Siena’s book, that girl was worse than her! Sure, Siena had an ego, but not to the point she thought she was above hurting others for her own gain. Ugh, not to mention the fact the office woman might have a family as well...

She clicked her tongue as the other girl raised her dagger, a wild grin on her face. Granted, Siena didn’t know it wasn’t for her, but she was in between the dagger-wielding girl and Marina. Siena’s gaze flicked down to the grin plastered on the girl’s face. “Oh, this girl isn’t all there...” Siena commented under her breath, her own scepter raised. Although, she did take a chance to glance at the others. Siena... Wasn’t really too keen on fighting a person, especially when she was new to this business, but she was starting to think this person might have needed to be knocked down a peg or two.

Maybe she should just slap her in the face a few times. That seemed to shut people up when she occasionally got into fights at school.

Code By Nano
Ella's jaw set as the exchange played out before her, a sinking pit forming in her stomach. She knew of other magical girls, yes, but had rarely had close contact with them for good, and certainly not for ill. Perhaps the hours she chose to act, and her tendency to not linger in one spot generally averted such encounters. And on the day she decided to investigate something other magical girls were looking at...this happened.

She couldn't tell if the flashy girl talking down to them actually had murderous intent, or if she was simply the type to make her point in a...firm-handed way, but the fact remained that this went beyond a slap and a pinch. She had struck at Marina with vicious force, and was now...well, the cops would probably call it brandishing, a weapon at them. Did it have to come to this? Was she so bold as to openly challenge a group that so outnumbered her? Would she concede after a few bruises or would she persist until...

No, they couldn't let that happen. Whether it was bravado or plain confidence on the intruder's part...it was on them to extinguish the fuse that had been lit.

"You're outnumbered." She wanted to tell their antagonist, but she didn't want to seem like she was using the threat of force to de-escalate this situation.

Ella took a deep breath and stepped a little past Siena, lightly tapping her shoulder to try and get her to settle down. They weren't really close enough for that kind of gesture, but...

As Ella stepped forward, her helmet unbuckled, tipped off her head, and vanished as if by its own volition, though she remained in her empowered state. She made eye contact with the antagonistic girl, doing her best not to avert her gaze for even a second.

"Hold it. There wasn't any need to resort to violence. You can express your discontent all you want, but what just happened in there is done. That labyrinth isn't coming back. And more importantly, a human life was saved." She emphasized that last bit. "I think we can agree that that's what matters, right?" Despite herself, she found herself biting her lip, glancing downwards for a brief, but very perceptible second. "I- There'll be more witches and familiars. There always are." And why was that? Where did witches come from? Did some malevolent force from beyond create them to terrorize humanity? To what end? Those questions were beyond the remit of this current, highly tense conversation. "Attacking other people won't make another grief seed appear-" Well, that was mostly true. "-so if we can just put our weapons away, we can all go our separate ways and keep our distance from now on."

methoxetamine methoxetamine Dawnsx Dawnsx
Asuka Kayahara
"Um, thanks. I'll hold onto it."
Though Asuka shot Clair a grateful smile she was a bit bewildered at the gift, so much so that she checked her Soul Gem's clarity. Clear as a sunny day, she thought as she slipped the seed into her pocket. It was better kept out of the reach of unfamiliar individuals, particularly since she didn't yet know the status of everyone else's Gems.
Kshiink, came a dagger from seemingly nowhere. Though Marina had been quick to respond, the new figure was quicker, delivering a shield-shattering blow and knocking the other girl away.
"Marina!" Asuka gasped, walking over to examine the bloodied girl. Luckily the injuries were superficial.
For all the kind-hearted magical girls in the world, there were also a fair number whose selfishness only bolstered the speed at which their Soul Gems clouded. More than hoarding territories, the act of enabling Witches was vile. Pain begot more pain; Witches didn't need the help of Magical Girls to propagate themselves.
And local magi didn't need you poaching them, came the voice of her old leader. No, no that's what the website was trying to prevent. With areas properly divided, they wouldn't need to worry about outside interference. And if she ever decided to return to the entertainment industry...she'd know where to abstain.
Seeing Marina raise her pen, Asuka put her hand on her forearm and moved to lower it, "She's right, we've already rescued the hostage. We won't get anything out of escalating the situation."
Then she turned to their attacker. Was it possible the attacker actually needed the seed? As much as the flashy-looking girl was posturing, she didn't seem a psychopath. Self-serving and callous certainly, but that rarely provoked attacks. Were it the case that the other girl's Soul Gem was clouded, it would behoove Asuka to give her the seed; if not, then they'd be giving up a necessary resource.
She bit her lip before piping in. "Your Soul Gem...Is there something wrong with it?"
Interactions: New NPC @dawnx
In threat of a post mission power point: Steve Jobs Steve Jobs methoxetamine methoxetamine Nellancholy Nellancholy also Elena and Marina

Well at least that was over. While the labyrinth faded away the feeling the group was putting the fun in dysfunction lingered. Fun for who? Probably Seina but definitely not for Clair. Thankfully the woman while unconscious was safe so their effort wasn’t for naught. Her being passed out saved them some awkward explanations.

Upon Asuka’s response Clair had no choice but to just take a moment to pinch her brow and decided what was more annoying the fact it did not seem like Asuka was going to check on everyone else’s soul gems and keep the grief seed for herself or Seina’s well…everything.

On second thought it didn’t matter what was more annoying Clair could scold them both since the group should hold a discussion before those who chose to do so would continue to hunt for the witch they were looking for. She could find a way to send her review and assessment for the post witch hunt debriefing later after all even if they parted ways. Even Ella who may have the speed to outrun a familiar but would not have the speed to block Clair on the site before she could send an unsolicited power point.

But before Clair could use her words like daggers to cut apart the overly carefree mood an actual dagger cut through the air. The following figure was tacky enough Clair almost would have thought they were a friend of Seina if it wasn’t for the fact they kicked Marina. A friend of Seina surely would have kicked Seina herself instead.

Given the crack didn’t sound like a soul gem shattering and Elena was nearby Clair didn’t rush over to help since it would be better not to group together. While it seemed the newest girl favored weapons you never knew exactly what magic she might have. The girls experience was easy to pick up on given her entrance.

Miss sunshine did not describe Marina so the tacky girl’s beef must be with Elena. With every word from the tacky girl’s mouth and the feeble tit for tat the aura of I told you so surrounding Clair intensified. So much so that if one tried to draw it the page would simply be black.

It was lucky that this little tiff happened after the group finished the fight than during it. Did someone else post on the site or did Kyubey let this tacky girl know they were here? Well, this girl didn’t really seem to scream having a life so it could be possible she had nothing better to do than wait around for this to happen. The conversation of territories and the darkness of the magical girl system should be enough for even those as ignorant to the world as Seina was that this is the reason announcing you were going to poach someone else’s territory was a bad idea and why those territories existed in the first place.

Or maybe not.

“Clearly there is prior history between you that the rest of us were not enlightened to on the site posting nor did we hear about this possibility from Elena and Marina. We were unaware this was your territory,” Clair said staring daggers before she dropped her transformation. If she needed to transform again she could but there was no reason to give the tacky girl an excuse to think she wanted to escalate the current situation.

Clair was pretty desensitized to the situation since she was not a hopes and dreams girlie. Such spats were common in her home city so Clair tried to avoid the mess that came from getting involved or caught in territory matters. So, while Ella tried to appeal to the girl’s humanity, Asuka tried to reach out a helping hand, and Siena failed to see this was her better dressed future self it was clear tacky girl was in it for herself with her edgy personality. Just a real I take my coffee black…with daggers kind of gal.

There was no point in trying to rationalize with the parts of her the tacky girl had cast aside so Clair would just need to logically make it clear how unfavorable the situation would be if it escalated.

“You surely must have something better to do than waste your energy with a fight otherwise you would have finished this with your first strike. I'm sure sparing with your words should be enough or are you not confident in them? Clearly you have enough confidence in yourself that becoming the target of a magical girl hunt if this spreads around is not a concern. After all, people on the site might think you waited for us to do the hard work for you before you tried to extort us,” Clair said since it was clear the tacky girl had enough experience or stupidity to challenge an entire group.

Most likely stupidity seeming how she wanted to pull others into whatever personal grudge she had against their party leaders.

The closest thing to a neutral party in this mess she found herself in Clair at least wanted a full picture of what was going on before she attempted to clean it up or at least redirect the girls attention to give Elena and Marina time to get away.
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