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Fantasy Protectors - Additional IC

Mina pursed her lips together, and thought. She watched her friends shoot. She didn't really care if she improved or not. It's not like she was ever going to run out of rocks. A smile slowly spread across her lips. She stomped on the ground and sent a tile flying towards Harlow.

"Harlow think fast!" She shouted as Crowne cried out in in protest. These kids were giving him an aneurysm. Giant ice snakes and poor gun safety was too much for him.
Harlow heard Mina's shout and saw the rock coming towards him. What. He ducked out of the way but the rock grazed his back. He got up and turned to Mina.

"What was that for?" he looked startled and quite annoyed.
"I thought that since you were freaking out when the snake happened, then maybe you had something to do with it." She told him with a shrug. "Maybe you need-" She cut herself off as Crowne angrily marched towards her. She'd never really seen him this angry and it was kind of scary.

"Mina, you can't just throw a rock at someone like that! What if you seriously hurt him!?" he shouted at her. She shrank back and stared at the floor, mumbling an apology.
Harlow looked at Crowne and Mina. Yeah, he wasn't happy that Mina had chucked a rock at him, but she was trying to figure things out. He ran to Mina's side, "Crowne, hey, it's ok. No-one got hurt, it's fine. We are just trying to figure things out. I guess we should probably tell you what happened so you understand. Right guys?" He asked, turning to Mina and Nonie.
"I guess, being around a shouty Crowne's no fun," Nonie sighed, a bit of a smirk still present on her face, "It's the silent seething and visible loss of will to live that's funny."

She lowered her gun and turned to the others.
Crowne was still angry, but Mina did look sorry enough, so he nodded and stepped away from her after giving her a little pat on the shoulder.

"That would help." he said to Harlow, ignoring Nonie's comment about his will to live. "So I already know that after you blew up the bridge some Protectors found you and you started a battle but got away. So what have I missed out?" He asked.
"Well, this creepy dude came out of no-where and then the protector guys came. We were being trapped in an ice wall, then apparently this giant ice snake came out of thin air and slammed us into the catacombs. That's when we made a daring escape back to here." Harlow explained using wild hand gestures as he recounted the tale.
Crowne nodded slowly, trying to register what Harlow was saying.

"Didn't the wall turn into the snake?" Mina asked, thinking back. "Oh, and a merc ratted us out. Sonter, I think." Crowne remembered that guy. He'd been effective the few times they'd hired him. He seemed to make things more violent than necessary though.
Nonie ducked to avoid getting hit in the face by Harlow.

"Oh that guy- he said something about having Clarissa's trust, right?" Nonie added, looking over at Mina.
Crowne shrugged. "We don't really trust mercenaries. More like their want of money, and that's supposed to keep their mouth shut between jobs as well." He sighed. "Trust, huh? A fragile thing." That last part was more to himself than the others, but he looked around the three kids. "Anything else I should know?" he asked.
"I don't think-" Nonie stopped and looked at the ceiling with a confused expression. "Is there a fight going on up there or something?"

From what she could make out, there was a bunch of people shouting and running above them. She wasn't really sure though since it was all muffled through the concrete.
Crowne sighed and walked to the door, turning the safety of his gun on and shoving it in his jacket. As he reached the door he turned around to address the kids in the room.

"You-" He cut himself off and shook his head. "If I tell you to stay here you'll just follow me, won't you?" He asked, a slightly disappointed look on his face as if he already knew the answer to that, which he was pretty sure he already did.
"Aw, you know us so well!" Nonie answered with a smile growing on her face. "So you think it's Protectors up there then?"
"I don't know. But leave the guns." He told them sternly, and Mina pulled off the ear protectors and put the gun down with a pretend pout. She nudged Nonie, grinning at her as Crowne walked to the nearest street level entrance. He peeked out he door, but the source of the noise wasn't in eyesight yet, so he opened it and stepped aside to let the kids out too.
Nonie frowned and put the gun down. She smiled back at Mina and ducked past Crowne to see into the street. Hearing a somewhat familiar voice saying something about being safe now, she grinned at the others again as she tried to hold in her giggles.

ooc: are we going back to the main thread after this .o.
Mina looked over at Nonie as she left to street level, more disbelieving than excited about the voice. Crowne shut the door and made sure it blended in again, then looked between the two girls.

"You two know something I don't?" Crowne asked the girls.

(Yeah sure, you start. Also, @TyTydaDog )
Harlow quickly checked his safety was on and left his gun and ear protectors on the side, running after his friends. Oh boy, Oh boy, the Protectors! They could ask them if they knew about what happened with the snake. And to tell the creepy guy to stop appearing through walls. Harlow gasped a little with excitement because he might see the blue one again. He liked him, he was one of his favourite protectors.

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