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Fantasy Protectors - Additional IC

(lets do it.)

Mina frowned, not believing Nonie, but not putting her down either.

"Let's get home." Mina said.


Mina kicked the door shut behind her, her eyes half closed as she walked down the Decimator base hallway. She heard a door open ahead of her, and glanced up from the floor. She would have reacted when she saw Crowne, but she was too damn tired.

"Did you two fill my office with glitter again!?" He demanded of the two girls.
Nonie pulled the detonator out of her pocket and threw it in the general direction she thought Crowne was in. She probably missed, but it's hard to aim when you're half-asleep.
Harlow trudged in behind Mina and Nonie. He was so tired. When Crowne walked in he barely noticed, Jeez, having fun was hard work. Speaking of work... he looked at his partly broken watch he had found on the table at the bar one day, nearly 3am. Oh. His dad would kill him if he wasn't home soon for his work shift. He had to sprint, it was the only way. Unless Crowne drove him...

"Um, Crowne? Could you drive me home?" he asked looking up at the older male, he looked furious. Oh. Glitter.
Crowne watched the detonator fly past him with a frown. He looked back the group, his face softening slightly. He looked at Harlow, then at his watch. It was very early. He looked at the ground with a defeated sigh.

"You two," He pointed at Mina and Nonie, the first one looked asleep on her feet, "Go to bed, I'll be back in a few hours to take you to school. Harlow, let's go." Crowne brushed past the three and to the door, patting Mina on the shoulder as he passed her and she started to march to her bedroom. He pulled open the door and waited for Harlow to lead the way out.

Mina meanwhile kicked her bedroom door open, depositing Nonie on one of the bed before collapsing facedown onto the other herself.
Harlow smiled up at Corwne, he would make it. He 'jogged' after Crowne, really it was a quick walk, and through the door towards the garage section of the base.
Crowne watched his niece walk off then followed Harlow to the garage. He pulled his car keys out of his pocket, and unlocked his car, sliding into the driving seat.

"So how did the mission go?" He asked, making sure the gun he had was out of sight from anyone outside of the car.
Nonie fell asleep where she was put down, not even bothering to take of her shoes.

ooc: don't know what to write again ;-;
Harlow slid into the passenger seat and laid back after putting on his seatbelt. He didn't look at Crowne when he gave him his answer, just closed his eyes. "We blew up a bridge and got away with it, then got harassed by this creepy dude. Protectors then found us and we started fighting, but I freaked out and we were in the catacombs. So we came home after that." He explained this in his most monotone voice while trying not to fall asleep.
Crowne pursed his lips and started the ignition, driving out into the night. It wasn't too far to Harlow's dad's bar, but it gave them time to talk.

"The shipment area was attacked tonight as well, by the leader of the Protectors. I guess I should be honoured..." He sighed. "You kids sound like you did well, good job." He clenched and unclenched his fists as the cold started to set into his fingers. "So how's the bar going?" He asked, glancing at Harlow out of the side of his eye.
"It's a bar. It's popular with old men during the day and at night it's filled with everyone. My dad wants to build a nightclub section now. As if the restaurant, the bar and the gay bar wasn't enough." Harlow sighed at the end, he wanted to sleep.
Crowne nodded. Mina had told him some stuff about the bar that Harlow lived at.

"So business is good?" Crowne asked, turning down the road that the bar was on. He could see the lights shining out onto the street.
Harlow nodded. "Yeah but we live in one of the bits of town where people don't have a lot of money, but the rents are awfully high. We get by though."
Crowne stopped his car next to the bar, getting a few odd looks from patrons standing outside and having a smoke. It would be odd to see such a fancy car in a neighbourhood like this. He stared at the road ahead for a few a seconds, before turning in his seat to face Harlow.

"Listen, Mina told me about some of the stuff that goes on here." He told Harlow, frowning. "You know that you can always stay at the base if you need to, right?"
Harlow sleepily turned his head to Crowne, not really listening. "Yeah, ok," He then opened the door and gracefully fell onto the pavement. Springing back up and closing the door, he waved to Crowne and walked inside. Ignoring the jeers he got from some of the people there he walked up to his room and flopped onto his bed. After a while he finally fell asleep. He had an hour before he had to get up.
Crowne winced as Harlow fell, and watched the boy walk inside. He sighed as he pulled away from the curb, but it was Harlow's choice if he wanted to stay at the bar, so there wasn't much more he could do. He leant back in his seat as he drove, the shining lights of the city calming him down. He snapped back to attention as he almost drove into an oncoming car and tried to banish the tiredness from his system, turning to drive back to the base. It had been a long night.


Mina groaned as Crowne knocked on her door. She looked over at the clock, slightly shocked to see it was almost midday. She squinted at her uncle, a question in her eyes.

"You had a tough night, so I thought you could skip school today. Now get Nonie up as well, we're training today." He told her, then left the room. Reluctantly, Mina pushed herself off the bed and walked over to her friend, shaking her shoulder to wake her up. Crowne stopped by another door in the hallway, knocking on it. "Hey, Kalsine, want to join in?" He called in.

(@Lamcalot )
Harlow had finished work for the day, he finally laid down on his bed. All morning he had been cleaning glasses and pouring beers, with the occasional soft drink. He had also had to clean a few tables and wipe the bar down. Someone had broken a stool the night before as well, he had to dispose of it. His dad was off somewhere doing who knows what, but now he had free time until 7. Then he had to man the bar again, at least tonight they had a live band coming in.

He looked at his clock, just past midday. He was starving. Welp, on his way to the decimator base he could pop into a cafe or coffee shop. He wasn't a usual fan of coffee, but he needed some to stay awake. He got off his bed with all his will power and changed into some jeans, a white T-Shirt and a grey hoodie, then grabbed some cash from his piggy bank he had made out of broken plates from the kitchen. It looked more like a deformed ditto tbh.

Once out the back door he walked down the side alley to find a food shop.
Nonie mumbled something incoherent, and shrunk further into the mountain of blankets she had surrounded herself in at some point in the night. She stayed like that for a minute or two, then sighed and sat up.

"What are we doing today?" She asked between yawns.
"Training." Mina replied, moving over to her set of drawers. She pulled out a few work out clothes, knowing they could get protection gear from the training room. She started pulling on the neon green tank top, facing away from Nonie. "At least it's not school, right?" She joked, discarding the top she was wearing the day before. "I don't know what kind of training," She glanced at the clock again, "And Harlow should be here soon, too."
"We got a shipment of guns yesterday, right?" Nonie replied as she stood up. " Maybe it's that."

She moved over to the wardrobe on the opposite side of the room, also grabbing work out clothes, though not without staring at the bunny hoodie she'd got recently - It had bunny ears on the hood, so it was more or less a national treasure in Nonie's eyes. One day... She thought, but for now she could survive with pastel pink bottoms and a dumb meme shirt.
Mina paused while putting on her tracksuit bottoms, and turned to stare at Nonie, racking her brains for the information that that was true.

"We did?" She asked, staring off to one side. "When were we told that?" She asked, turning to put her trousers on. Once she was fully dressed she started stretching, waiting for Nonie to finish.
Harlow finally found a Cafe after walking for a while, unfortunately, the queue was quite long. However, he knew the people here quite well. After a few minutes someone beckoned him over. They placed down his usual order of a weak Mocha and a slice of Victoria sponge cake, he thanked the girl and paid with his usual amount. She smiled and he gave a big smile back. He glided out of shop and down the street eating his cake on his way to the base.
"I'm sure someone mentioned it yesterday," Nonie answered over her shoulder.

She finished getting dressed and attempted to tame her currently disastrous bedhead.
Harlow put his coffee cup and cake wrapper into a nearby bin before heading down into the base. Once in he started walking down the hallways looking for someone who would tell him where his friends were.
Mona ran her hands through her hair to get it to lie slightly flatter. She frowned to herself.

"I really need to start listening when Crowne talks to us." She joked, glancing out the door. She pulled her headphones off her neck and threw them onto the bed, and plugged her phone in to charge. It had been playing all night, and was now dead as a doornail.

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