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Fantasy Protectors - Additional IC

"Probably," Nonie replied, opening the door.

She looked down the hall and spotted Harlow wandering around.
Harlow turned and saw Nonie peeping out a door. He glided over to her and then, once in front of her, patted her head.

"How is the Noniekins doing this afternoon?" he asked smiling at her.
Mina followed Nonie out, grinning as she heard Harlow's nickname for Nonie. She looked around, trying to remember where the nearest training room was.
"Pretty good, how is the Harlikins?" Nonie answered, going along with the nicknames. "We're doing some training today - Guns, I think."

She nodded and crossed her arms, slightly obscuring the lenny face on her t-shirt.
Harlow nodded, still smiling. "Cool, can't wait. Where's the training room again? I'm still getting a hang on the base."
"Don't worry, it's confusing as all hell." Mina assured him, turning in a circle to get her bearings again. She pointed down one of the halls, with a confident look on her face. "I think it's that way." She said, pulling their door shut. It didn't lock, but it was messy a lot so she didn't want to offend people by having them see it.
"Oki Doki boss" Harlow said, still smiling he started walking don the corridor to the training room.
Hazley had been with Decimators for a long time, and today, had been asked to step in on a training session and observe. It was obvious that his superiors had noticed just how much these occasional short walks had been doing for his stamina.
Crowne gave up on Klasine for the moment and walked after the others, reaching the training room at the same time as the kids. He nodded at Hazley as he entered the room, walking over to the selection of weapons in the corner. Mina watched as he messed with some things, then he turned around and held up a rectangular, black thing: a gun. Mina had never seen one before and it looked a little too glamorous for something that could kill so easily.

"So who knows anything about guns?" Crowne asked the group.
"You pull the trigger and - uh - bullets happen," Nonie answered, complete with finger guns.

She shrugged afterwards since she wasn't completely sure. Guns had been banned for a while, so she hadn't actually seen one in person before.
Crowne nodded, thinking it was close enough for now. He nodded, and showed the gun again. He pressed the button and let the magazine fall into his hand, he showed it to them.

"This holds the ammo." He explained to them, then inserted it again, before pulling the top back with a loud click. "To load it." He explained, then aimed at a target at the end of the room where no one was, turned the safety off, and fired, careful to keep his hands away from his face. "Safety off when using. Be careful of the kick." He moved over to Nonie, clicking the safety back on and put the gun in her hand. He looked her in the eye, a stern look on his face, and told her, "Never, unless I specify otherwise, point this at another person, or even in the general direction of anyone, okay?" He asked.
Harlow watched Crowne and Nonie talking about the guns. It all seemed pretty simple, he had read a book about guns once. Although, it only really talked about what types there were, not how to use them. He silently sneaked over to get a better look at the arrangement of weapons.

There looked to be a good range of stuff. It was all very neatly laid out over the surface, very nice. He then saw a silver type pistol that caught his eye. On closer inspection, he found out it was a Beretta 92 semi-automatic pistol. He turned to Crowne, "Can I have this one?" he asked. He held the gun in his hand as it pointed down to the floor.
Crowne glanced back, and almost smiled at how well Harlow was handling the gun. He nodded.

"If it feels right for you, then go ahead. Same technique to shoot." He told Harlow. He refrained from commenting on the look of the pistol, since it did seem that Harlow chose it for looks instead of practicality, but it did seem fine.
"You got it, Bossman," Nonie saluted with the gun still in her hand - Probably not the safest thing to do, but it wasn't pointed in anyone's direction so it was good enough in her eyes.

More or less copying what Crowne did earlier, she clicked the safety off and shot at the target on the wall. The kick was stronger than she expected though and she jumped back slightly. He made that look easy what the heck, she thought then shot again now she was expecting the knock-back.

"Like that?" She asked, looking at where she had hit the target - Other than where Crowne shot, there was one hole close to the edge and another a bit above the centre, her good aim was probably thanks to using throwing knives for so long.
Crowne felt a little bit of himself die when Nonie saluted with the gun. At least the safety was still on. As Nonie took her shots, Mina walked over to the selection of guns. There were a few rifles and a large selection of handguns and magazines. They were mostly the same type, buying in bulk and all that. She picked one up and looked over it as Nonie checked how her shooting did.

"Pretty...good actually. I was expecting you to shoot out a light." Crowne commented, surprised at her skill. He walked over to the table and picked up a few pairs of ear protectors. "I should have said this before, but we should wear these too, since we're shooting inside." Mina picked up a pair and found them unsurprisingly similar to her headphone, except they protected her hearing instead of damaging it.
Nonie gasped and put her hand over her heart pretending to be offended, but her attention was quickly shifted. She bounced over to the display of other guns and scanned over them with sparkling eyes. Picking up one of the bigger ones that she guessed was a rifle or something, she turned to Crowne.

"How do I use this one?" She asked excitedly.
Harlow smiled at the smiles and joy Nonie was giving off. she was actually a pretty good shot. He was glad she was on their side. When Crowne walked over telling them to put on the Ear protectors, Harlow complied and put them over his ears. He looked to Mina who had done the same. They suited her so he gave her a thumbs up and went to stand in line with one of the targets, remembering what Crowne had said about how to handle and use the guns, also checking that it was fully loaded.

Once he had aimed well, he clicked off the safety and tried a shot. The kick-back was a little harsh, but he managed to control. Although, he missed the target and hit the outer rim. Oh well. He continued to aim and shoot, hoping with practice his aim would improve.
Mina returned Harlow's thumbs up and Crowne pulled the rifle out of Nonie's grip.

"Wait until you've got a good grip on the pistol first." He told her, replacing the large gun with ear protectors and putting some on himself. Mina twirled the gun around her finger, good showmanship was everything, and found a target that hadn't been shot at. She tried to copy her uncle's shooting stance and aimed with the gun, clicking the safety off, and squeezing the trigger. Crowne had mentioned kick but she hadn't expected there to be that much. She missed completely, but got ready to fire again.
The smile was wiped off Nonie's face as the rifle was taken out of her hands. She grumbled and put the ear protectors on then picked the pistol back up. After skipping back over to a target, she copied the stance again and aimed... but didn't shoot.

"Are we not gonna talk about the giant ice snake from yesterday?" She asked, turning to the other two.
Harlow could feel someone was looking at him so he turned on the safety and looked to the side. Nonie was talking, he just heard what she said. Oh yeah. That.

"I have no idea what happened. Mina, you got any ideas?" He called over to the others, a little smile present all the while.
Crowne started at the phrase 'giant ice snake'. He looked between the three kids, hoping for an explanation. Mina shrugged, a small laugh escaping her lips.

"I do rocks, not ice." She told the others, then took another shot. It barely hit the target. "Dammit!" She exclaimed, then turned the safety back on. "It wouldn't have been any of the Protectors either, the ice girl seemed pretty fine with killing us." Crowne looked between them all, still shocked that none of them had told him what actually happened the night before.
Nonie noticed Crowne's reaction but she wasn't explaining any time soon, thinking it'd be pretty funny to leave him confused. With a grin spreading on her face, she looked down at the gun and back up again.

"Didn't it appear around the same time Harlow freaked out?" She added.
Mina nodded, thoughtfully stroking her chin. Showmanship, bro.

"And it only targeted us." She added. No protectors were dragged into the catacombs with them, and it's not like it actually hurt them either. "Harlow, thoughts?" She inquired, hiding a smile as Crowne pressed his forehead into the wall. He knew he wasn't getting answers, and he knew it was on purpose. They were meant to be shooting.
Harlow really didn't know what had happened. Truth be told, he couldn't actually remember much about what happened in the alleyway. He looked to Crowne, who was losing the will to live and turned back to the target, a slight frown on his face.

"I don't know man. I have no idea, can't really remember anything to be honest." he said while taking another few shots after clicking his safety off again. He was slowly getting better.
"If it only targeted us then maybe it was controlled by the Protectors?" Nonie suggested, though she didn't really believe it herself.

She sighed and turned back to the target on the wall, lining up the pistol to shoot again.

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