Project: Heavy Iron


Ten Thousand Club

The Cave

The time is early morning. At least in the outside world. Here, in the cave, most citizens have adapted to a 36 hour clock due to living in near darkness of the cave. The cave, the holy cave, which lies behind the walls of the bunker in the mountainside. The humans have been driven into a civilization within the very rock they once stood upon. The once cherished sunlight has now been replaced by artificial purple lamps, scouring with bioluminescent bacteria. Most of the civilians are up and about at this hour, a select few lazy are asleep. All is calm and quiet.

It's time to go to work for most. People have no problems crossing the lower and upper walls to the lower and upper parts of the cave. However, it is all the same. There is no pride in living in a large rock, in fear of them. The caves earn respect greater than any human living within this bundle of civilization.

The select few that have seen sunlight, are the bravest. The strongest. The fittest. The best. The ones with a passion for technology. The ones with an aptitude for standing up to them. The ones with a mind that cannot be broken by the toughest of times. The two divisions of military. And as the cave picks up activity, the select few also will do the same.


Winter Brigade & Heavy Iron Facility: Barracks (Heavy Iron), Bunks (Winter Brigade), Departments (Heavy Iron), Training Facility (Winter Brigade)

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Erica Morrison

It was morning....great!  Erica was slowly waking up but not in her bed, the pilot just couldn't sleep and rather then sucking it up and knock herself out.  She went somewhere more comfortable.  On top of her mech as it stood high above the ground. 

Erica slowly opened her eyes and sat up with her legs dangling near the tank cannon.  She took a second before looking down at the giant "Morning bud...."  Her voice was soft as she patted the cold metal though the mech didn't give a response.  She opened the hatch, rummaging through until she found her signature bomber jacket.  After getting it on and modeling herself in front of the air, the girl went inside, beginning her checks and repairs on her baby for the next battle.

@JPax @Shirochankun @Yappi

The Cave

The time is early morning. At least in the outside world. Here, in the cave, most citizens have adapted to a 36 hour clock due to living in near darkness of the cave. The cave, the holy cave, which lies behind the walls of the bunker in the mountainside. The humans have been driven into a civilization within the very rock they once stood upon. The once cherished sunlight has now been replaced by artificial purple lamps, scouring with bioluminescent bacteria. Most of the civilians are up and about at this hour, a select few lazy are asleep. All is calm and quiet.

It's time to go to work for most. People have no problems crossing the lower and upper walls to the lower and upper parts of the cave. However, it is all the same. There is no pride in living in a large rock, in fear of them. The caves earn respect greater than any human living within this bundle of civilization.

The select few that have seen sunlight, are the bravest. The strongest. The fittest. The best. The ones with a passion for technology. The ones with an aptitude for standing up to them. The ones with a mind that cannot be broken by the toughest of times. The two divisions of military. And as the cave picks up activity, the select few also will do the same.


Winter Brigade & Heavy Iron Facility: Barracks (Heavy Iron), Bunks (Winter Brigade), Departments (Heavy Iron), Training Facility (Winter Brigade)


He was at the training facility doing cocaine. Only a small amount and a modified version meant to give him a little boost. Kind of a cheap stereroid. He was currently training his upper body. He was one of the strongest physically in his squad and he intended to keep that title. He was doing pull up after pullup on the bar. Until then hit 19 where he took a small break. Then got the weights, and planked with one hand while using a 20 pound weight holding it to his side with his other hand. After that he started resting on the bench drinking what water he had. 

Lt. Reeds

Katie "Kat" Reeds



Kat groaned, opening an eye lazily.  yep... definitely morning. The woman thought to herself, repositioning herself in the cockpit of her partner. The W0X Type-01, Alexander. She'd been running through simulations nearly all night. It was just a habit when she couldn't get herself to sleep. If anything, it helped tire her out. Although looking at herself now, her hair and clothes looked like she'd just had a crazy night in bed. Not that she ever did that with anyone on base. On her days off though.... it helped relieve stress. The hatch to the cockpit opened as she climbed out, fixing her hair and clothes.  .... good enough i guess. Kat thought, using the metal on her mech's leg as an improvised mirror. Thank god she'd taken a shower last night rather than waiting for morning to take one. Then again, She was always taking shower twice a day when she could. 



Alison "Alie" Eckener

'The Captain'

While most were getting up, the captain of the Winter Brigade was already in the obstacle course as of two hours ago. The Winter Brigade was known to have to get up extremely early. There were four trainees testing to become an ensign on this very day, at the mere age of 17. While these four trainees looked rather fit for their age and rank, they performed nervously at the sight of the Captain. The captain. Before them stood the captain. Most respected her, since she made most of the Winter Brigade possible. That, and she was widely known as the strongest human. That could easily be dismissed as a load of baloney, judging by her small stature. It was going to be unknown until she proved herself.

"Beet, move to position three and aim for the left eye. Stork formation, let's go!" The captain loudly shouted her orders and watched the mix of trainees confusedly bump into each other. "Ma'am, I can't...HHHGHHH-AAH!" The trainee known as Beet fell ten feet from his perch from metal rope, right onto the cold hard ground. He let out a scream of pain as he felt his limb muscles tense up and sprain. The captain raised her hand and closed a fist, which made the remaining trainees drop to the ground and sling their metal around their fallen comrade. "See you next week." As she said this, the captain began to walk off. "Ma'am, what about Beet?" A trainee said as he and his two friends struggled to lift the rather large Beet. "I'd say take him to the infirmary. Brasse, take Wyler and Danvers back to the training facilities. For this lack of coordination, all three of you owe me two hundred push ups and sixty waves on the iron war rope." 

"Yes ma'am!"

"Yes ma'am!"

"Yes ma'am!"

As the three trainees almost dropped Beet, the captain simply scooped him up and threw him over her shoulder with one arm. It was physically awkward, since Beet was nearly a foot taller than the captain, but at least she didn't need three people to carry him. Eckener took Beet to the infirmary and set him on a bed. "You heard the lack of coordination thing. Two hundred push ups and sixty waves on the iron war rope."

Without another word, Eckener left the site to the training facility where Wyler, Danvers, and Brasse were now training with the iron rope. The iron rope was one of the best pieces of equipment the Winter Brigade had. It was similar to a battle rope, but made of metal. An untrained human could barely even bend the rope should they try. A series of grunts and shouts were heard from Wyler, Danvers, and Brasse as they made the heavy metal rope move.

The captain walked past AJ and noticed he didn't have a lot of water. "Jordan. It looks as if you're thirsty, hm?" Without hesitation, the captain handed him her own case of water. It was almost as if the captain never drank water in public. "I expect hard work in all forms and nothing less."

After that had been said, the captain walked outside and pulled out a clipboard. The names...

Ron Beet: Trainee

Height: 6'0

Weight: 225 lbs

Rank: E

Stanley Brasse: Trainee

Height: 5'10

Weight: 180 lbs

Rank: +C

Rotte Wyler: Trainee

Height: 5'7

Weight: 162 lbs

Rank: C

Anthony K. Jordan: Ensign

Height: 6'1

Weight: 165 lbs

Rank: +B

At least somebody was making an effort to do well. A +B rank was extremely hard to get in the Winter Brigade for a week's effort, even though there was still room for improvement. The captain sighed hard at her disappointment in Beet, Brasse, and Wyler as she made her way to the center square. And then she finally did it. An announcement rang through every speaker in the facility, even the ones in the mech barracks. How unfortunate, that Winter Brigade woke up before everyone else.

"WINTER BRIGADE, TACTICAL OCTAGONAL FORMATION! CENTER SQUARE. REACH MARK AND SALUTE!" This meant that every single Winter Brigade scout was demanded to run to the center square, form an octagon facing the captain in the center, and salute to her. More often than not, everyone in the facility would come out to witness the scouts get chewed out by the captain, or given a motivational speech.

@Yappi @Shammy the Shamrock @Shirochankun 
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Alison "Alie" Eckener

'The Captain'

While most were getting up, the captain of the Winter Brigade was already in the obstacle course as of two hours ago. The Winter Brigade was known to have to get up extremely early. There were four trainees testing to become an ensign on this very day, at the mere age of 17. While these four trainees looked rather fit for their age and rank, they performed nervously at the sight of the Captain. The captain. Before them stood the captain. Most respected her, since she made most of the Winter Brigade possible. That, and she was widely known as the strongest human. That could easily be dismissed as a load of baloney, judging by her small stature. It was going to be unknown until she proved herself.

"Beet, move to position three and aim for the left eye. Stork formation, let's go!" The captain loudly shouted her orders and watched the mix of trainees confusedly bump into each other. "Ma'am, I can't...HHHGHHH-AAH!" The trainee known as Beet fell ten feet from his perch from metal rope, right onto the cold hard ground. He let out a scream of pain as he felt his limb muscles tense up and sprain. The captain raised her hand and closed a fist, which made the remaining trainees drop to the ground and sling their metal around their fallen comrade. "See you next week." As she said this, the captain began to walk off. "Ma'am, what about Beet?" A trainee said as he and his two friends struggled to lift the rather large Beet. "I'd say take him to the infirmary. Brasse, take Wyler and Danvers back to the training facilities. For this lack of coordination, all three of you owe me two hundred push ups and sixty waves on the iron war rope." 

"Yes ma'am!"

"Yes ma'am!"

"Yes ma'am!"

As the three trainees almost dropped Beet, the captain simply scooped him up and threw him over her shoulder with one arm. It was physically awkward, since Beet was nearly a foot taller than the captain, but at least she didn't need three people to carry him. Eckener took Beet to the infirmary and set him on a bed. "You heard the lack of coordination thing. Two hundred push ups and sixty waves on the iron war rope."

Without another word, Eckener left the site to the training facility where Wyler, Danvers, and Brasse were now training with the iron rope. The iron rope was one of the best pieces of equipment the Winter Brigade had. It was similar to a battle rope, but made of metal. An untrained human could barely even bend the rope should they try. A series of grunts and shouts were heard from Wyler, Danvers, and Brasse as they made the heavy metal rope move.

The captain walked past AJ and noticed he didn't have a lot of water. "Jordan. It looks as if you're thirsty, hm?" Without hesitation, the captain handed him her own case of water. It was almost as if the captain never drank water in public. "I expect hard work in all forms and nothing less."

After that had been said, the captain walked outside and pulled out a clipboard. The names...

Ron Beet: Trainee

Height: 6'0

Weight: 225 lbs

Rank: E

Stanley Brasse: Trainee

Height: 5'8

Weight: 180 lbs

Rank: +C

Rotte Wyler: Trainee

Height: 5'7

Weight: 162 lbs

Rank: C

Anthony K. Jordan: Ensign

Height: 6'1

Weight: 165 lbs

Rank: +B

At least somebody was making an effort to do well. A +B rank was extremely hard to get in the Winter Brigade for a week's effort, even though there was still room for improvement. The captain sighed hard at her disappointment in Beet, Brasse, and Wyler as she made her way to the center square. And then she finally did it. An announcement rang through every speaker in the facility, even the ones in the mech barracks. How unfortunate, that Winter Brigade woke up before everyone else.

"WINTER BRIGADE, TACTICAL OCTAGONAL FORMATION! CENTER SQUARE. REACH MARK AND SALUTE!" This meant that every single Winter Brigade scout was demanded to run to the center square, form an octagon facing the captain in the center, and salute to her. More often than not, everyone in the facility would come out to witness the scouts get chewed out by the captain, or given a motivational speech.

@Yappi @Shammy the Shamrock @Shirochankun 

AJ took the water and glugged 2 bottles but sprinted to the center square and was pretty close to the first one there. He solutes the captain and is a little shaky from his intense workout, also from recovery being cut short. He stopped breathing so hard after around 20 seconds. 

'god why won't the other recruits hurry up' he thought silently.



While some slept, some already started training like alison.... rex hasn't slept for only god knows how long. The outside world isn't a pleasant place to be in, and a metal bucket which can move is the only thing that is separating you from the beasts, so that's why he only recruits the best of the best. The reason most don't qualify to be in heavy iron is not because of them being weak, even the big muscular guys aren't recruited... It's because most fear to be in the Heavy Iron. Rex finds the men and women that are not only fit but are also mentally capable of not going insane when being toe-to-toe to the beasts that will traumatize them their entire life.

Although once you get accepted to Heavy Iron, it's not an easy task. Since Evan is now too old to course them through training, rex has to go mercilessly at them. This doesn't mean he is a jerk who needs discipline, though, he still allows breaks if it is needed and doesn't force them, he constantly motivates them and instead of the cadets running on fear, he feeds them motivation, passion, and courage. Some may call it a lazy way of leading, but only experienced eyes can see the passion and time he puts into training the new cadets because he has to prepare them for what's to come, those beasts out there are nothing like they will experience in their life.

He has been up since 10 hours ago, constantly training the cadet's minds of what's to come, making them go through simulations and drills in case of attacks and how's being in a mech like. He is only fueled by determination and alot of cold water, which was easy to come by in this icy climate. He and his cadets use the Uberman schedule for their sleep, constantly having 20 minute naps every few hours to only require about 3 hours of sleep a day, this allows them to keep on training hard until they graduate. Right now though, the cadets are on a break so rex goes over to the winter brigade side to see the winter brigade's training.

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Erica Morrison

Erica finished up on her work before remembering about the winter brigade solute, she moved the giants arm so that she could use it to walk back down.  After getting down, she saw her lieutenant and grinned widely.  She flicked the fur on her bomber jacket before walking up to her, she looked down at her and gave a salute.  "Nice enough to eat of, eh?"  She joked, looking into the leg and moving some hair from her eyes.  "Couldn't sleep either?  I think something is happening with that winter brigade."  She looked back at Kat "Are you going to go check it out?"
@Shirochankun (@JPax@Yappi@Salex The Baldie)
Lt. Reeds

Katie "Kat" Reeds


Kat smiled at hearing Erica's voice. Who was also a member of her team. Giving a quick salute back, Kat chuckled from Erica's words. "you know it." She winked suggestively at her fellow team mate. Then chuckled again, good-naturedly. "no, but yeah.." She sighed, bringing herself back under control. "finished cleaning my partner here yesterday." Kat grinned proudly, looking at her mech and patting it's leg like she would've any friend. "yeah, we might as well. never hurts to see what they're up to over there."

@Shammy the Shamrock

Erica Morrison

"You know, your partner always seems a little light for battle, that's why I got my baby over there," she pointed her thumb at the half tank/half mech/full badass standing with its hand still to the ground.  "Brings a tear to my eye to see all my hard work," she joked, whipping a imaginary tear for the effect.  She looked over before beginning her walk to the Winter Brigade.  The symbol of her team shinned on the back of the bomber jacket.  "You coming?"  Erica stuck her tongue out slightly, almost like playfully teasing her short lieutenant. 
@Shirochankun [COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]([/COLOR]@JPax@Yappi@Salex The Baldie[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)])[/COLOR]
Lt. Reeds

Katie "Kat" Reeds


"if that's what you think then you better be careful. My partner may be light but it can still take down heavy mechs pretty efficiently." Kat said and turned to look at her teammate's mech. "although your partner over there doesn't seem half-bad either. and yes, lets go." She talked while she walked to the hanger holding the mechs and waited for Erica to catch up. She laughed off the jab at her height.

@Shirochankun @Shammy the Shamrock @Salex The Baldie @Yappi

Alison Eckener

"The Captain"

As everyone began to enter the center, be it Winter Brigade or Mech Pilots, there would be one thing off. The Winter Brigade wasn't coming by foot, no, they seldom did. They had to make an entrance. Captain Eckener waited for the brigadiers to show up at the center of the octagon. It seemed that AJ was first, as always. Alison knew deep down that the Winter Brigade, while it may seem like an infantry, was incredibly exclusive. Not only did someone need bravery to charge out into the unknown, riding nothing but bags of flesh and fur, and to attack monsters with nothing but thin metal sticks. Only the Winter Brigade would know the smell of the monster's breath, only they could directly see the eyes of the beast as they dodge deadly swipes and blows. Only they could attack like humans were designed to hunt. Persistence, physical strength beyond average humans, and reflexes were all important attributes of the Winter Brigade.

They showed up rather quickly. Metal ropes too heavy for the average human to hang from wrapped around the lamp posts. Following them was the brigadiers, throwing themselves from lamp to lamp using nothing but ropes and muscle power, a talent incredibly useful for getting places. As the brigadiers lined up in the octagon, Alison counted them all. 34 brigadiers.

The salute was unique. They placed a fist over their chest, though their index fingers were pushed up their thumbs, to resemble the human heart, while their left hand grasped the back of their leg, subtly. Most brigadiers looked down at the captain, but with a twinge of fear in their eyes as the woman saluted back to each and every one of them. "Mech pilot greeting formation!" The instant Alison said these words, a mess of metal rope shot into the air and latched around lamp posts. Every brigadier was lifted off the ground and immediately dropped in a wide circle, facing the lieutenant and the mech pilot. 

The captain stood at the middle of the circle and gave a simple hand order. Brigadiers walked backwards and widened the circle so the two could come in. However, she didn't say anything. It was quite odd the brigadiers had a formation for greeting mech pilots, but they had reasons. Eckener's gray eyes shifted towards the pilots, and soon after, she saluted them. Even if they were still in the departments, the center was at the center of it all. 

@Shirochankun @Shammy the Shamrock @Salex The Baldie @Yappi

Erica Morrison

Erica catch up quite fast, chuckling at the thought of the scrawny mech of her lieutenant taking down her baby.  She went forward to the Winter Brigade only to be met by a greeting which made her grin grow wider.  Her gaze went to the small captain though she didn't mention anything of it, after all, she respected the commanders, captains, and lieutenants.  They are there for a reason.  She gave her solute back, going silent while just enjoying her time in the center of the greeting.

@JPax @Salex The Baldie @Shirochankun @Yappi



Rex simply chuckled at the formation. He saluted back with a smile before putting his arm back down. "impressive... formation you got there, don't understand why you would need a formation to greet mech pilots but don't let me stop your training, carry on" he said with a smile. his voice, it's strict but also understanding, like a father. the only thing he was here to do was to see the winter brigade's training and to meet alison.

@JPax @Shammy the Shamrock @Shirochankun

Alison Eckener and Stanley Brasse

"Excellent. TRAINING FACILITIES" Alison smiled and waved her hand in an odd pattern. Almost as soon as they came, the brigadiers formed into a single line and walked towards the training facilities rather orderly. The only people left behind after that was Alison, who was looking directly at Rex. "Brasse. Hang around a while, alright? You've done enough already." Alison walked towards Rex, until she was pretty close. She then looked up with him with a resting bitch face that almost made her look like an angry serial killer. "Yes Rex?"

@Salex The Baldie

"Yes captain." Stanley saluted quickly before walking over to the mech pilots. He kept a blank expression as professional as he could before saluting once again to them. "You must be Lieutenant Reeds. And you are..." Stanley blanked at Erica. He didn't know her name.

@Shammy the Shamrock @Shirochankun @Yappi
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"still as grumpy as ever smolcap" he said " have you ever heard of something called motivation?" he asks, as he looks down there... most of them are breaking their sweat endlessly, some are filled with motivation, others have a passion for impressing alison but most... rex could only see fear... fear in their eyes, fear from both alison and what's our there... fear for their lives.


Erica Morrison

Erica was slightly surprised that the guy didn't know her name but kept the smile.  "I'm Erica Morrison.  Hello!"  She gave a solute back before tucking her hands into her bomber pockets.  "Nice formation out there!  It was nice to see," she gave a thumbs up from within her pocket as strands of hair fell back into her eyes. 

@JPax @Shirochankun @Yappi
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Erica Morrison

Erica was slightly surprised that the guy didn't know her name but kept the smile.  "I'm Erica Morrison.  Hello!"  She gave a solute back before tucking her hands into her bomber pockets.  "Nice formation out there!  It was nice to see," she gave a thumbs up from within her pocket as strands of hair fell back into her eyes. 

@JPax @Shirochankun @Yappi


Alison Eckener and Stanley Brasse

"Excellent. TRAINING FACILITIES" Alison smiled and waved her hand in an odd pattern. Almost as soon as they came, the brigadiers formed into a single line and walked towards the training facilities rather orderly. The only people left behind after that was Alison, who was looking directly at Rex. "Brasse. Hang around a while, alright? You've done enough already." Alison walked towards Rex, until she was pretty close. She then looked up with him with a resting bitch face that almost made her look like an angry serial killer. "Yes Rex?"

@Salex The Baldie

"Yes captain." Stanley saluted quickly before walking over to the mech pilots. He kept a blank expression as professional as he could before saluting once again to them. "You must be Lieutenant Reed. And you are..." Stanley blanked at Erica. He didn't know her name.

@Shammy the Shamrock @Shirochankun @Yappi

AJ was just following the rest of the orders. He was just waiting because normally when they meet up they go on a mission. It was usually difficult but the boredom would drive AJ nuts sometimes. 

Stanley Brasse

"Stanley." It was all he really had to say to her, because he wasn't really bothered by the fact he was talking to the director's what seemed like daughter. He saluted once again before pulling out his rope. "It's nice to meet you, Ms. Morrison." Stanley turned and let the rope fly towards a lamp post. As it latched on, he pulled hard so that he went quite a large distance. As Stanley hoisted himself directly in the air above the lamp post, the rope released itself before Stanley got to throw it to the next lamp post. It was almost a feat of superhuman agility, but that's what the Winter Brigade had. If they have to take on monsters without any metal armor suits, one had to be like Stanley.

Stanley dropped down at the training area next to AJ. "AJ, is it? Look, I need a favor from you. It looked like I failed my ensign trials. How did you do it?"

@Yappi( @Shammy the Shamrock @Shirochankun)

Alison Eckener

"Yes, I've heard of motivation. Look, you aren't the captain of the Winter Brigade, I am. You can captain the Heavy Iron, but the brigadiers won't listen to what methods you use." Alison had to say nothing else. Ever since she became interim captain at the young age of 18, the performance of the Winter Brigade improved drastically. The popularity, however, remained more-or-less the same. 

The captain then turned to Kat and Erica. "We're going on a scouting mission. Before you ask, no, we don't need mechs for this one. So you have one of two choices, think of it as an offer. You can stay and do what you like, or I'll give one of you a short hand communications hub. You'll receive one message each day from me, and you'll write it down word for word. Another thing. Morrison, I need to speak to Evan." For the first time, Alison gave a serious expression to Erica. It was probably unavoidable at this point, but it was urgent for Alison to speak. 

@Shammy the Shamrock @Shirochankun @Salex The Baldie

((I'm in class, sorry about the somewhat short post))
Lt. Reeds

Katie "Kat" Reeds


Kat gave a quick salute back to the ensign who'd addressed her. "yep, lieutenant, thats me." She grinned and the turned her attention to the captain. Kat hadn't caught all of what was currently going on. Mostly back she was still half-asleep and had just completely zoned out for a bit there. 

@Shammy the Shamrock @JPax @Salex The Baldie



suddenly rex hit the back of reed's head but weakly, just to wake her up. "i know you're lieutenant and all but pay attention, she's a captain" he said. "well i haven't received information of this mission, are you just scouting or are you going to engage?" he said as he looked to alison.... well looked down to alison, with her short stature.

@Shirochankun @JPax @Shammy the Shamrock

Erica Morrison and Evan Morrison

Erica let her higher ups talk about communication since it wasn't her place to say anything.  She was able to talk about her dad though since the question was directed to her.  "I think he's around though if I were him, I wouldn't miss the brigade morning training."  While she was talking loud footsteps could be heard coming closer as the silver haired, mustache, giant of a man came.  He took another bite of his muffin before looking at the entire group with a kind smile.  "That was lovely Alison!  It seems they have been getting better under your command."  He put his walking cane behind his arm before looking at Rex then at Erica who gave a happy wave.  "Hey dad!"  
@JPax @Salex The Baldie @Shirochankun

Alison Eckener

When the lieutenant wasn't paying attention, most captains would discipline. However, Eckener was different. She only cared when it mattered and at this point, she couldn't care less if the lieutenant had an opinion. With a lack of focus that Reeds was displaying, Heavy Iron shouldn't allow it.

"Director." Alison saluted to him the Winter Brigade manner. "We will embark on scout mission 59 tomorrow. Since this is special, I'm going to do special favors for directors and captains. Is there any material beyond the bunkers that you require?" 

@Shammy the Shamrock @Salex The Baldie @Shirochankun

Stanley Brasse

"Stanley." It was all he really had to say to her, because he wasn't really bothered by the fact he was talking to the director's what seemed like daughter. He saluted once again before pulling out his rope. "It's nice to meet you, Ms. Morrison." Stanley turned and let the rope fly towards a lamp post. As it latched on, he pulled hard so that he went quite a large distance. As Stanley hoisted himself directly in the air above the lamp post, the rope released itself before Stanley got to throw it to the next lamp post. It was almost a feat of superhuman agility, but that's what the Winter Brigade had. If they have to take on monsters without any metal armor suits, one had to be like Stanley.

Stanley dropped down at the training area next to AJ. "AJ, is it? Look, I need a favor from you. It looked like I failed my ensign trials. How did you do it?"

@Yappi( @Shammy the Shamrock @Shirochankun)

Alison Eckener

"Yes, I've heard of motivation. Look, you aren't the captain of the Winter Brigade, I am. You can captain the Heavy Iron, but the brigadiers won't listen to what methods you use." Alison had to say nothing else. Ever since she became interim captain at the young age of 18, the performance of the Winter Brigade improved drastically. The popularity, however, remained more-or-less the same. 

The captain then turned to Kat and Erica. "We're going on a scouting mission. Before you ask, no, we don't need mechs for this one. So you have one of two choices, think of it as an offer. You can stay and do what you like, or I'll give one of you a short hand communications hub. You'll receive one message each day from me, and you'll write it down word for word. Another thing. Morrison, I need to speak to Evan." For the first time, Alison gave a serious expression to Erica. It was probably unavoidable at this point, but it was urgent for Alison to speak. 

@Shammy the Shamrock @Shirochankun @Salex The Baldie

((I'm in class, sorry about the somewhat short post))

AJ him for a moment and chuckled before leaning back trying to get comfortable. "Look, all you need to do is work hard and think harder" He says before going back to trying to drink his water. Then he turned back and told him "Look id help you but its up to you. What is your main problem in the test?"

Stanley Brasse

"Well...I'm not entirely sure. Something with the TME." Stanley looked at the stalagmites on the training course as the other brigadiers swung around with ease. And then there was Stanley, who could move forwards with it. He looked down at the bundle of iron rope in his hand, then back to AJ. "I-Is it something about distributing my weight? Or just staying on the move? Or just my momentum?" 

He spun the weighted end of the two weighted ropes and latched both ends onto two different stalagmites. Stanley's muscles visibly tensed as he pulled himself into the air and forwards, before managing to unravel the rope from his left arm and fall on his stomach. "Ugh! See what I'm talking about?"


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