Project: Electro World [Inactive]

usagi froggy

Rhythm Heaven Enjoyer
Toaster Muffins submitted a new role play:

Project: Electro World - A battle of life or death against the viruses.

Shooting Stars, the most popular VRMMORPG out there right now, has had all of its level 100 players recruited by a group of scientists. They are building a program so amazing that it could change humanity and turn it on its end. Except there's one problem: deadly bugs have gotten into the system. They've started to eat up the data they've worked so hard on and nothing they can do will get rid of it.
The scientists' plan was to transfer the players into the system they were using to build the...
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Toaster Muffins updated Project: Electro World with a new update entry:


Soldier: Soldiers are the sort of “Thief” equivalent in Shooting Stars. They are fast and attack quickly with blades and cannons, and hit hard with them. They were the least and lightest mech-armor, so they are a bit more frail. And they wear lighter armor so their attacks won’t be hindered or slowed down by the bulkier armor. Soldiers can only use Weapon Tech. Their main weapons are blades, cannons, bludgeons and beam swords.
Pilot: Pilots are the “Knight” equivalent in Shooting Stars....
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Toaster Muffins updated Project: Electro World with a new update entry:


Techs in Shooting Stars are much like magic in others. You use Techs for all sorts of things: Attacking enemies, buffing allies, healing, and even special weapon maneuvers and combos. All classes, besides Pilots, have a specific kind of Tech that they use, but that was explained on the Classes page. Here, it will be explained on what Techs are, what each Tech does and how they can be executed.
To start off, there are four different kinds of Techs: Weapon, Battle, Buff, and Repair. Techs are...
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List of Characters

Nidelia Sponze-Niddy-Mechanic ♀

Jayce Kapernick-Primo-Soldier ♂

Amelia Fossey-Lucri-Soldier ♀

Ricardo Velices-Velixus-Technician ♂

Anthony Pierson-Raven-Pilot ♂

Anna Klausen-IronSentinel-Hacker ♀

Alden Hellsing-RankZ-Hacker ♂

Natasha Tchaikovsky-Kalishnikov-Pilot ♀

Raya Little-Reddy-Mechanic ♀

Reserved-Reserved-Reserved ♂

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(@Braxnond, @PicaPirate, @Jaciel, @Rank ZZZ)

It had been twelve hours since the players had entered the city known as Electro World. It was overrun by viruses large and small, but they were all huge, terrifying, and deadly. The group had made quick work of the viruses towards the entrance of Electro World, but there were millions more viruses infesting the system that they had to get rid of.

They decided to exit and come back tomorrow to get rid of another section of viruses. They got back and large door that allowed them to transport between Earth and Electro World had been eaten by viruses. The vile bugs immediately charged at them, trying to eliminate them, but they were quickly killed.

The entire group was in distress, especially Lucri. She was normally calm in bad situations in Shooting Stars, but this was a different game. The scientists had let the group know know that if their armor was destroyed they would be completely vulnerable to the viruses and even one of the weaker ones could kill them. This was a life or death situation, and if she couldn't get out that would make things even more perilous. Sure she had her amazing hammer and skills, but that might not be enough against the deadly creatures that surrounded her.

Lucri's breathing was heavy; she sat down to catch her breath. Her heart beat was racing as the thoughts of never seeing her family again raced through her heads. And it was all because of some stupid glitches in this damn city! Lucri's back was to the group as they were discussing what to do about this when she heard a scraping sound against the buzzing holographic floor of Electro World.

Lucri slowly turned around and saw a large swarm of viruses, big and small, coming towards the small group of players, "G-Guys, get ready for this..." Lucri stuttered out, her heart beating so fast it might burst out of her chest. She took a deep breath. This wasn't what Lucri was like. She was bold, brave, and determined. Lucri swallowed and picked up Star Splitter from behind her back, her grip tightening on the cold, metallic handle, her palms sweating. She could handle this. Especially with the group of these amazing players. Lucri nodded, gaining a new kind of confidence. She waited for the self proclaimed leader of the group to announce the charge against the viruses.

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Jayce had been trying to figure out what they could do in order to get out of their predicament. While some of the members within the group might have been freaking out more than others, it wasn't Primo's style. Instead, he was trying to figure out a way to keep the entire group safe while getting out of the world's mainframe. Of course, it would prove harder than originally anticipated. Given the fact that the area which contained the large doors was located in was a safe zone, it didn't even make sense that any viruses could make their way through. Yet, there they were. The entire group's back was against the doors; one of the very few dead ends within the universe (that just transported them back to the real world, anyway). However, Lucri's back hadn't been. Her pre-emptive warning told Jayce to turn his back from his group to see what was going on.

Sure, there was a swarm, but like previously mentioned - this young man wasn't one to worry. He quickly assessed how many their were; It seemed to be over twenty five of the viruses, of course existing in all sizes. The large ones were towering and fat, represented by pure black outlines with three pairs of arms and four legs. The middle-sized viruses were humanoid, and the smaller ones were shaped much like wolves. This was only the first wave, too; viruses all differed depending on the location traveled. Jayce began walking from the entire group slowly, at first, before he built up to running full speed. Having aggroed the viruses due to the entrance of their aggro range, the rest of them would come charging toward him. Knowing that he would be followed into battle, he didn't have much to worry about. As he came upon the first virus in his way, a humanoid, he would draw both of his swords upon getting into a radius of about fifteen feet. The beam-blades of his swords extended as he pulled the hilts from his belt.

Only stopping when he landed a strike, his left hand would immediately plunge the hilt of his left sword into the first virus' face. Forcing it to back up ever-so-slightly, this set up the slash with his right hand, which annihilated it. The next one came quickly, but his right arm was still extended from his last blow. Not having any time to react, Jayce let his momentum continue, and he jumped. His body span to the left, the same direction he was turning when he killed the first virus. He slammed his left foot into the second virus' face, immediately followed by a right fist which ran through it's head and annihilated it. After landing on his feet, he did two backflips back, holding his blades behind his back. One of those large, fat viruses would barrel it's way toward him. Jayce slashed three times at it's chest, but it didn't kill it - because of his lack of movement, this allowed Jayce to get swallowed up by a continuous amount of viruses hopping onto him in place.

This didn't last long; a bubble made from the same energy of his blades would surround him, and he would burst up into the air. He brought up at least ten of those viruses spinning high into the air, waiting for people to just destroy them one by one. As for the large virus, Jayce was still within that surrounding aura of energy, pushing it up high into the air. After a couple of seconds, Jayce body bursted through it, completely decimating it.

"You gonna let me have all the fun for myself!?"

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The first few hours of the game had been surprisingly calm for Anna. They had dispatched the viruses near their entrance point with relative ease, and she hadn't needed to use her techs much. Right now was a different story. The girl's hands shook and she was sweating, taking longer to pull up the right techs she wanted to use. Her teammates had dived right in, attacking the viruses with seemingly no issue. At least, Primo had. Her fingers darted across the holo-screen, pulling up the soldier's equipment. She dragged her Adamantine Armor tech onto the outline of the player, a puzzle - this time a maze - springing up.

The maze itself was pretty simple, although Anna almost ruined it. She took deep breaths to soothe herself, watching the tech take effect on Primo. She was always hoping for the invulnerability bit to happen, to keep them safe for the fifteen seconds that it lasted. Fifteen seconds of immortality could be a huge game-changer.

The rest of her teammates' equipment was pulled up on her screen, and she went about applying the same tech to them. She liked staying towards the back. "Might be fun for you, Primo, but some of us prefer to stay on the outskirts of the fight. Helps us survive." Anna flashed a smile at the soldier, although considering the fact that he was in the middle of taking out viruses he probably didn't see.

Oh well.
"Tch." Raven did a noise to himself. Luckily no one would hear him speak inside the mech unless he turned the comms on, which he preferred. The reason for the noise was not so much this situation than the rag-tagged state the group was in. He didn't care who the guy was who called himself the leader, as Raven trusted no one. Why the hell he decided to join these idiots he didn't know. Maybe it seemed lucrative at the time when the scientists did the offer.

What he did know was that a job had to be done.

He looked at his HUD and equipment to analyse the situation.

((Demonstration of type cockpit and HUD))


"Scan enemies and combative capabilities. Divert energy from plasma cannon to machine gun cooling and target all possible foes, with priority on areas of higher population. Check for any possible enemy attack from visual blind spots. Set a course around the enemies at areas of least population." There was a small pause as diagnostics ran and simulations inside the mech ran at high speed to find the best routes to go and the best enemies to target. "Lock on Engaged. Route simulated and ready for use. Energy successfully diverted." "Go."

Black Rain (the mech) boosted forward but remained on the ground, so as to not use too much energy on the boosters, as such rolling on the ground. The machine guns fired in different directions at full auto towards areas of high population, mowing down the viruses while maintaining safe by using the pre-planned and consistenly changing route to ensure he didn't run into any viruses. His mech moved an intricate pattern only possible by having the preplanned route aided by a system similar to the fly-by-wire aircraft had. The boosters that were occasionally engaged helped him to swiftly change direction for his hulking 1oft mech, which without these boosters would simply be slow and cumbersome.

"Engage lock on for missiles. Target foes of a higher resilience."

"Locking on to targets scanned for higher armour and health proportions. 20% until full lock on with shoulder missiles."
Nidelia watched in shock as their way home had been eaten by the creatures. This was bad, very bad. But this was no time for panicking, like a lot of her fellow players were doing. She looked at Lucri who looked like she was going to have a heart attack, then to Annanwho stood at the edge of the fight completely unsure of herself. Which really wasn't good, casting techs while unsure could kill you or your teammates. She took this time to run over to Anna and check her armor. "Are you okay Anna?" She asked her with obvious concern in her voice.

She didn't have time to panic, not as everyone's mechanic. If she panicked they would certainly fail because there would be no one there to keep them alive.
RankZ was in awe of the battle around him, the fights earlier were small fry, the others had no problem and required little intervention from him and IronSentinel. This fight though involved 25 enemies of various sizes. Lucri warned everyone and the first to react was the soldier, Primo. He charged first into the enemy and started provoking the rest of the group. The pilot Raven followed soon after. RankZ saw IronSentinel navigate her holo-screen. He called up his own menus and heard Raven's mech in its robotic voice speak, it was telling him that missiles would fire soon. He decided to give it a boost and booted up his "Works Like Clockwork". It increases Ravens attack speed allowing him strike faster but that isn't all it did. It also added 3 extra strikes to his attack. Within a few seconds the tech was charged and uploaded to Raven's mech's subsystems. After sending the skill he took a breath and thought to himself, "When did viruses get this bad".

He decided to put some of the corpses littering the battlefield to use. He pulled up the enemy menu and selected one of the larger viruses. He picked out the tech "It's Alive!" and started charging it up. He waited a few seconds and it sent. He had total control of it for 30 seconds. He used like a bull dozer, ramming into the inferior and smaller viruses. He mostly damaged but a few were killed. Eventually when he lost control, the controlled virus began to fade away
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Ricardo had never faced a challenge like this.

It kind of excited him, really. Trapped in a digital world, with no way out that they could see. But it also frightened him. He was used to challenges, but this was real life. Messing up here would equal real, actual death. It was bad enough that the group's escape route was devoured by the viruses, but to add insult to injury, a giant horde of the scourges showed up to give them a rather violent hello. By the looks of it, these were only a small fraction of the much more dangerous hordes of viruses to come.

It took him a few seconds before his leader instincts kicked in. "Sentinel and Rank, focus positive buffs on Primo and Lucri! Niddy, give us some protection if the viruses get too close. Me and Raven will give them hell from the back lines!"

Spotting an opportunity, Ricardo watched as Primo knocked a flurry of the foul creatures into the air. Gathering power into Paradox, he lifted the staff into the air and fired Shockbolts twice, chaining the lightning between all six of the airborne enemies, then finishing them off with a well aimed Overload. He took a quick scan over everyone's resource bars. "Primo, you're running low on energy! Switch your weapons to their ranged mode and pull back to the rear line, I'll fill in and help out Lucri!"

Slamming the end of Paradox on the ground, Ricardo lifted the staff with both hands like a sword, and pointed it towards the ground near a larger virus. The end of the staff crackled, fizzed, and sparked with electrical energy, shooting out purple chains of lightning that pulled Velixus through the air. As he hurtled towards the large virus, he combo-casted Strike Twice in mid-air, and unleashed an Overload. The plasma clone shot its own copy of Overload, and the two unstable bolts of energy exploded as they struck the enemy right in the chest, taking out the three smaller viruses around it. As the chains pulled him right up to the dying foe, he planted his foot against the creature's face and pushed hard, vaulting off backwards and sending the virus's body hurtling into the viruses behind it, knocking them down. He landed gracefully on his feet and shot off a couple more casts of Shockbolts. "Lucri, how are you doing on energy? Need some assistance?"
Amelia was watching in awe as Primo quickly ran into the fray without hesitation or a second thought. He seemed to be having a good time, making quick work of the viruses. It took her a minute to realize she was there in a battle against a swarm. She dashed in, her golden pigtails flying behind her as she charged the electrical energy in Star Splitter.

She started to slam viruses with her hammer, launching them left and right as the electrical energy flowed throughout their bodies. She set her hammer down on the surface of Electro World, giving herself time to breath. She wasn't completely focusing on the battlefield, and she let herself be swarmed by several viruses. There were two medium sized humanoid ones with all sorts of deformities and extra body parts, while the other three were wolves that had jagged fur that seemed like lightning bolts. She could see the electrical energy flowing from strand to strand of it's yellow fur.

She knew an electrical attack wouldn't be very effective, so she prepared herself to activate Comet Ride. She set her hammer out to the side and started to spin quickly. She had caught all the viruses with the fiery blue head of Star Splitter and swung them around at an extremely high speed. The wolves' shaggy cloaks were burning and the humanoids' were melting, like they were made of clay. She almost felt a bit guilty as she saw the wolves snapping and whining at the pain.

She finished the Weapon Tech with a swing up in the air, sending them flying. She saw a large burst of polygons as they were erased from the computer. Amelia felt energized, like she could take on anything. She heard a voice behind her.

"Lucri, how are you doing on energy?" he asked. It was Velixus. He was a Technician and he had an amazing weapon with all sorts of Battle Techs she thought were so cool. She had been with him in some Raid Parties, but had never truly had a chance to speak to him.

"I think I'm doing fine," she replied, a bit cockily, "but thanks for the offer."

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Anna shot a look at the Mechanic, grunting. "I'm fine. Go help the others."

She pulled up the data for the viruses beside her team's stats, monitoring them both. A quick movement, and almost at random various viruses had ice on their feet. Highlight Weakness, and glowing points appeared on weak points in the enemy's armor. If you got close enough it almost looked like they were little crosshairs. Anna reinforced the Adamantine Armor on her teammates, muttering to herself.

"Rank, let me see your holo-screen. What buffs do you have?" She leaned over, peering at the other Hacker's screen. A freeze, a prediction, an attack speed enhancer... Pretty good kit, if she would say so herself. "Hmm. Maybe use your Nurse on Nid? Whatever works for you."

A lonely icon glowed in the bottom-left corner of Anna's screen. It was her 'ultimate', as she called it: Cursed Field. Thirty seconds to pull up. Should she use it? Her eyes flicked to the battle, then back to her screen. She might not have time. What if someone got stuck? She wouldn't be able to use her Shattered Bonds to save them.

Anna decided against it, and continued to buff her allies' armor.
Natasha came slowly in with her mech slowly but surely. The thing required some time to pick up the speed but when it did, it could move a little faster. She saw the other pilot in his mech and liked what she saw. She thought the other guys was crazy but loved to show people up. The cannon was aimed at the group of viruses and shot a good 10 rounds out of her cannon. The sounds of the cannon shells made a large CLANGING sound on the ground. She loved the sound and blew up a good 10 viruses with it. She saw another good 4 coming towards the group in a tight pack. A salvo of rockets were fired and they stuck to the viruses and caused a large explosion.

Natasha opened her comm line and yelled, That's how you make an explosion. I gonna to take a quick step out of my mech for my second to fix some wires that got crossed and are messing up my HUD. If you see the giant robot move without a pilot in, try not to shoot at it please. Natasha opened the cockpit and jumped onto the ck of the mech while the advanced AI took over. She loved to ride on the back of and came up with the term called rodeoing.


(Like Pica, this is the HUD of my cockpit)

PS wont be posting til tonight or tomorrow due to the party I;m holding right now, so see you tomorrow

Primo had gotten some hang-time in the air. The propulsion that shot him up into the air had faded along with the use of his Energy Impulse, so he had just reached his peak height. He looked down at the work his teammates were doing; Raven had instantly gotten to work. Nidelia was helping in the background along with the buffs provided by Rank, which had helped Raven immensely. Anna was buffing, something that the team couldn't do without. Velixus had come to life, finally came to life on the command portion of the ball - before destroying the viruses who had been stunned in the air by Primo's initial attack. Taking Velixus' advice, Primo took the moment to activate his rancher tech. His blades folded down, causing Primo to change his sword stance from the regular style, to reverse blade. Out of each one of the swords hilts, where the blade was bent, two chambers existed - complete with holes for him to fire as necessary. The bullets were made out of the same energy as his blades, but were shot semi-automatic. The young man knew he was low on energy, and he certainly wasn't happy about it.

What was next? Well, let's catch up on some virus knowledge.

After each swarm of viruses, there's a main virus that accompanies it. For instance, one all the viruses are taken out, the remnants of data that isn't erase collects into a... Yup! Boss virus. Often nicknamed the 'reanimated', these viruses often come with half the HP of the original swarm that it was birthed from. The reanimated that appeared as a result of the swarm at the present time appeared to take the form of a giant, though not humanoid. The mouth was disfigured, with numbers dripping from it. The eyes were pure white, and bulging. The black silhouette of the figure made it appear as though it was a shadow, with a total of twelve tentacles that exploded from the middle. It traveled by way of what appeared to be spider legs; with the same amount that a spider would have, too.

Primo watched it form under his feet, his body starting to drop from the air. As it did, he twisted himself in mid air so that he was free-diving head first toward the reanimated. As he neared, he outstretched every limb as far back as he could, before he forced his momentum forward. Flipping forward multiple times, Primo would outstretch his arms and tuck his legs in as far as he could, ricocheting through one of the tentacles of the reanimated and plunging into it's back. The force of the impact caused Primo's body to bounce back slightly into the air, giving him enough space to pull off one final attack for the rest of his energy. His arms outstretched to the back of the virus, he yelled at the top of his lungs, straightening out his body as much as he could.


Four beams of energy would eject from all four chambers on the hilt, effectively draining the rest of Primo's energy. The beams shot out haphazardly at first, but quickly intertwined before slamming into the back of the reanimated. It was because the lock-on mechanic of the attack had only one target, that it did this. A bright light would flash where the shots hit the virus. The recoil of the attack would cause Primo to fly backwards. However, not through the air. When he fired these shots, his body was in a lower position to the virus than it was when he bounced back from his first strike due to the gravity in Electo World. Yeah, there's friggin' gravity.

Primo's body hit the ground because of the recoil and tumbled backwards a couple of feet until his back slammed into a wall.

Raven chuckled slightly at the less than graceful performance by Primo. His comms were still off. He noted the buff he received, which seemed like the perfect opportunity fire the missiles. "Divert machine gun and booster energy to missile bays. Engage weapon tech, Missile Storm."

Suddenly a lot of places that had looked like and partially served as armour had lids open and reveal a whole arsenal of missiles.

"Missile Storm 100% locked on and engaged. Buff in use."

"Fire." Raven pressed down a red button.

Instantly the mech from where it stood disengaged all arm firing and fired a large swarm of missiles. The missiles targeted all enemies from largest first with triple damage due to the buff. Because of this increased power the missiles also had some splash damage to add and wiped out or severely damaged a large area of viruses.

"Missiles fired and reloading. Closing missile bays. Conserving energy to restore energy power."

These were subroutines he had programmed into the mech to further increase time and mission efficiency, all to make it run more fluid. The mecha conserved energy by not using boosters and walking instead. He re-engage his machine guns to fire at remaining enemies, but fired in bursts to conserve on heat production, as not so much energy was flowing to cool them.
RankZ hated to admit it but he was in awe of the two fighting the giant, newly formed virus. Because his ultimate "Master Of Puppets" used the remnants of data, he couldn't use it against this boss. He followed IronSentinel's advice, he called up his menu of allies and selected Nydia, dragging "Nurse!" onto her icon. This would allow her to fix up armour quickly. A few seconds later he got the the message that the buff had been sent. He gazed long and hard into the menu hoping something would change but he knew all he had was in front of him. He thought the battle through in his head and made a decision. He selected the giant and booted up "5 Seconds Into The Future". The next target was the stronger hacker beside him,

"Sentinel! Look out!".
Anna's head snapped up at RankZ's warning, noting the recent tech he had used. She dashed to the side, narrowly avoiding the attack from the massive virus. The Hacker clutched her precious holo-screen to her chest, breathing heavily. If it weren't for Rank's ability, she may as well have been crushed. Shouting a quick thanks to the player, Anna pulled up her ultimate: Cursed Field. It took a long time to activate, but it might help.

She tapped a long sequence of numbers into the box that popped up, and as soon as it went away a memory game appeared. Anna growled in frustration. She'd have to see if she could reduce the time it took to send the bloody thing. It felt like thirty minutes instead of thirty seconds, the pattern growing more elaborate each time. Finally, when she could use it, Anna dragged the icon for her ultimate over the red dot that symbolized the virus boss. "I'm going to stun it, get ready!"

Her finger released the icon, and the game copied the action. A green-and-black circle appeared under the virus, sending bolts through the thing and electrocuting it. It would only last three seconds, but it would be enough. Maybe. Anna shrugged off her doubt and applied the armor buff to her allies once more.
Velixus continued to blast away with Paradox for what seemed like hours until the reanimated finally appeared. The thing was nothing but a boss monster to Ricardo, the beast at the end of the dungeon that was the only thing standing between him and the giant chest of loot and shiny goodies.

Except here, the only prize would be the privilege to live for a little while longer.

He braced his weapon and blasted it with an Overload. The thing was able to attack in many directions at once with its several tentacles; a very versatile enemy to be sure. They'd have to strategize accordingly. If it was able to attack them all at once anyways, then there was no point to spreading out. They would be more of a threat when gathered together, anyways.

"Everyone, group up and move in close to each other! Pilots, we need you in front of the Hackers, Niddy, and I to protect us, and to provide shelter for the Soldiers when they're running low on energy. We need to focus everything we've got on this big guy here!"

He moved in behind the two mechs and shot spells past them from behind, casting Strike Twice for double the firepower. Hearing Anna announce her Cursed Field, Ricardo focused all of his available energy into his weapon. "Now's our chance! Unload everything while it's stunned!"

Brandishing Paradox, Ricardo ran swiftly underneath Raven's mech, between the legs, and closed distance between the reanimated as his plasma clone ran alongside him. He stopped about ten feet away and dodged a tentacle, double-casting Thunder's grip to keep it stunned and to damage it further. Then, after paralyzing it with a lucky Shockbolts, he charged up his weapon and unleashed a fully-charged Overload attack right into the beast's gaping maw, which exploded within and damaged it severely. 
It caused a huge amount of damage, but it also enraged the virus, which roared and lashed out a massive tentacle that slammed into Velixus, sweeping him off his feet and sending him flying through the air. He landed hard at the feet of Raven's mech.

Amelia was amazed by everyone's awesome power. She was smashing away at the enemies, getting rid of as many as she could when the evil, dastardly Boss Virus formed. Amelia couldn't move from her spot, she was too afraid of the monster. She had fought stuff like this in Shooting Stars, but there weren't any stakes there. She wasn't going to DIE if she lost!

Amelia shook her head, getting herself to come to her senses. She gripped Star Splitter and rushed towards the boss, smacking him with the electrically charged heads of it. It was terrifying, but she was drunk on adrenaline. She couldn't stop whacking on it, even if someone forced her to. Primo and Velixus were helping her, rapidly attacking the enemy, but the boss slapped of Primo like he was nothing. Amelia was concerned for him, but she didn't want to waste anytime helping someone, because she could get hurt herself.

"Velixus, I have an idea! Cast your strongest Electric Tech on Star Splitter when I use Smash Hit! That should allow me to finish it off!" she shouted breathlessly across the battlefield.

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Raven noticed Velixus on his foot. With comms off he commented to himself: "This is why I work alone, so I don't tread on people I'm not meant to stomp to the ground.".

He stepped aside as his guns fired in all directions mowing down viruses. Now that his energy had sufficiently recharged, he began firing with the plasma cannon on his left shoulder at the Boss Virus, pelting it with energized plasma shots. The sheer force of the gun even when not in Plasma Burst mode meant he could only walk. He took this opportunity to divert booster energy to the cannon, which required considerable energy to fire and cool.

The machine guns on the other hand were primed at any enemies that came towards himself as the plasma cannon did its work. He had the advantage of being at a distance, which meant he could mow down and blast the enemy without even having to get his hands dirty. He noticed that two of them were priming for some finishing shot at the Boss virus. He didn't trust it to succeed so kept firing his plasma cannon at the Boss virus.
"I'll keep the viruses busy whil you try to do whatever uou are trying to. Hey velinxus, you want to have some fun and blow up a few hundred viruses to make aqatancies of each other, I wouldn't mind that as afirst meeting. These little ones need someone to watch over them and make sure they don't. I'm going to help watch over these guys ehile you do what you were already doing." Natasha opened her comms so the rest of the group can hear her, "zI need someone to put a defense tech on me while I go up close and personal with this thing to distract while you plan whatever you are doing." Natasha planned her cannon with armor piercing rounds and rushed towards the boss.

Primo stood up slowly, looking over some of the components within his system that were damaged. As far as he could see, there was nothing that was majorly injured, but his right leg probably needed some tending to. Noting that he would have to get that checked up later, he made his way back to the others, slowly but surely. He was oom; meaning, he had absolutely no energy left in the tank. Unfortunately, the young man didn't have anything to particularly alleviate this, so he would have to wait. It seemed as though the others could handle it, anyway. Despite the fact that none of his techs were currently available for use, he was still in ranger mode. That was a style change, it required no energy. Immediately raising his wrists up, he raised the hilts of his swords with them and began firing away.

His blasts weren't of much concern to the virus, who was getting shot at by much bigger artillery than his own bullets. When Primo got close enough, he sprinted and launched his body high up into the air. Some of the missles that Raven shot whizzed past his form, only after he twisted his form to avoid them. Landing onto the virus' back, he'd crawl up onto the back of his collarbone before putting both of his hilts together and lifting his swords up in the air. Then, Primo quickly brought them down. As he jammed the blades down into the virus' head, it began rampaging wildly. Not letting go, Primo's body swung around as it went. He wasn't about to let go of his weapons, that was for sure.

"I... Think now's a good time... To kill it!"

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Velixus shook his head at Lucri's suggestion. "I can charge you up with a Shockbolts cast, but my ultimate's a no-go. It's only good against large groups of enemies, not singular, powerful enemies like this one!"

He aimed Paradox at Lucri's Star Splitter and fired a Shockbolts, charging up the hammer with tons of electricity. Meanwhile, he watched Primo make his way to the beast's collarbone and jam his blades into the virus's body.

"I agree, Primo. Everyone, focus everything you've got! This is it right here!"

Ricardo cast Strike Twice two times, giving him three plasma clones to work with, and they all began charging up a full power Overload. Their weapons glowed brightly with purple plasma energy, and when the moment was right, they released their four immense projectiles right at the reanimated's face, the four Overloads all exploding at once.
Amelia swung her hammer back, charging for her Smash Hit Tech. While Velixus denied using his strongest attack as his ultimate would only be good against a large group, he did offer to use Shockbolts. Amelia nodded as her hammer filled with electric energy. She wanted to make this hit count. She needed to have this hit kill the boss or cripple it severely, and looking at its health, this attack would probably kill it.

As the weight of her hammer was getting too much to handle, Amelia charged for the boss, jumped and slammed her hammer into its shadowy, bulbous chest. A huge spark was created, electrical energy lighting up the battle field. She could see it jumping throughout the boss's skin, the boss writhing and wriggling in pain. Amelia cringed, but she knew this would kill it. As the spark was still going string, Amelia could feel the small jolts of energy tingling throughout her armor. She had never done an attack this massive.

Amelia jumped back as the spark was growing bigger. It completely enveloped the grotesque monster, and its loud cries of pain were horrifying. And as the spark started to peter out, Amelia noticed where the boss stood only a few shadowy spheres were dispersing. She assumed it was what made the beast that had formed after they had massacred the raid on them.

Amelia stood in place, catching her breath after an intense move. It had drained so much of her, it was hard to stand. Her knees were wobbling and her eyes were watering and stinging from the intense brightness of the spark. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed her menu flashing. A new section had appeared in it, something she had never seen. It said: Dual Techs. She wondered what that was. Was it the combo she had done with Velixus that had caused it to appear? She tapped the flashing button and saw only one, what she assumed, was a Dual Tech. It was called Shockbolt Smash. She assumed that was the large Spark smash she had done with Velixus. She wondered if he had gotten it too.

"Alright, gang! Great job, we killed our first mob!" Amelia said enthusiastically. Her heart was racing from the rush of adrenaline that had come from the battle. She was about to open her mouth again when she heard a loud, sophisticated voice coming from above.

"Hello, players! I am Dr. Vetress one of the head scientists at this project. Great job on defeating the mob! We were all watching you, and we were on the edge of our seats. Now, for what I've been meaning to tell you," Vetress cleared his throat, "from what we have gathered in the six districts of Electro World, Alpha, Beta,Gamma, Mu, Sigma, and Omega, there is a large mob in each one. Each mob has a boss, and those are what mainly controls and orders around the viruses in their assigned District. The boss you just defeated was the Tentacled Bulbbelly. It was the weakest of all the bosses, and it was still pretty tough, so I advise all of you to be extra careful with the other bosses you come across. Also, one last thing. It seems with the defeat of the Tentacled Bulbbelly you've dispersed most of the viruses of the Alpha District. We'll assume that you can now travel safely through there and won't have to worry about any ambushes. Now, good luck. Try not to die."

Amelia was saddened, but also made happier by the news. They were given a clear objective on what they should do, but they would have to face the bosses of the districts that would be even harder than the one they just faced. Amelia turned to their leader, Primo, "What do you think we should do? Should we rest up in the Alpha District, or head straight for another?

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He watched as the monster which had been weakened by their collective onslaught.

"Expected, it took severe damage from the other players and the heavy duty plasma cannon."

Raven disengaged his mech and diverted all energy that went to weapons towards cooling and self-repair of the mech. As it was no Buff tech, the mechs regenerative ability took time and the mech's energy. This however wasn't too bad as there were no major faults or breakages beyond some grazings to the armour of the mech.

Raven laid back in his mech chair as he listened to Dr. Vetress speak. He remembered the man from when they scouted him for his reputation to help on their project.

He looked with the mecha Black Rain around visually and took scans for any other possible enemies, however none were detected. He for once turned his comms on, he remembered that he had yet to speak to these people even once yet. He spoke in a low ice cold and ruthless voice: "No hostile presences detected. For maximum efficiency of clearing the next district, recuperation time is advised." He ran some calculations in his head and on his mech "12 hours is the optimal time for complete recuperation without spending unnecessary time."

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?

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