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Realistic or Modern Project Cronus

"Suit yourself." Adam muttered. The Agent sprinted towards the policemen at his top speed, the heart of a ferocious lion, steering him towards the officers. The cyclops got there first as they started firing their guns.

Adam jumped over the gap between two parked cars and slid underneath an abandoned eighteen-wheeler with the speed and finesse only associated with the goat and snake attributes that belonged to his chimera genes. Adam took in a deep breath, counting One, two, three... all the way up to ten.

Bullets whizzed by but thankfully, nothing hit him. Once Adam came close enough, he released his breath and a stream of hot fire shot out from between his lips. Shouts and screams echoed enough the inferno and the intense heat melted the cars around him.
"Yes Lets."

Fox burst out of the salad as soon as she saw the man turn taking the form of a king cobra as she did. With uncanny speed and ability her body flung itself towards him, fangs open and ready to bite.
Cory laughed well if isn't another project, he dodged the cobra by an inch and quickly grabbed around its head. The way he had it prevented it from biting him.
"Shit" he quickly let go of the thing hoping he hadn't got poisoned. He fire a concussion blast straight at the thing.
Fox whisked into turtle form (galapagos of course) andlet it hit her and spin her shell into the back wall. "You can pitch in any time now Poseidon!"
Stunned while he watched the two of them fight, Sam quickly regained his senses and directed a powerful jet of water right towards the agent's chest, hoping to distract him and possibly knock him off his feet.
Cory felt a powerful jet blast hit him straight in the chest sending him back "Not bad." He was able to land back on his feet though. "Come on make this interesting for me." He clapped his hands together making a bright flash that was used for blinding his enemies.
"Eyes shmyes." Fox slipped into bear form and tried to maul him, knowing his exact position by scent alone. Burning heat, dry wasteland and unfiltered UV. EW
"Impressive but to slow." He was able to dodge to bears attack only having his shirt ripped. "Let's see ya handle this." He delivered a punch to the bears kidney and shot a blast point blank. He didn't put all his power into it. He just wanted her to not be able to fight so he could focus on Posiedon.
Fox growled as she slammed into the floor and switched to human form, with a key difference. Her hand was now a claw almost the size of her head. Pistol Shrimp claw. She snapped it shut and felt the air bubble blow up in the guys face.
Ana listened carefully as Solimon explained to her his feelings and history towards the government. She couldn't help but agree with him. The cause of all of this was them. And she knew they had to pay one way or another. Ana took a deep breath to calm her anger as he was right about saving it for any possible attacks. Her berserk mode needed to be saved. She stopped as soon as he did and nodded. "I'm Ana. My last name's not important." She replied to Solimon. Saying her last name would associate her with her accursed family. She wanted nothing to do with them anymore.


Decided to use tapatalk on my ipod instead of the browser right now yay
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Cory saw what she had turned her hand into "SHIIIT" he put up a light screen in hoping that it would block most of the heat and not the sound. He was to slow to put it up at full power in time but was able to block some of it and the shock wave from the pistol shrimp. He had 2nd degree burns all over his face and his ears were ringing so loud that he couldn't think straight. "You little piece of shit" he yelled, he ran over kicking her in the side of the head and fired a concussion blast at Poseidon. He then made a straight dash for the door and began retreating "Dam I had them in the palm of my hands. I underestimated them by a far margin. Ill have to regroup with the others."
(Got no alerts, of course... -.-)

Lucas saw that most of the commotion had calmed down and walked into one of the diner to take a quick break, Cory stormed out and knocked him off his feet, but Lucas didn't think more about it as he entered the diner, to hopefully get something to eat. He would always grow this large appetite after running too quickly, but it was because of all the calories he had burned, luckily none of the kids in the school bus got hurt. He quickly took a seat and ordered almost everything on the menu, and smiled as he paid no mind to either Fox or Samuel, clearly not recognizing them at all.
He has reached the edge of town where the abandon factory was held and he pushed a large metal plate that was covering up an opening. Within the factory, there was rust and broken bottles with scratched up logos. Solimon turned to Ana,"Alright, we are here. This factory used to be an abandon alcohol factory which was shut down due to the fact that most people did not like its tast and it did not have the "Zest" that most alcohol experts wanted so I stay here since absolutely no one goes here....unless they want debris falling on them". Solimon entered inside the factory awaiting Ana.

Ana kept herself behind Solimon as they reached the edge of the city. She looked inside the factory as soon as he pushed a plate that covered the only entrance. Ana stepped inside and examined her surroundings more closely. She probably could've guessed the place was abandoned just by how vile it looked. She turned back to Solimon and shrugged, "Well it's not the safest place to stay but I suppose it'll work. No one else could stop any debris from hitting them like I could." She replied.

Decided to use tapatalk on my ipod instead of the browser right now yay
"Fox dragged herself to her feet and went over to the prone Sam "Listen." She said in a harsh whisper, "i need to get out of here and as soon as your healthy, you need to do the same. "Get somewhere safe, as fast as you can, project Hermes is in the cafe, take him with you. When you need to find me again just find an animal and tell them the word silverback, they'll lead you to me." She then turned and limped to project Hermes, who reeked of sweat coffee and adrenalin. "Hermes. That's Posieden. Take care of each other. Have to go, we'll see each other soon." And with that, she was out the door in the form of a hawk, racing towards project Apollo as she smelled him.
Lucas looked over to Fox as he didn't expect another project, but was more concerned about how she was limping. Without getting the time to ask a question, she was already gone, but it seemed as she wasn't the only project in the nearby area. It annoyed him how she had decided to call him "Hermes" instead of his name, but she couldn't know his real name, Lucas didn't even recognize any of them. He looked over to where Sam was standing, and let out a sigh.

This is what the ruckus was all about... We all escaped, and now they want us back... I can't do this alone, I'm happy I found one of the stronger mutants at least, since I am very limited at using my power, since I don't want to use it at all... Lucas thought as his hands were slightly vibrating in a high speed after he had ran so fast the time stood still for him.

"I'm Lucas Quinn, nice to meet you, despite the circumstances," Lucas greeted Sam as he wished he was never dragged in this project from the beginning, and now he was on the run. If it only hadn't been for that car accident, he would still be normal, but it was too late to look back into the past, he needed to survive and if his powers could help the others survive, then he was forced to use it.
Logan was just watching it all happen from a roof top, He knew there was no way he could take on Chimera and Cyclopes alone, especially them together, he probably had a chance against them one at a time, but in the same general vicinity not gonna happen. He sat down and lit a cigarette with the flick; a brilliant flame emerged from the tip of his thumb. He whispered to himself sadly "Aint nothin I can do to help you folks, wish i could but Id rather not go back." exhaling the smoke. He was very disappointing in himself. he stood up looked to the sky, and kept smoking. trying to block out the screams, he closed his eyes, and covered his ears.

after minutes of thought, pacing, agonizing indecision, and running out of his cigarette, he put on his brass knuckles, pumped his jacket to a more comfortable position, cracked his neck, and with a long running start jumped of the roof of the structure. while in the air he heated his brass knuckles red hot. As he landed his drop right in front of chimera's charge he rolled out using the momentum from the fall and upon getting up in the same movemnt he was in after rolling out, he came in with a swift heated right hook straight for chimeras face.

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