Project Black IC

Braxtes had nearly completely forgotten what the Captain had asked him. His mind was in focus with all of the shenanigans happening between the group that he'd been with. One of them had weapons galore in every pocket on his body! He could carry a lot of weapons but not nearly as much. Cranking his head back to the Captain, having waited for her to speak with Emma, Braxtes was at last able to speak. "Actually, it isn't fired with bullets. It's high concentrated energy that I'm quite sure you don't want to get into," he replied, not wanting to bore her with meaningless rambles "I may disable it." Within moments he had it locked down, the multi-barrel covered up and closed. "There you are. Also...I see that your ship has a few defects and I may be able to fix that, if you would allow me?" Braxtes asked, even though he usually didn't offer service until asked but he simply could not stand how much the ship lacked.

Wade Wilson

...Wade overheard the strange robot's words aimed at the captain. He chuckled a bit knowing what Ross' reaction was going to be and nudged the robot with his elbow...

Hey... Mr.Explorer... if I were you I wouldn't start telling the captain and her navigator things that are wrong with this ship. You didn't have any right to be where you were and we almost shot you dead. But if you want to inflict the wrath of the captain upon yourself... keep pressing buttons. You'll be lucky if she lets you a foot out of your holding cell without a babysitter.


@Veyd Sahvoz
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"I meant not to offend either the Captain or the ship. I just ask if I may have the satisfaction of repairing whatever it is you need. Here on Dreojedin we keep to our word and do as we have been trained to. Myself, I am a mechanic." Braxtes explained, trying to put it in less offending terms. He wasn't a sociable person to begin with, then again he did have flaws too. Already he was thinking of the things he could do to inprove it weaponry and systems.

@NovaNovass @Deadpool
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Jack cocked an eye brow, a smirk working his lips as the captain told Rem to check for weapons. One could never be too careful on a planet like this after all.

"Would you like to pat me down or would rather watch me do it myself?" Jack asked, as he removed his jacket and opened his bag, displaying the folded clothes and mix belongings within. "Although I am worried I might disappoint. I have nothing to cause any alarm." With this, Jack dipped his hand into bag, removing what looked like a small rolled bundle with clinked gently at the slightest jostle. "With the exception of this. Of course."

To show what he meant, his fingers worked a small buckle on the bundle until, with a gentle tinkle of mental, the roll unfurled. Within a series of small medical syringes, sample tubes and scalpels glinted innocently. Some syringes were filled with a clear liquid, whilst another couple of test tubes were filled with seeds, leaves and pollen. Giving a shrug, Jack went on to explain.

"I'm a nurse. I've been visiting some of the less fortunate areas of the planet. What you see before you are some medical supplies. The leaves and seeds make a wonderful tea (the truth), but they are nothing fancy. Don't want to be carrying a fortune in your pocket after all."

Here, Jack smiled, brushing over the fact he had not explained the violent violet pollen in his supplies.

meanwhile Charlie's heart leapt at the mention of Shin's ship duty, but before her silver tongue could work on an excuse, Ross waved away her question. Instead she ordered her to find Dax and Wade, well now just Dax, as Wade had arrived all by himself and was already becoming acquainted with the local wildlife. Threats and jibes flying between the scrubber (named as such in Charlie's mind because he was scrubbing the floors ad nkt because he seemed gross) and the hired gun. A display off of macho, alpha bull.

Waiting until Ross to moved off, Charlie eyed the two with a grin.

"Its so nice to see you are already making friends, Wade." Charlie offered, planning on continuing to tease until she spotted Raven, who had that look on her face. It wasn't a bad look per say, but it was one of concern with a pinch of worry. However, Charlie had to admit she was glad to see the angry frown was no longer present. Gingerly approaching, Charlie nodded to her friend. Their relationship an odd one. Sure Charlie was, in terms of rank, Raven's leader when it came to missions. Yet in almost everything else, the rolls were reversed. Charlie the little sister who Raven watched over like a hawk.

"Okay. Before you start. I am technically resting. But for what its worth. I'm sorry about before." Charlie looked up at her friend with huge eyes, borderline pouting with her bottom lip. However, as to not give away her soppy disposition to the newbies quite yet, Charlie quickly shook her head, changing the subject. With that said though, I have to go get Dax. Apparently he's been held up by a harmless mutant frog.
From the time that Wade showed up Ross felt a little more relieved, but already she could see and hear the conflict that was only going to get worst. For a moment she lost herself in the mayhem that started right back up. She had to get herself straight and get things right again..... Shin... Shin always really handled the passengers. One of the main reasons was because every passenger would ask for work and without the captain around Shin could easily tell people no.

Raven rolled her eyes at Charlie, "Resting my ass." She shot at her lead rider. She crossed her arms over her chest as she made her way over to Charlie who was trying to make things better. "How can you say that?" She asked the fellow rider. "When will you ever get it through your head that people care about your well being?" Raven shook her head before turning to Ross. She was about to say something when Val rushed past the two and over to Jack.

"A nurse?!" She asked with excitement. Val turned to Ross quickly. "I could use a nurse." She had a very big smile on her face as she motioned to Jack. "I could pay him myself captain." Val bounced on the balls of her feet.

Ross rubbed her temples and waved her hand to Val. "Do what you want..." She grumbled.

Ross then turned to the rest of her crew. "Find me Shin... That's all I'm asking.." She let out a huge huff of air as she waved the Remington brothers over to her. The three made it to her side with ease and without really talking as they were merely there to get the job they were hired for done. Ross looked back over to Emma. "I'll hire you onto my ship if you take us to a pick up spot with your ship." Ross explained... Well she really didn't. She just shoved out the basics of the job.

You could hear Val squeal among the commotion in the docking bay as she jumped up and down a little. "Right this way Mr. Nurse." She started to pick up his bags and was eager to get him to the medic bay.

Ross briefly turned to the other passengers. "Everyone else will have to wait to get logged in." She told them. She pointed to Wade, Raven, Charlie and the new guy scrubbing the floors. "You four... Are on Shin duty. You will report to him for the next twenty four hours." She couldn't let a little bit of chaos get in the way of her commands. She had a job to do and so did the rest of her crew.


Shin knew that shutting down the system meant he had to turn it all back on by hand. This was a pain in the ass to do, but with this it gave him more then the upper hand on trying to keep that hacker out of the ship. He pushed as hard as he could on a large black box. It looked like a four foot tall computer tower.... Which is what it really was. He had spent days building the ship's system from scratch back when he found the Gallion. Months finding parts form other ships and rebuilding the engines and anything else he needed to get the ship in the air. Practically a year before he meet Dax and Ross at the ship yard he was working at.

On top of that trying to get the ship in his name. It was only when he meet Ross was he able to actually get the ship out of the junk yard. Ever since then he was the only one working on the ship and keeping it in the air.

Most hackers couldn't even make it past the first wave of gibberish. But this one.... Shin gave the tower another good push and finally got it where he wanted it. Right next to his navigation station. He caught his breath as he was not exactly all muscle and the tower really was a two man carry. He leaned against the tower and let himself sink to the floor where he already had a box of wires and only a few tools. Setting up electronics really wasn't a tool job. Most things were easy snap ins and hook ups. He laid on his back and slid under his dashboard.

There he opened up latches that revealed a mess of wires. Even those of the best caliber would be lost, but he knew exactly what did what and where everything went. He would keep the main system in tack, but he would add on the extra tower for extra security. The tower he was hooking up would make things ten times harder to navigate through the ship's system. You would think you were hacking into the ship's main system... When really you would be hacking into another ship close by. The whole idea was to throw the hack out of the ship completely.

This hack was good and he only hoped that this would do the trick.

After sometime Shin slid out from under the dash and finished hooking up the decoy tower. Now all he needed to do was turn everything back on.... "What a pain..." He uttered to himself as he wandered around the bridge turning all the systems back on. He took a seat back in his chair and watched as the screens all flickered back on. The connection was complete and the second tower glowed a light red in the corner of his eyes. "Try this on for size." Shin smirked as everything was back online.
NovaNovass said:
From the time that Wade showed up Ross felt a little more relieved, but already she could see and hear the conflict that was only going to get worst. For a moment she lost herself in the mayhem that started right back up. She had to get herself straight and get things right again..... Shin... Shin always really handled the passengers. One of the main reasons was because every passenger would ask for work and without the captain around Shin could easily tell people no.
Raven rolled her eyes at Charlie, "Resting my ass." She shot at her lead rider. She crossed her arms over her chest as she made her way over to Charlie who was trying to make things better. "How can you say that?" She asked the fellow rider. "When will you ever get it through your head that people care about your well being?" Raven shook her head before turning to Ross. She was about to say something when Val rushed past the two and over to Jack.

"A nurse?!" She asked with excitement. Val turned to Ross quickly. "I could use a nurse." She had a very big smile on her face as she motioned to Jack. "I could pay him myself captain." Val bounced on the balls of her feet.

Ross rubbed her temples and waved her hand to Val. "Do what you want..." She grumbled.

Ross then turned to the rest of her crew. "Find me Shin... That's all I'm asking.." She let out a huge huff of air as she waved the Remington brothers over to her. The three made it to her side with ease and without really talking as they were merely there to get the job they were hired for done. Ross looked back over to Emma. "I'll hire you onto my ship if you take us to a pick up spot with your ship." Ross explained... Well she really didn't. She just shoved out the basics of the job.

You could hear Val squeal among the commotion in the docking bay as she jumped up and down a little. "Right this way Mr. Nurse." She started to pick up his bags and was eager to get him to the medic bay.

Ross briefly turned to the other passengers. "Everyone else will have to wait to get logged in." She told them. She pointed to Wade, Raven, Charlie and the new guy scrubbing the floors. "You four... Are on Shin duty. You will report to him for the next twenty four hours." She couldn't let a little bit of chaos get in the way of her commands. She had a job to do and so did the rest of her crew.


Shin knew that shutting down the system meant he had to turn it all back on by hand. This was a pain in the ass to do, but with this it gave him more then the upper hand on trying to keep that hacker out of the ship. He pushed as hard as he could on a large black box. It looked like a four foot tall computer tower.... Which is what it really was. He had spent days building the ship's system from scratch back when he found the Gallion. Months finding parts form other ships and rebuilding the engines and anything else he needed to get the ship in the air. Practically a year before he meet Dax and Ross at the ship yard he was working at.

On top of that trying to get the ship in his name. It was only when he meet Ross was he able to actually get the ship out of the junk yard. Ever since then he was the only one working on the ship and keeping it in the air.

Most hackers couldn't even make it past the first wave of gibberish. But this one.... Shin gave the tower another good push and finally got it where he wanted it. Right next to his navigation station. He caught his breath as he was not exactly all muscle and the tower really was a two man carry. He leaned against the tower and let himself sink to the floor where he already had a box of wires and only a few tools. Setting up electronics really wasn't a tool job. Most things were easy snap ins and hook ups. He laid on his back and slid under his dashboard.

There he opened up latches that revealed a mess of wires. Even those of the best caliber would be lost, but he knew exactly what did what and where everything went. He would keep the main system in tack, but he would add on the extra tower for extra security. The tower he was hooking up would make things ten times harder to navigate through the ship's system. You would think you were hacking into the ship's main system... When really you would be hacking into another ship close by. The whole idea was to throw the hack out of the ship completely.

This hack was good and he only hoped that this would do the trick.

After sometime Shin slid out from under the dash and finished hooking up the decoy tower. Now all he needed to do was turn everything back on.... "What a pain..." He uttered to himself as he wandered around the bridge turning all the systems back on. He took a seat back in his chair and watched as the screens all flickered back on. The connection was complete and the second tower glowed a light red in the corner of his eyes. "Try this on for size." Shin smirked as everything was back online.
The lights flickered once again as the system turned back online but Aeva was no longer interested in continuing the hack from before. He did it out of mere curiosity and ended up having quite a fun time. The battle had been cut short by his opponents pull on the plug but he had enjoyed himself nonetheless. Aeva stood from his spot against the wall and left his quarters in a light mood, greeting the passengers that passed him by. He got some strange looks and pointed stares at his wings but that was normal. The winged man was honestly feeling quite hungry and pulled out his datapad. He had gotten a lot of useful information out of his dive including a map to the ship. The layouts were found at the end of his hack and that was actually quite strange. The blueprints to a ship would usually be the first thing you find but this was literally the last thing he encountered before he was cut off. This and the 3 letters. "Hyp". He didn't know what that could possibly mean but he would put together some plans later on.

The Avalon arrives at the mess hall and picks out some food that seemed tasty and began to pick at the strange nutrition.
NovaNovass said:
Rem watched Jack as the man fiddled around for his papers. He couldn't put his finger on it just yet but something was off about the man.
On the other hand Ross watched Vlad start to scrub the floors. This actually puzzled her even more so. The man was eager to join and not to mention he would follow the simplest orders... no bitching, no complaining.... She had to take a step back from Vlad. "Why don't we talk after all the floors on this ship are sparkling?" she stated before turning her attention back to Emma for the moment.

"Drop ship, flight ship, boat..." She knew Shin knew what all the ships were called. "If it gets the job done then you have a job." She told Emma. Ross spun around on her heels when she heard Charlie's voice. She looked the lead rider over and was a bit puzzled. "I thought you were on Shin duty?" she stated. She waved her hands about as she thought about the last conversation with Shin. "Never mind... " She motioned to the pile of guns still by Vlad. "Get a hold of Dax and Wade... I need them to start locking up the weapons." She moved Charlie along.

She stopped next to Rem and took hold of Jack's papers. She merely glanced at them but that's all she needed. She handed them back and turned to Rem, "Check him for weapons... After that have him wait for Val to show him to his room." She moved quickly down the line as best as she could checking Andrew, Michael, Abigail and Melody's papers.

Val had only made her way back to the docking bay with Raven at her side. After Caine left she was just shocked at how he knew so much about her bike. The only other person she knew that could do that was Shin... But Shin was... Well Shin...

But not long after she left she ran into Val. The two made their way back to the docking bay slowly.

Raven stopped at the sight of Charlie. She felt like a bad older sister at this point. Charlie was her leader, but to her she was like a younger sister. A younger sister that was hurt and was pushing herself around for no reason. She needed rest.

(Let me know if I missed anything?)
Deadpool said:
Wade Wilson

(Bit of a time skip here just to catch up with everyone)

...Wade had somehow made his way out one of the hatches ontop of the ship. The light nearly blinding him for a moment he stood ontop of the gigantic ship and rose a hand to block the sunlight. After a few moments he began making his way towards the sound of commotion. He jumped down behind the large group of passengers as they all were talking over each other and making it difficult to focus. He spotted the captain at the front of them all and began shoving them aside and walked up to the captains side, his gun slung over his shoulder and resting on his back. He looked at all of them with an almost drill Sargent gaze before taking a toothpick and placing it in his mouth chewing on it...

What a bunch of rag tag, commotion causing, un-organized bunch this group is... You sure you don't want to shoot em out the air locks when we get into orbit captain? Also sorry for my tardiness, me and Dax got held up by some mutant of a frog creature... mischievous but not a threat to anyone.

...He had said this in full volume audible enough to reach the back of the talking passengers, hoping to shut them up and get things organized. Wade heard all of the commotion and saw first hand the disrespect these passengers were giving the captain. He was pretty annoyed, like children, like babysitting... and he hated babysitting...





@Yaoke Saint


@Darth Gangsta

NovaNovass said:
From the time that Wade showed up Ross felt a little more relieved, but already she could see and hear the conflict that was only going to get worst. For a moment she lost herself in the mayhem that started right back up. She had to get herself straight and get things right again..... Shin... Shin always really handled the passengers. One of the main reasons was because every passenger would ask for work and without the captain around Shin could easily tell people no.
Raven rolled her eyes at Charlie, "Resting my ass." She shot at her lead rider. She crossed her arms over her chest as she made her way over to Charlie who was trying to make things better. "How can you say that?" She asked the fellow rider. "When will you ever get it through your head that people care about your well being?" Raven shook her head before turning to Ross. She was about to say something when Val rushed past the two and over to Jack.

"A nurse?!" She asked with excitement. Val turned to Ross quickly. "I could use a nurse." She had a very big smile on her face as she motioned to Jack. "I could pay him myself captain." Val bounced on the balls of her feet.

Ross rubbed her temples and waved her hand to Val. "Do what you want..." She grumbled.

Ross then turned to the rest of her crew. "Find me Shin... That's all I'm asking.." She let out a huge huff of air as she waved the Remington brothers over to her. The three made it to her side with ease and without really talking as they were merely there to get the job they were hired for done. Ross looked back over to Emma. "I'll hire you onto my ship if you take us to a pick up spot with your ship." Ross explained... Well she really didn't. She just shoved out the basics of the job.

You could hear Val squeal among the commotion in the docking bay as she jumped up and down a little. "Right this way Mr. Nurse." She started to pick up his bags and was eager to get him to the medic bay.

Ross briefly turned to the other passengers. "Everyone else will have to wait to get logged in." She told them. She pointed to Wade, Raven, Charlie and the new guy scrubbing the floors. "You four... Are on Shin duty. You will report to him for the next twenty four hours." She couldn't let a little bit of chaos get in the way of her commands. She had a job to do and so did the rest of her crew.


Shin knew that shutting down the system meant he had to turn it all back on by hand. This was a pain in the ass to do, but with this it gave him more then the upper hand on trying to keep that hacker out of the ship. He pushed as hard as he could on a large black box. It looked like a four foot tall computer tower.... Which is what it really was. He had spent days building the ship's system from scratch back when he found the Gallion. Months finding parts form other ships and rebuilding the engines and anything else he needed to get the ship in the air. Practically a year before he meet Dax and Ross at the ship yard he was working at.

On top of that trying to get the ship in his name. It was only when he meet Ross was he able to actually get the ship out of the junk yard. Ever since then he was the only one working on the ship and keeping it in the air.

Most hackers couldn't even make it past the first wave of gibberish. But this one.... Shin gave the tower another good push and finally got it where he wanted it. Right next to his navigation station. He caught his breath as he was not exactly all muscle and the tower really was a two man carry. He leaned against the tower and let himself sink to the floor where he already had a box of wires and only a few tools. Setting up electronics really wasn't a tool job. Most things were easy snap ins and hook ups. He laid on his back and slid under his dashboard.

There he opened up latches that revealed a mess of wires. Even those of the best caliber would be lost, but he knew exactly what did what and where everything went. He would keep the main system in tack, but he would add on the extra tower for extra security. The tower he was hooking up would make things ten times harder to navigate through the ship's system. You would think you were hacking into the ship's main system... When really you would be hacking into another ship close by. The whole idea was to throw the hack out of the ship completely.

This hack was good and he only hoped that this would do the trick.

After sometime Shin slid out from under the dash and finished hooking up the decoy tower. Now all he needed to do was turn everything back on.... "What a pain..." He uttered to himself as he wandered around the bridge turning all the systems back on. He took a seat back in his chair and watched as the screens all flickered back on. The connection was complete and the second tower glowed a light red in the corner of his eyes. "Try this on for size." Shin smirked as everything was back online.

Emma's features immediately went from nervous to excited, she found herself resisting the urge to hug Ross who in her mind pretty much saved her life. There was no telling what those weirdos following her were after, nor was there any clue if they followed her on board. The ships crew would protect her should she be unable to protect herself. For once in her life she was completely safe. "O-of course! I won't let you down Captain!" She replied. When Wade showed up she immediately recoiled from the man, both from his stature and the words he spoke muttering a sorry as she did and looking at the floor. It wasn't her intention to cause anything, but she guessed she did?

Though it seemed the old man scrubbing the floor was causing more issues than she was at least, so that was a plus she guessed. In all honesty she'd probably clean the floors to if it meant securing her safety. From that point onward she remained silent and still in place, waiting for any kind of instructions or to otherwise be sent to her room. Food would be nice to, but yeah. When Ross spoke up about taking them somewhere in her ship Emma perked up once more. "
Of course Captain! Just tell me where you need to go and I'll fly us there." She replied. She wondered who they intended on picking up, if it was stated she missed it. Mostly due to not paying attention and trying to be least 'rag-tag and commotion causing' as possible.
All of his arms halted, the floor no longer being cleaned. "Shin duty? Why not knee duty? Or, my personal favorite, wrist duty?" He glanced up at the captain with a grin. "Or have I misunderstood you? Perhaps Shin is a person, maybe even higher than yourself. Very well, my lady. But how can I report to Shin if I don't know where he is or what he looks like?" He stood up from his scrubbing, and he put his jacket back on after his arm has gone back to normal. "No matter, no matter. I'll find him eventually. Maybe if I walk through every square foot of this ship I'll find him. " He plunged his hands into his pockets and strode off in a random direction, still whistling. As he was walking, he gave the other new crew member, the white haired woman, a knowing smile. And then a small giggle.
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Caine wasn't sure what to make of crazy Ivan. Shit he'd seen some stuff but he was a first......Caine lightly kicked away as one of the arms the man was scrubbing with didn't seek to realize hey had begun to scrub Caine's boot instead of the deck. He pinched the bridge of his nose at just how degenerate this group really was. Fucking terminator over here who was not just a few oars, but a whole boat short of a boat, Happy go lucky care bear girl who came with her own set of blades, A toad, doctor kevorkian and this nurse seemed like he was ready to shit his pants.He'd probably have more socially in common with the walking carpet at this point. Hell, at this point BDSM pirates were normal. "Well now that R2D2 is gone, might I inquire as to what positions or abilites you require Captain."

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Jack felt him mouth drop open, the sudden appearance of the doctor and her exchange with the captain catching him off guard. True, the position of hired nurse wasn’t entirely unexpected, becoming part of the crew was always the plan. Yet, none the less, he had never planned for it to happen so quickly.

“Please, allow me.” Jack began, intervening Val’s attempt to pick up his bags. “You’ve already done plenty.” He gestured to the captain with his chin, before sweeping his gaze back to the small, bouncing doctor. Her excitement was incredibly sweet and borderline contagious, her high pitched voice raising above the dull dim with “This way Mr. Nurse.” That Jack couldn’t help but take an instant liking to the women. The new confidence a definite improvement from the fumbling, floundering creature which had he had first followed on board.

Charlie on the other hand, was less happy with her new predicament. Val’s excitement had, in truth, saved her from Raven’s sisterly rant, but the buffer had been short lived. Ross had spotted them.

“Aye captain.” Charlie replied, kicking a loose screw on the floor toward Vlad with a pointed expression, a flurry of jokes tripping off his tongue. “Think the doctor has a cure for verbal diarrhoea ?” Charlie grumbled to Raven, before catching the woman’s unchanged expression. A hard, heated it made her soften like fresh butter. Gently sighing, Charlie nodded in agreement.

“I know people care, Raven.” She’d had proof with the new soft side of Shin before, although that might have been the cold messing with his brain… to be confirmed, “But there’s just so much going on, and I care about you guys. You can’t just expect me to not help. I promise, I am not going to do anything strenuous. I’m gonna go find the mutant frog and Dax and then clean a couple of medium high shelves. “ Her lips twitched into a lop sided smile. “What sort of ‘lead’ rider would I be, if I just let my lackeys take the brunt?” Plus, in truth, she felt responsible. Sure the whiskey hadn’t been her fault, but she could have pretended to be a ditz and keep her mouth shut.

“So, wanna come find a frog? I’ll make it quick, I know Captain wants us cleaning ASAP.”

Dax had remained with Flynn as both Wade and the passenger left. The tiny creature was still protesting and had remained in his elevated hiding place with a shark toothed snarl, so with the exception of leas people, the situation had remained unchanged.

Letting out a sigh, Dax gestured to the now empty corridor. “Alright, see, we are not going to feed you to erm..” Dax didn’t know his name “That guy… will you come down now?”

Sure Ross wanted Dax to go and help, but he couldn’t exactly leave an intelligent red amphibious E.T wandering the engines. The little critter to cause a lot of damage, and with Shin being the main brain behind this colossal vehicle being ill, it really wasn’t worth the risk .

“Listen. If you don’t come down now, I will have to get you myself. So you either come nicely now, or forcibly in one minute. You’re choice. But no. more. games."

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Aeva finished eating the ,admittedly, questionable meal before rising from his seat and turning to leave the mess hall. He was surprised that there was nothing. No patrols, no guards actively searching for him, no announcement....nothing. The Avalon quickly realized that he might have actually gotten away with this unscathed. The world was usually never that kind and this was even more apparent in the reaches of space. The winged man was skeptical at best and while he kept his guard up, he decided to let it be. Aeva began to roam the ship now absentmindedly looking at the blueprints of the ship. No one had given him a tour so he decided he was going to get one himself. He ended up finding the medical bay on his map and decided to head there. His left wing had been bothering him for some time and he figured it couldn't hurt getting it checked out. It might be something internal that he can't fix himself. The man gave a few light raps on the door before entering the room, "Hello? I'd like to have a small examination please?"

@Lokipi @NovaNovass
Vladimir slowly turned back to this man. His face was one of utter loathing, his eyes narrowed and top lip peeled back, revealing surprisingly white teeth. "Go right ahead and shoot me, you think you can kill me that easily? I'm a quick old man, and unarmed at that. You would shoot an unarmed man? Filthy coward. You don't go pointing guns with the safety off." He walked slowly towards the gun weilding man, and stopped a few feet away. "Here you go. In case your aim was too rusty to hit me from over there." He turned to the captain, and his anger melted off his face, replaced with adoration. "I apologize deeply, my Lady. I simply misunderstood your order. I would gladly receive punishment from you, but not from this idiotic rapscallion." He gave her a deep bow. This man is going to be a problem, yes. I will have to do something about this, yes. Same with that girl, Emma. Those men told me about someone like her. Offered quite a lot of money for information, even more for a head. As was becoming the norm, he let a small giggle escape him.

@NovaNovass @Deadpool
Courtney, or Cory, walked nervously down the hallway. She had just been assigned as a passenger on the Gallion. She was trying to tire the nervous energy out of her, but that was almost always a lost cause. She stood in the hallway, pacing back and forth for almost no reason.

Cory had to have something to do. Anything. Just something she could work with, like an energy converter, or a spare engine, just something. Her brain was wired to fix things, and figure out how they worked.

Being a passenger was much to her dissatisfaction, but it was the only place where her work might be appreciated. She had worked on a starbase not too far from the Gallion's current position, but no one really tolerated her. They were always telling her that she should do this, or do that. She was just trying to get her hands on something she could fix or analyze.
Wade Wilson

...Wade's eyes gleamed. It had been quite some time since he had a good fight. He took his rifle off his shoulder, ejecting the magazine, cocking the slide back once more ejecting the bullet. He tossed the gun onto the floor with a clang as it skid across the ships grate floor. This man he was looking at was nothing in comparison to the giant asshole's he took out at the bar close to the outer rim of the solar system. His fists raised infront of him, he wasn't a boxer... no he was much more. Bare knuckle boxing happened to be a hobby once upon a time...

Let's see how bright that pretty mouth of yours bleeds. Come on then, if you're so damn tough and fast. Let's settle this like men.

...Wade pursed his lips together, his bottom weight shifting a bit sideways, his left foot locked in place...

If I win, you get the hell off this ship, if you win... I'll leave you alone.


@Yaoke Saint
Captain had said that they'd have to wait to be logged in so it wouldn't hurt to go find someone to log him into the system. He would have gone to the rooms first but he still had to get the schematics for the ship as well so he was unfamiliar with where everything was, but based off of a nearby presence from his area sensors he followed along. To his surprise it was a lady, young still and lost by the looks of it. His bioptics scanned her and immediately brought up a bit of basic info on her ++Name: Courtney Moon. Species: Human. Prosthetics/Body enhancements: N/A.++ Another human. Being on a ship this size he expected a wider variety of intergalatic species, and a larger crew, but no. It was quieter than most places he'd seen but then again he hardly even left his position. "Hello miss, might I ask if you know where the location of a crew member of the Gallion would be?" Asked Braxtes, trying to make a decent conversation with someone for once.

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Cory looked up, stopping her pacing. "Oh, I'm sorry. I wouldn't know. I'm actually waiting to be assigned a room." She paused, not wanting to be totally useless. "I could help you find them, if you need it," she offered.

@Veyd Sahvoz
LilyCrusher said:
Cory looked up, stopping her pacing. "Oh, I'm sorry. I wouldn't know. I'm actually waiting to be assigned a room." She paused, not wanting to be totally useless. "I could help you find them, if you need it," she offered.
@Veyd Sahvoz
I will just say this here as I just got off work and am about to head off to bed.... Posts must be more then a paragraph. This is a one liner..... I do not tolerate one liners. This is your first and only warning. If this happens again I will ask you to remover your self and character from the rp or I will do it for you.

I really hate to be rude.... But I am very serious on this matter. This is casual to detailed...... Not one liner to casual....
Adrian quietly listened and watched as believers of all races and ethnicities filed into the small church. While it wasn't one of his scheduled stops on his yearly pilgrimage to each of the grand cathedrals he thought it was a nice church given the resources the people had access to and the lack of a specific denomination of Christianity on the moon gave Adrian an opportunity to show the residents how the Catholic Church did things. All in all he was sure this was going to be a wonderful experience and opportunity. Through most of the service Adrian deferred to the usual leader of the church and participated in the singing of Hymns and of the Offering and supper. As he was a Cardinal of the Church Adrian was given enough money and resources to live as one would expect of a man of his station while still holding onto his vows. So he gave as much as he could to the church and still be able to function for the next few days. Then when it came time for the sermon the church leader introduced Adrian and he took the podium, giving a good 30 minute sermon on helping those in need, but not those who refuse to work for themselves and have fallen into sloth. Adrian stood at the entrance of the church and shook the hands of all who left. He received much praise for his sermon and was even told of a ship that was looking for passengers. As a custom Adrian didn't own his own ship and traveled from planet to planet. It was believed that God would send a sign that their work was complete on the planet and give the priest a way to leave. Taking this as such a sign Adrian smiled and said farewell to the church and after gathering what little belongings he had left to search for this ship.
NovaNovass said:
I will just say this here as I just got off work and am about to head off to bed.... Posts must be more then a paragraph. This is a one liner..... I do not tolerate one liners. This is your first and only warning. If this happens again I will ask you to remover your self and character from the rp or I will do it for you.
I really hate to be rude.... But I am very serious on this matter. This is casual to detailed...... Not one liner to casual....
You didn't specify, I'm sorry. I thought I read the rules, but I guess I'm mistaken.
As Adrian made his way from the small church to the city he was fairly where the Gallion was when he looked up and saw the massive ship docked nearby. " Is this the path you wish of me Lord?" Adrian muttered as he took a moment to just stand and look at the massive ship for a moment. The realising he needed to go Adrian double checked his luggage before he moved too far from the church. He was currently wearing his Simar robes which were black lined in red to show his rank as a Cardinal as well did his Scarlet Biretta, he had the other ceremonial robes he would wear for special ceremonies and masses in a suitcase, his orders from the Pope to travel the sector and a paper with the Pope's seal asking travelers to help him make the journey across planets. This was the extent of his belongings safe for the weapons he kept with him from his days as a soldier. Now that he knew he was ready to leave the plant Adrian made his way to the Gallion and Patiently waited for his turn to enter so he could show the paper to whoever was choosing who entered. Several people in line noticed who he was, as it recommended that all Catholics know what a Cardinal's robes look like. A few even knew his name and allowed his to pass in front of them. In no time at all he was face to face with the person who would allow or deny him entry to the ship. He smiled and pulled out the letter should he want to read it, " I hope it is not too much trouble, but I would like to join your ship as I make my journey."
"That would be splendid my dear!" Shouted Braxtes in a very loud mechanical voice. This would be his first time he would be on a journey away from his home planet and he preferred to relax and do whatever he wanted on his own time without having constant demands from superiors. The anti-gravity hovering shoes he had on were activated and he began hovering 3 feet in the air again, dashing down the hall to the docking area where he suspected there would be crew members to log them in. Perhaps my line of work could be used here but not yet. He thought and continued on, occassionally waiting for the human.

@LilyCrusher @Anyone else
Corey noted the mechanical voice he had, but it didn't really bother her. She jogged down the hallway after him, chuckling. "Hey, you're the only one with anti-grav boots!" She reminded him, speeding up and dodging passing crewmembers. She stopped at the docking bay to catch her breath. She wasn't panting, but she was short on air.

"Thanks for waiting," she thanked him sarcastically. "Super, super nice of you." She chuckled, smiling. Corey pulled away the hair from her face, turning to her companion. "Courtney Moon. My friends call me Corey." She held out her hand.

@Veyd Sahvoz and anyone else
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The moment she held out her hand he immediately reached out and clasped his hand around her palm and the back of her hand, studying it as his bio-optics whirred and spun retreiving any data on his implants database to see if she was a humanoid or alien but no. It- She was human. For a couple seconds he waited and finally shook her hand with his cold metallic cybernetic one, accidently grasping too hard.

"Braxtes Nexxemexis, a Mechanic of Dreojedin. You may call me just Braxtes though. Tell me, Corey, what is it you major in?" Asked the floating cybernetic human in an attempt to make decent conversation with a being he deemed fit to converse with. She didn't seem like much with her skinny form and plain clothes but he found it as a way to deceive people and make people believe she was normal when really she most likely knew a lot about something. There was definately more to her than what he saw so, since they were talking, why not try and find out?

It had seemed like the med bay was practically abandoned. Aeva had been sitting around for what felt like an eternity but no one came. Hell, no one had even walked down this hallway. It came as a surprise the the winged being. The ship seemed so full of life. Passengers, crew, officials aplenty but yet no one had even come close to this section of the ship. The passengers must be incredibly healthy or the medical staff is incredibly lazy. Regardless, Aeva stands and strides to the center of the room so he can fully stretch his wings out and try to work out the stitch he had been feeling earlier. Having the wings folded so tightly for such a long period of time was the equivalent of sleeping on your arm the whole night. The entire limb just numbs out and you only feel the pins and needles after you finally get the blood flowing again. It felt annoying and prickly but the feeling of the blood rushing through his massive wings once more felt like liquid relief.

Deciding there was nothing else to do here, Aeva exited the med bay and headed back down to the docking area he was in previously. His sharp eyes found several people in the area within nanoseconds, studying their almost every detail at a mind jarring speed. Two individuals piqued his interest. A seemingly mechanical life form and a human female that were interacting with each other. Being bored and rather peeved about the medical staff's absence, he approaches the two people, "Have either of you seen where the medical staff is? I've been sitting in the sick bay for almost an hour and no one even walked by in that sector. I'd really like to get this damn wing looked at before it becomes something bothersome." He said. He shrugged his left shoulder which in turn moved the large scarlet mass. The movement brought him slight pain and the wince on his face wasn't exactly hidden very well.

@Veyd Sahvoz @LilyCrusher

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