Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

Gold sent pidgey to the battle field "alright pidgey, Sand Attack!" Pidgey kicked up sand and flung it at Golett. "Alright pidgey get ready, defensive stance!" Pidgey was carefully waiting for Goletts next move.

Revic had completely blanked Blake when he had talked further, and when the boy dashed off, Sneasel approached him and tugged at his leg. Whilst it appeared incredibly selfish that Revic had left Sneasel to fight for its own, the creature understood him, perhaps the only one too. "You... you like battling, don't you?" he asked with a tentative smile. The Pokemon nodded. "Well... that's one heck of a misjudgement from me. Still... I don't want you hurt, and I still don't like some of the ethos around here." He had been vaguely listening in on Mack and Blake's discussion; the words 'good choice of Pokemon' had resonated particularly badly with him. They're intelligent creatures, not tools or items you can fashion and choose at your will. And I will not stand for that.

Pidgey sand attack make Golett accuracy reduced, "use shadow punch!" Golett charge up an energy at his right hand, and then rushed toward pidgey to knock him off


Aira is wandering arround she seems lost and doesn't know where to go, with Henry is leaving him to his class Aira now alone again. she sighed an then sit at the bench on the corridor, looking up hoping she can find her brother in this academy.
dakup said:
"Yeah, speaking of swimming in the ocean, I think I saw professor stone and a group of students head towards the cliff.... If I can remember from my classes with him, it isn't going to end well. I would just say send a group out into the forest and check." Nine tails walked in behind him. "Sorry about nine tails, he's just going in his pokeball." He pulled out a pokeball and put nine tails back into it. "So Professor, how'd you sleep last night?"

"Well enough, ended up staying late to finish setting up. However most of its done. I also submitted the forms for the trips around the island so the yearly reaserch project should be started soon." Amythest replied. She looked tired but determined as always. She would not stop until everything was set up and working properly. "How goes your research on ninetails?"
"It took an interesting turn.... What I already know is that the nine tails lives for a 1000 years, living off the energy in it's tails" He walked over and grabbed his mug. "What I would love to know is the energy stored, and see if I could connect it to us humans, and see if it could actually work." He walked over to the coffe pot and pour some into a his mug. "Would you like some?
Amethyst shook her head, "Trust me I've probably had enough to last me a few months." she chuckled. "But I am really interested in your theory. I know there have been reports of Ninetails who have grown up with their trainers creating a very strong bond to the point where they can supposedly connect telepathically. I'm not sure how deep that connection goes but it is something to be explored." She thought a moment trying to remember what else there was about the fox pokemon. "Some also say each tail has a special power to it, so the energy could be tied to that."
"Well I grew up with my vulpix, and I had nine tails for a couple year. I wonder if I have the bond." He took a sip form the mug of coffee. "Thats one of the many things that I could go over...." He walked over to the window. "I remember doing the research project, I didn't do that well on it, but I tried." He saw a kid limping throught the woods. "By nine tails, there is a student out there who looks like hes in pain!"
"Well now's your chance to re-do it and see if your theory's are correct. There no shame in failing when it comes to research, it just means you know what not to do." Amethyst encouraged as she set the last of the books out. She looked up when he mentioned an injured student and rushed over to the window. "What is a student doing in the forest. Damn it Stone, I'm pretty sure this is all his fault. Lets go find him before he's injured any further." She said rushing out of the labs.
Jerome followed her out to the kid. Davis was putting all his weight onto the tree. He could barely speak. "Ssssstooonneee.." He fell to the ground. "Looks like stone is responsible, and I wouldn't want to be stone because I think I know what you are planning on doing." Jerome walked over and let out luke. "Luke, come on lets take him to the nurse."
The research professor indeed looked very angry. The students in the university were their responsibility, they were supposed to teach and help these trainers grow not nearly kill them. Amethyst let her anger simmer however, taking care of the student was more of priority. "Lets take care of him first. He doesn't look too bad, hopefully I'm right." She muttered before leading the way back to the main campus and into the Health Center where the center was immediately taken in.

"Not even a few hours into the school year and we already have a student here. This is not the kind of start of the new year I'd imagined." Professor Quarts sighed. "He should be okay though, looks like he ran into one of the wild pokemon in the forest."

Amethyst sighed in relief "Good, last thing we need is to tell a parent that their child has be maimed or killed."
Jerome and lucario brought him to the health center. "Morning, if you can call it that professor quarts." They put him on a bed. "Son can you tell me what happened?" Davis looked at him, bearly able to speak he said. "Primeape." before he blacked out. "Well I guess we know what happened. But why would professor stone do that, I was with him for four years. He only does this if he is provoked."
"He was probably attacked after Stone threw him off that infernal cliff. I've warned him before to watch and make sure the student at least gets back safely." Amethyst shook her head.

"Point is hes safe and will be better soon. I recognise this boy from last year, very demanding and bossy type so chances are he pushed the wrong buttons with Stone." Quarts shrugged. "It doesn't excuse what happened however I will go as to say he probably deserved some for of punishment."
Jerome shook his head. "Yeah, I am not doubting that he deserves some punishment, but throwing him off a cliff is a bit much, even for stone. I spent a lot of time, He taught me everything he knew about battling and he does have his points, but this is a bit much for him. I have had his punishment before but it was cleaning the floor with a toothbrush, the worse part was it was my own tooth brush."
As the sunlight from the day shone through the window and onto Hal's face, he quickly realized that his pokedex's alarm was ringing. "Ugh what time is it..." When he picks up his pokedex and sees that he is late for class, he bolts upright. "OH SH*T NO!!" He jumps out of bed and throws some clothes on. "COMBO LETS GO WE'RE LATE!!" "BUSKEN!!!" Combo dashes out the door after Hal as they both start running towards the Topaz building
"He's done this before, it usually only for the really rebellions kids which there aren't a lot since everyone here wants to learn how to battle." Mrs. Quarts shrugged. "Either way hopefully this will be the only one this year." She sighed.

Amethyst, "It better be. Last thing we need are angry parents at our door." Amethyst grumbled

"Well... I leave him in your care. I still have a lab to set up." The nurse nodded "See you all later then."
Nearing the front entrance to the building, Hal stops and looks up, admiring the place where he will truly become a mature pokemon trainer. The thought speaks to his inner enthusiast and he begins to get emotional. He reaches down and puts his hand around Combo's shoulder and pulls him tight "Busk?" "Ah, its nothing. I was just thinking about how little you when we first came here. I guess we've both evolved in our own way since then, huh?" Combo smiles and jumps up onto Hal's shoulders, causing him to buckle a little. "Heh, you're silly, Combo" "Cooombusken! ^u^" Hal had totally forgotten that he was already late for class and that he was just standing outside the building
Mack was limping as he walked around the Topaz Gym. All this time, he had been interested in taking research classes with Professor Amethyst, not killing his or others pokemon off with Cold Stone. Since he wasn't going to fight any other trainer, that made him, technically, have no business whatsoever in the gym. So, he decided he would look around to see if he can find Professor Amethyst and ask her about her class and such. He walked, well, limped all over the gym looking for her, and also looked out the window's from time to time to see if he can find her.

After a while, his knee pain got worser. He decided a bag of ice could come in handy, so he stepped outside the gym and headed to the health center and entered, and to his luck, he had located Professor Amethyst inside! She looked like she was about to leave, so instead of asking to see if they had a bag of ice he could lay on his knee, he walked over to Professor Amethyst. He was trying to hide the limp so she wouldn't notice, but you could tell.

"Excuse me, ma'am? I hope i'm not interrupting anything of importance to you." Mack asked the Professor from behind.

Professor Amethyst noticed another student limp in and hope it wasn't also linked to Professor stone. "No but are you alright? What happened to your leg?"
The Professor noticed Mack limping; he was trying to avoid that. Mack didn't really want to say that Blake's Rhyhorn delivered him a devastating blow to his knee, because he didn't want to get him in trouble, so he answered; "Umm, I uh, I fell."

Now at this moment, 2 things came to Mack's mind after he said it,

  1. Since he was wearing his short green pants, the Professor, that is if she wanted to, could simply take a look at the knee, and obviously notice the mark of the Rhyhorn's horn and part of the forehead.
  2. And second, Mack stuttered when he responded, making it kind of obvious to the professor he could be lying.

He quickly regretted saying that, or even talking to her in the first place, he should have waited. "God d*mn it." He thought to himself.

"uh-huh..." the professor answered unconvinced. But decided not to press the issue further. If he wasn't being truthful it was because it was his pokemon that injured him or a friends, which wasn't uncommon here. "Well make sure to get your knee looked at, its very swollen." She advised.
"Yeah, I should. Anyway, uumm..." He answered, then a small silence followed. "Oh yeah my name is Mackauley, nice to meet you Professor." Mack extended his hand, for a shake.

Amethyst chuckled slightly before shaking his hand. "It's nice to meet you Mackauley. I would also introduce my self however it seems you already know who I am. I haven't seen you around before. Are you a freshman?"
"Yes ma'am. First time here. I actually persuaded my uncle to put me here so I can take your research classes. That is if I can, seems to me so far it's just Professor's Stone beat-your-pokemon-up class. But I would love to be in your research class, Professor Amethyst."

Mack responded with a smile on his face.

Amethyst smiled slightly happy to see more students interesting in research. "I do not have an official class here, however I am starting a research study that will be open to students to participate in if your interested in that." she offered.
"Oh heck yeah!" Mack quickly exclaimed. "I would love to." He added.

NOW, after all this time, now is when Marek, comes out from behind Mack, and walks towards Professor Amethyst, and start's rubbing himself on her feet and leg.


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