Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

Jerome woke up and it was nearly end of his first class aiding his old professor. Nine tails was sleeping on the bed with him. He did that a lot. go up and started to walk towards class. Before he left his room he grabbed his white lab coat and put it on, along with his glasses. He walked out and nine tails followed. "It is our first day and were late, come on we got to hurry." He began to run to the towards the class. "You know we need to do some research on darkri later, we have to help the professor with some help." He kept walking. He eventually found the group. "Professor, I am sorry I am late. I was up till the morning doing some research on darkri."
The office was a buzz with other assistants who were helping to set up the research lab for the new year. Most of it had been done the day before but there was still a lot to do. Professor Amethyst put the last of the new textbooks on the table. "You're very lucky its the first day for students, if this had been Mr. Stones class you would have been in the ocean by now." She chuckled shaking her head. "It's fine, I'm still setting up the research project."
"Yeah, speaking of swimming in the ocean, I think I saw professor stone and a group of students head towards the cliff.... If I can remember from my classes with him, it isn't going to end well. I would just say send a group out into the forest and check." Nine tails walked in behind him. "Sorry about nine tails, he's just going in his pokeball." He pulled out a pokeball and put nine tails back into it. "So Professor, how'd you sleep last night?"
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"Hmpf." Victor grunted and looked to his right nonchalantly as the girl tried to use hypnosis on his already paralyzed Nidorino. "You do realize, he can't be put to sleep while in that condition don't you?" He paused. "You did say you were a sophomore right?" Victor looked at Rex, he didn't seem to be affected by the paralysis right now. "Rex, use Poison Sting! It won't do much, but it's better than just sitting around!" The purple pokemon nodded and charged ahead, leading with his horn.
Abby groaned slightly cursing her forgetfulness. She thought she could get by with out her notes but apparently not. "Lick him again!" the ghastly was hit with the poison sting but it didn't effect the ghost much. Hex dived at the nidorino for another lick. 

Summery: first day of class so far

Professor made it clear that he would tolerate no disrespect or arguing. Professor Stone battled Revic (Skyginge) and defeated him. Another student, David (dakup) took offense to Stone display and authoritative rule over the class and tried leaving the room. The student was promptly dragged to a cliff side and thrown off and made to swim back to shore.

Current point: Everyone is In the topaz gym pairing up for their first battle of the year. You may jump in as you wish.


@Surota @Ethreal Oatmeal @dakup @MrWeirdbraxto
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(I've been away for 2 days, so anyway, just, imagine that Mack was just sitting way back in the corner of the class and never spoke.)

Mack was in the Topaz Gym along with the rest of the student's. He had no intention of battling anyone, specially professor Stone, who he admires very much. Oh yes he does, as ironic or contradictory as it may seem, Mack always admire a very intelligent man that has a hard personality, he even thought professor Stone is the best professor he has had so far, but he could not make that statement a true one for Mack since he has only been with him for about 1 hour or so, but so far he liked him a lot.

But for the moment, just as soon as his classroom enters the gym, Mack quickly part's ways from the student's, and heads to a bench he found, sat down and begun spectating the group of student's looking for a battle partner.
Blake looked at the Sneasel, then down to his Rhyhorn. "Crash, start with Stomp, then move in with Horn Attack." The Rhyhorn snorted and pawed the dirt, it's eyes narrowed as it glared at Sneasel, then grunted and charged horn first at the Dark-type.


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Much faster than then rock rhino, Sneasel flickered between visability and striked with a faint attack; however, the strength of the other Pokemon was too much, and Sneasel was launched backwards, ready to strike again. As it came forward for a horn attack, the creature again tried the same attack but to little success. Whilst it had animistic instinct, Sneasel was a little lost without Revic's direction; when he was ordered by his trainer, he read eternal the lines and could perfectly picture what he needed to do. However, the dark weasel hoped that it was providing an educational fight for its opponents.

Meanwhile, Revic stared blankly at the far wall, lost in a hurricane of thought, eyes vacant voids. He remained sat at a distant desk, alone and still upset.
Blake looked at Revic, then put his hand down. "Crash stop.." The Rhyhorn stopped its attack, and looked at him, confused. Blake walked over to Revic and gripped his shoulder. "Hey... You okay over here?" He looked at Revic.


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Revic blinked twice, then turned and gave him a vacant look. "I've been better," he admitted, "but I guess everybody has to face reality." In that moment, he suddenly seemed years older; although superficial, it almost sounded as if his voice was a tone lower. His distant eyes now seemed a little wrinkled, and the cynical glance they provided seemed world-weary and experianced. It was most as if he was another person. And above all, his attentive, aggressive awareness of Stone showed a clear sense of total distaste. He had caused all this.
"Hey.. Look, none of this is your fault. Stone is just being that; Cold stone. You shouldn't let yourself get worked up over anything he does. You have a partner to depend on, and he depends on you. You can't let mistakes get in the way of that." He clapped Revic on the shoulder, "I know getting this kind of advice from a total stranger doesn't help much, but your partner needs you right now. Come on, Revic."

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Mack saw the boy with the Sneasel that he didn't get off with a good start when Mack found out he is his room mate. A part of him was telling Mack to go and apologize but, the Sneasel was there; he wasn't going near that "pokemon".

In front of him, talking to him while patting him on the shoulder, was a red-haired boy with a grey jacket with a skull on it. He had a Rhyhorn with him, which Mack was very fond of. Mack obviously thought it was an exceptional Pokemon. Mack kept his eyes on the Rhyhorn, just staring at it. It looked disgustingly mean and tough, Mack loved that. He just... kept staring at it. Mack knew sooner or later that boy might notice Mack, but it was unlikely. "Beautiful..." Mack whispered to himself.

Marek on the other hand was under the bench, scared to death from the sight of all the pokemon in the gym.


Alexa ran through the Plaza with great speed. She breathed heavily as her bag bounced off of her hip. "Crap, I can't believe I'm so late, especially for the first day." she complained and she pressed her heels harder into the ground. Alexa normally wasn't the one to be late. She was one of the first students to sign up for the year and was actually the third student with her place set before the semester began. It was a wonder she sleep through her alarm.

She ran quickly down the path as the building to the Topaz program appeared in her sights. She darted into the first door and ran like crazy up the steps. She noted the numbers on each door as she looked for her classroom. Seeing the number in sight she slid to a stop outside of the door. She paused a moment to catch her breath and whip the sweat from her face. "Note to self: Don't let Dylan find out about this."

Dylan was Alexa's childhood rival. He had always considered himself better than her when it came to Pokemon because he was next in line to run his family's gym in Flentel. The two went back and forth for days at times; had a few battles here and there which usually ended in Alexa's loss. But that didn't stop her, she still wanted to prove herself to him.

She straightened herself up and closed her eyes. "I wonder where he is now?" she thought to herself as she remembered how he took off on an adventure about a year prior to her coming to Prism. She sighed and shrugged that thought away. Now wasn't the time to be thinking about that; she had work to do if she wanted to prove anything to Dylan.

Alexa reached for the handle and opened the door to the class. The room roared with talk as a battle was taking place. She quietly approached the viewing platform and blended in with the rest of the students. Down on the floor was a Sneazel and a Rhyhorn. The two went back and forth as they were engaged in a battle.

Alexa smiled at the Sneazel; she love Ice types and hoped to have a Sneazel of her own someday. This was now the time to learn how one battles. She reached into her bag and produced a blue Pokeball. She opened it up and out shot a small red fox. Alexa smiled at the Pokemon as it let out a yawn, "Sorry, didn't mean to wake you, but I thought you'd like to watch a battle with me."

The fox smiled and let out a, "Vulpix." It jumped up and climbed onto it's trainer's shoulder. Alexa smiled at the Pokemon and then turned her attention to the field to watch the Pokemon battle.
The Rhyhorn noticed someone staring at him. It looked at the young boy and its eyes lit up. Someone clearly liked him, otherwise they wouldn't be looking at him. That determined, the large rock rhino charged the boy, running straight into his legs, knocking him over accidentally, then began nuzzling the boy roughly, but In a friendly manner.


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Mack was on the floor. Oh maaaaaan did that Rhyhorn messed up his right leg. Mack looked at the Rhyhorn, Mack obviously got pissed off, but at the same time, he loved the power of that Rhyhorn. "Oh yeaaaah I loved that." Mack exclaimed. Mack started standing up, he started with his left leg; all was good, but as soon as he placed the other half of the body's weight into the right leg, it hurted like hell. He fell back into the floor. "Oooooh, that's nasty I love it." He didn't even bother on getting up or looking at the red haired hair, he just looked at the Rhyhorn, then he looked at the bench; It was broken in the front, but Marek was intact and un-harmed, but was even more scared.

"Heeey kid, i'm fine." Mack said to Marek with smile on his face but a weak, cracking voice.

Even though he was hurt, he loved that Rhyhorn. It sended chill downs Mack spines, he felt like he was in a battle or something like that.

"Awww no, Crash!" The flame haired boy ran over and pulled the Rhyhorn away from the boy, though the large Pokemon protested. "Aw, crap I am SO sorry! Crash can be a bit of a loose cannon when I'm not watching him, I should have been paying more attention." Slowly, he helped he boy to his feet, then looked at his legs. "Did he break anything? If you need help to get somewhere, I'll help."


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Mack did not respond for a second, then he started laughing. He looked at the Rhyhorn, and said to the boy; "That, that's disgusting man, hehehe." Mack looked at the boy and asked; "What's your name redhead?" Before the boy could answer, Mack quickly added; "No, no, names are not important. I think my knee is broken? I'm not doctor but I can feel that thing out of place."

Blake looked offended at being called "redhead"- his hair was blonde, and turned red, yes, but he wasn't redheaded. ".... Nah just looks like something is dislocated. Lemme deal with that." With one swift motion, he slammed the heel on his hand on the knee of the other boy, popping the knee cap back in place.

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Mack let out a scream. "WOOOOOOO!!" He added; "Ooooooh... hah... all right Doctor Fire Red." He looked up to the gym's roof. "You uh, tsk, uuhh..." Mack was speechless, he was overwhelmed by the power of the Rhyhorn.

"That, that boy of yours is made of true power. Make sure he doesn't run anyone else over, specially Cold Stone." He looked down to the boy. Mack was already sweating, he wasn't used to this much action as he would call it. Obviously, he did not expect a blow to the knee, though he kept thinking about the Sneasel... he prefers getting rammed over by the biggest pokemon ever than be near a Sneasel. Marek suddenly came out walking slowly, and arrived right beside Mack's right leg, and hugged it.

"So, what's your name?"

"Certainly not doctor fire red. Blake, Blake Washan. That was Crash." He gestured at the happy Rhyorn who was staring at the grass in the breeze with utmost concentration. "He's powerful, but he's a huggy one. He ends up hurting more people then making friends."

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"He's gotta work on those friend making skills huh Red?" Mack was keeping up with the nicknames so he can joke around with them, to keep his cool even though he was cool with the boy, his knee still obviously hurt and that made him a bit mad on the inside.

Mack looked at the Rhyhorn, closed the eyes as he was thinking and whispered to himself; "Rhyhorn... uuuuh, Ground and Rock, uuuh... most common height of 3'03" feet, also, with a common weight of 252.1 pounds, very heavy. Strong, but has a tiny mind from what i've read. Rhyhorn... the comes Rhydon, then Rhyperior... yeah, that's one bad boy there." Mack always has the habit of pulling pokemon information from his memory so he can never forget at all.

He open his eye's and looks back at Blake, he smiles, as say's to him; "I can tell you have a great taste in pokemon, any more partner's adding up to this guy?"

Axew popped out of his hood and looked over his head, blinking.

"Two dragons. Axew and Shelgon." He said plainly, an eye twitched with all of the nicknames.

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"Good, good. You just simply have a good taste. Well anyway, you can go back to your thing or whatever if you want... and don't even think on challenging me because I will decline obviously." Said Mack.

"You take care of them good... but you obviously know that." Added Mack.


Gold is using his pidgey, so Timburr and Mienfoo is a bad choice against it since it was a fighting pokemon. "ok Tiny, i think this is your turn" he throw his pokeball and Golett come from inside it. "use defense curl! focus on your defense then counter him!" Hibiki yelled to his Golett.

Blake looked at the other boy, with narrowed eyes, then sighed and walked off, grabbing Crash and dragging him off, somehow. The Rhyhorn looked at Mack and smiled, not even caring about being dragged away.

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