Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

Hal shakes himself out of his current state and steps inside the Topaz facility. Looking around, he sees a couple trainers talking with eachother, but not much else. He and Combo start walking around aimlessly, both still a littly groggy from just waking up
Jerome saw one of the new kids walk over and talk to professor amethyst. He heard how he was a student that was looking to join her class. "I'm sorry I couldn't help but over hear. Your going to be joining the research project, I am assistant jerome. I am studying the connection that a nine tails has with their tail, and how they can live for so long, and also studying the connection between nine tails and the trainer."
Professor Amethyst chuckled softly as the boys excitement. Before noticing the strangely colored Whismur. "Ah is this your pokemon? I've never seen one with such unique coloring before." She said finding the little affectionate pokemon interesting and endearing.
Henry had got out of his original class do to changes in the curriculum he could still learn hands on for coordination but would be learning the art of battling as well maybe even going to do some research of the native pokemon. "Aria come on were going" he whispered to her. The class must be over but its beater to be safe then sorry even though he found the classroom to be quite empty "hmmm they must of went somewhere else" he sat near what seemed to be Hibiki's jacket witch had a tear in it. "Ill take this for now and mend it for him later" He then rushed twords the one of many gyms.
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Realizing that there's a chance Surota may not win, she became less happy about the battle. "Okay Cross! Let's start our battle. Go Renegade" She said to her Deino, so that he could get ready.

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The Pikachu was moving with elite speed, running up to Deino, the black zero on his head creased as his face became determined. Quickly, the electric type jumped and used Deino's head as a spring board of sorts and jumped even higher over it. It's paws began to glow, and with a cry, it smashed its fists straight on Deino, then ran away. "Brick Break." Cross murmured, looking at Surota and waiting for her move.


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After being phased for a bit, Deino was ready to attack. "Renegade, Earth Power!" "Dein!" Deino unleashed a battle cry and he stomped into the ground and a sense of power appeared in his expression as hot rocks shot up from all over the battle field.

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Another motion and the Pikachu jumped up in the air and ran underneath Deino. Then it waited. The earth power was directed at it, so when the earth threatened to explode on him, it hit Deino too. In addition, the Pikachu used the upward motion to jab Deino in the stomach with Brick Break again.

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Deino was hurt, but he wasn't going to give up. "Use Fire Fang!" Deino darted at Pikachu and latched onto him with razor blades for fangs, bursting into fire.

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The Pokemon squeaked and started to frantically bash Deino on the head with Brick Break, burns getting worse. Sometimes it missed, but it was very accurate. Electricity arches off of Pikachu and straight down into Deino, paralyzing it. "Static." Cross said, looking at Pikachu.


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Stone watched Cross and Surota fight silently. While Deino was resilient, it had hit its limit. One more hit and the battle would be over. Stone put a hand in his pocket, grasping a sitrus berry. Deino would need it. He felt the Garchomp at his belt shaking in its ball raring to help the other dragon type.
Renegade was paralyzed, and very weak at this point, but still wasn't going to give up. "Come on Renegade!" She said as he collapsed. "Renegade!" She yelled as she rushed over to him.

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(OOC: I fixed it, @King Of Imagination)
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Pikachu slid away from Deino, then ran back to Trainer, and jumped into her backpack. Afterwards, he jumped out with a Cheri and Oran berry. "Another win..." She shrugged modestly, then walked over with her Pikachu. Zero presented the Oran and Cheri Berry to Deino, a sign that he hoped they could still be friends.

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"Aww thanks, Zero, you're a little sweetheart" she said sweetly as she rubbed his head and took the berries from him.

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Jerome looked at his watch. "By Zapdos, I'm late.... I am so sorry. It was nice to meet you!" He said as he ran out the door. He ran to where the class was being held. "Did I miss it.... Did I miss the fight." He said as he bent down to catch a breathe.

@King Of Imagination
She gave the berries to Deino and stood up to shake Cross's hand. "Good battle, even though it may have been unfair" Surota smiled at her.

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"I suppose. That's just what happens when Stone pairs up people. Hope Deino's okay... You called him Renegade, right?" Pikachu jumped up on her shoulder, "this is Zero, you can probably guess why." The Pikachu waved and scratched the mark on his forehead, with a shy smile.

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"Yeah, his name's Renegade... And that's actually really cool." She said as she lightly touched Zero's mark. Surota then leaned over to pick up Renegade. 'I lost my first a landslide too...'

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"Yeah I don't know why he has this. It's just always been there." She rubbed his head. Her three other Pokemon jumped around her as they all congratulated the Pikachu on his battle win, Bayleef swinging her leaf around and smiling, Eevee jumped on Zero and squeaked happily, while Absol just sat by his trainer quietly. "How do you guys just manage to pop out of those things?"

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Surota smiled. "Haha; Renegade does that too, so I usually keep him out of his ball." She fondled Renegade's black head fur.

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"Yeah, I know, I do that a lot with this one," she reached up and scratched the Eevee's chin, "oh, by the way, since we are doing introductions, this is Cherry," the Eevee waved a paw and smiled, "Luna, my long time Starter Pokemon." The Bayleef smiled, "And this grump here is Graceon." She ran her hands through his fur. The poor Dark-Type looked around with all of the sounds. "He's uhh.. He's blind, it's a long story."


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"Well, did you ever hear a problem organization in Johto, Team Rocket? Well, they did horrible things to Pokemon. They had an experimentation facility somewhere, and guess who they experimented on? Pokemon. So, I don't know what they were doing to Graceon, but it caused him to go blind. He moves mostly based on scent now. Because everything has a different smell." She put the Eevee and Pikachu down. "Here, watch; Graceon, find Cherry for me." The Absol immediately stood and sniffed around, walked over to Cherry, who had run off a ways away, and picked her up, bringing her back to the group. "Blind, but he functions pretty well. Ghost types trip him up though, what with the floating through walls thing."


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Hal could hear the sounds of battle in the distance, which got him excited. "Finally some action!!! Come on Combo lets check it out!" "Coooommbusken!!" The kid and his Combusken began to run towards the scene of the battle. Upon arriving, they found that the battle had already been fought. "Aww damnit! Who won!?!?" He called out to the strangers. He hadnt noticed Professor Stone standing off to the side

@Surota @King Of Imagination
Surota frowned. "That's terrible!" She then went over and kneeled to the Absol and pet his head.

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