Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

Abby smirked back not letting the the guy intimate her. "20, 10 and 5..." she called over "Figured we can have a two on two battle."

@Ethreal Oatmeal
Surota looked around for her battle partner. "Stone said my partner was Cross? Who is that?"

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Vic nods. "Very well. Two on two it is then. Your name?" He asks, before returning Ali to his pokeball. "I'll be using, Umbreon and Nidorino. Both of my Mid-level pokemon. 18 and 16." Vic takes a step back as he waits for the girl to chose hers. They had to wait for the robotic referee as well.

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Surota turned to Vic and was shocked. "Wait, but you guys are sophomores, and I'm only a freshman!"

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"That's me, Cross Elm. Nice to meet you Surota. I'm a sophomore. I'll go easy on you, don't worry." She stuck a hand out to Surota, waiting for a handshake.

Blake nodded, "Now THAT is a smart Pokemon. Alright fine, shall we, Sneasel?" He knelt in front of the Dark-type, a smile on his face.


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"Oh umm.." She was slightly uncomfortable, but shook her hand. Her Deino, Renegade, was psyched for the battle. "But my Pokémon is only level 8, and I'm inexperienced..."

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"Abigail, but most call me Abby." She replied reaching for Hexs pokeball. "Alright Hex lets go" She called tossing the ball out releasing the gastly who came out with a happy cry. She smiled slightly seeing her pokemon fly around for a few seconds before settling on the field.
Sneasel poised itself, ready to strike. Revic, meanwhile, finally moved, finding himself a nearby desk to sit behind and watch the battle, his mind still distant and drifting. He had to show Stone that he was wrong. But the only way to do that was to beat him...
Being shy, she was a little scared to initiate her first battle, especially with upperclassmen. "Umm...I'm n-not sure I'm going to do this r-right, but I'll try, I guess" She nudged Renegade and he instantly went over to Sneasel, wanting to know if he was okay. "Dein, Dein!" Surota's Deino made a concerned cry.

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Ghastly. "Hmm... I'll be using my Nidorino first, let's go Rex!" Victor calls out as he releases his pokemon to the battle. Rex landed with quite a thump, ran around shortly before fixing his eyes on the Ghastly and growling.

"Renegade get over here, today is our first real battle!" Surota's little dragon type ran over to her.

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"Miss Peridot I'll introduce myself next my name is Henry Barnibus Salmine and this is my partner misdreavus i would guess our best skill would be our high charisma!" He then crossed his fingers for his last name to not be remembered as his misdreavus floated around inspecting what she would call 'competition' he then proceeded to sit down hoping for this silence to end it was driving him crazy.
"Well since you're so nervous, I'll let you pick your opponent." She pulled out two Pokeballs and held one in each hand. "These are my weakest Pokemon. I won't tell you which is which, so it's just a blind draw. Take your pick, Surota."

Blake looked at Sneasel and grabbed Axew, stuffed her in his hood, where she liked to be and pulled or Crash the Rhyhorn.

@Surota @SkyGinge

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Abby smiled slightly "You got this Hex! Use Lick!" She called out. Her pokemon swirled around in it spot a moment before shooting forward ready to lick its opponent. "Gastly!"

@Ethreal Oatmeal
'This draw could either crush or assure victory for my first battle. So I could either fail as a trainer, or follow my dream and become a great one...Umm... Right...No, left... no, right!' Surota thought as sweat started to form in her palms as she tried to decide which hand to choose. "I pick right" She inhaled sharply as she anticipated what Pokemon would come out of the ball she chose. She softly removed the Pokeball from Cross's right hand and pressed the button in the center to unleash the Pokemon from the capture device.
Zero popped out of the Pokeball. "Ah, Zero! My Pikachu." She picked him up and touched her nose to his. He looked at her and cried, "Pika!" happily. "Alright you've been waiting for this for a long time. Battle time, bud. Lets go." The Pikachu nodded and hopped out of her arms, landing on all fours.


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'A Pikachu... Renegade has Earth Power, so this is going to be easy!' Surota thought and smiled. "I will win!" She looked Cross straight in the eyes, a initiating the sign of a Pokemon battle.
Stone almost laughed at Surota's assurance of her own victory. Just because it has a type advantage does not mean it would win. He looked at Cross, a knowing crease in his brow. Deino was a dark/dragon type. This would be difficult, as dragon types were practically immune to electric type attacks, though not completely. And Cross' pikachu had a bit of an experience advantage. He was interested to see how things went with that battle.
"Sure okay. Pikachu, level 18. Lets have some fun." She snaps three times, catching her Pikachu's attention. That said, she made a diagonal slicing gesture, and Pikachu jumped into action. The Electric mouse barreled straight at his opponent.


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"Tch." Victor shook his head at the weak attack. "Absorb the attack and go ahead and use Focus Energy, Rex!" Victor shouted. He knew he wouldn't win this fight. Both of the damage welding attacks that Rex had would have practically no effect. With Double kick being able to do literally nothing against a ghost type. The Ghastly rushed over, faster than Victor had originally thought it could and licked Rex. The Nidorino shuddered and became paralyzed. Victor sighed. At least poison point should come into effect here.

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Watching the whole spectacle of Davis made him smirk, and he couldn't believe what just happened. It seemed Stone was all business, and no one would dare rebel against him anymore. That, and the way he battled was almost flawless. He was going to be a great teacher. One he would respect, just as much as his mother. Though he'd keep those comments to himself. As he picked an arena to wait in, he crouched down and whispered to his Cyndaquil, hyping him up for a fight. "Cyrus, you're not weak just because you're little. Go all out and show 'em we're the best! Alright?" He smiled at the small fire type, and it squealed happily just as usual. They fist bumped lightly and waited for someone to step up.
Gastly pulled back making a grossed out face as its became poisoned. "Poisoned... better end this fast." Abby muttered to her self. "Hex use hypnosis!" The ghost pokemon recovered from the initial poisoning and its eyes started to glow red before emitting several waves of red energy at the poison point pokemon.

@Ethreal Oatmeal

Aroura said:
"Miss Peridot I'll introduce myself next my name is Henry Barnibus Salmine and this is my partner misdreavus i would guess our best skill would be our high charisma!" He then crossed his fingers for his last name to not be remembered as his misdreavus floated around inspecting what she would call 'competition' he then proceeded to sit down hoping for this silence to end it was driving him crazy.
"Very nice to meet you. I can't wait to see what you have to show." She smiled knowingly before several other student introduced themselves. "Good, Good. Is there anyone else?"
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"bring it on Gold! but after they done ok? i dont want to interrupt them battling" Hibiki replied to Gold. He focusing on the pokemon battle and can't take his eyes off from it, he just too excited to do battle with other student. Every student is doing good at this battle it just not like they were a student.
Gold smiled and released pidgey " ok let's do this Pidgey!" He said while pidgey flew around above him excited for his first battle. Gold went over his moves and thought about strategy. "Gust and sand attack together would be great but I don't know how execute that right." He said in his head.

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