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Fantasy Primum Movens: Open! (Looking for Rebels!)

Naomi Marie ThalassaPrincess of the Marine Kingdom
Naomi, frustrated at how long the servers were taking, rushed to the nearest serving station, and took a glass ot water, and one of sparkling champagne for herself- God knows she needed it. She handed the glass to Aiko, taking the merest moment to admire her- she seemed to delicate, like a small flower that might wilt with the slightest touch- was this what her mother had called a "True Mainland Beauty?" Naomi saw that Aiko- Yuki was truly lovely, in a soft, almost diminuitive way, and Naomi couldn't help but feel a little jealous- If Yuki opened her small lips and asked for anything, she was sure to get it, small and helpless as she seemed. She might be more cunning than she let on. "Here, Princess Yuki. I'm sure this whole incident is just a petty mess that will blow over. Will you be able to see the Princess Evalyn dance? I am sure such an event will help to refresh you." She took a sip of her own champagne, draining the glass in a few long sips. The bubbles stung her nose slightly, but it masked how dry the drink was.

At around that point, the King made his announcement- seemed he was canceling the big dance and sending them all to bed like children. "Or, perhaps not. Seems this whole thing scared him more than it did you." She remarked with a wry grin. He couldn't be that shaken by one mere thief- the Arien hadn't even done anything! How he could let such suspicion taint this evening was beyond her. This was about a lot more than a stolen trinket- this was about the Rebellion, and Naomi didn't like what that might mean for the rest of the Ball. The whole beautiful event, ground to a halt by a mere 5 minutes of chaos. How easy the world seemed to fall apart.

Then again, was that worse than the Mariner way? They would have thrown a thief like that into the stocks and continued with the night, leaving the council to dole out a fair but just punishment based on their well-established system of laws. A thief would be sentenced to a few years on a trade ship, perhaps many years refining sea glass, but the court would go on. Was it better for them to continue like nothing had happened, as they would in her home, or to give the night complete pause, as they did here? An interesting puzzle, for sure.

Still, she would not let it ruin these last few moments. Smoothing the fabric of her fluffy green dress, she nodded to Yuki. "If you will excuse me, I myself may retire- I only just arrived in the city this afternoon, and it has been a long journey for myself. I hope your evening improves, and wish that tomorrow serves you better than today has."

"A pleasant evening to you all." She turned specifically to Nelly, with her sharp eyes and her furry ears- there was a small squeeze in her heart, and Naomi knew she wanted to befriend this girl- wanted to protect her even. The rebellion would make her a target, and she would need a shield. "Lady Lin, I trust I will see you tomorrow at breakfast? I have something I wish to ask of you, though now might not be the best time. Please, do join us- your companion Helbrecht as well. It would be a shame to miss your face after a mere day." Nelly would need a female companion to shield her from suspicion, and Naomi had always wanted a true bosom friend. Perhaps these two birds might be killed with one stone?

Addressed: @DemonKitten @Lady Ravenshade

Mentioned: @Unwavering Knight @Yandere Aqua
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Morning, it must be...

Ugh... Why am I so exhausted?..

... Must've been that nightmare I had...

Felix lie silently on a cold surface, thoughts rushing around his head... Today was the big day... He'd be scoping the ball out to see what was good to steal today... But... Last he had checked, he had gotten a rather nice bed in this hotel he was booked in... But it must be early, because he was awfully tired still... He turned on his side... Why was it so chilly in here?.. And why did the bed feel all stiff?..

Slowly, grudgingly, he sat up and opened his eyes. Not really taking much in, he wiped the crust of his eyes hastily and smacked his lips. That was one hell of a dream he'd had last night... Must've been nerves... He usually dreamed about large tasks he'd have to overcome... Opening his eyes once again, tired, he looked around the room, dazed, then made to get his clothes from his bag...

But... The bag wasn't there.

He looked around again. Then what lay before his very eyes came to a sudden realization.

That wasn't a nightmare he'd had.

He looked down at his "bed".

It was a wooden plank connected to the wall.


He ran to the cell bars which kept him imprisoned...

"What am I gonna do?.."
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Words stopped flowing out of Adalberht's mouth after seeing the guards come here. Perhaps this Nezzie person was suspicious after all. He looked nervous for no reason, as if he had done something he probably shouldn't have. His eyes moved back and forth as if searching for a way out, but all of that was concluded with a clench from his fist. One of the guards approached them, and evidently asked for Nezzie's presence. But what for. .?

He's really suspicious, if you ask me. I'd better watch my tongue around him, or. .

It was then that Kiefer's words stung the short guy's pride. He was once again reminded that Caesar's prince is no more-- he is now but a councilman of the Sea Republic.

"That is correct. We were on our way to the Opening Banquet. Has the thief been apprehended?"

Adalberht turned to Kiefer, his eyes filled with question.

"There's no point in going there now, I suppose the day is closed, by having that
thief disturb the Opening Banquet. I don't suppose you're too busy tomorrow to continue our little 'talk'?"

Whatever secrets the purple-haired prince had, Adalberht was dying to know. A revenge was needed, yet not one tool was in Adalberht's hands. It was now that he should gather resources, allies who shared common interests and differentiate them from ones that didn't-- in other words, his enemies. Kiefer could make a good ally, but Adalberht had to keep in mind what great risk he is taking by counting on the mysterious person. One second they could be allies, but the other second, enemies.

It was so for two individuals with different beliefs but a common goal.

@Pretzel Heart

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Buras was late, so very very late. It couldn't have been helped, though. A merchant he had known for ages needed some advice, offered him some lovely spiced wine, though it was out of season considering winter was well and gone, for it. He couldn't turn a friend down, especially when he offered him a gift. So he regrettably had to be late for the ball. Hopefully the king would understand. But come to think of it, he had sent the invitation to Mariam, who had in turn given it to him instead. He probably wasn't expecting him, so being a little late wouldn't do any harm.

And as far as he knew, it hadn't caused any harm, for as soon as he arrived he was told to turn around and retire for the night. He knew that he hadn't been the cause of this. He wondered what had been, but frankly didn't care at the moment. It would be the talk of all the nobles, and he was bound to hear about it from someone. Nobles were a lot like common folk that way, always willing to gossip about things. So he was set on waiting until the next day, week even, to find out what the commotion was all about. Except he felt the need to introduce himself to the foreigners he spotted. A simple wave, and a how do you do would have to suffice. They needed to get back to their rooms after all.

Then again, he did spot the tell tale signs of there being another witch in the party, animal ears and tail on a human body. There weren't many witches he knew of that would be invited to something like this. He would have to search his memory and ask around to find out who she was. He would find out eventually, someone would tell him, he'd remember the name, or he'd go up and ask. One of those three things were bound to happen, he could feel it.

But, again, it was the King's orders to retire for the night. So, off he went to return to the merchants house and ask a favor of him.

Nelly Lin

Miserable, were the events that had befallen the first evening of the sparkling Cendrillion Ball. But of course, such an exceptional festival could not possibly tarnish easily due to such a frivolous matter. Although there were those who had plunged into a pit of panic and anxiety due to the current happenings, the girl's hopes were lifted at the King's declaration and of the consolation he provided, until then the Witch had failed to recall the feeling of having a ruler as collected as he. By now, the royal revelers had started to trickle out of the Banquet Hall with the sound of drunken carousing chasing after them, Nelly had decided to linger by the lustrous trays still piled high with tarts and sweet morsels to be consumed. Now that there were lesser guests to frown upon her asking for seconds, stuffing her face with treats came as easy as pie.

What a shame it was that they would not be able to witness the princess's dance, she was ever so eagerly looking forward to experiencing the splendor of the choreography, her eagerness was akin to a child on Christmas morn, a natural attitude for one who had not once had a taste of the human dance and music. Never had these art forms been major in her lifetime, it was only ever magic and rituals, all the things Nelly had grown tired of.

Now, she glanced over at Naomi who was so generously tending to the Princess Yuki, if only the wolf-girl could be as tender-hearted as the Marine Princess. Her mother had warned her, that she was to be reserved, she was to be polite but independent. The girl was buried under the weight of her parent's decree's, they expected her to fit into society's mold. To come back to Lepumir a newer, improved person, but Nelly wasn't certain she could. All she could possibly do was don a mask and escape from the ever present tension of the rebellion and gossip of the ball. She had sunk into an endless cycle of running away.

With a lick of her lips to rid them of what frosting that may remain, she flourishes a smile at the young woman bidding them farewell.
"May you rest well Princess Naomi," the reply is warm and certainly grateful toward the woman.

"I'd be delighted to join you for breakfast tomorrow morning, do accept my deepest gratitude. I'm convinced Helbrecht will appreciate the invite as well."
now, who was she to speak for the Knight, Nelly would have to search for him in this dwindling crowd of guests. She doubted it'd be a challenge. Here, the Witch pined after Naomi's attentions, it would be lovely if the pair were to become friends. It would most certainly bring a glorious bloom to the already radiant event of the year.

Later on that evening as Nelly departed the castle in search of an inn to settle down for the night, in which she was fortunate enough to stumble upon, besides that she had also stumbled upon the Knight in which she had spent her final hours of the Banquet searching for, on his way out. There, she relayed Naomi's invitation to Helbrecht and then bid him good night.

By the time the girl was all tucked up in bed it was fast approaching the midnight hour, the wind whistled a dulcet tune that lulled her into a content slumber.

[Mentioned: @DemonKitten

@Unwavering Knight @The Succubi Queen]

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The March continues...

The feast was coming to an end and with it the day. To the crowd, most of the attendants, it was a festivity spoiled by the thief's intrusion and its implications. To the knight, lack of... result in his quest was not a thing he was unused to, the only difference this time being that he had dared to allow himself to hope. Such a brittle thing...

Enhanced perceptions were a matter of propriety moreso than awakening. The desire, the seduction, was always there. Having found something truly beautiful in life, the temptation was apparent to empty himself of anything that might have profaned its splendor. The result would be an epicenter that would dwarf all other concerns with its radiance. Conversely, when looking at other things, their flaws would be so much more apparent, akin to getting one's sense of smell back after treading for hours within flames and smoke, making the reeking stench of filth, blood and pus all the more penetrating. The danger would not be the disgust, but rather the passing of time allowing it to fade, leaving nothing but pity, equally doomed to wane and end with dim apathy.

Did his Lady not recognize him? Had he been found wanting?

... tainted?

... insufficient?

For a moment, the knight's shoulders sank without power, arms hanging slack off his body as the helmeted head stared aimlessly at the ceiling. A number of seconds passed before he righted himself, turned to the exit and slowly lumbered forth among the crowd of leaving attendants. To the careful eye, a noticeable change remained in his gait; a dragging of the heels, a slight hunching in the upper torso, unlike the usual uprightness.

It was only the bright pitch of Lady Lin's voice that halted the knight, causing the gargantuan frame to slowly turn towards the witch. The message for the invitation sent by Lady Naomi was registered with a twitch, causing the steel-veiled gaze to focus on the princess of the Marine Kingdom. Perhaps there was yet reason to hope...

"I will be present. Good night, Lady Lin." he responded, going on his way.

He was tired. He would sleep as he marched. The Call guided him.

Never stopping. Never ceasing.

Addressed: Nelly Lin @Lady Ravenshade

Mentioned: Naomi Marie Thalassa @The Succubi Queen

Rien Lapine

Evening | At the Banquet

"Unfortunately, that won't be possible." Concern came first to Rien's mind, then suspicion. An unfortunate encounter... Rien knew that the princess was quite prone to error at times, but also of how she so despised the propriety with which nobility is expected to behave. The princess had never liked the dance lessons he administered, a distaste which she made no attempt to hide, though others who had been around the Euthalian nobility for longer than himself had often told Rien that it was not him personally for which the princess held such contempt, but rather dance and other such formalities in general. Likely she's simply evading this dance, just as if it were another of her lessons. How like her; yet somehow... I am able cherish her despite her folly. It's strange, this feeling.

Rien had tried to stimulate the princess's interest initially; he wrote various complex and opulent dances based loosely upon the witch's curses which he had learned of in his prior years of study. These initially attained the interest of the princess, though such interest was brief, more the product of curiosity than of genuine appreciation. Thus eventually, Rien realized the futility of his efforts, and began to simply instruct the princess on account of his profession. He made this known to the princess, acknowledging that likely she would never appreciate dance anytime soon; their lessons became more lighthearted then, filled with much casual conversation and jesting rather than protracted rehearsal. However, though the princess was happier, she continued to frequently evade her lessons. As is to be expected from a jovial youth, upon whose heart is dalliance rather than politics, gaiety rather than war. If only we all could think as such; there is no suffering but that which is upon the mind... oh how I desire the ability to regulate it.

For knowing that no good would come of action, Rien decided again to hold his peace.

"How unfortunate." he said, addressing simultaneously the captain and the king. He attempted to feign concern, for he doubted that the princess was really in any dire situation at all. "Your servant does hope sincerely that the princess is well. The following month is to be so eventful indeed, but how great can anything become without its centerpiece? Alas, I suppose I shall retire to my chambers then, for tonight." He then turned to address the king directly.

"My king, shall your servant be required tomorrow to attend to the princess? It was my original intention to attend to some studies at the Viennese Waltz Lake; though of course the princess remains my highest priority, especially now, amidst this Cendrillon Ball."

My highest priority... what truly is my highest priority? Since coming to Euthalia... no, perhaps even before that... my self of the past is long since gone.

Addressed: @Pretzel Heart

Mentioned: @[Player of the Replacement Princess, Whoever Such Might Be]


Asuran Dorix

"Arming yourselves will only cause further panic." At the King's response to his inquiry Asuran barely managed to hold back a growl of anger. Who did he think he was, to put them in danger, only to snatch whatever possibility of safety they may have straight from them? His promises that such an incident would not happen again did little to make the Viscount any happier. If such an incident could happen once, surely it could and quite possibly would happen again. Sheer ineptitude was not a curable ailment, it would only fester and grow worse as time went on.

The early ending of their opening banquet was also a startling one. Despite the arrival of the thief, Asuran would've assumed that they would continue the celebrations nevertheless, with the problem contained. However, it seemed that was not case. Perhaps there was another of the undesirables yet prowling about that they had still failed to catch...

Without another word or motion of respect, Asuran turned and walked away from the King, fuming. As he did so, however, an odd sight caught his eye. The representative of Nezzie had returned, not with the Princess, but with a new visitor. The lack of Evalyn was unsurprising, considering that today's event was ending and she had likely already been informed, but Kiefer's companion was another story. He dressed finely enough that he could very well be a representative, and he carried himself assuredly, but he had a height that was noticeably below that of an average man. An odd feature, although not an unheard of one.

His accompanying of Kiefer immediately set Asuran on edge around him. After his less-than-stellar first meeting with the Prince of Nezzie, he would have to be wary of any who chose to side with whatever the Prince was looking to achieve. However, Asuran knew that this could be an opportunity for him: win this boy's favor, and gain an ally while weakening Kiefer's position among the nobles.

With that thought in mind, he approached the pair. With a curt nod he acknowledged Kiefer before turning to speak to the shorter man.
"I believe we have yet to meet. My name is Asuran Dorix, Viscount of the Dorimun Dukedom. I assume you are one of the other delegates? I would've hoped to have a chance to speak with you, but it seems that for the moment I must retire to my room for fear of being left behind. Considering we have not spoken before, perhaps we can discuss further over breakfast tomorrow?" He knew his introduction was brief, but staying further would do nothing but make him look odd. "If you will pardon me, I truly must be getting to my room."

For fear of being left behind in the empty room after everyone had already left, Asuran made his way to the door, stepping out into the hallway. Perhaps, he thought, this is the beginning of what will be a very, very fruitful venture.

@Pretzel Heart (Mentioned)

@FinalStraw (Addressed)
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Felix had never before known just how boring life could possibly get before this.

Bored, he sat down on his bench.

Or bed.

He couldn't really tell which function it was supposed to have. Yawning once, he got back up off it again, made to stride to the other end of the cell, then go right back to the bench thingy. This had been the enthralling things he had been doing for an hour and a half now.

"Maybe... I could just cut these cell bars with my scythe..."

He made to grab it from the depths of his now-tattered neckerchief, but then slowly slapped his own hand away with his other. Surely, these were magically reinforced, and if he showed that he had his weapon stored in his clothes, they'd take that away, too... Well, darn. It seemed there was nothing to do. He wished halfheartedly that he had a "entire life reset button". But he had dug his hole, this was his own d**n fault.

For a very glimmering hope at some form of entertainment, he picked up a rock from the corner of his cell and lied down on the floor. Dragging it in random directions, he made scribbled, random markings as a child might have done with crayons. This was so dull... And he hadn't even been here more than a solid day!

"I swear to god, as soon as I get out of this cell, I'm gonna completely change my life..."

But for that, who'd hire him for a clean job? Nobody. He'd have to change his identity, his looks, everything... But you can't do that, life doesn't work like that...




Does it?

Yeah, it totally does! How had he forgotten? He was a magical creature, he could change the way he looked entirely with an assortment of simple spells! This was so dumb, he'd been practicing that merging spell straight out of that book now for about two months... He looked back on the time he had almost even succeeded, last time he had tried it. But that wouldn't help him get out, the walls had to be magically reinforced against that, too...

So he'd have to spend his time practicing and planning what he'd do after he got let out. Or broke out. Or anything that involved leaving. Heck, he had nothing better to do... He reached into the depths of his neckerchief, as he had done so many times before, and felt around, before his hand met contact with a book. Pulling it out, he blew the dust off it. The title read "The Magical Book of Magic". He remembered the first time he'd bought the book- he had put it in his neckerchief, and by the time he'd gotten back to his hotel room at the time, it was gone. Being magical itself, the book randomly decided to disappear at times, only to reappear minutes later. It was confusing, but whatever.

He flipped straight to the index... Before figuring he'd need to plan what he was doing before he actually learned how to do it... He'd have to get a new name... That'd be easy, he'd do that later... And he'd have to change his appearance a bunch, but it'd have to be magically. He remembered grudgingly the disaster that had happened the night before when he had used hair dye. And he'd need different clothes that his tattered pants and robes... But surely, with just a color makeover and clothes makeover, it might still show through who he really is?.. Unless... Those clothes and colors didn't even remotely suggest him... Much less a male...

Oh great... Well, it seemed he'd be going as a woman for the rest of his life if he wanted to be safe and have a regular job... Ah well, it might be a bit interesting, he thought to himself... Going back to the index, he found the spell he needed firstly- the Palette Switch spell. Flipping to the page which was listed next to it, he read the difficulty rating first... Only three out of ten experience notches! The merging one he'd been practicing so much of was at an eight out of ten, so if he was already close to mastery of that, he'd most definitely be able to pull this off!

The spell looked simple... But he'd need to make sure it wasn't a fake, made to sell the book. Pointing his hand at the bench underneath him, concentrated as much as he could... And slowly, but surely, the wood started to turn a lightish-cyan color. Great! Now for a voice changing spell... He flipped to the index, then to the page of this... The "Pitch Switch" spell... Only four out of ten difficulty! This would be good... He closed his hand around his throat, concentrating a bit more than before, he gave a nice, long "aaaaahhhh". Nothing happened at first, then slowly, he heard his pitch start to go up. He stopped. It was perfect now- high enough to be a woman's, but low enough to not sound shrill. It sounded very nice... Dreamy, and smooth like velvety butter. But he realized he'd been attracting a bit of attention... He hastily repeated the spell, dropping his pitch back to his normal voice. Now something to protect himself, finally... His scythe was too commonly associated with him, so he'd need something different if he were to get in a fight.

He went to the table of contents this time, and went to the section on "harmful spells". He flipped to the first page, then started skimming through the spells. The one he used to light his scythe was unique- created by himself, yet simple. He looked at the first page. Too easy, wouldn't do anything. Next one- too hard, nine out of ten notches?! No way, he'd kill himself doing that... This went on for about ten minutes, before his heart leapt- he found one. It was a perfect five out of ten difficulty notches, and very useful! It was the commonly-used-by-Arian energy beam spell- a projectile of sorts.

He read on about it... It was unique, in that the shape, elemental energy, and manner in which the beam moved was dependent on the person using it... Well, he slowly put his hands together, pointing them towards the wall ready to shoot... He felt something build up... He braced himself for the shot... But nothing happened. It simply stayed there. He looked at his right hand. What the-?... This wasn't a projectile! This was-

His hand. Nothing but his hand. Nothing was there... He had not succeeded... Well, that would happen sometimes, he figured. After all, nobody was perfect. Trying once again, he felt something much more now... He pushed it as he felt right- then it happened. A ball of what seemed to be encased with a freezing fog zigzagged on a predetermined path while progressing forward, hitting the wall. The ball was shot back in a straight line, hitting him in the chest. Then he felt something freezing cold- it was covered in ice. Unable to move, he fell backwards onto the floor. The ice encasing his torso shattered all over the floor. He was, surprisingly, not hurt, despite a dull pain where he had been hit.

The wall, as he now noticed, was not harmed at all. He had expected this- it was magically reinforced, after all. That must have caused it to rebound on himself... But this was great- he now had a disguise, and a new manner of fighting for when he left prison! Stuffing his book back away, he sat back down on the bench.

He now had something to look forward to... Thank god.

@Pretzel Heart @Unwavering Knight @DemonKitten @wizard nibblers and everyone else.
Fairytale's Bidding

Once upon a time, upon a quaint and warm spring, an evil dragon attacked a palace. The beast killled all without thought, the royal family, the guards, yes even the harmless court jester. He had no special reason to do so, he simply felt like it.

Satisfied with the meal, the dragon sat himself down in the throne-room to rest, sleeping atop the half-eaten corpses of the slain. It was then that a little girl entered the hall, bearing a bare blade in one hand, shaking the great creature awake.

She asked “Could you please tell me where the King is? I have to kill him.”

Taken aback, the dragon answered “I already ate him.”

Hearing this, before looking down at the bloody remains, the girl gave a polite bow and a kind smile “Thank you very much!”

Puzzled by the appreciation, the dragon inquired “Why do you thank me, little thing?”

The girl replied “The King you killed was not the true one! My dead mother told me that he took the palace from my father! That’s why I had to kill him – to get my palace back!”

The girl spoke the truth. She was the rightful heir to the throne.

“Now I’m Queen! And I will kill everyone that let my father die.”

Hearing the certain oath, the dragon laughed in amusement “Very well, little Queen. Then I shall bestow my power upon you and your sword.”

The pact was made. The little girl took her blade, slaughtered everyone and lived happily ever after.

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Kiefer Arlie Avescamp

For no reason in particular the prince delayed in answering Sea's question. Instead he held him a captive of awaited response, allowing the somewhat jittery guards to lead them back to the Dining Hall. If the child beside him noticed that their earlier route had been something of a false one, he made no show of it.

By the time they had traced garlanded walls back to to the castle's heart, the prince had almost forgotten the inquiry altogether, so steeped had he become in thoughts of the princess and the possible identity of the foolish intruder. Had the guard mentioned if it was an aria? That would certainly tip the scales in favor of a Rebellion sympathizer. And what better time and place to make a metaphor of a display than at the Cendrillion Ball's Opening Banquet? But if the Rebellion were ever to spread South successfully, it would be through carefully orchestrated maneuvers rather than some grand, showy performance that could only end in the perpetrators' imprisonment, if not execution, and a hardened suspicion in the old king's wily stare.

And that was the last thing the prince needed.

Not that anyone could ever rest a poisoned glare upon the poor victim of Nezzie, the frail, sickly young man robbed of his closest friend and instead handed a country of slaughter-frightened refugees and riled up Witches slinking through the dappled light of forest isolation to await their moment to strike.


How could anyone be harsh to such a one?

Even now he couldn't help but pass his eyes towards the empty chair that should have been Lepumir's.


Empty...as it would remain, for the remainder of the Ball.

But to train his gaze upon that point in the Dining Hall was to drag it over the absolute wreckage that had been handed down upon the ornately decorated tables, the glittering gilded walls reflecting the superfluous wealth and grandeur of the countless guests. The scene shocked the prince, unable to imagine such carnage having been brought on by a single rebel in such a short period of time.

To create such a fruitlessly dazzling display...the intruder must have been truly foolish.

Luckily, by the time the two representatives flanked by their two guardians arrived, it seemed as if the culprit had already been detained.

Sorry for my rudeness, but..." the prince turned to Sea, suddenly remembering how he had absentmindedly left off their conversation. But before he could proceed any further he was interrupted once again by the return of a handsomely dressed guard of a somewhat slovenly presentation.

The princess had an unfortunate encounter in the courtyard, and her tutor deems it best if she rest."

She what?"

Kiefer could not control himself, only them realize the absence of light that caused the harsh dimness of the room to bore into him.

The Princess had not yet returned.

An unfortunate encounter in the courtyard...did she mean with me?

So many unforetold things happening in such short succession and the prince was beginning to feel a bit lightheaded. But as powerful as the tides of Fate that dictate the random happenstances of the universe, his mother's plan was even stronger. And he had to keep faith in that.

Her Highness fainted in the courtyard, and now her tutor is attending to her. It was no great incident, no cause for alarm. I'm sure Her Highness will be up to her duties by the morrow."

But that's not right at all...she fled......unless she returned, to find me--?

Was his absence the reason for her sudden illness? So she had wanted to see him, had gone back to where their meeting had been so unceremoniously broken, to rejoin his hands, to complete their fateful dance?

Such satisfaction and hope welled inside the young man that he again prepared to give the child beside him a curt rejection. But fortune, ever aware, had other plans.

It was Dorimun, slithering his way over. While the prince still wasn't sure what to make of the representative, he suspected that the man was something of an opportunist. The way he was so eager to engage in conversation with the other representatives at the table's head, but lacked the friendly charm of sociable interest. And now his attentions were on Sea, only regarding Kiefer with a curt nod.

Well, it was fine if he didn't like him. As he had earlier discovered, it was perhaps even better if the other royals looked upon him with distaste. For surely it would all weave together perfectly with the countless other carefully spun threads of his magnum opus's grand narrative, the concerto that would see his people's victory, and the princess's hand in his own.

And distaste was a powerful tool, which exposed so many of one's own shortcomings.

Yes. Let them hate me.

Hatred made people weak.

That's why the prince had never hated anyone in his entire life.

Secluded in darkness, all he saw in the faint sparkles that day by day faded away were nothing more than toys and aspirations. Things to be coveted, to be played with, to be chased, to be used. None of them had ever drawn from him true feelings of wrath; only amusement. For what can one who is chained to solitude ever come to know of hate? It was a powerful emotion, but utterly useless. A passion that can only rot futilely inside the self.

Rather, for the prince born in night, those whom his heart should have been most closed off from were given all the more detailed adoration and care. The loving caress of observation from the shadows he could not escape. Peering out of narrow eyes into the beautiful face of ones their twin. Thinking that it was probably impossible to love someone more than he loved that figure, standing silhouetted in the light of the garden at sunrise, outlined by the golden paint strokes falling upon the cold fortress of Lundgren hours before most of the rest of Roserasia would even know to look for those brilliant hues, eastward as it lay.

And so he had never truly known hate. Not for that delicate reed blooming in the garden. Not for the cold father's back. Not even for the tendrils of night that held so fast to his every limb.

Unlike the festering of hate, his admiration for that person had burst from him in an eruption of self-corrupting flames. A crimson fire that had engulfed them both and taken their secret histories with them to become one with the grey clouds of the star-studded sky...a magnificent display after so long dreaming a false hope, the impossible dream of even considering that someone such as himself could ever attain to the eternal light in which those others lived.

And so in the end, it was a long-harbored love that had saved him.

Brought him this chance to become one with the only shining bridge that had ever extended itself between
their world and his.

Princess Evalyn.

That should be fine, Adalberht. After all, my plans are already booked. I have arranged an engagement with the Princess Evalyn tomorrow. But surely there will come a day where our paths cross again," he smiled the large, dopey grin that possessed all of the frail Kiefer's expressions but none of their sallow charm. The prince was in love with that smile, nevertheless. His own beauty, etched in the porcelain that calloused hands had stole.

Yes...the world was full of toys and aspirations. But in the endless rapture of the aspiration, there was little room to indulge in the quaintness of the toy.

With their rooms in such close quarters, however, the prince did not doubt that his and Sea's paths would meet before the Ball's end. And once he got the child alone again, he would have to be sure to make full use of the small discoveries he had made.

For the present, there were others to attend to.

With an elegant bow he made his way to the King who seemed quite preoccupied with worried guests as it were, but since the guard had specifically mentioned His Majesty's concern, the prince saw no reason why not to follow up.

Their conversation was short, however, and, making one last happy ascertation that the Representative of Rameria, in utter rudeness, never seemed to have bothered to arrive, Kiefer Avescamp, heir to Nezzie, the once proud Empire and only country capable of standing up to Euthalian rule, slipped away from the boister of the emptying hall and into the quiet coolness of the Château to find his way to rest.

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It was not more dissappointing that the four-eyed prince already had other plans for the following day. After all, Adalberht had not made more acquaintances along the day-- nor was he planning to. However, to get through this month, Adalberht knew he had to make more friends, not enemies. Only so would he achieve his goal of revenge. He could have not care less for the seemingly absent princess, nor did he care that she was to rest for a while first. However, a remark caught Adalberht's attention-- 'an unfortunate encounter in the courtyard' -- whatever could the guards mean by that? Adalberht just walked out of that very courtyard with the Nezzie prince, and the princess was nowhere to be found there. Unless of course, Prince Kiefer had met up with the princess before he came in, caused her some harm, and she was left with no choice but to run.

That explains everything. Though only a hunch, it could not have seemed more true. Was Kiefer really a possible ally for Adalberht?

Now, though, was not the time for that. Adalberht really needed some rest, he couldn't afford to be late for tomorrow's event yet again.

"Until next time?"

With thoughts still circulating in his head, Adalberht head to his chateau and sought out to have some rest.

Seeing how he still had no plans whatsoever for the following day, Adalberht will just go with the flow. . .


100th Annual Cendrillion Ball ~ Day 2: Overture



Status Report

Date: Saturday, April 2nd

Time: Morning (8:00 AM)

Temperature: Warm with a cool breeze

Despite the abrupt ending to the once jocular evening, the merrymakers didn’t seem to be much thrown from their course. Still people laughed as they streamed from the Dining Hall’s many exits, though King Mutto thought he caught a new melody in those once relaxing sounds; a nearly imperceptible tension in their voices previously unheard.

Laughter like notes plucked from a string out of tune, warped by winding the ivory knob over and over until harmonic beauty became shrill unease.

Despite how quiet the Rebellion had been for nearly a year...had it finally found its way South? Through the foolish stumbling of a single infiltrator?

It is fine, Rien. Unless by some miracle Our daughter comes to you for her lesson, you are free to enjoy the celebration tomorrow as you wish. We will be seeking an audience with her Ourselves.

As soon as the King dismissed the instructor Falkor finally finished making his way through the long and crowded room to His Majesty’s side. With Balthazar there the three could have a semi-private conference, seeing as most of the others had already done their boot-licking for the evening and were content to allow the wine to mingle with the awkward damper brought on by the thief and following accusations in leading them home. While the dog and cat arie were, as one might expect, infamously at constant feud, the one thing they could always depend on to share was their mutual loyalty to the King, and will to work hard in proving their staunch loyalty to him in the name of all arie. So as Falkor whispered the Majordomo’s large ears flickered in his direction, whiskers twitching as he took in the unsettling news.

Your Majesty, I do not mean to raise any unnecessary suspicion, but apparently there was an incident in the Courtyard as well. Signs of a struggle were found while the men were searching Her Highness and the Representative of Nezzie. Holwood should be investigating it, we think it might be related to the thief. But rest assured we will get to the bottom of it.

Though Balthazar’s mouth wrinkled as if dying to speak, his cool blue eyes instead turned towards King Mutto to gauge his reaction. The king's own icy irises shrunk, but his cracked lips didn't move.

Unfortunately before anything else could be said the tall weed-like figure of Nezzie’s prince approached, seemingly to seek audience with the monarch and ascertain his own health. Falkor wondered if he was imagining the dark flicker of the young man's eyes piercing into him from over the thin lens of his noticeably ornate glasses, but before he could pursue it further the prince, seeming in a hurry, made a polite bow and floated away atop the current of revelers.

Watching the slinking velvet-covered back retreat into the writhing bodies once more aroused the Captain's earlier unease. Many strange things were afoot in his castle, and he wasn’t about to be caught unawares like an idiot with pants around his ankles.

While King Mutto continued to muse over the new development, still steeped in worry over his daughter's immature actions that had impeded the evening's ability to end on a note of contentment and delight, Falkor asked for permission to retire, voicing his desire to check upon the captured thief. Obtaining permission, the Captain faded from the wilting party into the darkness of the dungeon where the troublesome intruder was being kept.

✥ ✥ ✥

The guards who had brought the alleged thief to his cell were certainly in no mood to be dealing with an arien troublemaker. Holwood had been the one to choose who would be on duty in protecting the Dining Hall, and had, for one reason or another, selected a mostly human cast. Falkor suspected that by excluding the visibility of arien knights, it would only make the furred and feathered leaders all the more brilliant in their outstanding tenacity, but as he had other duties to attend to, had never questioned his Commander about it.

Now the small squadron who had indulged their own fair share of alcohol in celebration of the Ball had been cruelly ripped from their revelry to attend to some furried rapscallion. While they guided the prisoner through the many twists and turns of the labyrinthine passageways spread like a spiderweb underneath Waltz Castle, streams of wine-tinged insults left their lips, as harmless as they were harsh in their obvious dislike of having to play babysitter while their mates were enjoying noblewomens’ companies. To think someone would have the gall to attack the very heart of Euthalia during the Cendrillion Ball!

It was as audacious as it was moronic. As the Ball stood for a world-wide message of unity and peace, crime was always at its lowest during the month of April with its promises of long dances and flights of fancy between nobles and commoners alike. Sure, there were a few drunken brawls to be broken up, some tourists who needed to be taught a few lessons in Euthalian etiquette, but never anything as outlandish as storming the opening ceremonies.

Not in the guards' short lifetimes, at least.

Impatient and bitter the men had done little to secure what they perceived to be a nonexistent threat. The scythe the thief had displayed in attacking one of them was confiscated, of course, but left carelessly on the jailer's rack where the great dungeon’s keys were also laid. Otherwise the arien was left unchecked, and, refusing to let a senseless rapscallion spoil their evening, the squadron played sticks until a loser was declared, left behind to remain as sole guard.

But even he, after a few more half-hearted insults, felt the late hours and the long day of running around in preparation catch up to him, falling into an almost comatose sleep.

And this was the scene Falkor discovered. The entrance to Walt Castle’s dungeons was little known outside of the knights and the lads and ladies who could charm it out of them. The passageways built throughout the castle’s foundation leading back all the way to the last days of the Empire were almost impossible to fully navigate, with the only map held by the royal family and only imparted in small sections to chosen guards. This helped as a sort of surety against would-be escapees.

Not that Waltz Castle commonly held many prisoners. Most who were lead to the dungeon only knew a few nights of the cold and dirty stone before their meeting with the executioner’s blade.

As Captain of the Guard, however, Falkor could traverse many of the maze-like corridors in his sleep. But as he wandered his long furred ears picked up a most unusual sound. A faint melody echoing all the way back to his childhood in the village...

The soft music of arien magic.

Quickening his pace his keen ears were accosted by a strange boom coming from the cellblock.

The last thing he needed was another slip-up.

Stop, in the name of---!

As he burst into the area where most of the cells were held, Falkor was most surprised by what he saw. One of his own trainees slumped over the floor, and on the other sides of the bars an aria he was almost certain he had never laid eyes on before.

But as he had admittedly been more focused on confirming the Princess’s safety as he had left others to detain the intruder, Falkor couldn’t be sure if he had ever gotten a good look at them or not.

Rousing the guard with a stern lecture, he also gave a terse speech to the one behind bars.

I think you’ve done quite enough damage for one evening, so try and behave yourself. My comrade will likely be here in the morning to interrogate you. And let’s just say...he has rather sharp talons. And an even sharper eye for trouble. It will go over better for you to submit quietly to the investigation. Better for you...and for our kind.

Letting an uncharacteristic shadow cross his face, the Captain turned on his heels and made to exit.

After all, no one escapes from Waltz Castle. And even if they did...who would want an enemy of the Euthalian Court?” 

With this omen the Captain finally took his leave. There would be punishment for the squadron in handling such an important cleanup job so sloppily, but as Falkor was rather sympathetic to his hardworking men who deserved more than anyone to enjoy the relaxation of the Ball, perhaps nothing too severe.

Arie or not, Falkor was their much beloved Captain, after all.

At last the aria emerged onto an empty courtyard, the Banquet's contents having been spilled out of the castle on onto Saint Lyon's streets. As he made his way to the barracks his mind framed an image of the city putting itself to an unsteady rest, only to awake to repeat the day's follies in the oncoming cycle of never-ending tomorrows.

✥ ✥ ✥

Dawn draped itself across the kingdom as unhurriedly as it had the day before and countless mornings prior stretching further back into history than recorded word, than even humanity as a species itself, could recall. Nature, completely unaffected by the turmoils of the systems built upon its rich soil and hard rock, pressing forward to a new day with an obstinate calm beauty. Flowers revealed to daybreak multicolored petals unfurling to the melody of bird songs. Their tiny chirps echoed powerfully deep in the heart of Foxtrot Forest, where arien communities were already humming with the constant magic that guided their residents through the humdrum of the day's chores.

In the more settled part of Saint Lyon, hawkers were already setting up caravans in Samba Square, getting into arguments with the high class Magical Accessory shops over land space between shouting at passing early risers and potential customers. As the Traveling Market was well on its way to opening, the square was most bustling than ever, with the throbbing of human and arien bodies creating steam from the cool damp morning air.

And at the top of it all, from the highest point in Saint Lyon at the zenith of the tall hill upon which Waltz Castle had been built, King Mutto opened heavy eyes. The representatives, he had been notified, had all found their way to their lodgings in the Château. Despite the many rumors that had blossomed from the previous night's turmoil, there had been no cries of outrage against him. No enraged merchants banging on his doors.

Only the haunting melody of birds, like a swan song for a kingdom on the brink of...something.

And yet, it was...strangely peaceful.

Breakfast would be set out for all the honored guests, and after that, it was a free day. One of the last for a while, as the month of the Ball had become so crammed with events. On top of the traditional activities that had been celebrated for decades, there were plenty of businesses keen to encroach upon the rampant tourism in gaining a name for themselves, holding smaller tournaments and celebrations throughout Saint Lyon. Even King Mutto himself could scarcely keep track of it all.

Well, he had never been much of the celebratory type.

Especially not with so much weighing down his thoughts.

Yes. Let them all convene for breakfast. And then it's high time that I have a little chat with my daughter.

Rise and Shine

Finally Day 2! The 'Status' information for the day is there to your benefit, and the calendar in the 'Overview' tab has been updated. For your post please have your character meet for breakfast once more in the Dining Hall to figure out which location they will travel to. Remember, you can only choose one, and a scene will be set with an event for you based on your choice. The breakfast is meant only as a meeting place to get your characters set up into parties. It is not another banquet, so no need to dally once you figure out where you are going.

If you are not invited to the breakfast or missed the Banquet altogether, please situate your character in one of the locations chosen by one of the others in a way that makes sense. Ideally no one will be alone for their event.

Once again the following are currently closed or just 'unofficially off limits':

-Tango Gardens

-Chachacha Arena

-Cendrillion Ballroom

-Dance Hall

-Paso Doble Amusement Park

Feel free to go anywhere else listed in 'Locations in Saint Lyon' in the 'Lore' tab.

Happy RPing!

@DemonKitten @FelixWrightwind @Beowulf @FinalStraw @MLAQTS @Spiritdancer @Yandere Aqua @The Succubi Queen @Rapror Augustine @Lady Ravenshade @ParadoxalPaladin @Unwavering Knight

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Hours passed in silence, without anything happening for a good long while. Bored, Felix had taken to doodling on the floor with the rock he had found earlier. He wandered dully whether he'd have to pay a bail to get out, or if that'd even be an option... Because he certainly want getting out on his own anytime soon. Perhaps the young princess would be able to help in some way or fashion...




The silence still continued. It's a pity, because he had half-heartedly expected something to happen on its own if he had stayed quiet, but alas, the only sound in this small cell (or entire dungeon, for that matter) was the soft scratching of rock on the floor, and the snores of the guard keeping watch on him. Looking up from his floor-scribbling (his neck was starting to hurt now from leaning forward) his eyes met with the sleeping guard's face. He really did look like quite the handsome chap. Maybe just put a hat on him and he'd look even better... Whatever, though, who cares?

Lying on his back now, he stared at the ceiling... Then suddenly, there came steps! They were getting louder, closer! He sprung up, just in time to see another handsome fellow approach the bars of his cell. Then, he began to speak... But apparently, not of freeing him... Darn...

"Interrogation?" He called after the man- "The only need for an interrogation would be to prove that I'm part of the rebellion- but I'm not! How are you gonna prove that I'm not part of it?! Surely, it's a lot easier to prove someone's involved in something than to prove they aren't! Honestly, now, if I keep telling you guys I'm not, you'll just call me a liar!-"

@Pretzel Heart

The morning-cold slowly waned with the rising sun, causing the citizens of the city to arise from their slumber, to take up their handiwork and celebrations anew, slowly, cautiousely trickling out of the warmth of their homes.

Many a pair of eyes were drawn in abject wonder as the armored giant slowly lumbered through the street, eerily treading onwards without emitting even a single sound, each step precise and deliberate. No clinking of interlocking plates, nor even the impact of his boots upon the stone-street produced audible noise. Soon enough, cautious curiosity would turn to disgusted disturbance as the gaze fell upon the small mass of fleshy matter clutched tightly in the knight's right claw, squelching meat filled with cavities and elastic ventricles, vestigial tendrils hanging off the organ.

The first rays of the sun shone upon the armor. Helbrecht came to a halt, starry gaze direct at nothing. A twitch passed the armored neck, a series of squelching clicks intoning as unseen muscles jammed into place, accentuated by a clink of the metal plates. The hand gripping the seeping meat rose, helmeted head turning in tandem to focus upon it, tilting slightly sideways in the manner of one just now realising what he was holding.

Without comment, the claw opened, disembodied flesh falling to the ground. Sparing not even a glance, underneath the horrified eyes of the onlookers, Helbrecht treaded onwards, his aim set upon Castle Waltz.

Uneventful was the way, the city just in the process of recovering from a night of carefree festivity in preparation for the next, though suspicious glares and curious stares kept on following the tireless knight. Passing through the gate after giving up his arsenal to the guards again, Helbrecht quietly entered the main hall, where already the morning meal was taking place, servants, nobles and guards mingling to discuss and plan the proceedings of the day.

Once again, the hidden gaze swept slowly over the attending, meticulousely analysing any signs of the presence of the Lady. Wherever his glare was noticed, eyes fell or were averted, the passersby finding the knight's judging stare to be uncomfortable, in addition to being decidedly impolite.

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Asuran Dorix

A weak shaft of sunlight filtered through the small window Asuran's bedroom, revealing the slightest dust particles drifting through the still air, a testament to the lack of use of these rooms. Not even the most thorough of cleanings could truly make a chamber feel truly lived in, and as he woke up and rubbed the blurriness from his eyes Asuran found himself staring into nothingness and contemplating this. It was a simple fact, not really something worthy of thought, but for some reason the idea of how lifeless even the most impeccable room could seem captivated him.

A rattle echoed in from outside the Viscount's doorway, snapping him from his thoughts. With a sigh, he slid from his bed and pulled on his clothes, knowing that it was already later than he probably should have awoken, and he wasn't going to be able to fall asleep again. Stepping out into the hallway, he checked around but found no source that the sound could've come from. With a shrug, Asuran pushed it from his mind. He had more pressing concerns to deal with at the moment.

The walk to the dining hall was a pleasant one, with the castle empty in most of the passageways that he ended up going through as he slowly strolled across the well-kept grounds in the castle. He knew that he should've been far more urgent in his movements and attempt to be as efficient as possible, but there was a part of him that urged him to just enjoy what he had at that moment, no matter who may own the land he stood upon. The relative emptiness of the area in the morning also allowed a certain calmness the permeate the atmosphere of the area, and despite his best efforts Asuran found himself basking in this quiet period after such a hectic first night.

However, as he got closer to the dining hall he concentrated himself upon the situation at hand and started briskly marching towards the de facto meeting place. Slipping through the doors, he found the room to be lavishly decorated, unsurprisingly, but also mostly empty; it seemed he had awoken earlier than the others, surprisingly enough.

In his free time, he grabbed a small bit of food and sat down, scanning the room and waiting for others to arrive whom he could converse with. Perhaps he could get a chance to speak to the new arrival whom he had had to rush past the previous night, but who knows. For the moment it all relied upon who showed up first, and what exactly they may want of him.

@FinalStraw (Mentioned)
Naomi Marie ThalassaPrincess of the Marine Kingdom
The previous night had been rather eventful, but Naomi was glad to awaken in her designated chambers. It hadn't all been a dream. She was really here- she was the first Marine Princess in countless generations to leave the Island- and she was at the Cendrillon Ball!

Or, the festival leading up to it, at least. And she had the whole day free from political games to explore the city and learn what life was like on the mainland- how exciting. With more energy than she usually exhibited in the morning, she rolled out of bed, and began to dig through her trunks, eventually settling on a light blue dress that pooled slightly at the ground. The perfect dress for a summery day. She looked over her luggage- she really ought to unpack, or recruit someone to do it for her. A valet would have been a bit of a help, but it was really no matter. She could probably easily hire one here.

She styled her hair into a simple, loose bun, not bothering to pin up the wisps of hair that escaped the large knot before leaving her chambers, making her way to the dance hall, which was again functioning as a Breakfast Hall for the meal. She spotted Helbrecht amongst the small crowd, and approached him, deciding grabbing breakfast could wait a moment. "Ah, Sir Knight- I hope the night treated you well." She said, giving a short laugh as her own quip. "I trust you found suitable lodging-have you seen Lady Lin? I believed you two to be traveling companions, considering you arrived together- or was I misled?" She had invited Nelly Lin and her companion together, and she hoped she would see both them there together- she had a question for Nelly, and she hated waiting to ask questions- she ought to know already, but politeness and decorum had held her back.

Today she would be free of all that. How liberating. She had plans to head to the market place today with a small pouch of money, and purchase whatever oddities struck her fancy. Also maybe a few rotten tomatoes to throw at anyone who got on her bad side.

But for now, she had to make it through breakfast, and find Nelly.

Addressed: @Unwavering Knight

Mentioned: @Lady Ravenshade
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Nelly Lin

For a while the lazily painted walls of Nelly's lodgings swayed and the angry dabs of hideous purple varnish leapt out at the curled up figure underneath the thin blankets, it made her eyes water and the room blur in her early morning daze and not to mention the after-effects of so much wine.

The groan that emits from her mouth might be surprisingly loud if it wasn't muffled by her face flopping into the embroidery of the comforter. Despite her muddled thoughts and her being an infrequent early-riser the girl willed herself to depart from the shield that was her duvet and unwillingly tend to her morning duties, with bouts of brooding and then fussing over her outfit with as much animation as a puppy with a bone. The show would've been far more spectacular if she had woken a few minutes later, Nelly was intending to wake early but unfortunately that was not the case. Now, she wrestles her locks into something presentable, a necessity in the wolf-girl's eyes never mind how tedious it turned out to be.


With her corset in place and her midnight dress, ideal for strolls, slipped into. Nelly's long fingers glide over the downy sweep of her coiffure, patting to feel the hold of this morning's pins. Tight, just how she favored it but god knows the amount of time spent agonizing over such a petty task. She couldn't help but feel just a little disappointed in herself but the pride in pulling off such a feat dominated much of the suspicion. The throb of activity during the Ball had lowered her usual attention to propriety, as flaunted by the shocking slit down the middle of her garment, from the waist to the neck. With a satisfied sigh Nelly flits from the inn in a flutter of twilight colors.

Her mind ran wild as the Witch, looking more Witch-like than ever, hiked up the trail of her gown and half strode, half jogged through the fabulous crowds of St. Lyon's and reached the dining hall in breathless disarray. An ordinary sight to behold once acquainted with the girl. The primary musing that kept running through her mind as of this moment was Breakfast.

And also what a sensational adventure to-day would be. As a close second.

Dark eyes swept through the few of the gathering guests of the Cendrillion Ball, most of which she was fortunate enough to have shared a few words in conversation with last evening and then to be invited by a Princess! The wolf-girl was truly overjoyed and brimming with liveliness this morning. Ah! There Naomi was now, and Helbrecht too.

With a bright wave of her fingers she greets them before edging toward the breakfast trays to sweep a muffin or two and then focus her attentions back to the pair in conversation. "Scone?" comes the happy chirp as she breaks a piece in half and offers each to them. She's not quite sure how Helbrecht would go about consuming it seeing as his helmet was , strangely enough, still situated on his head. Nelly did not inquire.

"Let's have fun, today,"
naturally, Nelly would make every endeavor towards fun today as this would be her first thorough encounter with the Euthalia Kingdom and it's people and she couldn't wait.

@Unwavering Knight @The Succubi Queen]

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Pain for Purity.

The search produced no results. Fragments of uncertainty settled in, adding to his growing restlessness. The prior day, hope had him vigilant for any sign that might be granted by Her presence. He had received nothing beyond an increase in suspicious glares. Yesterday, the towering, faceless figure had been a mere curiosity, an artifact among commoners, allowed into this vibrant world of lavish dresses and elaborate gestures upon the whims of the king just for the better part of one evening.

Now, after the public detainment of the arien thief, fears became vocal that perhaps the revolution had arranged for further measures to infiltrate the royal ball, one of which might very well be the so-called "Knight of the Lady" that refused to ever show his face, a flighty figure that some said had caused trouble in different regions and remained of questionable fame.

As Helbrecht remained in his spot near the entrance, frozen in place like a statue with his vigil set on the proceedings of the main hall, several of the female nobles expressed their anxieties in hushed voices, with their male companions spotting a good chance to assert their confidence by ensuring them that even if this faceless creature were to cause any trouble, certainly the amount of guards and they themselves would easily be able to overwhelm the lone figure. The conclusion brought stifled laughter.

Then came other, less hushed voices, speaking of how the unnamed Lady that this knight served had perhaps a very good reason to abandon and never show herself to him. Perhaps they would do the same if they found themselves perpetually stalked by such an eerie thing.

Helbrecht's helmeted head gave a twitch. He had been searching for so long without even finding the slightest trace. The thought that perhaps it was some fault of his own that would cause the Lady to voluntarily choose not to be found, preferring to avoid any contact with him... was painful.

Normally he would not be affected by mere words, single-mindedly focused on his quest as he usually was. But now, combined with his own growing disappointment, his emotional equilibrium seemed... compromised. This peaceful hall, filled with sweet words and soft banter, appeared poorer with his steel-clad presence.

At such points in his existence, when the weight of doubt and failure weighed upon his mind, he desired purification rituals. Prior to entering the city, he had chosen a spot, near the beach, where he had already stashed an assortment of hooks and whips, as well as saline solutions for just such an event.

Just as he was about to turn away and leave, a singularly striking voice came from the small crowd, drawing the knight's gaze upon the sharply-dressed figure of Princess Naomi, addressing him devoid of the usual tension he was used to receiving. In his disheartened state, her comfortable approach was akin to a light in the dark.

"Lodgings..." Helbrecht began with uncharacteristic absent-mindedness in his harsh voice, apparently trying to decipher the term "... a place to remain. The streets were sufficient. I only met Lady Lin yesterday, both of us searching for the banquet-hall, having become lost in the sprawling crowds. She aided me as I was in need, I would welcome further travels with her."

Speaking of which, at the edge of his vision, he spotted her, making herself known with a friendly wave while retrieving something from the morning meal's table before approaching the princess and the knight. Strangely enough, her attire risked entry to several vital organs, though perhaps risking one's flesh went along well with the risk to one's spirit upon celebrations such as this.

Side-by-side, the princess and the witch gave an interesting comparison, both dressed in attire befitting their respective culture and breeding, while also marking them as clear foreigners to Castle Waltz's brand of fashion, though their appearances easily allowed them to find entry in the established social circles.

Seeing them getting along so well was... warming.

With a light-hearted voice, she offered a piece of pastry, the foodstuff landing in the knight's offered claw. The moment the witch averted her eyes, the scone was gone, with only a few crumbs marking its former existence in Helbrecht's hand.

"Hail, Lady Lin, Princess Naomi. I find myself... at an impasse. What are your plans for the day?" There was a pronounced stiffness in his voice, the knight apparently having difficulty finding the right choice of words.

Addressed: @The Succubi Queen @Lady Ravenshade

Olympia Dolloway

Spring crept up as timid as a mouse. It embraced the world with tendrils of warmth and life, only to recoil to the bitterness of the passing winter. It was an unusually still day, dew specked blades of grass bent under a slight whisper of wind, and the hoarse belch of frogs reached the ears of the svelte women. Morning light bled through the mullioned windows pooling like sweet honey around the girl. At a mere glance she seemed to cut a solemn figure. But to those who knew her well, this was in fact untrue.

Olympia was far from sensitive. Nonetheless she had grown to be appreciative of the resounding peacefulness that came with the dawn of a new day. This arose from countless, youthful days in the sun, surrounded by the company of flora and fauna. Basking in the sun, the multitudes of knots and kinks unraveled, softening her uptight features. Tension drained like raindrops off the slanted roof of houses, banishing the less than fortunate events of the previous day.

The women was clad in a flowing dress that enhanced her hourglass figure. The tips were slightly damp from being trailed on the droplet speckled ground. In her hands she cradled an ornate, china cup filled with a herbal brew. Atop the table perched the remains of a hearty plate of velvety eggs and slice of crusty bread. Olympia breathed a placid sigh, days like this were made to be savoured.




Day 1 | Prelude | Official Business First

Hayato tapped his fingers on the table, eying the attendants who were of lower rank and assisted the official members who resided under the king. "We cannot just go ahead without the King's permission! Even with the Prince's say-so." A frumpy elder gentleman spoke from Hayato's left. Currently the issue at hand was the trade deal with a merchant in Euthalia. It was a fair deal and righteous, benefiting both parties quite well, albeit being just a small deal. "If we were to give them half of the herbs that would be more beneficial for us. Our herbs are potent. They grow strong in the wild with
our magic. Surely that's enough reason for them to be more valuable." The fox-like aria who was Hayato's political attendant hissed. Hayato leaned back in his chair at the head of the table and knocked his knuckles against the oak wood twice. "Enough. I've heard enough fuss. Tama, it would ill-mannered of us to lessen the goods now." The fox looked at the prince with outrage but kept his jaws shut as Hayato raised a hand sensing his mood. "I understand very well how hard you worked. We will be kind to remember this in the future right Setsuna? We shouldn't propose any deals without speaking to the rulers of this kingdom hm? Because then we'd have another fuss over it and then we would be disrespecting the hard work of the people who bring you food to eat. Is this right?" Hayato's voice was calm but the dangerous glint in his eye spoke otherwise. Setsuna, the older man, nodded and crossed his arms over his chest. "Yes, that's quite understandable." It was obvious that the man disliked the aria but he knew Hayato was tolerant of them and wouldn't cross the prince. "Correct. It's good to have friends in high and low places. What would happen if disease struck? This deal would be profitable then correct? I like our stores properly stocked. It's our responsibility to the people. Now then, I'll be taking the contract myself since it's such a minor thing and I have events to attend in Euthalia." Hayato finally smiled whilst Tama faltered. "My lord, surely not! I, or one of the other attendants, can take it. Perhaps even Tsuyama, your personal attendant can take it. You must focus on the ball!" Hayato waved his comments away and patted Tama's furry little shoulder. "Don't worry. I also have personal reasons." He walked to the door and paused. "Setsuna, I set you with Tama as your aide to make decisions in my stead in case father decides to continue to neglect his kingdom. If there is a matter of pressing importance, send messenger immediately. This kingdom means more to me than the ball. Do you understand?" Hayato questioned firmly. Setsuna bowed at the waist. "Yes, lord."

Day 1 | Prelude | A Long Ride Made Better With Company

With tall strides he made his way through Euthalia to the location where he was to deliver the documents. When he came upon the store he gave the door an apt knock and waited. Footsteps were heard beyond the threshold and soon the door swung open and a young girl with curled blond hair and slender frame wrapped him in a hug. "Hayato! How I missed you. Did you come to deliver the herbs I requested? Do you have them?" Hayato smiled down at the young girl despite his discomfort. "No, Renee. I didn't bring them. That's not quite how it works." In response the young girl pouted but released him, turning around to call out to the house. "Brother, Hayato is here!" Her bright hazel eyes regarded him flirtatiously and he adjusted his clothing, trying to ignore the intrusive feeling.

"Hayato? Dear prince, where is your escort? What if you withered away on the streets with no one to know to tell your beautiful sister what happened." A bearded man approached from the foyer and gestured Hayato inside. Hayato replied kindly, "You would tell her, old friend. How's business?" He questioned. The man, named Thomas, was a plain man with blond hair like his sister's and brown eyes the color of honey. He was a doctor in Euthalia Hayato had come to long ago to see if there was a solution to his sister's illness. He had ultimately had no luck but since then, the friendship he kindled hadn't yet gone out. Better yet, the doctor still continued to search for an answer but none of the answers seemed to make sense and usually left the doctor more tongue tied than before. Hayato followed Thomas through the lower part of the house which was a spacious shop. The upper part was the residential living quarters. Renee's spread tea on the table inside the shop area and Hayato took his sit, facing away from Renee's amorous gaze.

"Business is well. I have half the shipment you desired. I understand the issue with your sister but why do you persist on these quarterly deliveries? Four times a year you come here and I get to enjoy your company but why?" The gentleman mused. Hayato shrugged. "I like to be prepared rather than sorry. My father is never prepared I think, so maybe I try to make up for that." Hayato smiled as Thomas regarded him. "You'll make a good king with that old grump dies." Thomas huffed. Hayato shook his head, "Perhaps, but that old grump is still my father even if he's an ass occasionally." The prince reminded. Thomas nodded and was silent before beginning a new conversation. Occasionally a customer would come in and Renee would assist them. Daylight turned to night and drinks that glittered gold and dark red were pulled from the shelves. Light airy conversations turned deep and women retired to bed.

"I don't know what to make of it." Hayato grumbled. Thomas frowned, "The arie might attack anyday now. I know they are planning something. They aren't all good and cute fluffy magical creatures." The man slurred but seemed firm in his thoughts. Hayato scowled. "If you were persecuted for being who you are, wouldn't you feel the same?" He spat a bit angrily. "I don't think there's anything wrong with them. I think we forget how important they are." Thomas shrugged and rapped his knuckles on the table. "You are being naive. Not seeing the bigger picture. I'm warning you, keep an eye out at this ball. Lepumir wasn't the end, just the beginning." Hayato didn't reply but nodded, contemplating the weight of an inebriated overprotective brother's words.

Day 2 | Breakfast Excuses With Hangovers Galore

Hayato allowed the stableboy to take his horse and he strode into the Waltz castle corridors heading to the chateau. A small headache bothered him from the drinking he had done the night before. Thomas always knew how to stir the young prince up but he was glad he had caught up with the man. Sharing stories wasn't always a bad thing. Now, inside of Waltz Castle, he thought about his visits before as an even younger boy who saw all the sights as exciting and new compared to Greedo's greenery. Now, as the near-future ruler, he gazed about the castle with a new eye. The previously exciting sights felt more political and directed at the display of Euthalias' excellence. He felt a sort of bitter nostalgia for his memories.

After cleaning up in his room and adorning suitable attire unlike his riding clothes he made way to find his sister. His dark green suit with the golden thread serpent crest on his chest clearly displayed his rank and where he came from. Hayato confidently headed towards the banquet hall, eager to see his sister who he had not seen since he had departed the day before her own departure. He hoped she had not gotten herself into trouble but he supposed that was asking for a bit much.

Hayato entered the dining hall and was surprised to see many people on time. It was unusual for anyone but his own aides to be on time or even properly early. Mainly due to the fact that no one was ever sure if the king would show. Hayato stepped into the room, casually heading to make a plate for himself. He easily noticed many of the nobles from the attire and could see some of the national colors but he only knew names, not faces of many. With a plate of biscuits and a slice of ham, accompanied by a floral tea, he approached the table where he was sure the princess of the Marine Kingdom sat. Hayato politely cleared his throat and gestured towards the seat beside the tan woman. "May I? I would love to join your company. I find myself lacking in introductions of many appearances here today since I was unable to attend yesterday's banquet. I am Hayato Akiyama, Prince of Greedo. From what I can tell, you are the Marine Kingdom's princess. Naomi, am I correct? Perhaps you have met my sister, Aiko Akiyama." His smile was warm and he extended it to her companions. "Nice to meet you all as well."

@The Succubi Queen @Lady Ravenshade @Unwavering Knight @DemonKitten

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Nelly Lin

With a small but pleasant breakfast consumed, Nelly was in high spirits alongside the delightful princess Naomi and the stalwart 'Knight of the Lady'. Her roam on the way toward the Castle Waltz was a necessary one, in order for the youth to gain a grip on the ledge on which she was steadily slipping from, her consideration had wound it's way around the frail Princess of the Greedo Kingdom, what had caused her to become so unwell in such a manner? and what of the intruder's fate? not to mention whereabouts would she be exploring today? She'd decided to follow the majority, out of her own indecisiveness.

Alongside the amount of reflection there came an expression of her inexplicable thought sweeping across a once blooming face. Which, she imagines, would be incredibly unnerving to be glimpsed on a Witch as it drew a many a pair of frightened eyes upon her crawling fingers and canine ears. Ears she used to tune out wicked words that wiggled like worms with the intention of tapping her patience dry.

She really was doing them all a favor keeping the result of their remarks from them, it's a wonder no one has thanked her yet.

Yes, she had heard plenty of the hearsay surrounding Helbrecht, from the loud mouths of none that were familiar with him. Though neither was Nelly, but at least the Witch was in the right mind to keep her own concealed. G
iven that the man behind the sturdy armor seemed to be in a conversational mood, she assumed he wasn't much affected by what they spoke of him. It's best she didn't pry and risk the chance of shattering a possible friendship which she'd be contented to have with Helbrecht. Naomi as well.

The dark-haired lady gives a purse of her lips as the Knight brought his matter upon them.
"The longer I think about it. the less certain I become of where I intend to go," she lets out a huff that might be dry laughter, or an exasperated sigh.

"There's just so much I fancy to take in," everything is new here, everything glows brighter than the stories told from passing travelers back in her home country.

"I say, the Beach sounds incredibly refreshing, I think it ought to do my lungs some good being so close to the Sea."
A perky smile ghosts at the corner of her lips as she turns to the girl in flickering waterfall threads. "I suppose that must be part of how you are so elegant-looking," Nelly notes with a hum before her musings are distracted by the striking new face in the midst of the assembly of blue-bloods. At a glance the Witch couldn't help but to let the spark of delight tickle her sides at the so very personable prince striding toward them. The obviously blushing wolf-girl has a difficult time keeping her eyes from sliding over the impressive build that of his arms.

Lin hadn't been aware that the Princess Yuki had a brother, she made a note to read up on politics and relations sometime over the course of the month. She probably should've but it wouldn't be 'practical' for a Witch from Lepumir to be doing such a thing. Her flickering gaze sails back to Naomi, awaiting her reaction to his approach.

To avoid making a fool of herself, Nelly Lin keeps her lips shut and ears open. She'd leave the sweet, polite introductions to the pair beside her like the cruel wolf-girl she was.

@Unwavering Knight @The Succubi Queen @Namie

@DemonKitten @FelixWrightwind]

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Naomi Marie ThalassaPrincess of the Marine Kingdom
Oh. Naomi bit her lower lip slightly- she had thought they were friends. How awkward. Well, at least they seemed to be friendly now, as Nelly approached the two of them with a plate of pastries and offered them each one. "Oh, no thank you." She didn't eat pastries in the mornings, out of habit- sugar was expensive, and fruit was a much better breakfast option on the Island. "Thank you though, I appreciate the offer." She held her own little plate bearing a soft boiled egg in a cup, and an assortment of fruit. "Oh yes, Nelly, speaking of... I had been meaning to inquire-"

And then someone approached them. Brilliant. She pulled a lock of hair out of her face and gave an extremely short sigh- almost a huff. No escaping business for long. The young man introduced himself as Hayato, and it seemed as though he was Yuki's older brother. Where was the Princess of Greedo at this hour, anyways?

She couldn't fathom how this prince know who she was- The Marine Royal Family hadn't been present on Roserasia for decades- her brother was the first diplomat to leave the island under official business since the Marine Kingdom had been established- Naomi shouldn't be easily recognizable to a complete stranger. Had Yuki described her to him? Still, she curtsied- it was awkward in the airy fabric of her gown, but she managed. "Yes, Naomi Marie Thalassa, Princess of the Marine Kingdom. A pleasure. This young woman is Nelly Lin, and this man is Helbrecht- both are from the Kingdom of Lepumir." She gestured at each of her companions in turn. "We had the pleasure of meeting your sister last night- she is a very sweet woman. We were just making plans for the day, since we have no formal duties with the kingdom."

She turned her attentions back to Nelly- she couldn't ask her question now- with fellow royalty around. How frustrating. "The beach is absolutely lovely- there is nothing quite like salty air for anything that ails you- though I think you'll find my elegance is my only quality not drawn from the Sea." She quipped. Her nurses used to say the ocean made her wild- and indeed it did. The crashing of waves on the shore always seemed to light up that wild part of her blood. "But, I think today I will have to neglect our friendship and venture elsewhere- I passed by the most lovely market as I entered the city yesterday afternoon, and I would have wiled yesterday away there if not for my obligations here. I cannot resist the call of Roserasia's finest goods any longer- will you forgive me for abandoning you?" She asked, clapping her hands together before her lips in a gesture that almost resembled prayer.

Addressed:@Namie @Lady Ravenshade

Mentioned: @Unwavering Knight

Nelly Lin

Was it rude not to curtsy? Nelly's eyes remained transfixed on the Marine Princess who composed herself with utmost finesse, she was but a speck of a dying star compared to her, a celestial beauty guiding the lost wanderer. Besides, she had no previous training on ladylike etiquette unlike the Princess, in no way could she match such poise and grace. Her eyes crinkle at the corners as she smiles a curt smile "How do you do, Prince Hayato," in response to Naomi's formalities. She juggled the thought of mentioning the incident involving his younger sister to the Prince, it was something of his concern after all but the Witch holds a distaste for being bringer of bad news. No, she wouldn't bear it if anyone were to have a reason to fret on such a merry festivity.

Surely, the white-haired princess would have recovered after a night's sleep, it was only reasonable that she would be sleeping in.

Just then she recalled Naomi was about to request something of her before Prince Hayato had approached them, she wondered what it was and also whether she looked nearly as endearing when she was to issue an apology - likely not, but perhaps it's merely comforting to see a royal beg pardon from one such as her. What a funny sight it must be.

As the raven-haired Princess spoke of the healing properties of the wide ocean and happily jested against the compliment given, Nelly offers a a bright, bell-like laugh that flies from her lips and carries light and airy.
"I'll have to make it a habit to watch what I say around you then, the Sea is unpredictable after all," At the word 'friend' the girl's faint smile widens, were they friends in Naomi's eyes? She sincerely hoped so.

"Abandoning!" comes the disbelieving scoff, what a strange choice of speech, dramatic even. Nelly extends a nod of understanding. "Not at all, you go ahead. I don't exactly have a taste for material things." With magic at her disposal most Witches do not care for shopping "Besides, I found navigating the throngs rather smothering, I expect I'll go on a less hectic time of the month.." her words are slow as she deliberates.

"Perhaps we'll cross paths later on to-day, suppose I could join you then?"

@Unwavering Knight @The Succubi Queen @Namie


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The Princess of Greedo waking up

The time ticked by as the young princess slept through the hours. She wasn't normally this lazy on purpose, but she felt slightly drugged since she was off her medication. Aiko pulled herself out of her stupor and stretched before looking at the clock. She couldn't even recall being carried to bed, but someone must of done it. Formalities really. At least I was not left in the hall to sleep, she thought with a slight giggle. Her father would be fully embarrassed if she had been something that made Aiko relish with joy. Her gaze slowly settled to read the clock as she took in just how late it was getting.

"I'll miss breakfast!" she exclaimed as she tumbled off the bed to find her way to the mirror.

"Clumsy,Clumsy, Aiko," she clicked her tongue in the playful way that she was use to her brother doing when he found her acting out of sorts.
Brohter! Perhaps he is here now, Aiko became excited as she grabbed her brush in order to fix her mess of.... Aiko froze at her image for it did not look quite right. Her skin was slightly brighter and her hair... Did it seem darker? Aiko's eyes still remained slightly silvered and there was no doubt that her hair was still the same odd shade, but it seemed darker. Shaking her head, Aiko brushed down the loose strands. Unlike other princesses, she had no makeup on her table and no ways to make herself more beautiful since she never had reason to bother, but she felt a desire to be just as beautiful as the others.


"Well, I could maybe find a shop," she sighed, but even she knew she had no clue what to buy. Gazing at her unfamiliar reflection, Aiko felt herself warmed a little by the change in appearance. "Maybe it is the lack of poison that has finally allowed me to shed my skin," she thought with joy, but still she wasn't fully healthy. She could still see the ghost likeness in her shadow and the skinniness from her lack of nutrition. "Doesn't matter," she pushed the thoughts from her mind as she dashed off to her closet full of clothes she never would of been given if not for this occasion. Aiko tried to find something more suiting for going around the kingdom, but it seems she was only provided with the most ladylike of attire.

"Fine, I will try and find the most simple clothing item," she grumbled in defeat and she picked out a simple blue and white dress. Slipping it on, she realized that it was a tad short, but it would have to do. Her stomach grumbled and she slipped on some blue sandal like shoes. Aiko was about to dash out until she realized that it was probably a tad chilly and grabbed a coat to go with it before leaving the room.

Heading to the dinning hall

It was at that moment dashing through the hall that Aiko realized she had absolutely no clue where she was...again. "Is my story some sort of tragic comedy," she grumbled under her breath, but she really couldn't complain. She had barely wheezed recently and she felt as if she could run forever. Her stomach grumbled again which reminded her that she also felt hungry for the first time in years. Shrugging her shoulders and trying to push through the unbearable feeling of hunger, Aiko continued down the hall.

"Hello? Anyone around?" the small princess called as she appeared like a mere child that lost a parent walking down the halls. Aiko felt lost in the unfamiliar kingdom, but in a good way as she took in the bright golden colors and the feelings of warmth and love she gathered from the place. "The princess here must be very lucky," she thought casually as she wondered just how wonderful the lady must be. Aiko started to get lost in thought as she questioned if perhaps she might of met the princess already, yet, could not recall since she was dealing with her sickness, the thief and...

"The Thief!" She exclaimed as the walls echoed and she received a few glances from some passing maids. She should of asked them for directions, but she was too busy wondering just where Felix had gone. Her disillusion mind had caused her to completely lapse what had taken place last night.

"I can't eat! I must find that thief and get him out of there," but the question of how arose and she realized that perhaps someone in the dining hall could help save her friend, if you could call him that. "Sir!" she caught the attention of a nicely dressed man passing by. "Can you tell me where the dining hall is?" he merely pointed to the large grand doorway that now clicked in Aiko's mind. She felt slightly embarrassed as the man continued on his journey.

"Of course it would be right in front of me," pushing the doors, she entered the room to see not only all the royalty that could possible assist her, but also one person she had been waiting all yesterday for.

Dining Hall

"Brother!!" Again, Athe silver haired girl forgot all about her original reasons for coming here as she swung herself around her beautiful brother's neck. "I missed you so!" she exclaimed with pure joy at the only person that, for all these years, she had actually cared about.

Mentioned: @Pretzel Heart @FelixWrightwind

Addressed: @Namie


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