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Fantasy Prepare to Die

So, there's some character development for ya xD I'm only just now discovering my characters, and it's great! I never knew that Istella was inwardly that melancholy until I started writing it. And Tristan isn't stupid by any means, he's just not so good at communicating at the moment. He's actually very perceptive and intelligent, he just listens and watches more than he says. I'm beginning to love where this is going :D

P.s. Added theme songs for Istella and Tristan. :D
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Sparkstorm1000 said:
I apologize for not posting like I said I would... was busy. Regardless, I hope my post is good enough.
Hey man, it's all good. I like how Derrick's chipper personality is turning out, he looks like he might become the mentally sane core of our group xD
Stickdom said:
Hey man, it's all good. I like how Derrick's chipper personality is turning out, he looks like he might become the mentally sane core of our group xD
Great to hear! To be honest, when I started I didn't really know what type of personality I wanted for him. Yes I know, I filled out the personality section on my CS but, when I make those they're always potential character traits. I never have a set in stone personality when I make my CS. I do that so I expand my character throughout the RP in a positive light. I really didn't need to explain that considering nobody asked, but felt like it was needed. Regardless, I'm glad my character is setting out fine :3
Just letting y'all know, I'm still here xD Just letting Dante be a little antisocial due to a bit of writer's block I'm having with this one. I'll pick back up once our merry band hits the road!
Oh did she? I didn't hear that part, now I feel like a dirty dishrag, just dragging crap all around and stuff <_< xD
Yeah, still here, just kinda waiting for Ellie to show up and tell us the whens and wheres xD
Well, we could always think of some ideas for the Rp. Ellie stated everything isn't set in stone. Of course I could be remembering wrong.
I'm assuming none of us wish for this RP to die so while we wait for Ellie let's talk about random things... who likes avocados?
Pssh, who said anything about it dying? It's just hibernating for a bit, it's not going anywhere :3

And yes, I do like avacados, I like them sliced up on a salad with some balsamic vinegar. Yummy :9
I've been wanting to try an actual avocado for a while now. The closest I've had to an avocado was a Taco Bell burrito, not the biggest fan of Taco Bell but I was forced to go there.
Bro, just go to like Wal-Mart or something, they're like 59 cents a piece or something. That is, if you have a Wal-Mart, I'm not sure what corner of the world you live in. but any good fresh produce market should have them. Try to find the ones that are decently soft to the touch, but not liquid under the skin, those are the best. :9

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