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Fantasy Prepare to Die

Well, I wasn't sure if I forgot to mention it, but I'm out of town for the weekend, I'll be back some time Sunday morning, so Ellie, you can just assume that Tristan and Istella are ready to leave whenever you want to roll out (Autobots)!
It is? huh, never knew that... Oh well.... I'm not really familiar with what neflix has specifically, so I guess I'm not very helpful ><
If they still have Rosario + Vampire, that one's one of my favorites, actually. Sadly that's the best I can say, since I dropped Netflix some time ago for not enough anime ><
[QUOTE="Ellie the Knight]Watch "The Seven Deadly Sins" I liked it.

Watched a few episodes, not liking the main character to be honest. By the way, should I tag our two slackers in my next RP post or leave them? They've been awfully quiet... too quiet.. The're plotting our demise.... I ask this because I don't know if someone else wanted to include them back in.
Sparkstorm1000 said:
True... but that's pirating... Not a fan of that.
first of all, sites such as Kissanime or Justdubs.tv that have a multitude of ads are actually pretty legit, since they use the funds from ads to purchase rights to display anime, hence why they haven't been immediately shut down. They purchase copies of the shows and have some legal clause that says it's for entertainment/"education" purposes and they can legally display them, so it's legitimately not pirating.
Sparkstorm1000 said:
So, any of you fine folks have any anime you'd recommend me to watch on Netflix??
On this subject, I find Netflix to be extraordinarily lacking, but I prefer my anime to be Japanese with subs for the most part (though there are a few exceptions that sound better in English, IMO). If you insist on Netflix, you absolutely must watch Puella Magi Madoka Magica, one of my favorite shows of all time. It starts out a little cliche, but by the end, if you haven't had a major feels attack, you have no soul XP (if you can get it, watch the third movie as well, the first two movies simply paraphrase the series, but it's better to watch the show.) I'm a huge horror/thriller/suspense fanatic, so if you're into those types of action-packed shows, try Monster, Steins;Gate, Blood-C, Blood +, Hellsing (must watch the original first, and then watch Hellsing Ultimate). Unfortunately, I don't think any of those are on Netflix, but some pretty decent ones on there are ones like Durarara!, Hunter x Hunter (2011 version), Gurren Lagann.

I heard Yuki Yuna Is A Hero was supposed to be exceptionally good as well, but I haven't watched it yet (in case you were wondering, I've seen every single one of those shows I listed above, and that's only a drop in the bucket. Last I checked, I think I counted having watched over 150 different series completely through, about 3000 some episodes total, with countless shows started and put to the side to finish later xD

...I have no life -_- ')
And quite a few of those pretty main-stream shows that I've seen, I tend to find the lesser known shows because they are just as good, but classics such as Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Black Butler, Berserk, Code:Geass, Deadman Wonderland, Elfen Lied, even Full Metal Alchemist (Brotherhood, of course, the original had too many useless story arcs that never existed :P ). If you tell me what you're looking for, I can probably find you a list of shows you'd appreciate, I have a whole library of favorites that I watch again and again :3

Join the club, we have T-shirts.

Also, you might want to check out Black Lagoon if you like darker anime. One of my personal favorites when it comes to darker ones. Elfen Lied though.... *dem chills* but Hellsing is amazing!

And thanks for the piracy clarification. I feel slightly less guilty binge-watching anime now xD

Admittedly, my personal preference is comedies. I enjoy laughing at the hilariousness that comes from anime shenanigans. Though I do like the dark ones from time to time!
Well, I guess I should clarify why I asked Netflix specifically. The answer is quite simple actually, my family is the reason why we have Netflix, and will probably stay with Netflix for a long while. Some of those anime's you've listed have been on my bucket list for a while, but I usually forget to watch them when something else catches my eye... which is why Full-metal Alchemist original was stuck in a limbo for THREE YEARS... a good friend of mine was not happy for those three years. It will probably be another three years till I watch Brotherhood. Regardless, I tried watching Madoka Magica a few years back but lost interest in the first half of it. I heard it was a good series though. I'll know I'll watch it again, eventually. Gurran Lagann is my favorite anime, and will try to watch it once a year.

I'll have to disagree with you on Deadman Wonderland however. I honestly didn't enjoy it one bit. Not saying you're a terrible person for liking it/nor is your opinion wrong. I just didn't like it. Same goes with Cowboy Bebop... well sort of. I own the full series and around episode 20 but can't put myself up to finish it. Don't know why that is, honestly, I think it's a good show. Maybe I just expecting a grander adventure with all the things I heard about it and had my expectations too high for it. Though, I haven't finished it like I've stated and plan to finish it before 2016 so, I'll probably find it a amazing show once I'm done.

With the exception of horror (because I'm a pansy) and the... "other" side of anime, I really don't have a preference. It could be action, romance, comedy, I enjoy them all if they have a good story in it. So, I don't recommend you making me a list up x3 because you seem like a man who've seen tons of amazing anime I'd appreciate... not saying you don't have a life or anything...

Also, I wasn't trying to criminalize someone for pirating if it seemed that way. Also, thanks for clearing that up, much appreciate :3
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Hey guys. I been enjoying the holidays with my bf. I wont be home until tomorrow. Or rather later on today. His internet really sucks so after like 2 hours of loading this page I can finally post something. So yeah sorry I been gone D:
One Mean Ghost] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/5217-stickdom/ said:
Join the club, we have T-shirts.

Also, you might want to check out Black Lagoon if you like darker anime. One of my personal favorites when it comes to darker ones. Elfen Lied though.... *dem chills* but Hellsing is amazing!

And thanks for the piracy clarification. I feel slightly less guilty binge-watching anime now xD

Admittedly, my personal preference is comedies. I enjoy laughing at the hilariousness that comes from anime shenanigans. Though I do like the dark ones from time to time!
Black Lagoooooon... Yeah, I'm rewatching it for like the 7th time. That's a good show. I was going to add it to my list, but I didn't wanna overwhelm poor Sparky xD

Yeah, I'm a total sucker for dark and "gory" horror shows, I'm an adrenaline fanatic. And the usual "Attack on Titan is so graphic" or "Elfen Lied is creepy", I prefer the ones that make you think it out, discover what the true intentions are (coughcoughHigurashinoNakuKoroNicoughcough)
Stickdom said:
Black Lagoooooon... Yeah, I'm rewatching it for like the 7th time. That's a good show. I was going to add it to my list, but I didn't wanna overwhelm poor Sparky xD
Yeah, I'm a total sucker for dark and "gory" horror shows, I'm an adrenaline fanatic. And the usual "Attack on Titan is so graphic" or "Elfen Lied is creepy", I prefer the ones that make you think it out, discover what the true intentions are (coughcoughHigurashinoNakuKoroNicoughcough)
I like them from time to time, but most of the time, I prefer ones that get me laughing my ass off because of shenanigans xD

Though now and again, I love changing it up and turning on something dark and twisted xD
[QUOTE="One Mean Ghost]I like them from time to time, but most of the time, I prefer ones that get me laughing my ass off because of shenanigans xD
Though now and again, I love changing it up and turning on something dark and twisted xD

Oh my gawd, have you watched Log Horizon? It take itself just seriously enough to be interesting and have a good plot, but it's hysterical! If you liked Sword Art Online (I personally loathed the second season, it tried way too hard. They should have left it alone after the Alfheim arc, IMO, that was a good enough ending for me), you'd love Log Horizon.

Like, the last 3 episodes in the season had me literally rolling on the floor laughing, it was so funny. I haven't watched the the second season of Log Horizon yet, I'm waiting for it to come out in English Dub. I usually prefer most of my shows in Japanese, but Log Horizon just has the perfect voices for English, I definitely prefer it dubbed xD
Stickdom said:
Oh my gawd, have you watched Log Horizon? It take itself just seriously enough to be interesting and have a good plot, but it's hysterical! If you liked Sword Art Online (I personally loathed the second season, it tried way too hard. They should have left it alone after the Alfheim arc, IMO, that was a good enough ending for me), you'd love Log Horizon.
Like, the last 3 episodes in the season had me literally rolling on the floor laughing, it was so funny. I haven't watched the the second season of Log Horizon yet, I'm waiting for it to come out in English Dub. I usually prefer most of my shows in Japanese, but Log Horizon just has the perfect voices for English, I definitely prefer it dubbed xD
No, but it's on my list of shows to watch xD

I agree though, after alfheim SAO should have called it good...
Stickdom said:
Oh my gawd, have you watched Log Horizon? It take itself just seriously enough to be interesting and have a good plot, but it's hysterical! If you liked Sword Art Online (I personally loathed the second season, it tried way too hard. They should have left it alone after the Alfheim arc, IMO, that was a good enough ending for me), you'd love Log Horizon.
Like, the last 3 episodes in the season had me literally rolling on the floor laughing, it was so funny. I haven't watched the the second season of Log Horizon yet, I'm waiting for it to come out in English Dub. I usually prefer most of my shows in Japanese, but Log Horizon just has the perfect voices for English, I definitely prefer it dubbed xD
I don't mind Dark anime or Gore I just don't want to see intestines and spines like some anime does. As stated... I'm a pansy. I haven't watched the English dub of Log Horizon but I enjoyed it from when I watched subbed it had more of a game aspect than SAO. Which should of stopped on the first season...

But guys... then we wouldn't see an totally unnecessary love interest with an totally unnecessary gun gimmick... jeez (sarcasm) By the by, aren't they making a movie of SAO?
Yo team!

So I've been away all weekend partying and then fishing so soz for not replying!

I'm so sun-burnt T.T


is it too late to join in with the anime convo?

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