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Fantasy Prepare to Die

Sparkstorm1000 said:
I've been a legal adult now for a few weeks and I can safely say that I feel no difference...
Welcome to feeling that way for the rest of your life, man. I've been an "adult" for several years now, and I still feel like some high-school punk xD Just as long as ya don't stay a snotty-nosed little jerk (I mean teenagers in general, not you specifically, of course :) ), as long as you continue to develop a mature personality over the years, it tends to work out pretty alright :D

So, since this RP is going kinda nowhere at the moment, I thought I'd drop in a link to another RP I'm in that maybe some of you guys would like to join.

Rosewater Execution Firm

It's pretty chill, we just got started, but we only have like 3 constant players and the RP leader, so maybe another character or two wouldn't hurt. You'd have to think of a reason as to why your character is late for the opening interview, but other than that, I think you could just jump right in :D
I'll take a look, I'm actually in the middle of forming my own RP, need to get a lot of things finalized. I just have an idea at the moment. Regardless, if this thread show signs of life again I shall be here in a heart beat!

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