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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Futuristic Prehistoric Planet (Planet Colony - Character Sheets)


Pyrrha Nikos Lives On

  • Attention Travelers!

    "Welcome, Traveler, to the First Steps of a New Beginning for Humanity.

    As you embark on this journey, you are stepping into a pivotal moment in our species’ history. The Earth, once a thriving sanctuary for life, has become increasingly inhospitable, plagued by pollution and looming food shortages. Scientists predict that within the next decade, these challenges could lead to the end of humanity as we know it.

    This harsh reality is the result of our collective choices, but you, the chosen travelers, have been granted an extraordinary opportunity to escape this fate. Thanks to the tireless efforts of Bluebell Corp and the unprecedented cooperation of nations worldwide, a new chapter for humanity awaits.

    Together, these great powers set aside their differences to construct an elite space vessel, designed to transport the brightest minds of our generation to a new world—XR34G9. This planet boasts an atmosphere remarkably similar to that of Earth and has shown promising signs that life can thrive on its surface.

    However, this mission will not be without its challenges. By the time you arrive at your destination, many of those you leave behind may no longer be with us. Yet, their legacy will endure through you.

    You are humanity's last hope, Traveler. Your journey represents our resilience, and we wish you all the success as you carry the torch of our species into the future. Safe travels."

    In this roleplay, the characters are the last surviving members of the human race, thrust into a world where Earth can no longer sustain life. They are the best and brightest in their respective fields—scientists, educators, military personnel, trackers, and more—charged with the monumental task of colonizing the distant planet known as XR34G9.

    As they embark on this new adventure, the characters will soon discover that XR34G9 is fraught with peril, teeming with dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures, along with unexpected challenges that will test their ingenuity and resilience.

    While striving to establish a new home in this alien environment, they must also navigate the complexities of their relationships with one another. Conflicts, alliances, and personal dramas will arise, offering ample opportunity for character development and intricate subplots to unfold.

    Together, they must learn not only how to survive the dangers of XR34G9 but also how to coexist and thrive as a team in this uncharted territory. Their journey will be one of discovery, both of the world around them and of the bonds that will shape their future.

    1. Please listen to the thread owner. Whether it be asking you to change something for the health of the rp and our community or enforcing a rule, my word is final and I would appreciate it if you didn't fight me. I never aim to make this a dictatorship but I do want it to remain a healthy environment for all.

    2. Please do not attempt to claim a job or Lead role already being used unless given special permission by the rper who has claimed it! Duplicates are only acceptable if approved by both the original rper and the thread owner! (Weird rule but due to past experiences I feel the need to state it hehe)

    3. You may have as many characters as you like so long as you can handle the number of characters you decide to have. If you repeatedly slack with posts I will require characters to be removed from the rp!

    4. Keep characters realistic. Be sure to give it some sort of weakness.

    5. Please keep face claims realistic and respectful.

    6. Any large plots or minor plots that have to do with the main plot I would like to please be run past me. I want to ensure that we aren't randomly throwing things in that throw everything off the deep end haha. Small personal plots that have little to do with the larger plot can stay between rpers and I encourage this because it makes things fun and exciting to have surprises unfold.

    7. This will be an advanced RP so please be sure to write at least 3 well written paragraphs per character.

    8. As we want to keep this thread alive, you'll be expected to post at least every 2-3 weeks. I understand real life comes up so please just keep communicating with me so I know you haven't ditched. If I do not hear from you for a while and I don't hear back after pinging you I will likely remove your character from the rp and open their position. As I said, just keep me in the loop and I will try to work with you.

    9. We are looking to have characters be in their 20s and 40s due to the fact that they are supposed to be the top of their fields but still able to survive the new and untamed world.

    10. If I feel uncomfortable with a situation and ask you to change it, please do so without arguing.

    11. If your characters have cybernetic or genetic enhancements please include some sort of drawback to them, makes things more interesting.

    12. Please follow all RPN rules. No discrimination of any kind will be tolerated.

    13. More rules will be added as needed.

    (Character Image)

    Pre-Colony Occupation:
    Cyber/Genetic Enhancements:
    Personal effects:
    Romantic Status:

    All of the above is required for the forms but you can feel free to add more!

    List of Taken Roles:
    Captain (0/1)
    Co-Captain (0/1)
    Lead Medic (0/1)
    Medics (0/6)
    Dietitians (0/2)
    Scouts (0/5)
    Trackers (0/2)
    Head of Security (0/1)
    Security (0/10)
    Head Engineer (1/1)
    Engineers (0/4)
    Therapist (1/3)
    Zoologist (1/3)
    Stowaway (1/1)

    Note: Whoever takes the role of co-captain be warned that their plot is intertwined with the stowaway's plot as the stowaway is the little sister to the Co-Captain. We can plot this in further detail but just a heads up to whoever is taking the role.

    MORE ROLES CAN/WILL BE ADDED! If you would like a role not listed please feel free to talk with me about it! I am just brainstorming here haha! Also I can be convinced to increase the number of some roles but I do want to encourage people to try and fill all roles just for the fun of the rp. I don't want a ship full of security with no medics or the mission will fail the moment someone catches a cold haha!

    Sign Up: You're Here!
    RP: Coming Soon!

Reserved for my characters


Name: Kennedy Skye Morvo
Nickname: Kenna

Appearance: Kenna is a captivating young woman whose striking beauty commands attention. Her high cheekbones and lush lips frame a perfectly sculpted jawline that tapers to a pointed chin, giving her an air of elegance. Her fair, smooth skin beautifully complements the naturally rosy hue of her lips. Long, ebony hair cascades down her back in gentle waves, though it can easily be straightened for a different look. Her almond-shaped sky-blue eyes are framed by long, dark lashes, exuding both warmth and intrigue. With a slim yet curvaceous build, Kenna is both fit and graceful, boasting long, toned legs that add to her striking presence. While she carries some scars—remnants of her past and the attack that cost her arms—these only enhance her resilience and story. Her cybernetic arms, crafted from incredibly durable and advanced metals in shades of silver, white, and black, are among her most distinctive features. Kenna embraces them unapologetically, refusing to hide her unique identity. Each detail, from her confident posture to her radiant smile, reflects her strength and the beauty of her journey.

Pre-Colony Occupation:

Cyber/Genetic Enhancements: After being attacked and having her arms and hands broken beyond repair Kenna managed to scrape together the funds to have her hands replaced with cyber prosthetics. They make up her arms from just above her elbows down and in each arm, she has an array of tools for her job that can either appear through her fingers or become her entire hand. While useful they do have the drawback of providing no real sense of touch. She can no longer feel the heat or cold and has to have a dial on her wrist tell her how hot or cold something is. She will no longer know what it is like to feel someone else’s hand in hers, the warmth of her skin, the cold of snow, the pain of cutting her finger. It makes her feel less human at times.

Personal effects:
Romantic Status:


Name: Ember Celeste Oleander

Appearance: Ember is a woman who embodies professionalism in every aspect of her appearance, even when rising from bed in the morning. This innate poise reflects her regal bearing, a testament to her upper-class upbringing. She possesses a timeless beauty, marked by an impeccable profile, a proud jawline, and naturally sculpted features that capture attention. Her smile has the power to illuminate a room, while her intense glare can command silence and respect from even the largest crowds. She moves with an effortless elegance, a quality amplified by her fiery spirit and the palpable strength that resonates both physically and within her character. Ember’s warm whiskey-brown eyes hold a depth that suggests she truly sees the essence of those around her, looking beyond mere appearances to understand their true nature. Her chestnut hair, falling gracefully to her shoulders, offers versatility; it's long enough to be elegantly styled or worn down in soft waves. Standing at 5’8”, she boasts a combination of beautiful curves and toned muscles, a reflection of her dedication to fitness in preparation for survival in a new world. Perhaps most surprising are the myriad scars that adorn her body. While they might catch some off guard, Ember embraces each one as a testament to her resilience and survival. These marks tell a story of a past she seldom shares, a reminder of her strength forged through hardship and the trials she has overcome.

Pre-Colony Occupation:

Cyber/Genetic Enhancements: She has a minor eye enhancement that allows her to pick up on even the smallest of movements. This allows her to notice micro expressions and movements that can help her greatly in her line of work. The enhancement did come with the price that she does have slightly worse vision at times (usually after using the ability for too long) and needs to wear glasses until her eyes recover.

Personal effects:
Romantic Status:


Name: Sage Montgumary Warwick
Pre-Colony Occupation:
Cyber/Genetic Enhancements:
Personal effects:
Romantic Status:


Name: Brandish Olivia Rose
Nickname: Randi
Pre-Colony Occupation:
Cyber/Genetic Enhancements:
Personal effects:
Romantic Status:
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reservations & wips

Name: Maybelle Honeybone
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Role: Tracker

-Yvonne Honeybone (Nee. Elsher) - Decreased
-Ruth Honeybone - Decreased
-Oscar Honeybone - Decreased

Fc: re.shooting on insta

Pre-Colony Occupation:

Cyber/Genetic Enhancements:
Personal effects:

Sexuality: Lithosexual
Romantic Status: Not Available
Crush: N/A

Name: Heather Beausoliel
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Role: Medic

-Emily Beausoliel - Adoptive Mother - Decreased
-Rachel Beausoliel-Nottingbridge - Adoptive Mother - Decreased
-Biological Parents - Unknown - Decreased

Fc: George Pomogisebe

Pre-Colony Occupation: Dentist
Specialty: Diagnosing and fixing dental problems

Cyber/Genetic Enchantments:

Cyber/Genetic Enhancements:
Personal effects:

Sexuality: Achillean:
Romantic Status: Available
Crush: N/A
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Name: Agnes Éclair
Age: 26
Gender: Cis-Female
Role: Lead Medic
Family: Yvette Éclair - Deceased, Hatterson Éclair - Deceased
Appearance: With lush brown wavy hair curling at the very tips that cascades down her back, Agnes has thing eye brows and fancies elegant attire, often sparring gloves in everything especially due to her 'job'. Emergencies are Emergencies. Her eyes are hazel lit brown, plump lips, and often wears small butterfly earrings that come in different colors depending on her outfit. Her bangs are small and snipped to the front, sometimes like a curtain, but not too much.
Personality: Agnes sees herself as one to follow her heart rather than traditional rules-not saying she isn't obedient. She can joke around sometimes, but seems so have much more of a temperament. She's highly extroverted, and when spoken to, she'll speak forth. She is very polite and respects manners, but can provoke arguments and distasteful comments to those she despises or hates. It's kinda hard to be official friends with her,
but once someone is, be glad she's able to tolerate you.
Pre-Colony Occupation:
Specialty: Dispelling Poison
Cyber/Genetic Enhancements:
Personal Effects:
Romantic Status:
Name: Jing Yuan
Age: 29
Gender: Cis-Male
Role: Tracker
Appearance: His hair is wavy, black and fluffy that is often parted to the side. Skin is pale, and his eyes are dark brown. Well, at least one. The other is slightly grey. His eye brows are thin, and he has a button nose. His attire varies from modern to business, but can sometimes switch to just something more simpler.
Pre-Colony Occupation:
Cyber/Genetic Enhancements: With one eye being robotic, Jing Yuan is able to see / view things differently like able to see people (as a blue figure) even behind walls. This makes one of his eyes gray, the other staying dark brown, and helps with 'tracking' down people. His "ability" also applies to items, but they vary in shades of color. Luckily, he can see normally too, since he has one normal eye.
Personal Effects:
Romantic Status:
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