[PRE-ARC] - Establishment


Level 20 Mizard

"I reject this world and live amongst the nostalgia of a lost paradise."

~ Uro

Rumors have circulated for years in Megalopolis of people with supernatural abilities roaming the city, fighting crime and keeping the city safe. With crime rates on the rise for decades, it was a peaceful idea. While some took it as reality and hoped for these heroes to save them in their time of need, many denounced them as just an urban legend. Regardless of whatever rumors and speculation the newspapers tend to say, it wasn't so clear cut as the masses liked to portray it as. In reality there were no real heroes, or villains, and while some people did put on disguises, they were far from the colorful fanfare that people enjoyed imagining. Most of the time the popular belief of these "heroes" was over-dramatized, and their powers downplayed. It was as if people saw it as some kind of game. I guess that is why it came as such a shock to those in the city when the Price Tower Incident occurred.

Those who remember seeing the event, reminiscence about the angel-like feathers of glass shards that had fallen to the streets that day. A man who was eventually nicknamed Uro by the press, had supposedly held the police commissioner as his hostage for nearly two months. As the police search desperately for the commissioner, Uro revealed himself at the popular Price Tower, shrouded in a dark trench coat, a blue hockey mask (hiding his face), and his arms covered in scars. He gripped the commissioner around his neck. Though he held no weapons, he threatened everyone there as if he did. What exactly the man wanted was unclear, but he proclaimed that those gifted with powers should not remain in hiding and instead use their powers freely. As the building began to be surrounded by an army of police officers, a flash of light that seemed to have been created by Uro's unarmed hands, sent a powerful shockwave, shattering almost every window in the 159 story Price Tower building. After the light subsided, the Commissioner and Uro were not to be found. It was as if they were vaporized, leaving no clues behind.

The Incident at Price Tower marked the end of an era, where popular belief saw those who possessed supernatural abilities as hidden guardians, it wasn't until the mentioning of Uro, that changed everyone's idea of what was superhuman. Fear began to spread, as more and more superhumans took up Uro's creed. While some used their powers for crime, others attempted to work with police (most of the time disguised) and reform the imagine of a superhuman. This charitable work though came with little reward as the masses saw even these heroes as something to fear.

It has been five years after the Price Tower Incident, and Uro's words have never seem stronger.


The sun had set in the west hours before, and the various colored lights filled the city's skyline. Thunderstorms were predicted to occur tonight, but only clouds appear above, hiding the moon. Even though most of Megalopolis slept in these dark hours, some still stumbled by, others began to stir out of their beds. The ally ways, relatively abandoned during the day, came to life with nocturnal creatures: Drug dealers, prostitutes, fight clubs, the works... They all show their faces now that the sun dropped below the horizon. As the clock strikes nine, the common sounds of sirens echo off in the distance, and a static tone of gunfire can be heard closer to the docks.

"Ah, it seems the fun, has only begun."

Note - Some many wanted to start off almost immediately, and Wiz reassured me that I didn't need to have all my stuff completed to have you guys interact with one another. So I have opened it up for now.

Edit - Left it more up to you guys (removed the part about a bomb).
Alphonse laughed somewhere deepdown in the back of his mind as he walked down the dark street. Uro was a fool...He could not use his powers freely. Each time he did the evil would only get stronger. He walked down the same dark street he walked last night and the night before that for the past few years. His thoughts wonder off as all around him there is crime but no one really disturbs him. . .They know better then that. Back when he first came to megalopolis people tried to jump the unarmed kid who was wondering around in such dangerous parts of the city. But after a few glass showers and some thugs falling dead at his feet as he continued to walk people just let Alphonse be or Walker in The Darkness as he had become to be known for his late night walks. Alphonse ignores the crimes neither helping or stopping them. One time when he first got here he helped a female who was being raped and shortly after she was killed by a shower of glass that was not his doing. It seems he cannot even enjoy doing a good deed and that's fine. As long as Alphonse does nothing the evil he unleashed into this world will not show up. But deep down in the back of his head maybe he does want something to happen. . Maybe thats why he has these walks every night but even Alphonse is not sure of that.
The night club's music roared loudly and people jumped up and down in a frenzy of dance. Vale danced with the crowd and would eye from girl to girl switching to each dancing with them. This continued through the better part of the night and he would kiss each girl eventually. No one seemed to care what was going on since they all were drunk, on drugs, or both. The music was lined with newer electronica, dubstep, and pure hardcore transe. The darkness of this place was only pierced by the light of different strobe lights. As Vale finally found the most beautiful subject to take home, they quickly stopped into a alley were the had sex and he eventually began to drink her blood and at the height of their ecstasy he finished. They both finished and were on their way, he saw her off safely. As began walking he came across a younger boy that seemed a bit different, considering that he was walking around at this hour of the night in a bad part of town. Vale began to walk towards him to ask if what he was doing out at this time. Vale was troubled as a child at that age and felt a bit of nostalgia due to his own teenage troubles.
"Wasn't suppose to rain today?" muttering to himself. He takes a sip of coffee, the icy slush tastes awful but hes not gonna pay 10 more bucks for another cup of coffee. Frosts picks up his umbrella and begins to do his usual patrol in this part of Megalopolis. He keeps quiet and listens, picking up for any sounds of crimes being committed. Crime in this area has gone down significantly since he was assigned here. He smiles, "Probably because of what I did to that last guy..." In the distance he can here someone walking along the streets. "By the sound of their foot steps they don't sound too big. Perhaps a woman? Might be a prostitute, If not I probably should keep an eye on her. No one should be on the streets this late at night...I need to stop talking to my self." He tosses his frozen cup of coffee in a trash bin nearby and heads towards the source of the footsteps.
Alphonse stops infront of vale for a moment and he can see the child's whitehair under the hood and for a moment he stared into his lifeless eyes. He gave vale a weak smile and attempted to go around him to continue his nightly walk.
He found where the footsteps were coming from. It was a young man. "Huh..Well at least he didn't hear me insulting his masculinity..." He notices another young man coming up to him. "Maybe their friends? They really shouldn't be out this late." He begins to walk towards them completely oblivious to the thought of how they would react to see a werewolf like creature sneaking up on them.
A small uneasiness fell over Vale, "Uhhhh... Are you ok?" He watches the boy try to walk around and Vale places a hand on his shoulder feeling a bit more arrogant, "You should... Get home, it's dangerous at this time of night out here." As Vale did this all, he heard another's footsteps due to his enhanced senses. He thought it could be a 'gank' on him.
In a short instant Alphonse's expression changed as millions of glass shards from bottles and other sources on the ground(dirty alleyways ftw) lifted off the ground instantly shaping into needles and floating around Vale. Some of them pointing toward our "new" guest as well ready to impale both of them if need be.
"Well, that's new." That's a lot of glass shards he thinks to himself. "Um..." Would saying I'm a cop kill me or save me right now?. Oh what the hell. Who wants to live forever? "Don't ..uh..shoot? I'm a cop." Ready to move at a moment notice.
Vale was looking for the newcomer even though he couldn't move, he felt a slight relief at the arrival of a cop but still a scare to his very core. He could use the blood to counter the glass but, he wasn't sure what he could exactly do. He muttered quietly, "Don't shoot? I'm just trying to help officer..."
"Death . . . . Blood. . . Everywhere. . . . " he said with a pained voice as the glass shards fell to the ground and he continued to walk forward with out harming anyone.
"Trying to help? How?" This was a strange situation hes gotten himself into. Hundreds of glass shards pointed at him. One of the young men saying hes just trying to help, while the glass shards are STILL pointed him. "Wish my cup of coffee didn't freeze over" he mutters to himself. Then he sees the glass shards falling. And one of them walking away saying some pretty dark things."Is he alright?"
A Lone figure Yawns, rising from her slumber, in her stone grey lair, from her bed of dust...

Greyfire Yawns again, drawing in no air, as her Home is in a place there is none... She stands and walks over to her glassless window, and peers out across the Lunar landscape of Earths moon... quiet, and still.. reminding her of the Ash Desert of her home, which now seems so far away... her eyes then glance upwards, at the huge Blue and green planet filling the sky.

Tho her home is isolated and safe, there was no food, so she had to periodically go to the world of small, hairless pale apes in search of Nourishment...

She hops through her windowsill, leaving behind her more personal belongings(which likely wouldn't survive re-entry) clad in what humans would see as a Black sleeveless leotard, miniskirt, metal bracelets, and black knee high boots with steel toes.. And of alien origin, her clothes were designed to be as resilient as she is.

walking a bit away from her lair, she looks up at "Ee-Arth.." as she mispronounces it, and takes a great leap, easily escaping the moons gravity, and now flying at the world above, unaided, and very, very fast.

As she nears it's atmosphere, she slows, and flames engulf her form as she enters the world, anyone who would look up would see a shooting Star... one that can be seen periodically, almost Daily. Sometimes Later, sometimes earlier, but it is there...

Astrologers are fascinated, Nutcases say it's Aliens(and they'd be right).

But it is just Greyfire, a Hero without a Past, and a Flying Brick that shoots lasers.

She continues to fly down, slowing herself down, and exits the Burny portion of the decent.. her body shifting to terrestrial flight, which is alot slower, as she flies downward in search for food.. and she isn't picky.

Last time she was here, she just ate Six gallons of mustard.
A sigh of relief washed over his tensed body. "I have no idea... And I was trying to see what he was doing walking around here this late at night... Its not a safe place to say the least." Vale was a bit frozen in place still as he watch the boy walk away. He then caught a small glimpse of a shooting star.
Edward took the powerful blow straight to the chest, his healing immediately correcting any damage done and struck back. The crowd around cheered as he fought his seventh opponent in a row. Although his thin frame caused people to doubt his abilities initially, he was quickly becoming a favorite. With the ease of long practice, Edward dispatched his current enemy.

After the fight, Edward collected his winnings, mentally assigning more than half of it to several new games that just came out. Eh, I don't technically NEED to eat... he chuckled to himself as he left. His healing abilities kept him from getting overly weakened from lack of food, but it was still uncomfortable. He climbed up onto the roof of the building and began smoking. A few minutes later, several people climbed up after him. Again? Edward thought.

"Hey you!" the leader called. "I think you've been cheating. Nobody takes that much damage and walks away."

Edward turned around, smiling widely. "Well, yeah. Never claimed to be normal."

"I think you're going to give us back that money and never come around again."

"I think you're delusional."

The leader snapped his fingers and his goons drew guns. "Not asking"

Damn, I like this coat. Ah well, plan B.

"That's nice" Edward broke into a sprint, leaping from building to building as the goons chased after him. After a few minutes, he was cornered on the edge of a tall building, high above the nearest other structure across a small alley.

"End of the line, kid." one of the goons said

"Dammit, I'm older than you are."

"Who cares, just hand over the money"

"Nope" Edward smiles and takes a small step back, plummeting to certain death.

Down in the alley, the tense situation suddenly became more bizarre as Edward crashes into the ground, spraying blood all over. A moment later, the blood flows back into Edward who stands up and dusts glass off of himself.
Stops for a moment as Edward lands infront of him. "More....senseless deat-" Alphonse was taken by suprise as Edward began to return to life. "Out of my way he said as he stepped around Edward and continued forward.
Edward shrugs at alphonse's reaction. "So, do any of you know where I am? I kinda got lost and it's a bitch to navigate by rooftop."
"...", What the hell is going on is all Vale could think. He was so completely unnerved but, at the same time calm. His dumbfounded face said it all.
Greyfire floats around in the Sky idly, her powerful nose working to pick up scents, her eyes to spot clotheslines or the like she can steal a disguise from.. her black and grey appearance hidden among the night sky and dark clouds...

She Lower's to a ally far away from the meeting of freaks, unaware it's even occurring, having spotted some clothes a OCD spouse threw out due to wrinkles.

She lands, and pulls the high colored, brown longcoat, white t shirt, and jeans from the trash, and puts them on over her otherworldly(and Superhero-ey looking) attire.

Adjusting her hair to cover most of her grey skinned face, she heads off to find something to eat..
"Did you just fall off a roof?" Doesn't even care he got back up, he's just gonna roll with it. He's slightly surprise he didn't hear him screaming to his death. He did hear the splat, nearly caused him to go deaf.
Holding the Coat shut, she travels along the sidewalk, spotting a pizzeria, she ducks into the ally behind it to raid it's garbage can for anything that got thrown out thats Organic.. Dough that god dropped on the floor, out of date ingrediants, returned Pizza's, that sort of thing, she eats up without hesitation...
[/B][/I][/COLOR][COLOR=#008080][I] - My characters are still in the works and many have approached me about being a Pseudo-DM in this RP,so I will be introducing some stuff if I see the need to do so and as well control some of the higher level villains and anti-heroes if they are not player characters. However you don't need to rely on me for action fights as long as they aren't characters.[/I][/COLOR] As the alleyway filled with confusion after Edward took his death-defying jump. The regular goons chasing him stood in confusion above on the rooftop. [B]"There is no way he actually jumped."[/B] one of them said to the other, their assault rifles in hand. [B]"No, no, he jumped, you could definitely hear it."[/B] The leader among the gang of six of them said, as he approached the edge of the building. [B]"Splat. Shame isn't it, what will tell the boss?"[/B] replied one of the lackies. [B]"I wouldn't worry too much about that"[/B], the leader replied but he stopped talking and spat out his toothpick that rested in his mouth as he looked down in the alleyway. [B]"Well... it seems we aren't dealing with the average cheater." [/B] he said to them. Lining up his gun's sights to shoot Edward in the head, ignoring the others in the alleyway, [B]"Well, [/B][B][I]hate[/I][/B][B] to be a murderer."[/B], he said with a smile and pulled the trigger as several bullets rained down into the street below.
Alphonse snaps out of his trance as his emotionless state was disturbed. Hes forced to feel. . .Damn it all the other one will feel it and will be all over this like paparazzi and celebrity gossip. Alphonse quickly sent out his consciousness touching every single piece of glass available in this alley way and pulled it all over him and the strangers creating a dome over everyone and hardening it so the bullets bounce off. Once the thus run out of bullets he sends the dome back at them in the shape of thousands of glass shards.
//changed the post since I misunderstood alphonse's actions

Edward drew his gun when the shooting started, then paused when he saw the wall go up. "Well, damn. THAT'S a nice trick." Edward checks his coat to make sure it isn't damaged while the bullets break against the glass. "I don't suppose you were at Constantinople? 1136? There was this weird glass dome there that just exploded one day."
As the bullets rang down and the walls came up, Vale wanted to do something to protect himself and stop all this craziness. He looked toward everyone and waited for the wall to come down so he could exhaust his frustration from the previous few minutes weirdness. His prey was right above and he could smell their blood.

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