Pray We Return

Helia didn't recognize the man's voice when he spoke to Valen, however she wished he would answer her questions before she decided to cut his throat out as a punishment. It seemed like only a few moments passed before things got especially heated between Day and the Pumilo fellow, Valen was ready to kill and Day was not willing to play around for long, causing their fight to escalate rather quickly. Helia was trying to see how the man in black would approach the fight, however she wouldn't deny Day Bane, after all a knife in your back was sure to throw you off.

Helia saw Lucius move at the very instant she did, and both of them moving for the great saurian. Both swords were draw and the with a flash of light from the flames hitting their blades, Helia's blade hit the ground the very instant before Luscius's woudl have hit Day's side, had it not his Helia's sword in it's place. In one swift movement Helia had placed her sword to the floor, blocking Lucius's, and grabbed the knife in Day's back, before plunging it into the ground as hard as she could, she then turned to Luscius, seeing this was a fight of opportunity and not of swordsmanship like he had first seemed. With that Helia's mind was made up. Once a blade swung at her friend it was all over.

She swept her sword from the ground as she ran as Luscius, making a swing from the bottom right of her body to the middle left of his, being sure to keep her own body blocked off and safe from a counter attack, she rarely used overhead attacks because they left her torso open.

(First off, cheap shots at Day guys, i wasn't even HERE. Second, yeah im not all fancy with my sword fightign writing skills :/ )
He wasn't sure if she anticipated his attack or happened to move for the saurian the same time he had, either way she was no longer in the way, and allowed Lucis access to the back line. Once his blade had bounced off of the angelic's, he found that it was useless to dent her metal, for it was not of human creation, but in way he already knew that. Even so, he doubted that her godly backed weaponry would be enough to fend off his own skill for long, by the amount of equipment he had come across and used as well fought users of, he would know. Since Lucis was already so close to the saurian, the angel would have to immediately transfer into an attack. Lucis had bounced right off of her blade, and like a ribbon dancing on the breeze he continued a constant flow of fluent movement, as to never leave a moment where he is paused.

She went for a diagonal uppercut, hefting her blade up from right where it sat to fend from Lucis's past attack, going for his left side. It had power behind it, and her conviction seemed willing, but Lucis could see through her lesser knowledge of the blade. In the stead of wasting his time blocking the attack and trying to get at her or passed her, the black robed man backed away with several large back strides, which were taken with grace and speed. He created a large amount of distance between himself and the angel before he began his next movement. Being as she seemed set on guarding the saurian, the black robed man changed his target, and aimed his blade for a more suitable hostage.

With a pivots of his feet, he put himself in a good stance to launch himself into a print at the back line group. With immense, almost blurringly fast, he cut the area between himself and Kalhalar, the magi. He stood at a slightly crouched stance once again, but with his blade and arm completely outstretched, directed right at the magi's neck. With a slight movement he could thrust the tip into the magi's throat, or he could lunge out and slice the magi in half, but the point was he had a hostage.


Gyro almost fell on his ass when the confrontation escalated into a full fledged battle. He definitely hadn't expected to get into a brawl with a different group while he was down there. They were in luck both the saurian and the angel had come fully equip in armor. Now as those two began fighting up front, they left the back line, Falror, Blake, Kal, and himself dumb founded on how things could escalate into such a battle in such little time. Gyro was tempted to help in some way, but he knew he had no way of doing anything, by the looks of their fight, if he poked a hand out it would be twisted ripped slashed and burned before he could realize someone had swung a weapon. He contemplated running, for he had no honest ties with anyone here, except for Kalhalar maybe, but was he really enough to stick around. Gyro decided on staying, it would only be right, and anyhow, what if his group won, how would he explain things to them once they got out, 'Oh, my hearth is still a lit,' He'd have to stick through this, even if he could provide no help.

When Lucis moved across the room faster than Gyro could blink, he literally did fall on his ass. He was completely dumb struck as he gazed at the man point a blade right at Kal's neck.
Valen struggled tenses up his throat so as not to choke, and racked his brain for ideas. With the angel having pulled out his dagger, Valen willed it to his hand. He grabbed a hold of the back of the saurian's neck, and placed the blade against its throat, his superior reflexes readying him to slash deep with the knife, deep enough to kill. He knew that even if he were to cut its throat, it would still have time to crush him, leaving him to years of recovery. He looked the saurian dead in the eyes, his own hidden by the mask, and said, "I fear not death, for he knows me not. I fight for a noble cause, but what is it that you fight for?"

Valens eyes darted to where the robed man stood, his blade against the throat of... Kalhalar? What on Terryal was he doing here? Valen crossed paths with him once before, on friendly terms. He had been hoping that it was Kalhalar that sent him the message, but this put a wrench in the gears. Ready to slash open the saurians throat at any given provocation, Valen calls out, "Kalhalar? Is that you?"
Falror nodded as Gyro answered his question, reminding himself that he should learn how to use them if he ever got the chance. Briefly, he wondered to himself if Gyro would be able to teach him; since he, at the very least, was the most willing to inform the rest of the group about things. He twitched his ears at the short conversation between Kalhalar, Blake, and Gyro. Kalhalar was wondering what they would do if the path were to change, but Gyro quickly reassured him that the main path would most likely be the largest one. It occurred to Falror that Gyro was very confident in what to do, considering that no one knew why the group was down here. Still, he perked up when both Gyro and Helia began asking Kalhalar why they were all down here. He had neglected to ask the question himself, but the thought had continued to tug at his mind. This led to disappointment when Gyro told Kalhalar to answer at his own pace.

Falror looked around the cave as their path grew larger. He enjoyed the extra room and the maneuverability that came with it. Falror grew a little uneasy as the light of the rune stones darkened. He soon found himself walking next to Gyro, who had just lit up a torch. Falror silently berated himself. He now realized how idiotic it was for him to go exploring caves without any source of light. Falror stopped with the rest of the group as they all entered a room with two figures within. He assumed that they were friends of Kalhalar who had gotten tired of waiting. Then he heard the black robed one’s words. They were cryptic and not entirely friendly. Luckily for him, the black robed man threw the candle into a pit, which led to the room being surrounded by fire. Before Falror could do anything, chaos happened. Day-Bane began fighting the pumilio. Soon Helia and the man in black joined in, but the black robed man quickly switched targets, and now his sword was mere centimeters away from Kalhalar’s throat.

Falror put a hand on the hilt of his sword as he jumped back slightly. He was surprised at how fast the Lucis was. Still, Falror was at a disadvantage; any movement and Lucis would probably end Kalhalar’s life right then and there. His mind quickly raced between two subjects: how he could help his friend, and who and why someone had hired these two to stop them. He nodded at Gyro and Blake, motioning for them to not make any sudden movements until they were in control of the situation.


Kalhalar looked up in surprise as Blake answered his question. He hadn't realized that he had been talking out loud; as a matter of fact, he had almost forgotten that the others were there with him. Still, he nodded thoughtfully at both Blake’s and Gyro’s answers. It was possible that he would remember any side paths to take when he got to them, anyway. He looked up in surprise as Gyro asked him why they were there. His eyes darted back and forth. Kalhalar quickly realized that the others were also curious when Helia said that she would also like to know why they were down there and what the object of their quest was. His mind raced to think of an answer. He couldn't tell them the truth, not the whole truth, anyway. Luckily, Helia backed off when Gyro waved her away and said that Kalhalar could answer in his own time.

Kalhalar relaxed slightly as the cave grew larger and darker. At least they were making progress, and Kalhalar tried to convince himself that the darkness could make him forget that he was cut off from the sky. After tripping over a stray pebble, however, he created and held a flame in his hand so that he could see where his feet were going to land. It wasn't too long before Kalhalar sensed that they were entering a large chamber, with two people waiting for them. For him. Kalhalar stared forward at the two blocking their path as the robed one spoke and lit up the room. Helia quickly responded, questioning who they were and what they wanted. Kalhalar knew who they were, he could guess what they wanted; but he remained silent. His suspicions were found correct as Valen spoke up. Kalhalar forced himself to watch as Valen and Day-Bane began to fight. He looked for an opening as Lucis, and then Helia joined the fight. If worst came to worst, Kalhalar would try to get past them and finish his mission on his own.

Before he could do anything, however, Lucis had gotten through and aimed a sword at Kalhalar’s neck. “I never expected you to work beneath… beneath him,” Kalhalar spoke, “so you tell me, does this concern the slumbering or just the flyers?” He stayed completely still, though he tightened the grip on his staff and glanced at Valen, who seemed to be struggling with Day-Bane. Almost immediately, his voice switched to a much friendlier tone. “Such a strange coincidence that we would meet each other here. Yes, I am me. But are you who you are?” He responded in kind.
(my signature will be back soon xD )

Helia was more than surprised when Lucius moved so quickly, however she felt stupid. By going to the aid of her friend, blocking Lucius's sword and taking the dagger out of his back, she had left the group wide open. she should have thought about that, but honestly Helia didn't usually fight to protect others, it was always for others or for her own values, but she wasn't used to having to think about others right behind her. Generally a fight was between she and whomever her opponent was. Still though she couldn't think of Lucius as being the scum of Terryal, he was attacking a group of people who weren't prepared for attack whatsoever....or more like one person.

Helia acted quickly though, she let Gratia turn back into a staff, the small diamond on the end glowing and growing brighter. "Stop!" She commanded Lucius, while Light magic was generally useful for healing, it was occasionally, rarely, used for offensive purposes. Quite honestly though it was a still a bit sporadic and even the best tried to disregard Light as an offensive force. "Kal, what are they talking about?!" she ordered. Things had escalated way to fast and now everyone had a knife at one another's throat. "NOW is the time to tell us all whats going on, or else Day and I will stop this battle and I will turn this group around and we will LEAVE!" She said, Helia was loyal but she wasn't stupid. She didn't know who they were fighting. Why they were fighting. Or what they were fighting for. She wouldn't risk someone else getting hurt over possibly nothing.

Looking back on it, it was probably to simply take Kalhalar's word on this mission. Normally Helia would research a mission and figure out weather it was really something she supported or not, but she was foolishly blinded by Kalhalar and his friendship to her. However now as she waited on Kal to answer her she clung to the hope that he hadn't led them on something that was regrettable..... even more so she wondered who Lucius was....Day had told her to stop and look, but what was she looking for? Who's voice was that?! It was driving her crazy.
Blake was impressed with the fighting skills of his comrades, watching for his amusement at first and wanting to join in the fray. However, with the situation exacerbating so quickly, Blake could do nothing but watch the events take place. First, Day-Bane and Valen were at each other's throats, symbolically. And now, Lucius had his sword at Kalhalar's throat, completely prepared for the kill. "With any movement from Falror, Gyro or even myself, this man will do away with Kalhalar. It's a clever motive, but it is one of the dirtiest tricks in the book, unless of course, you believe there is no such thing as dirty in a fight," Blake thought to himself, very enraged due to feeling so useless at this moment at time. "How perfect, we're at each other's throat, and theme of this fight is utter confusion, and any bad thing that could happen is in play."

Blake could not take this confusion. He stayed on all fours so he could conceal his sharpening claws and teeth from Lucius, for he feared Lucius would see it as Blake making preparations to attack and attempt to free Kalhalar, and immediately counter by killing Kalhalar. It was without a doubt, a move Blake would make with no second thought about it. But at this point, Lucius has Blake at a stand still altogether, even with Blake's agility. Blake watched Helia turn her weapon, Gratia from a sword back into a staff, ordering him to finally spill the beans and hold nothing back. Blake would have done the same if he was outraged as Helia, and he was, perhaps even more than anyone else here.
(I'm a little sickly at the moment)

Lucis's eyes shifted in their sockets, while he could keep most of them in his view, he was sure to spend a moment to focus on everyone in the room. His eyes were utterly colorless, only relaying a completely black eyeball, except for a glowing Sun like, golden rings that set where his pupils would be. They glowed quite brightly, with enough brightness to be noticed in total darkened areas. The quality of his eyes made it so it appeared that he was not turning his eyes, but the rings were moving to focus on another person in the room. They did not seem to settle, as they moved back and forth to get a thorough examination of each member in the room. His eyes even focused on Valen a few times, even as he had time to examine him enough before the other group arrived. This time he seemed more tensed by how Valen had taken up such a kinder tone to Kal. This wasn't good, he hadn't a need for his only ally turning on him. As awful as it was to be alone, it also meant Lucis would be less liable for him.

The robed man's eyes laid upon the diuris who had landed a hand on his blade hilt. Just from the look, the robed man could tell the diuris knew not to try anything, else his friend's head would no longer be attached to his shoulders. A smart action for the diuris, for the robed man was willing to do so if the situation called for it. Lucis knew that Kalhalar would not be stopped by the mere death of a body. Along with the diuris, sat a hume, who seemed dumbstruck by the events that had happened before him. That or the mere intensity of Lucis's speed sent him on his rear. The he carried a lute, unruly looking fellow. The black robed man knew what he was, it did not take much to figure that much out, but Lucis did have another reason for knowing. Slightly, the robed man recognized both, from a prison and the other from an origin.

There was another, an anguis who had stayed silent throughout a majority of the fight as well, until of course Kal had a blade to his neck. Out of the three, the anguis was the only one finding words to spew from his lips, unneeded words too. He described Lucis's tactic, like it wasn't an obvious one. He discussed the tactic as a trick, but this was no trick, Lucis's blade was ready, and definitely willing to sever the temporary head from its temporary body. But the anguis had one thing right, the theme of today's fight was confusion, just as Lucis wanted, it would stall the group the longest, besides killing Kalhalar outright.

It was good that Kalhalar recognized Lucis's coded talk, he hadn't wanted to speak of such important things so openly in the first place. He could make due though, as long as he could keep his words underneath this code.

"Not beneath, we made an agreement," the robed man responded to the Magus, "this gem, artifact, whatever you consider it. If need be, a trump card would be needed against the flyers." He spoke slowly, and somewhat silently, but very solemnly and sullenly, "I deserve what is mine, I've done more than any other, the only reason there is change is due to me. And that is my greatest weapon against them." Lucis tightened his stance slightly. "I will use it."

The angelic girl would not stop, to Lucis she hadn't changed since the depths. Still firm on her actions and commands, but eccentric and quick to panic. She was now demanding that Kal speak the truth, which was probably something Kalhalar could not reveal to humans.

"You are really not too different form him," Lucis let a slight grin cross his face, "can't trust anyone."

With a sudden movement, Lucis pulled out a knife and threw it at Helia, barely aimed; although, it was definite to hit her somewhere. As she would be distracted by that, Lucis quickly sheathed his blade, rare thing to do without blood yet being spilled upon it, then he dashed further into the caves, leaving Valen. He was quickly out of sight, and deep into the darkness, where none could see him, perhaps except those who did not only see with sight.
Blake watched closely as the man sheath his sword, and vanish into thin air. Before doing all that, Blake noticed the man threw a knife while Helia was distracted. let out a huge sigh, and got, saying, "Great. At least now I can do something," Blake said, his returning to his face, liking a battle-worn and weary war veteran overjoyed to return home alive. He could have alerted Helia about the dagger, but by then, it would have hit her. He quickly dashed, almost like a mass murderer not allowing his prey to escape, his dark blue eyes focused on the knife. Stopping for a split second, he lunged for the dagger, grabbing the knife in his mouth, rolling in the dirt a little dirt, and stopping right in front of Helia. He took the dagger out of his mouth, and threw it in the ground. "That was way too close. Are you all right, Helia?" Blake asked.

(I am probably crossing my boundaries with this. And if I am, let me know and I'll fix it.)
Day-Bane's natural reaction was to push himself upward using the small Pumilio as a balance, allowing him to put his neck out of the much smaller Pumilio's arm reach. Effectively taking the fatal threat of a blade to his neck. However, his blood began to pump, his head throbbed, and he threw the Pumilio back and dropped his greatsword. Grabbing his skull in pain, Day-Bane stumbling back a few feet.

"Hiiiishaaaaaaaaa!"he snarled, clenching his eyes. He felt it coming. The were. He felt it's power pushing through his veins, trying to gain control and turn him into what he vowed not to become on this journey. His eyes snapped open, slightly glowing their yellow coloration. This could be a problem. If someone recognized this tell tale sign things could go awry fast. He needed to calm down, fast. Otherwise every one in the room had a life threatening risk which was a three hundred pound lizard man that became a two thousand pound killing machine.

"Bane crush little men... Little men... LEAVE. BANE. ALONE." He began to growl, the primeval urges kicking in. But he could still fight it. He wasn't flying off the hook yet. Not when so many allies could also be injured. During this, he was oblivious to the danger that Helia had just been in. His head hurt to much to fully comprehend what was taking place. As Bane suppressed the beast, he was too caught up in himself to care about what was going on around him. Anything that could cause him harm or spark his adrenaline would set him off and cause him to turn. While some might have not understood what was happening to Bane, most would realize something was going on with him and if touched could cause dire consequences.

The instinctual fear of what was to come would cause any sane man to keep a reasonable distance.
(Sorry about my absence, busy with a lot of Sh*t.)

"Aye, I am myself. Good to see you again old friend!" Valen picked himself up. He quickly ran over to Lucis and put a hand on his arm, "We don't need to fight." Kalahar looked the same he had when they had met, aside from a scar or two.

He turned to Kalahar, saying, "How long's it been since we fought beside Solaire, mate? Ten, maybe fifteen years? You haven't aged a day! Look the same way you did when you saved my life."

"Friend, what brings you into the bowels of the void? Even my people haven't been here for quite some time, and that's just because the land's worthless." Valen asked, worrying about the strange circumstances. Valen had never cancelled a job, but with his friend's life in question, he had to. "Some bloke wants us to kill each other, but why? I have a feeling you know something they don't."
Falror watched as Helia turned to attack Lucis and yell orders at Kalhalar. He silently agreed with her; it seemed that Kalhalar’s little foray was leading them into much more trouble than expected. Falror glared at Blake. He seemed to be stating exactly what their enemy was doing, as if it wasn't already obvious. It was likely that Falror would have dwelt on that longer had the current situation not been so tense. As it stood, though, he found himself puzzled at the cryptic conversation between Lucis and Kalhalar. Suddenly, Lucis threw a knife at Helia, but Blake was quick to catch it as Lucis made his escape. Falror breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that there were only two real fighters amongst the group, and Falror preferred that they remained uninjured.

Falror turned to Valen and Day-Bane. He unconsciously took a step backwards as he noticed something happening to the Saurian. “I think we have a bit of a problem,” he called out to the others as he stepped towards Gyro and stuck a hand out to help him up. Falror had no idea what was happening to Day-Bane; but whatever it was, it didn't seem good. 
Kalhalar looked downward slightly as Helia tried to save him while demanding that he explain to them everything. Kalhalar glared at Lucis as he compared himself to Lucis’s own employer. Or partner, if Lucis was to be believed. Kalhalar continued to glare at Lucis as he made his escape. He knew that he could possibly never understand what Lucis was going through, but he could still sympathize. But if Lucis was going to work with Kalhalar’s enemy, then he was Kalhalar’s enemy as well.

Hearing a snarling coming from the other area of the cavern, Kalhalar turned to see an all-too-familiar transformation; he had seen it many times in his travels, and it almost never ended well for anyone nearby. At the same time, Valen seemed determined to carry on a normal conversation. Kalhalar spoke quickly and curtly, the words meant for Helia as much as they were meant for Valen. “Good friend, you should know that there are some mysteries that can’t, or perhaps shouldn't, be solved.” Quickly, Kalhalar turned towards Day-Bane and began walking towards him. “Day, you are among friends here. The fight has ended. No one here will harm you.” His voice this time was much more calm and methodical, for this time he held no fear; he merely wanted everyone to get moving right away.

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