Pray We Return

I can be your goddess....


Or I can be your nightmare.....

For your reading convenience I have put her words in BOLD and any background/history in italics. Please enjoy, thank you.

After escaping the cave Helia found herself wandering her own path once again alone with only vague flashbacks to her past until she finally regained all of her memories....except of course how she got into that damned cave. She revisited Aeroe once again and restored her strength, once again becoming less hume and closer to some kind of more powerful being - someone once called her a Valkyrie....she supposed thats what someone would call her 'race' if a strange gene was considered a 'race'. She didn't know, all she knew was that if there were any more of her kind, they didn't exist today, and she had never heard of one.

Aeroe entertained her for a while, listened to her peculiar story, and warned her to be careful in the future, lest she wander Terryal a stranger to herself with no memory forever next time. There was no guarantee she could always regain the memory of who she was, and if she forgot, she'd become a normal hume with time. Soon though Aeroe had to get back to work and Helia returned to Terryal, there she met Kalhalar as she quested once again for her purpose in life other than battle after meaningless battle. They met one day in a tavern - he was a charismatic young man and when he was awkward he always made her laugh. She enjoyed his company and deemed him one of the best people shed ever met, and the first person she'd like to meet again - however both being travelers, they eventually were forced to head in separate directions.

Over the course of the next year she ran into him twice more, the second time being two short days ago when he asked her to meet him in front of the mountains of Obrussa, Helia had nothing better to do, however she was wary of caves nowadays even so, she decided to comply with the young man's request of her. So, now 21 years of age, Helia set out on her journey, making quick work of it with the use of her soft, plush, magnificent cream colored wings. As Helia flew swiftly, taking few breaks, and made wonderful time - even so however she narrowed her eyes in apprehension of those who sat outside of the cave. An odd bunch, however she immediately thought they were perhaps with Kalhalar.....he tended to befriend odd people - including herself. She swept down to the ground, clad in her battle armor, which she usually wore when planning a mission of some sort, and planning to go into caves? definitely a mission of some sort. Helia's skin was smooth and perfect, her armor a brilliant gold color that was illuminated by the sunlight as it was adorned with feathers on the rim of the shoulders and around the wings on the side of the helmet, her glorious golden hair pulled up in a pony tail as she approached the small group. Asshe walked she was an intimidating figure, an obivously gorgeous woman clad in armor looking like she was ready for a huge battle of some sort....that is until she made her next move.

She took her helmet off, shaking her hair a bit and letting the hair that bordered her face fall down around it, the rest of it still pulled up into a pony tail. "I should have known Kalhalar wouldn't make a task so simple." She said with a sly smile as she thought of her friend. Her bright, goldne eyes roamed the group until she saw Day-bane, she smiled brightly,"Day-bane! my old friend! How have you been?" She asked happily as she approached him,"Can you introduce me to your friends?" she asked as she looked around the group again before letting her brilliant eyes rest on him again.
Day-Bane perked up as he heard his name be called. He looked over, not sure if he heard right. Did she just say something? His eyes met the beutiful figure of none other than Helia, who was dressed in the same kind of fassion he was. Armored up and ready to fight a big battle. While not physically attracted to her, being a different race and a beastia at that, the heavily armored girl won a lot of points for showing up with that protection. It was after all, his style. Now he wasn't the only one Gyro could bother about in the heavy armor/weaponry department.

He stood up, and grabbed the valkarye, lifting her up off her feet and hugging her. Armor and all. This was not a difficult task, as he was tree times her weight, extremely strong, and was at least a foot and a half taller than her. He set her down, and smiled even wider. To the point where the tips of his sharp reptilian teeth were showing.

"Helia! I cant believe you're here! It's been too long!" He began, crossing his arms across his chest. "My collar bone's healed up, and the claw scars on my chest have begun to fade. How have you been?" He said answering her question. "I do not know everyone that well myself. The bard goes by the name of Gyro, a good man. The red haired dragon lass goes by the name Edo. The one with the bow is Tari. I am unsure of everyone elses, you know I am not too good with names." He said, scratching the back of his head through his hood.

He bent down to Helia's ear level and began to whisper into her ear so that others would not hear him. "Let's not tell them about my little... Condition. Alright?" He said, before standing straight up once again. He didnt need everyone thinking he was going to eat them. Lite was bad enough. He didnt want that whole incident to relapse.

He was very glad Helia had shown. He had someone who could understand his want for armor and weaponry, and fear of dragons. He was also glad that he had a good friend and someone who really helped distract his mind before. It probably saved a lot of people their heads.
I can be your goddess....


Or I can be your nightmare.....

For your reading convenience I have put her words in BOLD and any background/history in italics. Please enjoy, thank you.

Helia smiled brightly as Day picked her up in a hug. Helia wasn't frightened of Day Bane, although she didn't know if it was because she truly thought he was good with good intentions, or if she was so vane in her own fighting ability and confident that she could defend herself is need be - either way it didn't matter, the end result was the same right? They were friends, despite the circumstances how they met. She hugged him back and smiled as he replied to her question once he set her back down,"Oh good, I'm glad you've healed - its been quite some time. I am well, I regained my memories and I have taken to a life of traveling as of late." She replied to his question. She looked around the group, nodding the Gyro and the Edo, as Day introduced them. She looked back to Day and laughed when he said he wasn't any good with names.

She looked at him and gave him a small, discreet nod to his request,"Always my friend." She said sweetly to him as she patted his upper arm. "So...a bard, a dragon, and an archer. What kind of mission does Kalhalar need us for I wonder." She looked at Day,"He didn't tell you anything at all did he? His instructions to me were rather vague." She glanced at the dragon girl from the corner of her eye once more, she bet Edo would make an interesting opponent, she was sure she could easily take down the bard, however the archer might be difficult if he gained ground on her, she was best at close combat, however with her wings and her speed, it was easy enough for her to dodge arrows or fly sporadically to avoid them as best as possible, however she could also fly into the sun and blind the archer if she so chose. Helia couldn't help but size up everyone she laid her eyes on, her mind working like a calculator to see just exactly what someone's weakness was, and if they could find her own. "I normally dont' accept frivilous missions, I guess I was bored or he caught me on a good day." She said with a giggle,"Either way I am glad I came, other wise I wouldn't have gotten to see you again." She said happily,"...." She looked around a moment. "....Lite wouldn't happen to be here as well would he?" She asked out of seemingly pure curiosity, however she still couldn't help but see Lite as some kind of marvelous hero...
Falror turned and listened as the group introduced themselves. He had already heard the other diuris and the anguis introduce themselves as Tarius and Edo Crone, respectively. The large saurian was Day-Bane, and the Hume was Gyro Volvo. Falror’s ears turned slightly as another joined the group. Of course, the conversation then turned to why everyone had brought weapons when Tarius brought it up. Falror’s eyes hardened when he heard such a foolish question, and he was surprised to hear the bard answer the question before welcoming the newcomer. It was obvious that Gyro intended to be the speaker of the group, seeing as he had done the most of it.

“Common courtesy? Common sense, more like it,” Falror spoke up right as yet another joined the group. This one seemed to be just as armored as Day-Bane, and it seemed that the two of them knew each other. “Interesting that the two friends both seem to be expecting… much more than the rest of us,” he said in reference to Day-Bane’s and the newcomer’s—Helia, he had heard Day-Bane say—armored bodies. “My name is Falror Shrannik, by the way.” 
Kalhalar slowly walked onward, not following any trail, as there weren’t any particular trails to follow. He thought back to his previous days, the people that had refused his request, and the particular few that had said yes. He stopped for a second, doubts clouding his mind, but he shook his head and walked on, this time at a much brisker pace. Before long, he managed to arrive at the meeting place.

Kalhalar smiled to himself as he saw that the ones who had already made it were acquainting themselves with each other. Looking around, he quickly saw that there were still two or three people missing. Instead of interrupting the group, he turned away, seeing if he could find any traces of the stragglers while keeping an ear on the conversation of his friends behind him.
And another arrived, how many people did Kalhalar invite? This one was a tad different from the rest, instead of crashing in from the sky, running in armed, or hiding behind rocks she decided to gracefully flutter to the ground, like a god descending upon humans. Same as the saurian, the lady was fully adorned in armor, not as armed, but well defended. Still, Gyro hadn't understood why'd they'd come to a more secure and safer area so armed, it wasn't uncommon to bring a weapon to defend oneself with, but it was odd to waltz around as if a knight errand in a troubled land. Still, everyone had their own reasons, nothing Gyro was going to bother with, but he had to agree that it was odd that the two who knew each other from the get-go were both armed to the nines. In fact, seeing them with such a large amount of plating made Gyro feel a bit naked.

As Bane began introducing each of them, Gyro stood up as his name was uttered. A bard of the wind needed a proper introduction. "Names Gyro Volvo, as Ga'Day said, a bard 'o' Zephr, an independent city state near Thardania. Aye, we are awe the same, ol' Kally boy kept from tellin' us an'thin' important. Fact, he hadn' even told us tha he'd invited so many spelunkers," Gyro explained, but shushed himself as he let the two catch up, they seemed to have not seen each other in quite a while. So the bard turned his attention to the diuris who finally spoke his name, "Aye, nice to meet ya, Falror. And na' need ta' be so rude, awe friends here." There was little to say to him, though, he didn't seem type to talk much.

Finally, Gyro's eyes landed on something that would grab everyone's attention. A young magi staring out along the horizon, searching for something. Made Gyro believe that there'd be even more people joining the already plump party. To this, Gyro stood and waved, aiming to grab everyone's attention, "Aye, look who 'as arrived late!" He said to the others as he pointed at the magi, "Oi, Kally boy, ya' late as usual. Aye, ya' got tons 'o' explainin' ta' do, ya damned mage." He called out with a laugh, before matching over there and em bracing the magi.
Tarius listened to the variety of answers that derived from the other members of the group - specifically Day-bane, Falror, and Gyro. Although he hadn't expected any of them to answer in the first place, but he was glad they did. Their answers made plenty of sense and gave him a slightly more obvious perspective on the situation at hand; nevertheless it still didn't answer the fundamental question that everyone seemed to have, What was in the cave? Tarius furrowed his brow in deep thought, trying to analyze every possibility as to what Kalahar could want with this cave. However, he was distracted when another winged woman descended from the heavens.

The young dirius gazed upon the majestic beauty of the apparent sentient being at hand. With his mouth a gape, he watched as she surveyed the crowd and singled out Day-Bane with a glee. Although she seemed friendly enough, Tarius was weary of the woman who was seemingly covered from head to toe in heavy armor - much like the saurian. Furthermore, the question that pressed him the most was how the two knew each other. Tarius was able to guess that they had some past relations based on their way of communicating, specifically the affection, slight secrecy, and the enlightened attitude of the formerly stoic saurian. "My name is Tarius, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance," Tarius said with less enthusiasm, being that this was his third introduction in such a short period of time.

Within the next few minutes, Tarius noticed that Falror had diverted his attention to his hind side. Curious, Tarius followed his gaze and stumbled upon Kalahar, who seemed to be observing the group. The Dirius gave a friendly smile and wave to his friend of many years. After being surrounded by new people, it felt nice to actually see someone he knew. Before he could say anything, Gyro decided to announce Kalahar's presence to the rest of the attendees. Disregarding the bard's cheerful introduction, Tarius made his way toward the magi. "Kalahar it has been too long"
I can be your goddess....


Or I can be your nightmare.....

For your reading convenience I have put her words in BOLD and any background/history in italics. Please enjoy, thank you.

This sort of dress wasn't unusual for Helia, you would most likely see her in her armor just as much as you would see her in her regular clothing because the fact of the matter is that any good warrior was always ready for a battle, and when she anticipated a challenge of nay kind, she anticipated a fight - that being said, letting her light wash over her was simply a few seconds she could use somewhere else, all time was precious in battle.

She looked at Falor, hearing his comment,"I'm afraid some of us are always ready for a fight, being prepared is often the best policy and one that I like to employ frequently." She commented, not trying to be rude or snide, however she felt no shame in her armor. "Its nice to meet you Falor." She returned after he introduced himself. That's when the bard began to sing, she looked at him then smiled, he was quite charming for a bard, however Helia often found enjoyment in music and merry people. She met a bard once who was very solemn, his music was entertaining simply because of its irony, it was ironic how the bard (A usually merry profession) was quite solemn and most of his songs were satires of life, pointing out everything that was wrong with Terryal. Still though Gyro made her laugh, like it was previously stated, she found him charming.

Helia smiled at Tarius, a polite young man, however he seemed less than enthusiastic to introduce himself to her. Still though she gave him a kind smile,"I am Helia. It is nice to meet you as well." Helia then watched as gyro ran over and embraced Kalhalar, apparently a friend of everyone's. She smiled and looked at Day-Bane, beginning to walk over to Kal as well, leading Day with her, assuming he'd like to greet Kal himself as well. "So how do you know Kalhalar?" she asked, arriving to Kalhalar she smiled,"Nice to see you again." she said simply, knowing everyone would want to greet Kalhalar and she was no attention horde. She looked back at Day bane awaiting his answer.
"I have not seen him since we... You know." Day-Bane said, shrugging for a moment. He didn't have anything against Lite, and he didnt wish any ill will on the man. He just didnt know if Lite could accept him. He knew, and thought of him as more beast than man. While he wasn't entirely wrong, as he was no hume in any way, he doubted Lite thought of him as an equal. He didn't know what Helia thought of the man, but he would let her keep that kind of stuff to herself.

"I met him when he came down to my meadery, " he began, explaining to Helia how he met the Magi. "Bought a few, and challenged me to drinking contest. I won... but he gave me a run for my money." he said, shaking his head at the memory.

"Had a meadery and a small house built with some money I scraped together during a few treasure hunts. Bought the rights to a lake to with the profits. Hired a good man who runs the place while I'm gone. You should visit some time." he explained. Before turning to Kalhalar himself. "Late as ever... How've you been, mate?" he asked, his face, while no longer holding a toothy smile, still held a small smile.
Blake roared out of excitement saying to himself, flying in the sky as if he was a slave who had finally earned his freedom. "At long last, I have a chance to really explore this world and behold its many landscapes, this Kalhalar, did I pronounce that correctly? Anyway, I'm sure I will meet many sorts of people, faces and races alike." I wonder how many people there will be with Kalhalar?," Blake thought to himself. He had flown past a camp, and landed down on top of a few trees next to the camp where everyone was situated and getting to know one another. "Now to meet the company," Blake said, his tail swinging side to side, tucking his wings back under the rucksack he had one his back, and making his way to the camp, jumping onto one tree to another tree, but loses his grip on a branch and falls close by to the camp. He brushes himself, and walks to get closer and hides behind a boulder before accidently frightening everyone. Unbeknownst to him, his tail was in plain sight.
Falror twitched his ears, barely acknowledging that he had heard Gyro’s comment. He was used to much more than rudeness where he was from, and he wasn’t planning on change just because he was among “friends.” Just because he trusted Kalhalar didn't mean that he would trust the others right away. Falror did jump slightly at hearing Helia’s reply; he hadn’t expected anyone to hear him, not that it mattered either way. Still, it wasn’t every day that he would get to see so many people from so many different places, and who knew what kind of things he could bring back home to sell. Or he could try to make some friends so that he would have people to go to in case he ever had to leave his home. Perhaps the bard was right; at the very least, no one had any reasons to really be against each other.

Falror looked behind Tarius and himself to see that Kalhalar had finally arrived. He began following the rest towards him when he heard a loud thud. Looking in the direction that he heard the sound, he saw a boulder with a tail. “I believe we have another visitor,” he called out, loud enough for the “tailed boulder” to hear.
Kalhalar barely had enough time to turn around before being embraced by Gyro. Soon enough, the others were around him, giving him various greetings. He was pleased to see that they had all made it here safely. Kalhalar’s ears twitched as he heard a thud come from not too far off.

Kalhalar briefly returned the hug before pulling himself away to look at everyone else. “I’m late?” he questioned, “I arrived exactly when I wanted to. I’m sure I can explain any questions, Gyro, but let me greet everyone else first.” Turning to face Tarius, he said, “hopefully, it won’t be as long next time. No unexpected surprises on your way here, I hope? And the pleasure is mine, Helia.” He gave Helia a friendly smile. Feeling a little crowded, he stepped away. He raised his eyebrow as Day-Bane spoke to him. “Hmm… perhaps I am late. I guess I should apologize, then,” Kalhalar responded, “well, I’ve been finding myself quite content.” He let out a sigh that was mixed with both relief and happiness. “The world is good. And how about you, friend? Is the meadery doing well?” Without another word, he began to walk in the direction of the noise he had heard earlier before stopping in the middle of the camp. He quickly brought out his pipe and examined it before putting it away. “I’m glad everyone managed to make it here. So how has everyone been?” he asked. “A tailed boulder… Hmm…”
She jumped up and down her wings coming out again as they flapped widly. She was so happy to see him, and had a gift she had brought from her home. She waited for kalhalar to reach her, so she sat down on the boulder she was previously sitting on. Her tail swaing with glee and anxiousness. She thought of a less gross way to give him the gem she had in her stomach, but only thought of one way.

She would have to accues herself from the company but she wanted to say hi first. Give him a warm hug, and tell her about how the elders were doing. The caves have changed since the last time he came , and im sure he would be more interested in coming back again.
"Oh goodness. I forgot about my tail," Blake said, surprised he didn't notice. "Well they saw my tail, best not to hide anymore." Blake stood up getting from behind the boulder walking slowly to the party, as not to startle anyone. "Uhhmmm Hello everyone, my name is Blake Lautrec," Blake said, with some shyness in his voice.
Yup, it was the same old Kalhalar, greeted by a merry amount of people, yet he avoids them and asks questions that he doesn't stick around to hear the answer too. As much as good as friends as Gyro was with Kalhalar, he always found it odd that a man of, what seemed like, high prestige had never been very attentive to what was happening around him, or rather what people were thinking and doing that would affect him. But that could simply be part of his charm, he did obviously have a large plethora of friends, each of which seemed very diverse, and each very much enjoying Kalhalar, obvious by the immense greeting he instantly received. Gyro overheard the side conversation that the two already acquainted duo were talking about; how they had met Kalhalar and such. Now that Gyro thought back to it, he could barely recall how he had exactly became friends with Kalhalar, in all actuality Gyro could only recall that as soon as he met Kal, he instantly felt as if they'd known each other for much longer. As if they had been fought beside each other, or traveled together, but he wasn't entirely sure why. If he could as far back as his memory would allow him, he recalled meeting Kal through someone else, but he could barely remember the person who introduced them.

As Kal walked passed the group to move onto his next collections of thoughts, Gyro chuckled and followed, but instead of heading for Kal, he went to the new anguis who had just arrived. "Welcome friend, I da' believe ya' are the last ta' arrive. I woo' guess ya', like the rest 'o' us, were invited by Kally-boy here to accompany 'im into Obrussa mountain. Well, I woo' be assumin' we're gonna getta move on now." With that quick greeting, Gyro moved onto prepare for their decent. He began with his tent, which was an ease to dismantle and pack away, and while in a folded form, could fit neatly with his pack. Being as he was no longer really apart of any of the other conversations, he continued to arrange and double check his pack for his belongings, including retrieving the small tankard that the saurian had refused. Along with that, he made sure his quiver and bow, small arming sword, and fiddle and bow were in good condition, as to make sure he wouldn't forget anything here. These were everything he owned after all. Gyro had no home, no belongings besides what he carried along with him, so he had to keep a hold on what he had.

As the others talked, Gyro took a seat upon another stone and waited for everything to be settled before they would begin traversing the mines, then the temples, then the caves.
Falror examined the group that had been gathered to this spot. Most of them went to greet their friend Kalhalar. Kalhalar was… well, he was being himself. One of the anguis was jumping out and down as if trying to fly with broken wings while the other introduced himself to the group. Falror noted that Blake seemed to be the first person to actually introduce himself right away. As Falror expected, Gyro was the first to welcome the newcomer to the group.

Falror nodded to the anguis that called himself Blake. “I guess you won’t be getting much time to rest, then,” he said to Blake before speaking up to talk to the rest of the group. “I’d like to know a bit more about what it is we’re doing, and why so many of us are needed.” As he spoke, he checked on everything that he had on him. He made sure he could pull out his sword and dagger easily, just in case. He also checked to make sure his pack was on tight; the food in it was all he would be able to eat until he made it back to his home. 
Kalhalar looked around the camp, silently chuckling to himself as he noticed her glee. He was always happy to see her enthusiasm, and it was almost always sure to put him in a good mood if he was having a bad day, and a great mood if he was having a good day. His attention, though, was quickly diverted to Blake as he introduced himself to the rest of the group. Kalhalar could hear the shyness in his voice, and he was pleased to see Gyro welcome him to the group.

“Yes,” Kalhalar agreed, “everyone should get ready to go into the mountain. I’d rather this be done sooner instead of later.” Kalhalar looked towards the entrance they would be using, but he found himself looking away just as quickly. Smiling again, he looked up and walked towards Edo Crone. “You seem quite happy, Edo. It’s good that so many people are in a good mood.”
She bowed her head . " it has truly been years since weve last talked. I still remeber the day you climbed onto our mountain, tired from you journey. " She looked up into the sky as she moved her finger around. " The elders were flying above and spotted something to what have seemed to be an intruder." She then ponted to herself in a happy tone.

"Then as you were about to collapse, you looked up and saw me. There i took you into the village." She CChuckeld happily as her tail swayed. " You were the talk ofthe day, and stil lare. The elders bid you greetings and they wish you good health and saftey along your journey." She bowed to him wonce more, then lifted her head. " Please do take care ofme along this trip, and ofcourse i wil ltake care of you.
I can be your goddess....


Or I can be your nightmare.....

For your reading convenience I have put her words in BOLD and any background/history in italics. Please enjoy, thank you.

Helia shrugged, she supposed it was silly to expect Lite to be was probably a fluke that she and Day Bane were here. She waited patiently for Day to finish greeting Kalhalar before she replied to him,"A meadery huh? I'd love to come!" She said happily, "I'm glad you've done so well for yourself Day." She added. "Maybe I can accompany you back to your meadery once all of this," She motioned to the group,"Is over. I'd love to see it." She added.

She glanced over her shoulder at the rock with a tail, who Gyro greeted, she raised an eyebrow, however wasn't entirely surprised...she suspected Kalhalar made...different...friends, but now she was sure. Although she wondered why the man was being so secretive about his entrance. She glanced over as Falor asked some valuable question. In reply Kal told him that they should be preparing to go inside the mountain, and as she looked around Helia noticed that perhaps only she and Day Bane were entirely prepared to go into the mountain as soon as Kal was ready.

She looked at Day and stood up on her toes, whispering in his ear,"I'm glad you are dressed appropriately, otherwise I might have looked a bit foolish coming already in my armor." She whispered then giggled, she couldn't help but find it slightly entertaining that she and Day stood out so much because she thought that it would only be normal for someone to come prepared - however now she supposed prepared was different for different people with different talents.

Helia gave a big stretch,"Well, you ready for this adventure?" She asked him excitedly, Helia couldn't help but be excited for this, especially now that Day was here,"It's going to be so great to work with you again!" She added happily.
"Oh you have no idea." Day-Bane replied, smirking slightly. When he had come he had gotten plenty of questions about his armoring. He flexed his gauze wrapped hands, and put his fist into his other, open palm to crack his knuckles. He took his crossbow out, and loaded it with a normal bolt before once again placing it on his hip, and twisted his neck, allowing a series of cracks to sound out.

"There, now I'm ready." he said, and smiled to the complement. "And to you as well. Drinks are on me when we get back." he said, thinking of the wine and honey mead he had been saving for a special occasion. It wasn't that hard to come by, but it was difficult to make and costly compared to other forms of mead. Not that he really had to worry about it that much. He looked over to where Helia had been looking, and saw the another draconic humanoid. This one male. He snorted. While he didn't necessarily enjoy their presence, he would tolerate them. Unless given reason otherwise. "What you think we'll find in there, worst and best case scenario."
It was nice that most everyone was getting along, seems now the group was nice and plump. As of why Kalhalar had invited so many was still a mystery. As well it seemed that the main question everyone was once asking, "what are we doing here, exactly" had been forgotten by the mere sight of their prized friend and newly adorned leader, Kally-boy. While it was funny to notice, Gyro would not bring such things up. His main idea was only to push the party forward, for they were taking an annoying long time. Being as Kal was somewhat in an open spot that wasn't blocked off from any sides, except going back, Gyro would make his move.

Finally, most everyone seemed set. No one was asking or doing anything that they couldn't do while walking into the caverns of Obrussa, so then it was time to get a move on. While it would seem rude for the bard to force everyone onward, he didn't care to much about how he appeared, really no reason to bring this up. And so, the bard, with his full pack and equipment strapped to his sides and back, hefted himself up from where he was set, marched right over to the magi, and roughly but in a friendly way, rasped his knuckles against the magi's shoulder.

"Oi, le's get a move on, eh. Makin' us awe' stand 'round like dumbarses." Gyro laughed as he wrapped his arm around the fragile magi's head and pulled him to his side, putting the frail man into a head lock. "Come 'long 'en, shall we start delvin' in 'em deeps 'en?" With that, Gyro began dragging along Kal into the caves, where of which the unknown beckoned the party. Into the deep, where few dared or rather bothered exploring.

The Mines of Obrussa

As the party began their spelunking adventure into the deeps of Mount Obrussa, they first encountered the works of the Pumilio who ha tried to make a sizable mine. While they dug deep and cleared much of the caves, they could not find any value in the materials they came across, thus they left their mines. Soon it was made home by some Anguis, who turned the deeper parts of the mines and caves into temples and shrines. They believed their was some type of slumbering god hidden in the mountains, but they searched and quickly lost hope, for nothing was found. Soon they left the mountain and Obrussa was left desolate and deserted, merely because nothing has ever been found in these mountains. What makes Kalhalar so interested in these caverns?

After some walking, the entrance to private mines has shown itself. It was a regular room, nothing too special, besides a large heavy iron door. The room was empty, except for a few things. Along the side wall, there are five old levers mounted in a row to the left wall. Each lever sat in the down position, except for the leftmost one, which sat in a center position. On the right wall, engravings of five Arcane letters sat exactly opposite of the levers. They spelled out "Anguis Hume Pumilio Hume Pumilio," to any who knew how to read Arcane.

Gyro stepped up and spoke out, "Well, seems 'em Pumilio had 'emselves 'ad a lock on their door, eh." He gazed upon the items of the room, utterly confused.
"I guess we'll find out then." Day-Bane said, smiling to Helia, before following Gyro and the others into the cave. It was about time they went in. Once they entered the room, he almost immediately noticed the levers, and the symbols on them.

Day-Bane, while the others were looking around the room, move over to the levers. He was used to puzzles in dungeons like these. It was a common courtesy, actually. He recognized that these symbols were arcane, and could accurately translate at least one word. Hume. His armor had the word "human" on it's shoulder so he could change forms without having to take everything off. Hume and human were very similar.

'Armor, Enlarge, beast, fit. Armor, shrink, human, fit.' He thought to himself, putting a hand on his shoulder to feel the engravings.

However, the others he could not translate.

"Gyro, come over here." Day-Bane said, motioning for the bard to come over. "Two of these levers have a symbol which I can translate to say Hume. You are if that race, correct? I'm willing to bet that if you pull the levers I tell you to, something might happen." He said, motioning to the second and second last levers, which had the same symbol. He silently thanked his ancestors, who allowed him his beast form. It had given him enhanced night vision, enough to read the arcane symbols clearly.
I can be your goddess....


Or I can be your nightmare.....

For your reading convenience I have put her words in BOLD and any background/history in italics. Please enjoy, thank you.

Helia grinned at Day when he replied to her about the armor, and couldn't help but give him a mischievousness smile, excited for their adventure, when he cracked his knuckles and what not, then announced to her that he was indeed ready now to enter the cave. She had been ready to work with her friend Kalhalar to help him, thinking of it more as a duty, however now that Day was here she couldn't help but anticipate a battle of some sort and grow rather excited. While she did not approve of violence, she did enjoy the thrill of facing an opponent who could match her well, such as a large beast of some sort, or any kind of goblin, troll, or humanoid that that was pretty much a mindless terror. Helia hadn't mentioned it yet, but she had in fact scraped together some money of her own and bought a small villa away from any kind of actual village. Most of her money she got from battling various sorts of beasts to aid a town or for prize money, sometimes she would help with thieves or thugs, she was pretty much a wandering do-good-er and she would accept what anyone would possibly spare for her services, however she understood if they couldn't give her much. She also found part time work here and there doing manual labor in various places where her strength could be of use.

She looked at Day and thought for a moment,"The best thing we could possibly find in this place would be some kind of artifact that didn't want to be found, what with this mountain being almost completely useless, it makes a great hiding spot for various treasures of any kind, however the worst thing we could find might be some sort of dark power source or dangerous beast that someone sealed within the mountain, knowing that no one came here for anything, and hoping no one would again." She answered his question, putting some thought into her answer and making sure to give him reasons for each thing as best she could.

Helia followed the group into the cave, staying close to Day, someone she knew well and was comfortable with. She knew she would have to branch out sometime along this trip, but now wasn't it. She glanced over the levels then at the arcane writing on the wall. Helia was fairly well versed in arcane, because while she usually simply controlled raw light magic through Gratia -her staff-, often times she could purchase very useful spells written in arcane that she could use as well. It had taken Helia quite some time to learn most of the words, however after a good few years, and several self taught lessons Helia was able to pick most of it up. Apparently that would pay off sometimes.

She looked at Day,"No offence Day, but I hope that isn't how it works." she said. "If we need a Hume to pull the Hume levers, we would also need a Pumilio to pull these two," She referenced the other two,"And an Anguis to pull that one on the left." She said. "Perhaps it refers less to the race, and more where they live? I believe the Pumilio, are more comfortable underground? So perhaps those two would go down, the Hume live mostly on soil, so perhaps they would go in the middle," She suggested, then brought it all home,"And again, if I am correct, the Anguis have wings, so that lever would go up." She voiced her opinion. "If the levers needed to be pulled by each race, it would need a sensor or a scanner of some sort." she added, then shrugged, becoming a little more passive,"But all of this is just a guess."
"Well I dont know that!" Day-Bane snapped back. "I cant read much arcane. I only knew the one word there." he said, explaining his reasoning behind his idea for the door. He was not genius, but it was common knowledge that most common folk didn't read arcane. Mostly mages or scholars, or just people with a lot of spare time and money to get the resources to study it. While he had the money, he didn't have the time nor the experience with magic to know much more than a few words of the language.

"Regardless, that sounds reasonable, I guess. I dont know much about Pumilio, so I dont know how they lived. Try it." Day-Bane stepped back, and walked to the wall opposite to the levers, and leaned against the walls. He was tempted to grab his greatsword to cut anything that could be behind the doors in half. He shuddered at the thought of a giant insect crawling in from the ceiling and attacking someone.

But lizards ATE bugs. And he would definitely follow that law, except with more killing and less eating.
I can be your goddess....


Or I can be your nightmare.....

For your reading convenience I have put her words in BOLD and any background/history in italics. Please enjoy, thank you.

Helia looked at her feet as she kicked a small stone as Day snapped back at her, she looked up and walked over to Day, touching his shoulder gently,"I'm sorry Day I wasn't trying to be offensive, I was just trying to let you know my opinion." She said softly,"I didn't mean to insult you." She added, truly sorry for the mix up.

She walked over to the levers, glancing back at day bane, hoping she didn't offend him farther before she got the first lever, and pushed it up with some difficulty, even for her, these levers were old after all. She pushed the first one up, set the next one in the middle, then the next down, middle, then down. She stepped back, looking up, not knowing if she wanted it to open or not. If it opened she was right and she was helping the whole group move forward, if she was wrong and it didn't open, it would be rather embarrassing, so perhaps Day wouldn't be as offended with her.

(I normally wouldn't make such a small post, but I needed to get that across xD )
Made sense enough, or rather anyone who knew more about arcane knew more about this puzzle than Gyro. While Gyro spent a majority of his life on the streets and would be expected to be exceptionally street smart, he had no clue about puzzles. In truth, the streets taught very little about puzzle solving, only how to survive on very little, which was a challenge on in itself. Gyro had little time to spend trying to strengthen his brain about puzzles. He knew what would be useful to him, he knew of the world, for to him that was not a puzzle.

As the saurian explained what he believed to be the workings of the puzzle, Gyro gave no resistance, he hadn't an opinion on the matter due to him having not the slightest clue. He could barely realize that this was a puzzle, in honesty he guessed this to be some type of control room and they simply required a key for the keyholeless door. And so, the hume went over to the lever he was directed to, the second lever, and grasped his hand around the shaft, but before he could push the lever upward Helia, the angelic woman made her opinion to the group, causing Gyro to hesitate and await her to explain her reasoning. He hadn't noticed that Day seemed quite disturbed when he was told wrong, but he did let out a chuckle when the angel began apologizing.

"Aye, sure, you awe' can decide, I ga' na' idea on this lil' matter," Gyro spoke as he backed away from the levers, "this be only tha' first lock, en't it. Should only get worse from here, eh." He added his comments as he watched the angelic lady try her strategy.

One switch pointed up, the next centered, then down, then centered, then lastly down. There were several clinks and clanks behind the walls, rusted cogs and mechanisms began to grind against each other, for a moment it sounded as if a piece was jammed, but it came loose can everything began chugging. After a few moments the door began to shake with dust erupting off of its old surface. Slowly, the door shook open as the old machines of the Pumilio began to begin action. Within moments, darkness was revealed within the doors, a blackness the bore deep into the caverns, opening into the private mines of the Pumilio.

What a success, somehow the angelic woman had gotten the puzzle solved in one try. A feat that Gyro knew he could never achieve, and would never honestly challenge. While not being the first to enter, Gyro was sure to be the first to try the darkness. While the others awaited something to emerge from the shadows that lay behind the door, Gyro found a small rock by his feet. He took it into his hand and threw it into the dark, awaiting the echo, which was quickly sounded. After a moment of wait, not another sound was made.

"Seems safe, na' if only we had some light, eh, I got a torch, but ah' doubt it'd light much for the lot 'o' us." Gyro explained as he kneeled down and reached into his pack, pulling out a flint and steel, and a long stick with a flammable substance tied around one edge. As he stood back up to show the others the small size of the torch he noticed more words upon the doors. They seemed to be hidden on the other side, so only when opened or from the inside it would be noticed.

The words were not arcane, but rather old and rusted against the elements. But any who could read well enough could find that it said:

Rune power

used to light

one's way


And from that, Gyro peered to the ceiling, which revealed several small stones that had writings upon them. They were obviously rune stones. "Oi, an'one know how ta' work rune stones." Gyro gestured to the ceiling. Usually, rune stones that had been tuned for a certain function only needed a certain touch or a word to be spoken for it to be activated.


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