Pray We Return

Day-Bane rolled his eyes at Helia. He wasn't angry at her at all. He was used to being wrong. It was a regular occurance actually. Just like it was for anyone. Although he reacted badly, he didnt mean it to come out like that. "It's fine, Helia.", he said chuckling, and watched as her hypothesis worked.

He opened his hands to allow his claws first access to anything that might come through. The tunnel wasn't wide enough to make good use of his greatsword, and his crossbow wouldn't be the bet choice because of it's slow reload time.

He once again thanked his eyesight, and the torch Gyro had taken out, and noticed that the ceiling had many rune stones attached. He heard Gyro ask if anyone knew how to work rune stones. He did, his greatsword had a few on it to leech the life energy from an enemy to keep him from tiring, and was tuned to activate at his touch. A great enchantment for any in a mosh pit. He contemplated speaking, but chose to let someone else speak. He fidgeted with the tip of his hood, which was already dawned on his head.

He turned to read the words on the door. It said that the runes would light the way. Perhaps just saying light would turn the runes on. But he did not know this, and didnt want to make a fool of himself.
Blake thought to himself for a moment, and looked at the runes, but found himself somewhat puzzled. "Runes would light the way," Blake said to himself. He then turned to Day-Bane, who looked like he had a lot to say, and asked, "Day-Bane, was it?," "I am thinking perhaps we need a light to activate the runes. I think I could give it a try."
Falror looked around the group and raised an eyebrow as he saw Gyro grab Kalhalar and drag him into the cave. Without a word, Falror followed the rest of the group, soon reaching a mostly empty room with a door and five levers sitting opposite five Arcane letters. Falror grimaced at the letters. If they got stuck here, it wouldn't be the first time for Falror. The only difference would be that no one lived where he was trying to get into this time. He remained quiet and listened intently as Day-Bane and Helia discussed what to do about the levers and what the letters meant. Falror breathed a sigh of relief as Helia pushed the levers into certain positions, causing the door to open.

Falror stood up and walked towards the door once Gyro lit a torch to provide a little light. He studied the words closely before looking up at the rune stones. His poor upbringing meant that he knew very little words and had trouble reading what he did know. Luckily for him, he could at least read “Worth.” After a few moments looking back between the words and the stones, he spoke. “Worth… perhaps we need something expensive to activate the stones.” He was trying to guess what the rest of the sentence said without actually knowing what they read, and because of this, he spoke only loud enough for those next to him to hear. He also chose to ignore Blake’s suggestion, since it was directed at Day-Bane, though he kept the idea in mind. 
Kalhalar was surprised when Gyro put him in a headlock and dragged him into the caves, though he didn't resist. He looked back at Edo Crone, trying his best to convey with only his facial expressions that he would try his best to protect her. As the group entered the caverns, Kalhalar felt his usual anxiety at being underground. He had never enjoyed being in areas where he couldn't see the sky. He stayed quiet as they all reached the first room. When Day-Bane and Helia began discussing what to do, ending with Helia successfully solving the puzzle on her first try, he smiled to himself. He was sure that he had not overestimated the skills of his companions, and even if he had…

Now it seemed that the group needed to answer the question of how to activate the rune stones and get light. Kalhalar examined the words on the door with what little light the torch provided. He then looked up at the rune stones and continued to stare at them. He was sure that the others could figure something out, and so he looked at everyone else in turn, silently asking if they had any ideas.
I can be your goddess....


Or I can be your nightmare.....

For your reading convenience I have put her words in BOLD and any background/history in italics. Please enjoy, thank you.

Even though she felt she and Day had a certain connection of sorts, this WAS only her second time going on a mission with Day Bane and she wanted to be sure she didn't hurt his feelings or upset him. Day bane was someone she enjoyed being around and she had noticed that his nerves were a little sensitive so she tried to be sensitive to that.

She was was glad when the doors opened and walked in with the rest of the group, it was extremely dark however and as she looked up she noticed the ceiling was decorated with rune stones, she looked at the wall and read it with everyone else. Rune stones definitely would have been a great way for anyone who lived here to get light even in the darkest of places, it was efficient and magic wasn't exactly a resource that died out, especially with rune stones, making it actually quite perfect to have a light source that could last as long as the caves could.

Helia was about to look at Day and ask for his opinion, she had noticed he used rune stones to help transform his armor when he transformed, however 'Blake' she believed his name was, beat her too it. There was a pause for a moment and Helia took this chance to reach onto her belt and pull off a small loop of rope, which transformed into it's true self after a moment, it was actually her trusty staff, Gratia. However a rope was much lighter to carry, and much easier to hang on her belt.

"I can provide a little light," She said, tapping her staff on the ground three times, the first time it merely glowed, the second it grew about as bright as a weak flame, then the third time it did as good as a well fueled lantern. The light emanated from the crystal that laid in the head of the staff, while the rest of he golden colored staff just glowed lightly. "But if we could find a way to make these runes work, I'm sure it would be beneficial later in our journey." She added. "It seems as if they would light up a direct path, and allow us to see ahead for quite some time, where as my staff really only lights up our vicinity and a little beyond that. " She pointed out, but Gratia was light nonetheless and she could get the job done. Again Helia proved to be a rather useful companion to have on such trips.
Blake was pretty impressed by Helia and her staff, saying, "Woah, that's bright. I was about to use some of my white fire, but you take the cake, Miss Helia, if I'm correct." He looked around for a little while to take in the area around him. "To think someone was actually digging here. I'm surprised nobody even inhabits this place," Blake thought to himself. He was for a moment, impressed and at a loss for words, until, he felt some sort of itchy sensation on his tail, which was in a way, his favorite part of his body. He got on all fours to see what was itching him, and it was a group of bugs biting his tail. "Pesky insects. GET OFF MY TAIL!," He mumbled so no one would hear him, before he breathed red flames, setting his tail and the insects on fire. The insects could bear but run for dear life like flickering lights out of the face. His tail was still singed from the flames, but he didn't mind it.
Day-Bane looked up to the ceiling, which was in arms reach because of his massive height. He heard his name once again, from Blake, he believed. Suggesting that light could be used to activate the stones. Perhaps, but the hypothesis had one major flaw. If light was required, then how come Gyro's torch did nothing?

Perhaps a certain word would do the trick, or the touch of a stone user such as himself. He looked around the room, trying to find a clue. Every dungeon had one, at least. He eyed around using his night vision to get a clear image in the low lighting. He walked to the door, next to Kalhalar, and kneeled down to it's level, trying to get a good reading of what it said. The elements had made it difficult. He came to one word, and scratched away some rust with his claw, and looked for a moment.

"Rune power... Used to righ-...light one's way... worth..." he said under his breath. He might've just figured it out.

He stood back up, and looked to the stones on the ceiling for a moment, before open up and allow the word to fly.

"Worth...?" He said out loud. While it was a long shot that it would work, it was a shot that could potentially light up the tunnel. What did the word truly mean though? Was it just a simple word on a door? Or perhaps a clue to what was to come and why Kalhalar had called them all here? Or was it the password to light up the tunnels? He did not know.

In the mean time, he was beginning to feel foolish at how paranoid he had been. Nothing had shown up, nothing had attacked. No dragons, or undead, or giant insects, or trolls. Just a long dark tunnel. And here he was armored up like a juggernaut. Then again, the last tunnel he had been in was empty too, aside from a dragon at the end of it.
While the others took their time devising some type of scheme to activate the lights, Gyro took to lighting his(apparently already lit) torch. He took a knee, placed the torch on the ground, and took the flint and steel in either hand. Holding the crescent shaped steel in manner that his hands would not be bothered, he rasped the flint against the steel igniting a few sparks that flew across the torch and bit further out. The first hit hadn't sparked a flame, so he hit again, then again and the third time finally starting a small flame on the torch. He tucked the flint and steel into his bag and slung it back around his shoulders. Then took the torch up with his left hand, twirling the torch in his hand slightly as to keep the flame from burning only one side. After doing so, he looked over the group once more, finding that they had made almost no progress on lighting the runes that littered the ceiling. Gyro had no idea how to work runes really, he only knew the basics, such as how to activate them, but he had no idea how to read or decipher riddles or secrets, so he felt that he was of no use for this type of dilemma. He would provide only what he knew how, a bit of song and encouragement, as far as he could tell, his main use was entertainment to all situations. This was fine by him, he hadn't really to much experience in combat or really any want for combat, in fact he quite enjoyed his bod as it was, definitely does not want any sharp objects poking him. As for riddles, he can barely understand straight forward, direct, blunt insults, there is no way he would uncover a masked answer to a hidden question and clue. So he took charge of something he knew that would make a some sense, at least it made sense to him, or rather it just benefited him.

"Oi, whi' we contemplate on 'ow to get 'em light on, let's start down the passage, eh." Gyro began, "Jus' a thought, but how's 'bout we make a proper format as we go, aye, mayhaps the lady upfront," Being as she had a light and was properly equipped for combat, "then the Ga'Day at 'er side," he then gestured to everyone, "en honestly, we can jus' file hind 'em, long as I be in the back, so I can light the rear." It wasn't a bad plan, but it wasn't very thought through. Gyro just wanted to be in te back in case any danger would appear, he didn't do to well with snarling teeth growling at him. He was just about to wander over to Falror to ask him where they'd find anything of worth in a place as useless as Obrussa, but before he could say anything, the saurian attempted his theory.

From the word "Worth," the runes began to react, in an almost flickering way, they began to flutter into brightness as each glowed lightly like a stars in sky. Soon enough, the caves long hallway began to brighten and glow, as the path was lit as far the saurian's voice could stretch. From the new sight, it could be seen that the path was quite some ways, and led deeper into the mountains.

"Ah, nev' min' 'en. Guess we can awe' jus' walk casual like 'en. Ga' job, Ga'Day." Gyro chuckled before he blew out his torch with a few quick whips, then began shuffling around as he hid the torch back into his bag. "Sha' we continue 'en?" Gyro announced as he went a head and took lead.
Blake nodded his agreement with Gyro saying, "I'm with Mr. Gyro on that, correct me I'm wrong." "Now we can have ourselves a gander of these ruins have to offer. Maybe some ancient treasure or something around those lines," he said, offering to let everyone else go first. He was in no hurry to go nowhere. He looked at his tail, which was cooling off rather slowly, and took a moment to look at Edo, the other Anguis who was in the group, and surprisingly could not take his eyes off of her. Blake wasn't exactly a looker of the Anguis, but he did have a couple of Anguis girls that did find him more than just a friend. Blake found a huge grin on his face, but quickly smacked himself in the face, mumbling "Get yourself together. No fraternizing with her." It was not often that anyone caught Blake's eye like that before, but he wanted to get to know Edo better, but he didn't want to end playing with her emotions as he fears he will end up doing.
"Thanks." Day-Bane replied, smirking slightly under his hood. Happy that he had potentially rectified his past mistake. He grabbed his crossbow from his hip, and got it into firing position, loading it with a normal bolt. He stepped a few feet away from the group to gaze down the tunnel, before turning back around and raising the crossbow so it pointed to the ceiling, and rested his arm on his shoulder. This would keep anyone from being injured if the bow malfunctioned and fired.

He contemplated Gyro's idea for a moment, before nodding. "If you're okay with it." He said, with a shrug. He watched with great curiosity as the dragon-boy slapped himself. That was odd, it wasnt every day you just saw that. He pushed that aside, and continued. "Lets split the treasure evenly, if we find any, that is," he began, before turning around once again to gaze down the now lit path.

"I have a feeling that we will find a lot more than treasure that is..." he continued under his breath. "Shall we be off?"
Falror looked on in amazement as Helia grabbed a rope, only for it to turn into a staff that Helia quickly lit. His nose twitched, and he turned to where the smell came from. He found himself facing Blake. Falror could only wonder what the anguis had done, but he was quickly distracted by the lighting of the rune stones. He was just about to step forward, when he heard a smack coming from Blake’s direction. He didn't even bother looking; he just wondered just what kind of a person Blake was.

Falror walked forward, making sure he was in the middle of the group. It would hinder his progress in case he needed to get away for whatever reason, but he didn't want to be the first person to be surprised by anything that could be hidden within the cave. Falror found himself gazing at the rune stones that were over them. “How long has it been since the Pumilio were here? It’s amazing that these work, still, or do rune stones never run out of energy?” he found himself being bombarded with curiosity. Almost everything here was new to him, and he was sure he’d be able to use any knowledge he would gain when he got back home. 
As the rest of the group tried to solve the riddle of the rune stones, Kalhalar stood in one spot. He hadn’t even been in the cave for that long, and he was already feeling anxious. He hated being underground. Kalhalar let out a long sigh; he needed to complete his mission. He turned to the rest of the group, hoping to distract himself. He snorted in amusement to see Blake breathe fire at his tail before hearing Day-Bane say worth and looking up to see the rune stones light up.

Kalhalar began following the group. “Hurry up now, Blake. Let’s not get left behind,” he said as he passed by the anguis. He quickly caught up to the group and began walking alongside them. “It’s a good thing the Pumilio left these rune stones to light the way, but what if it branches out? What path should we choose then?” he spoke to himself quickly, “I suppose we should just travel downward, else we find ourselves back at the surface. What would the others say?” Despite his curiosity of the rest of the group’s opinions, he neglected to actually ask them, even though he had spoken loud enough for all to hear.
"Oh yeah," Blake said, snapping out of it. He got on all fours to catch up with the party, and kept looking around as he walked alongside the party. "So, the Pumilio did all of this? I wonder why there are none of them still here," Blake thought to himself. Upon hearing Kalhalar's insightful rambling, he scratched his stomach, saying "Well, that is a question we will have to answer when the road splits, then," Blake said with a smile on his face. "I don't really know what we would or should do, but maybe we spread out and cover more ground, or stick together, and not risk losing anyone."
It was time to get a move on, and thus everyone began their march onward. The bright rune stones each glowed like multiple torches, guiding the path before them, beside that the light was Helia's staff erupting a light from the tip like another torch. They seemed well set on light, as long as the runes were activated it would be well lighted, and it seemed at least two members of the group had a torch like device. Gyro wasn't sure how long Helia's would last, but he knew his torch had some life in it, as well he had a few spares in case he would need them. As well, Gyro guessed that as long as they repeatedly said 'Worth' a few times the runes would stay active. This was looking to be a lot easier than it seemed. As long as the puzzles did not get exceedingly difficult, they would be on a clear and steady path. Except one thing that Gyro noticed, Kalhalar was looking sick and jittery. He almost looked to be having a panic attack. Gyro had never seen Kalhalar in such a state, so it was a sight of wonder. IT made Gyro ponder on that old question that everyone had seem to have forgotten, the reason why Kal had brought everyone down there.

Gyro heard the anguis boy speak up, deeming Gyro, Mr. Gyro. That was different, and very informally formal, as he would prefer to be called Mr. Volvo if he would be called Mister at all. When the boy let his fancies of ancient treasure be known, Gyro could not but feel like he had to educate the boy of the desolate uselessness of these mines, but held himself back, for the boy seemed innocent and not a large amount bothersome. But when he began hitting and talking to himself, it caught Gyro off guard. Gyro took note that the boy was an odd ball. When the saurian stepped forward, taking to leading the group, Gyro nodded and followed after him. The saurian seemed more sensible when he spoke of the treasure, he seemed to know that there was a small chance that there was anything in value in these caves. Although the saurian seemed to assume they'd find something else within the caves, it was interesting really.

When Gyro peeked his attention at Falror, he noticed that the diuris was gawking at Helia when her staff began to glow. The type of magic wasn't completely uncommon, but it was interesting that she knew so much. Helia was equipped as a battle mage, an interesting an versatile warrior, and quite the power house in all forms of combat. Gyro was more interested in how Kal had come to know someone of such ability. When Falror began to ask about the Pumilio's mechanisms and runes, Gyro felt that it was appropriate for him to speak up.

"Rune stones have a limitless supply, eh, some say they pulls power from Terryal, some say they have 'eir own Souls, but awe know that they are damned useful." He laughed as he glanced up at the slightly flickering lights. "The Pumilio foun' the most use in 'em since most Pumilio don' study magic. A' well they can use 'ese buggers as a power source, being as they be renewable an' in good supply." Gyro nodded to the diuris before moving on, "We be in luck that the races have 'eir wits bout 'em."

Gyro put his attention on the magi of the group. He still seemed troubled but he was strong enough to push it aside and focus on the caverns a head. Kal's first thoughts seemed to be of the trouble of splitting paths, while accepting the luck they had with the lights. Gyro didn't believe mines really went in a twisted fashion, but they had plenty of diverging paths.

"I do believe tha' the main corridor is a straight sho' with plenty 'o' path branchin' from this main hall. So, long as we stick to the main path, we awe should be fine, eh." Gyro reassured the magi.

Finally, Gyro took to answering the anguis's curiosity, "The Pumilio left cause 'ese mines are very useless, they cou' not find anithin' of value. The expedition for 'ese mines became a major expense, so they abandoned it. As for us splitting up, 'ere would be no need, we aren't searching for anithin' in the mines." Gyro paused before turning to Kal, "What exactly are we lookin' for 'en, Kally-boy?"
I can be your goddess....


Or I can be your nightmare.....

For your reading convenience I have put her words in BOLD and any background/history in italics. Please enjoy, thank you.

Helia smiled brightly when the stones illuminated, she had been right that Day would know what to say. As everything was happening she barely cast a glance at the boy who hit and spoke to took all kinds and Helia wasn't one to concern herself with the personals of others. She over looked many peculiar things that people did and she wasn't one to intrude with questions or comments about why they did it.

She was inclined to answer Blake's question to the best of her knowledge, which was very little about rune stones, however Gyro seemed to answer it just fine, confirming what she believed to be true. that Rune stones drew on naturally occurring power from within Terryal. Useful little things, but things Helia couldn't quite get the hang of nonetheless. She was about to suggest they get moving, a path seemed to be prepared for them already, however that was when she heard Kalhalar and was a little disturbed, both by his question and his appearance, he seemed to be unprepared for the closed in walls of the corridors beneath the mountain... she felt bad for him, however she was inclined to ask a question that would ask why he was coming to a place he was so uncomfortable with.

She looked at Gyro, pretty much asking what she was thinking. She looked at Gyro,"I was about to ask the exact same thing." she said then glanced at Kal,"We are all fully invested in this by now," She referenced the group all being in the caves and no one seemingly ready to turn back,"but before we go on, perhaps now it would be appropriate to tell us what you are looking for and why you asked us all to come and help you?" She asked him "Then," She glanced at Gyro with a smile, then looked back at Kal,"We could better decide which routes we take, should any alternative paths arrive, and I do believe Gyro is correct....there are possibly many to arrive."

Helia walked over, placing a gentle hand on Kal's shoulder, knowing he was stressed out as it was, and it made sense to her. She hadn't thought of it until now, but it occurred to her that Kal was someone who wandered Terryal, who was sued to wide open country sides and sunny fields...he probably disliked these caves with them being under ground and enclosed....and these were old mines, Helia wouldn't blame anyone who would fear the mines collapsing and trapping them all underground until they slowly died one by one from lack of oxygen or food, or perhaps died from being eaten by one another....but at least they would have light from the runes stones. :)

Helia however held no fear, and again it was most likely because she had an enormous amount of pride in herself. Not only did she believe she was very beautiful, but she also believed she was brilliant and rather cunning, but mostly she believed she was filled with strength and power and was one of the best warriors in this world, the kind of person who could over come anything. It was easy to have faith in things turning out right when you fully believed that you could make everything right one your own.
Gyro peeked over to Helia as she joined in on the interrogation. If Kal wouldn't answer the damned question, Gyro was sure someone would beat it out of him. Although, it probably would not help Kal's anxious mood by prodding him with questions. It would most likely be better if they took to asking him while they rested and when Kal wasn't in such a terrible condition. Yes, that would probably be the smarter choice, even if it angered most everyone that they had no idea what the point of this venture was. Gyro gestured to Helia to lay off, with a waving motion, as if he were swatting a fly away, but in a friendly manner. He then patted his hand against the magi's back a few times.

"Speak when ya' please, Kally-boy," Gyro chuckled as he gleefully walked along, "we ain't in no hurry."


The group traveled onward, delving deeper into the mine shafts that the Pumilio dug out years and years ago. As Gyro had explained, the main hallway was the widest and deepest tunnel, while the other branching tunnels were small, barely winding, and short enough that a good eye could spot out the dead end in the far distance. Gyro repeated that they should simply pass by it, for it had obviously had nothing of interest, and with the reputation of these mines it really wasn't worth investigating. So the group did not allow themselves to become side tracked, and moved onward. The mine shaft went on for a while, it was rare that it turned a corner; although, it was always in a downwards curve pressing the group deeper into Terryal. Soon the mine shaft began to end, as the design work of the Pumilio began to cease and in return become replaced with crudely carved out path ways that held a design for larger creatures. The main size seemed more suited to fit Day-Bane's shape, but with wider shoulders, or perhaps extra room for other limbs. It wasn't long before it was recognizable as Anguis architecture. The rune stone's light began to lessen, causing the light to dim until soon enough becoming quite dark.


At the surrounding of darkness, Gyro took to seeking out his torches. Being as most everyone had their own source of light, Day (being as they'd both be taking point) having Helia, who had her staff, and the anguis boy having his fire breathing, then Kal having his magic. So he only used the torch to supply himself with a proper source of light, but had an extra in case anyone needed another. He took a moment to take a knee and strike up a spark, letting the group getting a few paces a head of him, before he caught up and stay towards the back of the group, finding safety there. As the group went further, light seemed to disappear, which caused a bit of anxiousness with Gyro, not that he was afraid of the dark, but more that he was afraid of what might be lingering in it.

"Best stay close to me, eh Fal." Gyro knew the diuris had no light source, and he would prefer to keep it that way as to force someone to stay near him.


Within the darkness, a single light glistened, a small one. It burned only as a candle that was almost completely out of wax and string. Near the candle stood two men. One short, wearing mostly red, armed with a few blades. His most peculiar feature was his mask that he wore tightly fascinated to cover his whole from ear to ear. The other man being a commonly sized hume. He wore all black, besides his white wrapping that he wore mainly as a bandanna, and also to cover a wound that bled above his right eyebrow. The one in black held the candle in his right. They seemed to be a fair distance away, but close enough to speak with one another.

The one in black spoke first, "Kalhalar," he uttered the magi's name, "We find ourselves on the opposite sides of the playing field. I would assume this has to do with those who slumber." He spoke in a riddle like way, as to hopefully avoid anyone else understanding his words.The man in black recognized a few others in the group, but paid no mind, for he had business to attend to.

With a quick movement, the man threw the candle to his right, flinging it quite the distance into the darkness, until it crashed into the wall, and the lit candle landing into a pit. The pit caught fire, and trice did the fire surround the entire room, revealing that the darkness hid a large chamber in which the Anguis had lived. It had a moat surrounding the entire room, the moat was filled with runes that quickly caught fire and stayed ignited, giving light and heat to the entire area.
I can be your goddess....


Or I can be your nightmare.....

For your reading convenience I have put her words in BOLD and any background/history in italics. Please enjoy, thank you.

Helia looked at Gyro when he motioned for her to lay off, she nodded and did as he suggested, she could tell Kal needed a break anyways. Helia walked with the group for a long time, glad that they didn't seem to have to take any detours, however she was aware of how deep they were moving into the caves.....farther and farther down into the darkness, with each step the runes growing dimmer and the corridors growing larger. Finally she felt as if she could open her wings freely and comfortably, however she refrained. she continued to allow Gratia to glow slightly more bright as the rune stones grew more dim, finally letting it rise to it's full brightness as the corridors went entirely dark.

She was beginning to think this was a fool's errand, or that she perhaps, didn't exactly need her armor, however no sooner did she think that than they came upon two more figures ahead of them holding a candle that was short for this world. Helia made a point to stay with Day at the front of the group, finding them to be suitable leaders and best fit for combat or intimidation should they need either along the way. She slowed when she saw them and came to a complete halt as they spoke Kalhalar's name...they didn't sound too friendly, although apparently they had business. Helia planted Gratia on the ground firmly, standing tall, prepared for whatever was to come. "State your business." She demanded, she recognized the one in black, however she couldn't place his face....had she seen him with Kalhalar before? No that wasn't it....before she could place his face though he threw his candle and the room felt like it erupted in flames. Helia shielded her face from bot the heat and the light, Gratia's light was extinguished entirely.

Helia held Gratia out in front of her in an offensive position,"Who are you and what do you want?" She asked them seriously and firmly and loud enough for them to hear her. Her golden eyes were intense and filled with strong will and determination to protect her friends....and the rest of these people. She was a force to be reckoned with and so far these new comers weren't entirely friendly, and you know what they say, if you can't say anything nice, you better not piss off anyone who can take you down.
Day-Bane trudged on with the rest of the group, happy the the room had grown wider to accomodate his size. He could swing his sword now, in a controlled way of course, as it was still a bit of a stretch to do so with his arm and sword's length. His eyes adjusted as the light began to dim. He looked around warily, watching for any sign of movement or foreign advance.

While no agressive came, he was one of the first to notice the little light ahead. As he walked, he began to pick up a familiar smell. One he hadn't in a long while. Like the hume, his race depended greatly on sight, but also had a variety of higher tuned senses to go with it. His sense of smell, for example, would usually go on auto pilot until it picked up a scent the didn't fit the surroundings. In this case, it was the smoke from the candle and the faint remnants of the... other.

As they grew closer, both scents grew stronger. While he couldn't put his finger on the fainter of the two, he would be ready either way. He raised his crossbow at the short one and the hume. He didn't recognize either. Both wore some for of clothing that hid their faces... then again, so did he with his hood. He went into a half crouch and split off from the group going a bit farther off to the other side of the tunnel wall. He nearly slipped as he came to the moat, and took a step away. He didn't want to find out what was living in there.

When the man threw the candle, it hit the pit right next to him, causing it to erupt in flames and for him to raise the crossbow up as to not fire and use his other arm to shield his eyes. Once they had adjusted, he looked back to the man and the midget.

He began to recognize the scent now... One he hadn't smelt for a long while.

Oh no... oh no no no.

Did it have to be him?

Attaching his crossbow back on his hip, he stood from his half crouch position to access the situation. This was the same person who saw him a monster. The same person who he revealed his secret to in a fit of hunger and hysteria. This was Lite.

And now here they were in a very similar situation. He didn't know what to think anymore, so he stayed silent. Helia or Gyro or SOMEONE would be able to talk better than him right now. He was more tempted to just keep going down the tunnel and clear the road of anything to come. If there was anything, that is. He didn't want to be around if Lite said anything about him and his secret.

It was bad enough as it was last time.

He walked back to the group, taking his place next to Helia once again. While he hadn't gone too far away, he didn't want it to seem like he was abandoning them. He placed and hand on her shoulder, allowing it to hold it's weight for just a moment, and leaned down to the Valkyrie's ear. "Take a look a the big one..." he began his yellow eyes watching the two. Helia was smart, she could figure it out.
Valen simply stared from beneath his mask, having had no use for facial expressions for over 200 years. He toyed with his dagger, throwing it in the air and catching it by the tip. Why was he down here? A powerful and mysterious man had simply sent him a letter, nothing more, promising Valen that he could bring back his family. That, and a hefty sum of gold. The little Pumilio couldn't resist. When the cavern erupted into flame, and runes caught fire, Valen didn't flinch. He did, however, turn to look for the female voice coming from inside of the entrance tunnel. He tried to make out the female, but with no luck.

He shouted out with just enough sound to be heard, and said, "Oh, our business is our own, lass. What you should be worried about is who hired us. Rich bloke, and quite powerful. Even convinced me to come out to this gods-forsaken place. If it were anyone else, I'd have told them to go to hell. Oh, where are my manners, allow me to introduce myself."

Valen throws his dagger toward the mouth of the cave, and just before it hit's the largest figure, it returns to his hand. "The name's Valen. Don't quite remember my last name, but oh well. I also go by 'The Masked Blade.' You probably haven't heard of me, only been around for about 4 centuries. That, and I'm the master of bladed combat. And I've assassinated 5 or six kings, and a boatload of noblemen."

"Look at me, chatting like a maid in a washroom. But to answer your question, we're here to stop you all," And with that, Valen draws his rapier, and sheathes his dagger. "So, who's first?"
Day-Bane reeled back at the dagger being thrown at him. He already didn't like this one. When it proclaimed it was there to stop them... Well, he was only so happy to step up to the challenge. "Me." Day-Bane snarled, drawing his greatsword. He didn't doubt that simply stepping on this little man could kill him, but in his years he had learned not to underestimate an opponent. If this little man was as good as he said he was, then he could use the length of his sword, armor, and size to his advantage. The man would have to jump on him in order to do anything because of his armor. The dagger, while a deadly weapon, couldn't meet his degree of armor and pierce it. He curled his tail around, showing the mace like clasp on even that. As if to say: 'Are you positive you want to do this?'

He didn't bother with Lite. The man knew why he was and going up with his species of were was nothing if not stupid. But this Short one did not. "So what's the pay for stopping us? You're outnumbered, out armed, and out powered. I dont think it's worth your life." Day-Bane stated. The arrogance... Or stupidity of this Pumilio was astounding. As soon as he was having a hard time, Helia and the others would help him.

What the hell was Kalhalar planning? Could he potentially be a part of this? Oh well. As long as he kept his front to face it, the little ground troll wouldn't lay a finger on him.
I can be your goddess....


Or I can be your nightmare.....

For your reading convenience I have put her words in BOLD and any background/history in italics. Please enjoy, thank you.

Helia was not impressed with Valen's little show. she had never cared for fancy antics that would were meant to cause fear and mental weakness in one's opponent, although it was clear this little man had more confidence that he needed, however so did she. She kept the one dressed in black in the corner of her eye as she watched Day Bane deal with Valen. She looked at him, trying to figure out where she had seen him before, he hadn't been an opponent because she never forgot an opponents face either because they were a rat or they were honorable. Each had a place in her mind.

Helia drew her sword, taking a few steps in front of the group and ending up a little away from Day Bane as to give him room to take care of the imp of a man. She let Gratia turn into a sword,"And you, I suppose a name hardly matters if you are indeed here to stop us. However I'm afraid I can't allow you to lay a hand on my companions here. and we do intend to pass through." She said feeling a little silly honestly - she was about to fight this man and she had no idea why. She didn't know what they were after or why these men were trying to stop them. She wished she knew their reason for being here....

However Kal hadn't told them anything this entire journey, Helia wouldn't have offered to fight these men if she really believed they would let she and her friends just waltz out of here alive and unscathed.....these men seemed like they were out for blood.

(She'll realize who it is soon enough)
"My my my, that voice sounds a bit familiar. Then again, most of your race have that same raspy, low tone of voice, don't they half-breed?" Valen said, sheathing his sword. Now that he had a good look at the thing, he saw it was a saurian, covered with armor and brandishing a sword twice Valen's height, and perhaps weight as well. All Valen needed was speed, and that armor, no matter how strong the wearer, had to slow him down at least a little. Valen pulls out his dagger, and advances toward the saurian. He sized up his opponent: Large, roughly 300 lbs, about 6 feet tall. The tail would have to be watched, it looked powerful.

Valen walked to the saurian, and said, "Let's have a gentleman's battle, no below the belt stuff. Don't mind my stature, give me all you've got, you enormous lump of scale and stench!" And with that, Valen leaped backwards an incredible distance, and brandishes his dagger.
Day-Bane wasn't all that fazed by the midget. More like... Questioned. Half breed? Where was he going with that? He was a subspecies of saurian called a Lenngann. Nothing really half bred there. But a gentleman's battle? Ha. Good luck with that. He did come from a swamp after all. You had to fight dirty no matter what you did.

Now that the Pumilio was back and away from him, he could have a little bit of fun. He rested his sword on his shoulder and grabbed his crossbow from his side, lifting up the weapon to the Pumilio and firing. It wasn't exploding, but he didn't really need it to be. If the Pumilio dodged the bolt, it would give him tome to close the distance and either nail the person with his tail, sword, or foot.

Assassin or not, once you sacrifice the element of surprise, going toe to toe with a warrior was never a good idea. He dropped his crossbow, allowing it to fall the the ground with a clang. It took to long to reload straight out, especially when the little guy had a speed advantage.
(Let me nap x.x)

The two were quick to draw their blades, they were obviously the point guards, the attackers and the tanks of group, they'd have to be dealt with as to allow access to the back line, where the actual mind was. While not immediately hostile, they were intent on interrogating the two. It was an odd question that they had asked the two that were there before them. In honesty, if this were a real spelunking cave dive, it would have been the original two's right to be there, and other group would simply have to follow in their wake. Helia, the angelic girl took to announcing first, and taking point as speaker of the group. She asked simple questions, but it seemed she jumped right into combat, quite rash. For a moment, the saurian acted quite frantically, in a fashion that he had just seen a ghost, but he eliminated that as soon as the Pumilio began speaking.

The black robed man was content on keeping himself silent, but he had not expected the Pumilio to announce the details of the two's venture into the caves. It was quite the same for the robed man, he was hired by a mysterious man to stall the group and keep them from going on, except the black robed man was directly hired, for he knew who the mysterious employer was. Unlike the masked man, Lucis knew a large amount more of what was happening here, and he doubted anyone else knew, except for Kalhalar.

When the Pumilio finished introducing himself, the robed man placed a hand upon Valen's shoulder, "Do not rush in," he spoke silently, a deep and monotone voice, much different from what the other two would recognize, "we must do this with care." Then he allowed the Pumilio to go a head as he pleased, which then seemed to be a challenge to the saurian.

While the robed man was not naive enough to enter into one on one combat in these conditions, he trusted that Valen could care for himself. Lucis turned his attention on the winged lady. She seemed to be quite ready to fight, obvious by the arming of a mystical sword. She went a head and stated what she wanted, and implied what she was willing to do. Fighting could have been avoided for a few moments longer, but if things had to happen like this then Lucis would follow suit.

While she had decided to speak, the robed man kept silent, for if she was content on combat then he would allow his sword to speak for him. The sword had long hand and a half handle, with a common design, with small white pegs leading along the sides wrapped in a golden braid. The guard was a casual circular frame, with only a slight design of a sun. The blade was one sided with a curved edge and curved point. It was a cutting utensil, made for cleanly slicing through body parts. The scabbard was a dark black, but was covered in scratches and blemishes. Near the the guard of the scabbard, a noticeable and legible. It held one word in old hume language, that which the Thardanian's use, 'Sucit.' He drew the blade out about at hand, in preparation for a unfolding strike, near the same place where the engraving on the scabbard was, on the blade it had a engraving in common language, 'Show none.'

He stepped into a stance that would allow him to switch into proper sword forms, he stood a sword form that was known as Unfolding the Fan to masters of the blade.
Valen moved slightly to the left and sprinted at the behemoth, right between his legs. Making sure to watch for the tail, he threw his dagger at the back of it's helmet multiple times, 4, putting on large dent at the back. After the dagger returned to his hand, Valen stabbed it into the armor up to the hilt, and left it hidden and embedded in the armor up to the hilt, just out of its reach. Valen leaped over the saurian with ease, dashing back to where he had stood, and stared. The time that had passed was roughly eight seconds.

He willed his dagger back, only through physical movement, making the dagger push against the saurians back with a force that would stagger a bear. Hopefully, he would stagger. Hopefully.
Day-Bane went with the dagger's force, charging the little midget head on with the sword held off to the side for what seemed to be a swing. He was protected from the brunt of the dagger because of his armor, and he was lucky that it hadn't penatrated his hood, which was odd. But he thought nothing of it.

He covered the ground fast, faster than he normally would because of the dagger's pull, and then lifted his sword with one arm to free his other. This allowed him to grab the little man around the neck with his massive clawed hand. This fight was over. He had, had enough with the nonsense. He pivoted on his heel and used the energy he accumulated to create force, allowing him to slam the pumilio down on the ground and hold him there. While the dagger was still in his back, he had no free hand to remove it.

"Helia," be breathed. While he was an extremely strong saurian, running with his own and the armor's weight was a feat. "Knife... Back... Remove please." He said, before locking eyes with the now pinned midget below him. And move and he could dig his claws into the things throat and rip it's tracea out.

"I want to know who sent you," he began baring his teeth. "You're nothig but a pawn in this larger man's game. I want to take down head master so I dont have to waste time on those like you." He continued, allowing his glowing yellow eyes to glare ito the pumilio's soul. "Do you even know why you're trying to stop us?"

The Pumilio was light, only slightly heavier than his sword. He could grab the imp around the ankles and use him lile a bat if he really wanted to.

"I dont want to kill anyone. I came here to help a friend. Nothing more."
The angelic hadn't moved from her place, but the battle between the saurian and Valen was getting hectic. A warrior had to keep a fine knowledge of every event happening around him, that included the duel that was being preformed by the two. While the pumilio had successfully moved beneath the saurian's attack and sent a flurry of blunt hits at the lizard man's head, which should have left his head ringing, being as he had no protection beyond a cloth hood. The suaurian was able to recover quickly, and with an extra burst of speed, even with a blade in his back, he charged the pumilio once more and this time pinned him down. Once atop the pumilio, the saurian began questioning him again, to that the black robed man reacted too. He didn't need Valen spouting anything beyond what he had already revealed.

The black robed man took a few steps to the side as to get closer to the two who were on the ground scuffling. He aimed his stance at the two, he was slightly crouched, his shoulders slightly staggered, left back and right leading, as his right hand gripped the handle of his blade. His left hand gripped the scabbard as to keep it from moving and bothering his attack, and holding it at a precise position to allow the maximum potential of his draw. He took a few deep breaths, then tensed his stance, focusing on this strike, for it was one of his most advanced moves.

Faster than the eye could follow, he unfolded the fan. The most common drawing technique, meant to be done in a simple arc smoothly and swiftly. The draw is meant to convey grace and confidence before committing to combat. The blade erupted from the sheath, slashing in a wide arc at the saurian's side, close enough to reach halfway through his torso from shoulder to shoulder. The arc was immensely fast, and was backed up with immense precision and skill. Even if the saurian's armor was durable enough to withstand the attack, he would be launched off the pumilio and sent to the other side of the room, for Lucis practiced this attack's slicing and strength on Lignum Vitae trees, he had perfected the swing to the amount where he could slice a tree cleanly in half, leaving only a stump in the stead.

From the swing, the air and fires, in the edges of the room, shook and looks as if a sword at slashed right passed it. The air twirled and rushed back and forth as the pressure of his attack pressed down on the room, and the flames blew about roared as they fought back with their own strength.

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