Pray We Return

Original Hylion

RPn's Original Jello Lion Pirate
What are you doing here?

I’m stopping you, whatever you’re planning.

Planning? I’m not planning anything.

I’ve heard the whispers… We put the gem there for a reason. You wanted to make sure it never left that spot. So why do you want it now?

I’ve changed my mind. It will serve better if it was in my possession.

Better for everyone? Or just yourself? If you really don’t trust it, why not just have it destroyed.

I trust it, believe me…

I know what you’re up to, and they’ll recognize you. They’ll recognize both of us. There’s no point in trying.




Mount Obrussa is not very visited, quite out of the way. It's rare that anyone heads here, for there is literally nothing there. Some time ago, some Pumilio tried to mine it out for ores, they could find none. Anguis tried to make homes a top the mountains, but found it a horrid place to stay. No kingdom, race, tribe, or single person could find a use for the caves of Obrussa. And so, it became an unused and desolate mountain, with barely refined mind shafts and remnants of Anguis culture. Why anyone would ever want anything from this desolate place, is beyond even the Divus Nati. And so, there is no danger to you, so why not help your good friend out?

Arriving at the entrance that Kalhalar had told you about, you can see a few others already camped out and waiting. What could be going on?
First to arrive, and already with tent and fire built, Gyro sat on a small rock that was rounded and large enough to be used as a nice elevated chair. While it hurt his butt, he hardly minded as he was more bothered by the fact that Kalhalar was so utterly late to the his own designated time of rendezvous point. So bored in fact, that he had actually begun fiddling with with his fiddle to keep himself preoccupied. While he had played some music, he got bored and began tweaking the turning pegs and the fine tuners in attempt of playing an odd sound and even experimenting with notes. While not aiming for anything serious, he picked a little tune and began to play it repeatedly. The tune was a nice and chipper, actually felt like the type to dance too, thus Gyro stood up and twirled about, playing is fiddle and tapping his feet. He continued that until finally tripped and falling back onto his rump, where he sat and waited for a few moments longer, contemplating his immense boredom of waiting for Kalhalar to reveal himself.

After a bit longer, Gyro went about his tent, looking for holes to patch. It was a small tent, more or less a support beam hanging curtains circular around it at an acute angle to create a small shelter. While it would be cramped, the minstrel honestly only used to stay out of the rain, for he usually preferred to sleep under the stars or near the camp fire. Within the tent was his bag of belongings, which held nothing of high value, just supplies one would need to live on the road. The only things most people would steel from him would be his bow, which is very makeshift, his quiver of arrows, or his fiddle set. He is pretty clearly a very poor fellow, for he wears dirty and old clothes, and rations every meal he earns. Even so, if you were ever to see him, you'd see a bright smile.

Finally, with boredom burrowing into his brow, Gyro took a seat back on the rock. His fiddle sat beside him, and the unlit fire pit sat quietly in front of him. In an attempt to soothe himself, Gyro leaned back and shut his eyes.
Getting to the damned mountain was hard enough. Both mentally and physically. He could barely walk ten feet before some beast of the wild came up to him. The sword on his back was a real pain to clean. The week long journey from his last venture point tried him on supplies, and his past. While moving through one of the towns he heard rumors of one of them being there too. He never actually saw him or her, but the mere reminder of what occurred brought him down on those he left behind. Those he had separated from. He missed them, the leader always being ready, and distrustful. The skeleton on a person, slim. The magi who could roar like a dragon. He especially missed Helia. He would never forget her. She was the only one who stayed with him, who didn't see him as a monster or asset. He wondered where she had gone off to.

Even as a treasure hunter, he didn't like to go into caves anymore. He still didn't know how he got into the mess he was in before, and he didn't want it to happen again. He feared no man, but the idea of being lost to the ages once again... it scared him. He had lost everyone he was related to, his family, friends, everything once he returned to where he was born. The idea of loosing what he managed to scrape up now? That was horrifying. He had managed to get enough coin to buy a homestead in a village many, many miles away. He had made money after that while working for a guild, earning coin for doing 'jobs'. These job required him to 'acquire' certain items for the guild, in which they would turn it around for profit. Not that he cared. He made money on seemingly worthless items. So he was fine. He built a small small house, the rights to a lake, and a meadery, he even had a friend he made tend it while he was away doing things like he was now.

In this time, however, he grew restless. He could go and retire if he really wanted. But he had no urge. He wanted to live and die by the sword, not by the barrel. So, he put down his fishing rod and bait, as soon as Kalhalar asked. He dusted off his old armor, refined it, shot a few cross bolts, and took a few dummy heads off with his sword to clear the rust. This was his first time going back to a cave every since he escaped. He had deep scaring across his torso from the dragon's claw, and his collar bone had shown signs of a full recovery from it's break.

As he arrived, he noticed he was the second, as a bard had shown up. A bard doesn't just come to a place like this for no reason, Kalhalar had to have sent him. He didn't know if others would be showing up, but knowing Kalhalar, he would send others. He noticed his hands were clenched from his previous thoughts as he walked here. He gingerly removed his claws from his palms, and took the bag of supplies and equipment off his back. He first set up his bedding, which was a simple animal skin tent and a matching animal skin sleeping bag. Neither of which he had skinned himself. The second was a small fire pit, which the bard had already set up. He would put his pot by the pit later.

He grabbed a whetstone from his satchel, and found a small boulder near his tent, and sat down on it, maneuvering his tail so the blade at the end wouldn't scrape across the rock or ground. He took his sword from the hilt on his back and began to drag the whetstone along it's edges, making sure the massive weapon was sharp, not that it really needed to be to kill someone. "What's you name." He said, turning his head to look at the bard. "And did Kalhalar send you?" He didn't know how he sounded to other people, but most said he was a mountain of a man with weapons just as large. Even Lite has described him as a wall of scales at one point or another. His smiled slightly to himself at the thought, as being so big did have its perks.

Heh, and he could always get bigger if he really needed to.
What was all that damned thumbing about, like a tree was rolling closer and closer. At first, Gyro thought it to merely be his imagination, but once the ground beneath began to shake, he knew something large was upon him. With a quick jolt of energy, Gyro shot up and glared at the being in his presence, and with no surprise it was a large and humongous Bestia, armored to nines and baring scales like one of the Anguis folk, but no this man was a Saurian by obvious standards, so no need to fear him as if he were a wild animal looking for a meal, but that large sword he immediately drew was something of a fright. Why a man would walk right into another man's camp, draw a large sword, and start sharpening it as if preparing to go chop something or someone down, was beyond Gyro. Obviously not the most sensible of men, but from the tone of his voice, he was civil. But just because he was civil did not mean he was peaceful, he could just as well be a bandit. He was armed to the teeth, looked menacing as could be, and walked about without a care. While the first questions were along th elines of who are you and why are you here, Gyro's guess for the second questions to be, "Give me your shit, and you can keep your ass." But Gyro wasn't the type to jump to conclusions, but he was the type to aim for talking his way out of certain situations, especially ones like this.

"Aye, sure, Kal is'a might ga' friend'o'mine," Gyro began, "he spoke, somethin' abou' a hidn' treasure in the cave' here. Are ya' seekin' the same thin' then? If ya' want, I can tell ya' what Kal told me, and I'll be on ma' way." It was kind of funny, the fact that the Saurian towered so tall, made Gyro grin and speak in a more amused tone. "I dona' want an'troubles now, I was just waitn' for'o uhm, Kalhalar."

Gyro wasn't entirely nervous or afraid, simply weary that a stranger with some large menacing weapons decided to hang himself about. Gyro was no honest fighter, in fact he ran from most battles, so he wanted to stay as far away from any fighting as he could. He wasn't told of any bandits around this area, and he was sure that Kal wasn't the type to set up his own friends.

"Ma' names Gyro Volvo, a bard I am, and if I don' say ma'self, a pretta' darn ga' one. If ya' be wantin' one, I can sing ya' a tune." Plucking his fiddle and bow from the ground, placing the bow in a proper place and running the strings to make a loud and strong sound. "Mayhaps, abou' the might ta' ya' arm, ay. Or how bou' somethin' simple. Ma' guess wood be tha' you quite enjoy ya' self some ale, or beer, grog, whatever ya'd prefer to call'em." Gyro stood up and bowed to the Saurian, "Shall I play ma' tune?"
"Treasure is nice and all, but I'm not here for that." Day-Bane said, resting the whetstone on his sword, and balancing his weapon on his legs, freeing his hands. He grabbed the sides of his hood, and pulled it down, revealing the rest of his scaly saurian face, snout, and the rest of his head. "I'm not going to rob or kill you, Kalhalar sent me too. A friend of his, is a friend of mine." He said, trying to calm the man before him. In hindsight, it wasn't the smartest thing to sharpen his sword so fast, but he would've thought that when he set up camp here he wouldn't be an issue.

"I'm here for an adventure." He clarified, finishing his previous statement. If the man before him knew what he had done and seen, he would've surly classified him as insane. Wanting to delve into a cave that could be dangerous after waking up in a whole new era from when he was last. But he would not just give out such information. Not unless needed. "Bard, an honorable trade. I almost wish it were more popular, to see what it would become." Day-Bane mused, and lifted his sword to sheath it. The massive weapon hovered off on his thighs and was lifted over his head, and slid into the sheath with a light 'slick'.

"The name's Day-Bane, nice to meet you." he started, leaning forward and resting his arms on his thighs. "And quit bowin' at me. You can play any song you want, but please, stop the bowing." he hissed, rolling his eyes at the bard's antics. He didn't like being sucked up to. He never had. He decided to change the conversation, and let the bard do a little talking.

"So how did you meet Kalhalar?"
Her travel was prett easy, except the fact that she had to manuver through all the other dragons who live on the other side of the mountains. The villagers down below he continuosly asked her why she had horns, tails and wings. The trip was more of a mental challeng then physical, she had no trouble walking or flying. She had good stamina beingthat of the race she was born into. She was really happy when heasked her of a favor so she didn't mind tagging along on this trip. She washappy she could finally leave the nest.

Nearing the mountain, she looked up and let out a sigh. "what is this..home." She rolled her eyes as she inhaled then jumped up into the air. HHer wings unfolding from her bag , spread themselves out. She smiled as she looked at them both. She nodded then her wings began to flap as she began to fly upward toward the entrance. Her tail swaying side by side, she decided to have some fun and do flips in the air. Round and round she went, she continued to elivate upwards. Almos tthere she stopped and her ears twitched. " there are two, so i must be the third."

She let out a smirk and smied. " shall we give them an old good dragon welcome." she inhaled with all the air she could hold. Then exhaled into a dragon roar. Her mouth oopend wide as it made the moutain shake just a bit. Satisifed she flew up then landed in the entrance. The claws digging into the ground of the cave as her tail settles behind her and her wings fold back in.
Phew, that's a slight relief, he wasn't some kind of bandit, jut another friend of Kalhalar's. Although, Gyro had gotten no notice that there would be others that would be coming along with them. In fact, he thought this to be a very solitary venture. Though the big guy was definitely not someone he wouldn't mind bringing along. Someone who could take care of the heavy lifting was definitely an asset, but Gyro wondered how well the Saurian would fit in the possible narrow passages of the mountain's deeps. While he wouldn't want him in the lead to slow them down, he wouldn't want them behind them to slow his escape. He would have his uses and his faults, but the big question was why he came so armed. Kalhalar told Gyro that there was little to no danger, and the weapons needed would be to scare off rogues and wild animals. This Day-Bane fellow was exactly that, he not only scared the animals away, he probably scared any chance of treasure away, but he was here for "adventure". Gyro wasn't sure what he meant by that, Kal only mention needing a favor. Whatever it was, Gyro would not object to anyone coming along, the more the merrier.

"Well'en, Mista' Bane, hope you dona' mind if I start callin' ya' Day 'en. Sounds more natural, ay. Aye, sure, eve' betta' I 'ill call ya' ga'Day. Cause any day ya' be on ma' side is a ga'day for me." Gyro nodded as he twirled over to his tent and began rummaging around. After a few moments he came back out hume sized tankard and even larger leather canteen of beer. "Whi' I shoulda' brought some water, I took upon ma' self to bring the proper drinks." He poured some beer and shoved the tankard into the Saurian's possession without his concern, and then Gyro began playing and tuning his fiddle, preparing a giddy tune.

"A long time ago way back in history. When all there was to drink, was nothing but cups of tea. Along came a man by the name of Charlie Mopps, and he invented a wonderful drink and he made it out of hops," he began while playing the fiddle along with his voice, "He must have been an admiral, a sultan, or a king. And to his praises we shall always sing. Look at what he's done for us, he's filled us up with cheer. Lord Bless Charlies Mopps the man who invented beer, Beer, Beer, tiddly beer, beer, beer." He would have continued, if it wasn't for a winged woman releasing a drake like roar while flying right over the two and zooming right into the cave.

"So 'en cood lassies fly?" He replaced with his music as he gazed over at the entrance of the cave, searching for the body that crashed into the cave's entrance.
Falror ran up the mountain at a steady pace. He was exhilarated to be out there. He had known cities and towns all his life, but here he didn't have to hide. There were no suspicious eyes, no greedy hands or corrupt guards. Out here, he truly felt free, freer than he had felt than when he had escaped the supposedly inescapable prison of the city that he had grown up in. Falror had almost jumped at the chance to go traveling with Kalhalar. It gave him an excuse to escape the cities for a while, and he’d be able to travel with one of the few people he could actually trust. In a way, he felt like he belonged in nature, but he knew that he could never stay. Eventually his heart would yearn for home, and he would be drawn back into the cities once again.

After a while, though, he sat down, exhausted. He had never run so fast for so long before. “Dammit, Kalhalar,” Falror muttered to himself as he removed his pack from his back, “you didn't tell me that the mountain would be so far away.” He opened his pack and took out a piece of meat. It was cold but cooked, as Falror had stolen it off the plate of a distracted hume before he had left the city. The meat was almost unrecognizable, but some quick examination let him determine that it had come from a hog of some sort. Not his favorite, but he forced himself to eat it anyway.

Continuing his journey, it wasn't long before he heard the conversation of two other people. Looking ahead, he saw what appeared to be a large saurian and a smaller… Falror couldn't determine if it was a hume or a diuris, but it was too tall to be a pumilio. Falror was dismayed that some rogues had beat him to what looked like the spot where he would meet Kalhalar, but he slightly relaxed when they began to mention Kalhalar’s name. He was ready to call out to them when he heard a loud roar above him. Immediately he jumped behind a nearby rock and pulled out his sword. He looked up to see some woman with wings fly down into the entrance of the cave. Cautiously, he peeked out from behind the rock.
Tarius was physically exhausted. His journey had already lasted one week thus far, and he wasn't sure how much longer it would take. It was his honor to be able to help the man that once saved his life, but this traveling world was not for him. However, despite his discontentment with his surroundings - the forests, rivers, wild beasts, and worry of bandits - Tarius was determined to make it to his designated meeting spot. A rumbling in his stomach alerted him to his need for food, "If I had known the distance was this great, I would've bought food at the last town." He complained silently with a heavy sigh. Luckily for him, when he asked for directions the villagers told him it would only be a few days more on his journey. Tarius could see the ominous mountain in the distance, and with each passing day it continued to grow closer. Now he was only a few more hours away.

Unfortunately for him, his body ached all over. Not only was his race not meant for extended amounts of travel, but he was what some one call a "scholar". Meaning his lifestyle in general was typically not this strenuous. Thankfully, there had minimal encounters with beasts up until now, or else he would probably be more physically exhausted than he was already. "I've let myself go. Back then, this would've been no problem at all." His mood dropped as he remembered his old life; despite it being years ago, he could still remember every detail as if it were yesterday. His family, his home, his life had all been taken away from him in less than a few minutes. As he continued down the mountainous trail, mindlessly walking out of habit, he stumbled over a jagged rock. He hit the ground with a thud, scratching his face.

"That's what I get for not paying attention," he chuckled to himself and winced as his chin throbbed in pain. He set his gaze steady ahead and pushed any negative thoughts from his head. This was why he was here, to help the man that gave him a new life. To pay back an immense debt. He would do anything for a chance to do that.

A few hours passed and he was approaching the mountain fast. However, he could hear something coming in the distance. Tarius took cover in the trees, hoping his green armor would camouflage him from the danger. He peeked out from behind the tree, and managed to catch a small glimpse of the being. Much to his surprise is was a girl with wings like a dragon soaring through the sky. He watched as the woman took a nose dive into the mountains, letting out a deafening screech as she did so. Tarius didn't know what to do. Kalahar had only told him to bring the basic in case of beasts and bandits, not something like this. In fact, Tarius was thoroughly confused as to what the woman was, he'd only seen saurians and she was nothing of the sort. Initially, his body told him to stay back and to not investigate. "What if Kalahar is up there?" A sense of urgency welled up from within him; if he was, indeed, up there he had to go to his aid.

Without a second though, Tarius grabbed his bow and sprinted up the mountain in a hurry. He was ready to protect his friend at the cost of his own life; however upon arriving he only found two being already there: a hume and a saurian. With his bow ready to fire, he scanned the area but they looked calm. Tarius remained vigilant, not dropping his guard, "Who are you? and where is Kalahar?" he asked pointing his arrow at the two sitting around a campfire. Although he wasn't normally one to point his weapon at strangers, Kalahar didn't warn him about any others tagging along.
Comming up from the rubble she shakes her head. The horns knocking of the small rocks that had fallen on her when she crashed landed. Her tail swinging the other rocks away, that were bigger to the sides of her. She brushed herself, annoyed how she landed. " so ungraceful..i got to practice on my landing." She stretched out her arm, her tail swaying happily as her ears twitched. She glanced back and saw more people than she heard.

She recgoniszed some of the race due to the dragons teachings but not many. In he picture they looked like blobs, and some smuged by led on the paper. She tilted her head curiosly. It was her first time seeing another species other then the drakes. She smiled wide, showing her fangs on the top and bottom row of her teeth. Her tail moving side to side she wave to them, unthreatend by the one whol weiled a weapon.

She tjem remebered about the gem. She patted herself down frantically, then hit her head lightly." right i ate it." The gem she had for safe keeping was in the pit of her stomach, so she was fine there. She turned back toward the others and thought. Those are his friends, how weird looking they looked. None the less a friend of Kalahar is af riend of hers.
When the roar sounded out, Day-Bane was already up to his feet, and had loaded an exploding bolt into his crossbow. He didn't like dragons. He had good reason to. He also didn't like caves, and for an even better reason. How would you like it, waking up a hundred or so years in the future? He had head weapon at the ready, aimed directly at the new girl.. Who looked like a cross breed between a human and drake.

He didn't want to know what that hybrid came from. "Identify yourself or I will shoo-" he started, only for yet another person to burst in and immediately draw their bow the him and Gyro. Good gods, Gyro wasn't THAT ugly. He aimed the bolt at the ground between the two, as the exploding bolt could cause collateral damage and take them both out. Well, maybe not the Drake hybrid, as some dragons had fire resistant scales.

"Put down the bow. Or I will cut you down." He said, his lips drawing back revealing the many sharp teeth in his maw. While he couldn't exactly bite them from here, it did make him seem more threatening. He noticed that his hood was down as he said this, which was alright, he mused. It was only a real asset during his 'fishin'', which was actually different from 'fishing'. Fishing was catching fish. 'Fishin'' was picking pockets.

When the man mentioned Kalhalar, he moved the cross bow back to the dragon girl, seeing her as a bigger threat. "Gyro here and myself are here because of the man. I cant believe he didn't tell us about company." he said, before turning to the dragon girl. "Identify yourself." he hissed, his eyes narrowing and the slitted pupils contracting into thin lines. "If you were send by Kalhalar, say so, so I dont shoot a friend."
She nodded her head twice. " me and him are very close..surpirsed really how he was able to climb up our mountain and just waltz right into our den...the elders were astonished." HHer tail waved happily. She couldn't get angry unless for good reasons, and a bow like that wouldn't hurt her. "don't worry i'm his friend." She stepped forward minding the other one aswell. So many new people here, it was like a museum and they were on display

"my name is Edo Crone..part of the drake race. " Her ears twitched as she leaned to the right. "and you guys are." She looked at them with curious eyes, the one with the hood off looked intresting, but the one who came in barging like a mad man, looked even more intresting. She couldnt wait to tell the elders about this.
Well everything went to shit quite quickly, now didn't it. Once the girl swooshed into the caves, the Saurian began showing his Bestia blood. While Gyro had no idea why the large lizard had taken to becoming aggressive so immediately, he did know that there was no need for any brawling. To add on to the bad, a Diuris showed up and began waving a drawn bow around, was this some kind of stick up? Within mere moments, everyone began yelling the same thing that both Gyro and the Saurian had talked about a moment ago, who are you and do you know Kalhalar. The only difference was that for this meeting weapons were armed. Gyro was most likely the least experienced in combat out of all those here, so he would rather not get caught in a blood fest while all his stuff was laying about. Everything here, the tent hiding his bag of belongings, his bow and quiver, his sword, and his fiddle were literally all his belongings, and he would must like to keep all his belongings. So, since everything was going to shit, it was time for the trusty bard to play peace maker.

Reequipping his bow upon his fiddle, Gyro prepared to play yet another song, "Who wan's ta' here a song, ay?" He asked out to all of them as he backed away to a spot where they could all see him clearly. "I ca' play any song ya' please. Be it a tale'o'sorrow an' woe to take ya' minds of ya' own troubles, or mayhaps a song definin' the beauty in 'o' ya' scales, mad'am. Even songs 'o' triumph an' victory, I ca' play anythin' ya' desire, aye, anythin' ya' heart be pleasin' for." He announced as he danced around them, his feet agile and graceful as he pranced around the group to be sure their attention was clearly on him. "How bout this, a song'o lust!"

With quick and spry movements of his arms, Gyro quickly begun playing a fast paced a chipper tune, and thus his harsh and rough voice became a soft and soothing sound, "I saw a lovely darkened gal, with hair as sleek as ebony," He began as he danced his way beside the anguis girl, "Her armor seemed to betray the forces of our gravity," He darted in quickly and closed some ground between her, as if he were going to rub his chest against hers, "I told her that I'd like to mount, but mounting me would be a treat," but before arriving to close the anguis, he spun around her and hopped over her tail as it swung by then began dancing away, "I stamped and swore, the sword she wore, was not intended for deceit!" Then again he began dancing about the group as his tune started in a catchy and chorus like area, "Guild ho! Guild ho! Horde ho to victory! No sum of gold could buy a better life, all else is misery. Guild ho! Guild ho! Horde ho to victory! So grab a beer, and flex your pecs, it's time for us to march!"

Continuing his song, he move in on the large Saurian fellow, the tune began to slow as he erupted into another stanza, "I tripped upon a curvy girl, who's cheeks were all be-speckly," Gyro crouched down slightly as if to immediate the size of the girl as he danced around the Saurian, "Knee high to me, as I could foresee, a problem all quite vividly," Then he stood a front of the Saurian, singing still but with the mien of an overly expressive friend, "She stood in shock as I explained positions that could work for us," Then suddenly he raise his voice, dashed around and quickly hopped on and off of the armored tail, then began making some distance between them, "She roared and railed, cut off my tail, and left my bod in maimedness!"

Then he began with the chorus like chant again, with the chipper tune erupting and the catchy lyrics, with his dancing about the group and his singing, "Guild ho! Guild ho! Horde ho to victory! No sum of gold could buy a better life, all else is misery. Guild ho! Guild ho! Horde ho to victory! So grab a beer, and flex your pecs, and brush your tusks, it's time for us to march!" Finally he made his way to the diuris with the bow. To this one, he kept a few feet away but continued to dance about him as he did the other two, he began to sing in a more low and slower tune, but keeping the somewhat chipper sound of the rest of the song, "I nearly killed a hume young las, of whom I found most dull and bore," by the last line, Gyro was behind the diuris and had somehow closed all the ground between them and was practically back to back with the young man, "Her hair and nails did quite entail the life of a barstander's whore," at this point Gyro was practically leaning on the diuris as he sung, "I cast her off and rolled my eyes, it's hardly worth an easy kill," then with a sudden jolt of excitement, he slightly shoved the diuris with his rump to at least to push the bowman off balance, "It wasn't less than seconds left, before I took myself a spill," he sang as he danced away from the diuris and made his way to a nearby loss rock, his tune slowly grew into a fast and chipper tune once again, much like the chorus, "Dear listeners, it's good to know, don't judge a cover of a book," He hefted a leg up a top the rock, and leaned against it slightly, the same rock that hid a diuris behind it, "my heart was won for her that day, after the beating that I took!" With a kick to the rock, it became loose and rolled away revealing the diuris that was once concealed by the stone.

Then once again, Gyro pranced into the chorus, and began dancing around all four, once three members of the meeting, singing and wailing in his bard's voice, "Guild ho! Guild ho! Horde ho to victory! No sum of gold could buy a better life, all else is misery. Guild ho! Guild ho! Horde ho to victory! So grab a beer, and flex your pecs, and brush your tusks, it's time for us to march!..." He continued on for a while until he finally grew tired and out of breath.

"Phew, awe's well, see," Gyro grinned to the group, hoping his song was enough to get them into a giddy and happier mood, "Now'en, ca' we talk like proper an' civil humans."
Tarius glanced back and forth between the saurian and the supposed drake girl. Although he was well informed about the races of this world, he had never seen a hybrid race between dragon and humans. In all honesty, he was quite intrigued; moreover it was even more curious that all the people that have gathered were friends of Kalahar. "So you're all friends with him?" He looked at the hume, the saurian, and the drake, "what a variety of people that have arrived" Tarius thought about it for a minute and realized that it was within the range of possibilities that Kalahar would have this many friends. Although it did shock him to realize that a person could be so well known.

He lowered his bow slowly, and placed his arrow back in his quiver. "I apologize for my rude behavior towards all of you. I had no idea that Kalahar had such a variety of acquaintances. My name is Tarius." His frown was replaced with a subtle friendly smile. He turned towards the saurian and hume, "I apologize for drawing my bow on all of you, I saw the drake women, edo crane, and I assumed Kalahar was in danger." As he finished his apology, the hume began to dance in pure jolly. Tarius chuckled at the attempt to ease the tension, he'd never heard a bard before. To be honest, he thought the profession was out of style.

The only question that remained on his mind was, "Where is Kalahar?"
She blinked several of times then bowed her head. " my apologies, in my countyr..amogst us drakes a roar is a form of hello or good by. I was simly greeting the before i had reached the entrance. " Her wings flew up , then folded neatly back behind her hair. SHe looked around then sat down on a obulder, her tail wrapping around another one.

"so this is music." She wasn't accustomed to music so when she saw the an dance arond and play his tool she smiled as she watchedh im. Her head nodding with the sound as her tail unwrapped itself and began to go up and down on the boulder.
Falror stayed behind the rock, glad for the little protection that it gave, for it seemed that things were turning hostile very quickly. The large saurian was up and pointing a crossbow at the woman when a fourth person—this time a diuris like himself—ran in, aiming a bow at the saurian and the hume. Falror studied him curiously. The person was either exceptionally powerful or exceptionally foolish to challenge the saurian so openly, but when he started asking about Kalhalar, Falror’s opinion changed. He had seen several people overcome odds through nothing but what was apparently the strength of friendship. Either way, it now seemed to be those three versus the woman, though only the saurian actually took action. Of course, to none of Falror’s surprise, she was also a friend of Kalhalar.

It seemed that everyone was busy apologizing when, much to Falror’s surprise, the hume began singing. Falror watched in amusement as he danced around the other three when, as the bard was nearing what seemed to be the end of the song, he danced over to the rock that Falror was hiding behind and put a leg up on it. Falror shied away from him when suddenly Gyro pushed the rock over with his leg, revealing the diuris for the rest of the group to see. This made him all the more surprised when they didn’t make any acknowledgement of his presence. Still, everything seemed friendly enough, so he made his way over to the group.

Falror turned to the other diuris, Tarius. He had asked a question that Falror hadn’t wondered, but it now blazed at the front of his thoughts. He looked around at the rest of them. “I’m curious, too. Where is our good friend, and does anyone know if others will be joining us?” he asked as he sat down next to the fire.
Day-Bane wordlessly unloaded his cross bow and clipped it back onto his side. He shook his head at the bard's antics, and simply walked back to the rock he had originally sat down on. Not bothering with the bard's song. "Everyone, from now on, lets not attack anyone who comes to this area. Kalhalar obviously didn't tell any of us he sent others." He began, noticing the Bard reveal another man. He eyes him for a moment, sizing him up, before continuing. "I do however know that he told me that this place is nothing but a wasteland. We have what, five people here, all from Kalhalar. I dont think anyone else who shows up will be a bandit. And if they are, I dont think they would take us all on." He said, and sat down on said rock he had walked to. "If we're all here for the same thing, we're going into a cave which has gods know what in it. Just because the overworld is baren does not mean the underground is too." He looked to Gyro, the Dragon girl, and the one with the bow.

"Why dont we get proper introductions over, so that way we know who we're talking to and calling if we need assistance. My name is Day-Bane. I own a meadery, house, and lake in a town far from here, and I am... was, a retired treasure hunter." He stated, conveniently leaving out the parts about him being a thief in his spare time and a Werecrocodile. His serpentine eyes turned to the Dragon-girl. What a peculiar person. She was both Hume and Saurian, with a pair of wings to boot. He had never seen such a thing in his life. The other two, they weren't as special, but oh well. Day-Bane grabbed his hood and pulled it up over his head, hiding most of his face, except for his snout, of course. "You, Dragon girl, tell us about yourself. I am curious about your race, as I have never seen them before."
Don't attack anyone that arrives anymore? So Bane was trying to take point as leader, funny that the guy who first drew his crossbow when the harmless dragoness arrived was now ordering everyone not to draw their weapons for any new comers. Why to mark yourself as a hypocrite, but Gyro was not the type to insult or judge, but he did let that resonate in his mind, as he created portraits of each person he met. He was sure at least one of them were sure to make an amazing song. Whatever the case, everyone was calm, weapons were lowered and everyone relaxed. Well, the saurian seemed a bit on edge, but not as badly as when he knew nothing of the anguis. The first diuris and the one that was once hidden stood beside each other, perhaps they knew each other. Gyro spoke nothing of it, but did notice that one of them asked the obvious question of "where is Kalhalar?" which the other diuris second, and added the notion of wonderment that perhaps Kalhalar wouldn't be showing up. While that was doubtful, if Gyro knew Kal, then he would not tell someone to meet somewhere and never show up; although, Gyro did know Kal to be extremely late at times. Everyone seemed eased by the music that Gyro had been playing, all except the saurian, perhaps his scales made hearing difficult, as well the second diuris seemed unfazed by the music, but acted very casually.

Well it seemed to be time for introductions, the anguis had said her name earlier as Edo Crone, then the first diuris uttered his as Tarius, then the saurian spoke his again, that being Day-Bane. The only name Gyro had yet to hear was the second diuris, whom had been hiding behind a rock not a moment ago. Even so, there was nothing wrong with a bard sharing his name. "The names Gyro Volvo, bard'o'Zephr, a bard 'o' the wind min' you. Ma' skill is quite tha' treasure 'round here." While no one was particularly interested in the bard, everyone seemed set on the anguis of the party, it seemed no one of the group had seen any outside of their own race, except for the second diuris, who's concern was mainly on the whereabouts of Kalhalar. "Why, she's just a regula' 'o' Anguis, she is," Gyro spoke up as he made his way to the girl, circling her a few times to get a good look at her. While having scales up and down her body, she still had the curves a fine hume, too bad Gyro wasn't into breeding outside of his own race. "Aye, sure, she be mo' Hybridia in her 'en Bestia, explainin' why she has mo' skin 'en scales. By ya' red hide, I'd be guessin' ya' be from them Eastern mountains, ay. Ya' know, the place with all tha' fire."

Once he was done inspecting the anguis, he went back to the unlit camp fire, and looked upon the others. For some reason he felt they hadn't got one notion to believe the bard. "Oi, I been awe' over Terry, aye, I grew up in Thardania, the Hume kingdom 'o' the East, an' traveled awe' tha' way to the Western coasts where the Vassals and them Houses are killin' each one's of them own," Gyro nodded, guessing that he had traveled the most out of everyone here, "Without a doubt in ma' mind, I bet I could name every race there be."
Maddie trailed through the moauntain side. The wood's were harsh, the misquito's were biting. This was far away from paradise, yet alone her destination. Maddie slashed her bronz sword at the lower half of a spiked plant that she doesn't know the name of. Maddie stepped over the remain's as it fell tragically to the ground. Her eye's dazzled, as she glanced upwards. Tree's sprouted over head, Birds flapped just beneath the carrot top. Maddie felt physically drained, but menatlly she knew she couldn't dissapoint her friend. Maddie trailed on.

"Just a little bit farther!" She groaned, taking a seat on a nearby sump. After her hours of labor, Maddie could really go for a home made Gronola bar. She unreapped the excessive packing that her parents had complied. She cramed half the bar into her mouth, needing the vitamin's and energy that was in store. Maddie chewed deeply, as she glanced around the jungle like population. She was used to structures like this, but usially there was a hut or tower, where it stuck out like a bump on a pickle. Her was different, it was hidden. In fact everything was.

Sighing, Maddie jumped to her feet. Repusivly, cleaning up the gronola. Maddie whipped the crumbs from her shirt as she lerched forward. In the broad daylight, she had o keep moving forward. She didn't want to be caught here in the middle of the night. "I Wonder what Kalhalar is up to.. Maybe he's waiting for me to arrive." Maddie thought as she continued estate. Maddie held onto her dagger, cutting through plants left and righ. She smild gingerly, asshe proceeded. Th thought of not dissapointing Kalharar was enough to bloom courage and stregnth into her character.

Finally, out of the blue it was there. The cave didn't generally stick out, but after searching for a while she had finally made it. Maddie grippd her blade as she reached the opening. She peered in and gasped gently. Maddie hadn't known about others. But there they were, a few more people and Kalhalar. They all stood fastened in the cave. Maddie picked up a rock and slammed it against the wall a few times. "Knock Kock?" She called in with a brilliant sparkle in her eye. "Am I Late?" She spoke gingerly. Maddie dropped her rock, aware to the tense feeling into the room. She was to exhausted to stir drama at the moment. She stepped in more, to get a clear view of everyone and her surrondings.
Tarius was silent as the saurian introduced himself; although, he was unnerved with Day-bane, as he called himself, being present. Even though he wasn't neccesarily angry at him, Tarius still harbored some ill-feelings toward their race. However, he would act normal for the sake of formality. In order to hide his distaste, Tarius glanced over in the direction of the bard who was now talking to the group. Gyro was his name and Tarius could say that he was quite interested in his music; in fact he wondered if the bard new an dirius music. Although it was a farfetched idea, he made a mental note to ask later. As the gyro continued to speak, Tarius noticed the second diruis approach to stand by his side. His eyes lit up in wonder, he hadn't seen another dirius in years. A feeling of joy welled up inside him, but of course he kept this hidden; also making a mental note to attempt to befriend his fellow race. However, giving him a hard look, Tarius could see that he had probably endured a hard life. With one more sweeping glance, Tarius gazed upon the plethora of races present; he was sure that Kalahar had a reason for inviting everyone here, to this spot.

Tarius ears caught a suspiscous movement from behind; he turned slightly as the sound grew closer only to see another hume girl. The girl was a bit taller than most hume women, but most impressively Tarius found was her weapon of choice. Out of his many years, he'd rarely ever seen a girl of her stature carry a sword. Although, he wondered how strong the girl really was. In fact, he wondered how strong everyone was. Oddly enough what struck him the most weird was that everyone here brought weapons, despite being told their venture would not be dangerous. "Was there some kind of universal sign, or rather hidden implication, that danger lurks ahead of us?" he thought aloud, not realizing it himself. Although he didn't mean to be, he usually tended to get lost in his thoughts when thinking too hard.
Oh, and another arrives just as the others, looking about the group and wondering what was happening. From her expression, it could be told she was somewhat surprised to see others, but she did not seem as troubled by the news as the others were previously. She assumed lateness, of course she wasn't for everyone here had arrived before Kalhalar, and as long as they were there before Kalhalar they weren't late. As far as Gyro could tell, the only person who was actually late was Kal, for he was the one that invited so many here and did not take it upon himself to come here a head of time and tell ease the tension between all the strangers. Oh that mage, he was never the most attentive, as Gyro had seen. Along with the appearance of another, the first diuris, Tarius spoke up, asking why everyone had instinctively brought weaponry. Now that was a silly question, even though these parts were relatively safe, everyone knew to bring some kind of weapon to defend themselves with. One never knew when a highwaymen, a wild beast, or a disgruntled animal may come rolling into sight, and aiming to roll over you.

It wasn't a hard question to ask, but Gyro felt silly for trying to answer it, for the question itself was silly. "Did ya' na' bring tha' bow ya' self simply fa' self defense, case a large beasty or some ruffian da' sided to make mince meat outa' ya' hide," Gyro began to explain, "none here hada' thought 'o' danger, just naturally brought somethin' to fend themselves with. I guess, cept for Ga'Day here, he took to bringin' his ole' armory with him." Gyro chuckled at the last bit, finding that the saurian was considerable armored compared to everyone else. Now that the thought came to mind, Gyro wondered how different the story was between each of them. Specifically what Kal had told each of them, unless it was exactly the same thing such as 'I was wondering if you could do me a favor,' then giving the further instructions to meet him at the mouth of the cave entering mount Obrussa.

Well, there was still a newcomer to attend too, Gyro did not mind being the diplomat of the group. Being as no one was specifically talking in the main group, Gyro took to inviting the hume girl into the circle. He went a few paces towards he, with his fiddle held at his side, he bowed to her slightly, as a friendly bard would, and began to spoke, "Nah, awe's fine, ma'am, not one person considered late yet, fact every ones still waitin' for oh, Kally-boy ta' show 'imself. Any who, as we wait, why na' join in? Seems we ah' just introducin' ah'selves." Gyro gestured her to sit down with the others. "Names Gyro Volvo, I be a bard 'o' Zephr."
Tarius' attention went directly to Gyro, who took the liberty of answering his question. Despite him asking the question, he was slightly confused when he found the other speaking to him. It took him a moment to realize that in an absentminded moment he spoke his thoughts aloud. However, he remained attentive and awaited the answer to his question. Gyro had a good point, and found himself quite embarrassed by how he formed the question. "I apologize for the obviousness of my previous question, however I did not mean to question the simple reasoning behind bringing weaponry; in fact it is as you say, we have all brought weapons to secure our own safe travels. However, what I meant to imply was that is that we all felt the need to bring weapons just in case. Furthermore, the question is do we know why we've been summoned to a dark cave in the moutains? Also, the fact that we all brought weapons must have meant that we thought not only our travel, but the ventures into the cave would be dangerous and--" The diriusian stopped himself mind sentence; he realized that he'd begun to ramble once again. There was his bad habit again, unfortunately, this is what happened when he took the time to think everything out.

He looked over towards the recent addition to their group and smiled coyly, "My names Tarius." As a polite gesture he sent a small sheepish wave in her direction before growing quiet.
"If you had any idea what I've found in seemingly harmless caves like this, you would wish you had every piece of protection you had with you at all times." Day-bane said, answering Gyro's question. He raised up his hand, and began to count different things he'd found. "Trolls, undead, dragons, bandits, overgrown carnivorous insects... The list goes on." While he wasn't particularly scared of any of the beasts, save for trolls and somewhat for dragons, he ran the chance of waking up in a strange place again every time he entered a cave. While it hadn't happened to him since he'd woken up, he wanted to keep all he could with him in case it happened again, so he could fight his way out if needed.

"I'm not going to act like every cave is dangerous, this one might not be. However, I would much rather have my armor and weapons, and not need it, then need it, and not have it. On a side note, why would Kal send all of us into the cave is its so safe?" He said rhetorically. He hoped his point was solid enough for Gyro to understand why he was decked out.

Armor had saved his life at one point, he went down into a cave and was faced with two trolls. The man he was going with had decided to lend him a set or armor before they delved into it. The armor saved his life from the troll's claws that day, and kept him from taking a sever beating. Although he had been through much worse, he had always had a bit of fear for trolls. He didn't even know why himself. He would take on any other monster, even if it was a hundred times more deadly faster than he would a troll. He questioned it to this day, but never managed to get over his fear. He guessed it was like some hume being afraid of heights, the dark, or spiders. While neither were particularly dangerous, they still didn't like them.
"Ya' see, it's a common courtesy ta' bring somethin' 'long to fend ya' self with. Would ya' rather have a weapon an' na' need it or need a weapon an' na' have it?" Gyro backed the saurian's point, for he made a good one. Gyro never goes anywhere without at least a knife, but then again he sleeps with his sword since he has to be in constant watch, mainly due to him usually sleeping outside. Sure he would occasionally get a gig in a tavern or an inn and they'd offer him a room for the night, but that was rare. Even though some areas were relatively safe, when your raised to do something, you naturally do it. And anyhow, you never know what's hiding behind the next corner.

One thing that Tarius did bring that wasn't a silly question was what is everyone doing here? Obviously, everyone was here because they all knew Kalhalar, and were asked to carry out a favor and help their good friend Kal with this endeavor whatever it may be. All Gyro knew was that he was suppose to come here, meet him at a certain time, and head into the caves to find some item. Gyro hadn't even known that there was going to be others. Perhaps Gyro expected this to be a long and aggravating journey. If Gyro could recall from his learnings that the caves weren't very deep at all. If Gyro would guess, Kal was just searching for some old Pumilio or Anguis item.

(Couldn't think of much to say, sorry)
I am a drake, one of the many I suppose..well that I know of. Half dragon half human, although the elders are full that seems about right." She gave a smile as she bowed once more, her tail swinging up into the air. "so does anyone know of this favor or the reason behind it." She held her head up high and looked toward the group

(sorry its so short)

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