Pray We Return(OOC)

So, I'm closing the sign ups, we are set with who we have. Taking no more people, the adventure shall really begin. 
Silver said he'd be busy today.
[QUOTE="Original Hylion]

Hey could you post up links to the OOC thread, the lore book, and the chat room (With the password) on the first page of the roleplay? That make it a ton easier to translate between the two threads.

I'll be pruning soon, so if you'd like to stay in the RP, please post here in the OOC soon.

People who do no need to post currently are Soses and Silver, they are currently elsewhere, atm. And Tyrant, simply because he is only waiting.

So if you'd like to stay, please post here.
yay hey! :D

is it okay if i wait to post? i dont have much to reply too other than the door opened and they walked in, im trying to be more patient with my posting so I can have MORE to reply to and have LARGER posts
[QUOTE="Soses-fighter007]yay hey! :D
is it okay if i wait to post? i dont have much to reply too other than the door opened and they walked in, im trying to be more patient with my posting so I can have MORE to reply to and have LARGER posts

Oh? Well okies I guess. There is the whole "We need light" thing.
[QUOTE="Original Hylion]Oh? Well okies I guess. There is the whole "We need light" thing.

hmmmm, my computer must have been acting funny because i didnt' see that xD i can make a reply. nm
Given Name: Valen

Surname: Lorecaster

Apparent Age: Unknown facial age, but has the physique of a 20 year old

Gender: Male

Race: Pumilio

Height and Weight: 3'4'', 65 lbs

Brief History: Valen was born into a working family, with an honorable father and a loving mother. His parents owned the Moonray Inn, a well known place from those many years ago... He was taught to cook, but little else. He knew little about the world outside the 3 miles of forest, only what travelers relayed to him and from bits and pieces he overheard from guests at the inn. He lived a great life up until the incident that turned him the way he was. A hooded figure entered the Inn one day, its face concealed by shadow with an air of darkness about it. As Valen's father greeted the stranger, it reached out and literally tore his heart out, right through his chest. The figure pulled out an odd ring, and fired flames at the inn. A panic arose, and everyone crowded for the exit, but the figure was still there. It slayed all who came near with some unseen force. Valen grabbed a dagger from the corpse of a dead soldier, and held it between himself and the stranger. It waved its hand at Valen, to smite it like the others, but nothing happened. Startled, the being pulled a dagger of his own, and threw it at Valen, missing. Valen lunged and tackled it, plunged the dagger into the thing over and over again, blood like ink pouring from the many stab wounds. When he finally plunged the dagger into its heart, he ripped off the hood to see a mask. As he touched it, it shot up at his face. A blinding, searing pain racked his body, emanating from his face. He fell unconscious. When he awoke, the thing was gone. And he wore the mask. He tried to remove it, but it felt as though he would rip his own face off before he got it off. Nobody was alive, so he ran into the forest to hopefully find someone.

He ran for 3 days, oddly lacking hunger and thirst. He ran from the place, finding a group of mercenaries on a nearby road. They took him in after listening to his tragic story, and trained him as one of their own. He found the dagger poking out of his belt, and threw it away as hard as he could, firmly planting it in a tree. A moment after, he felt a sharp prick in his leg, and found the dagger. Again. His reaction was appropriate. The mercenaries trained him in swordsmanship, and all manners of bladed weaponry. He eventually accepted his cursed dagger, and practiced with it day and night. He eventually learned that he could make it return to his hand directly, allowing him to rethrow it multiple times in 3 seconds. He grew to be their leader, and as the years passed, they died. He lived on though. For hundreds of years, he walked Terryal while making himself somewhat of a folk legend, "The Masked Blade"

Traits and Habits: True master of the blade (especially thrown), excellent cook, likes women with large hips and chests.

Succeeds In: Bladed combat, Skills requiring accuracy

Falters In: Planning, anything requiing deep thought

Brought along with me: A reinforced rapier (shown) a returning knife gifted to him by Mother Moon (bound to him) (shown) with the arcane words "Return", "Binding", "Seek" "Will", a mask that can never be removed.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/57a8bd96c0dc2_ScreenShot2013-04-15at4.55.02PM.png.c8de1d16da3406fd63be221b790e4448.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="422" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/57a8bd96c0dc2_ScreenShot2013-04-15at4.55.02PM.png.c8de1d16da3406fd63be221b790e4448.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/ANUS!.jpg.66a65144cf127a478fb4ccfdaa2b0c98.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="424" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/ANUS!.jpg.66a65144cf127a478fb4ccfdaa2b0c98.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sorry for the pics, couldn't find the spoiler. Tell me what I need to fix, Hylion.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Harlequin_Dagger_01.jpg.3c970a4228fa626aaf45e18d406f42d7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="423" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Harlequin_Dagger_01.jpg.3c970a4228fa626aaf45e18d406f42d7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Art_Knives_by_Buster_Warenski.jpg.e6a7091c011a03e5d0ce343c664ce52d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="425" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Art_Knives_by_Buster_Warenski.jpg.e6a7091c011a03e5d0ce343c664ce52d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Anonylution said:
Given Name: Valen
It's a really nice character, but there are a few things that need to be changed, and a a few things that you don't need but can keep.

One, this is a simple, Neu (Mother Moon) is not in Terryal, she left a loonnng time ago. It'd be better if you used a random Divus Nati.

But (something you don't have to change), since you made arcane words for the dagger, you sort of don't need any godly enchanting. All you would need to do is speak it (you could even whisper) and the spell would activate it.

Unrelated topic, a nice feature i found for the pictures are that you can insert the picture as thumbnails, and they allow it so you can blow up the image be clicking on it, while not taking up so much room.
[QUOTE="The BetterKuja]All right. I did not have much to write about, but I'll see what I muster up.

IF you have a hard time thinking of some way to reply at the time, feel free to take your time and wait for something to happen if you think it will strengthen your posts


Soses here!

I have just started a project to honor this little rp and my boredom. that being said some decisions need to be made! Oh my! I'm not going to tell you what the big surprise is, but you all have until tomorrow to complete the following instructions if you'd like to be included in all the fun!

Step 1: Click this link and choose a picture you'd like to have as the background for your character! (Or choose one yourself)

Step 2: Quote me so I see your reply and tell me who your character is, and include a link to the picture you chose for your character's background.

Step 3: Sit back and wait on the surprise!



[QUOTE="The BetterKuja]All right. I did not have much to write about, but I'll see what I muster up.

You might also try including small details, like including that the dust just made your character sneezed, or you might try including his thoughts and not simply rely on speech to relay how your character feels. :) Maybe have him think back to something this reminds him of.

[QUOTE="The BetterKuja]
Am I following these steps correctly? If not, please let me know what I did wrong. :)

You forgot to quote her[/URL][/CENTER]

Step 2: Quote me so I see your reply and tell me who your character is, and include a link to the picture you chose for your character's background.

Step 3: Sit back and wait on the surprise!

[QUOTE="Soses-fighter007]remember everyone please try to get this to me by this afternoon because thats when im starting :) thank you to those who have already done it :)

Feel free to choose for me, if you'd like.[/URL][/CENTER]

Step 2: Quote me so I see your reply and tell me who your character is, and include a link to the picture you chose for your character's background.

Step 3: Sit back and wait on the surprise!


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