Pray We Return(OOC)

So Bane was trying to take point as leader' date=' funny that the guy who first drew his crossbow when the harmless dragoness arrived was now ordering everyone not to draw their weapons for any new comers. Why to mark yourself as a hypocrite, but Gyro was not the type to insult or judge, but he did let that resonate in his mind, as he created portraits of each person he met.[/quote']
Geez, calling me a hypocrite, and then saying he wasnt one to insult or judge.

You've done this a few times now, I'm not saying it's bad, but you've pointed out Day-Bane's flaws and made him the bad guy several times in this and the RP before this. I dont mind it every so often, but there hasn't even been a second page on this RP and you've done it twice. When the 'harmless dragoness' roars and makes the mountain shake before she comes into a cave, then crash lands in it, I would be terrified. I was surprised Gyro didnt jump out of his skin at the idea of a dragon coming, knowing how good and realistic you are at role-playing. Day-Bane, now having a phobia of both trolls and dragons, didn't react well, but that was intended. I've made that point several time in IC posts before this one. Just because your character doesnt know it doesnt mean you have to focus on just that every time. Then, the guy came in, bow at the ready. I was not to blame there, yet somehow I managed to take the brunt of it. Looks like I'm as good at taking blame as Bane is at taking hits. :tongue:

I'm not trying to take the position as leader either. I'm just getting a bit tired of getting agressive as soon as someone new shows up, getting up in arms, rinsing and repeating. I was trying to cut the pattern. Because on the fifth person sent by the same guy who also said the place would be a wasteland is a pattern. Once, an anomaly; twice, a coincidence; three + times, a pattern.

I'm not having an outburst, but I wanted to raise this point and politely ask you to tone it down. Day-Bane isn't the smartest guy out there, and I dont want him to be. But please try not to make him into the bad brainless brute.
WanderingTyrant said:
Geez, calling me a hypocrite, and then saying he wasnt one to insult or judge.
You've done this a few times now, I'm not saying it's bad, but you've pointed out Day-Bane's flaws and made him the bad guy several times in this and the RP before this. I dont mind it every so often, but there hasn't even been a second page on this RP and you've done it twice. When the 'harmless dragoness' roars and makes the mountain shake before she comes into a cave, then crash lands in it, I would be terrified. I was surprised Gyro didnt jump out of his skin at the idea of a dragon coming, knowing how good and realistic you are at role-playing. Day-Bane, now having a phobia of both trolls and dragons, didn't react well, but that was intended. I've made that point several time in IC posts before this one. Just because your character doesnt know it doesnt mean you have to focus on just that every time. Then, the guy came in, bow at the ready. I was not to blame there, yet somehow I managed to take the brunt of it. Looks like I'm as good at taking blame as Bane is at taking hits. :tongue:

I'm not trying to take the position as leader either. I'm just getting a bit tired of getting agressive as soon as someone new shows up, getting up in arms, rinsing and repeating. I was trying to cut the pattern. Because on the fifth person sent by the same guy who also said the place would be a wasteland is a pattern. Once, an anomaly; twice, a coincidence; three + times, a pattern.

I'm not having an outburst, but I wanted to raise this point and politely ask you to tone it down. Day-Bane isn't the smartest guy out there, and I dont want him to be. But please try not to make him into the bad brainless brute.
I'm sorry that it looked to come out that way. But everything Gyro thought or did was within reason. Shall I do this in a listed format ^.^

  1. Gyro did not say he was a hypocrite, just that what he had just done was hypocritical. He did think that it was something a hypocrite would do, but he was definitely not going to call Bane that and risk insulting him.
  2. I've write what the character I am playing as would see. He saw a young dragoness crashing into a cave, and thus he sees naivety and youth. He saw a large lizard, who is armed to nines, immediately point a weapon at her. Not a bad reaction of course, but the biggest thing was that Bane, when the first diuris arrived, Tarius, Bane decided to say something along the lines of, "we can't trust the dragon girl, but the person pointing the bow at me is cool" at that point Gyro simply sees the saurian to be angry, and in reaction, he would play some music for him to calm his nerves, which did not work while it worked for everyone else.
  3. this is the first time Gyro is learning of this phobia that Bane possesses, so as I said that Gyro is aiming to learn all he can of them, he would of course map out "The big lizard dood doesn't like loud noises, doesn't like music, and doesn't think everything he does through" Evidence for why he thinks these three things, I will list now

  4. He is a big dood covered in scales and armor who jumped more than a hume when he heard the shriek of a anguis
  5. no music Gyro has played had soothed the saurian yet
  6. The saurian casually walked into camp, drew his sword, and failed to let the knowledge be known that he was a friend of Kals, thus scaring him before; and, to add on to this part, the saurian said something completely Hypocritical of his last actions

I do hope this all pleases you as my explanation of why Gyro had burrowed upon Bane. If you feel offended by what is said in IC, I ask you to please, do not take anything said in the IC to show the thoughts of myself OOC.

Also, if you'd like me too, I will no long show what any character thinks of Bane into the open, unless directly talking of him to another character IC.

If we can simply go on, and forget this odd conversation, I will assure you that once he sees anyone else slip up, Gyro will start mentally judging everyone to the same amount he did Bane.
I dont think any less of you Hylion. In fact I see you more as a person to learn from, a mentor of sorts. You are so much better than me at this, and I like to think that I get better by Rping with you. However, one of my personal faults is that I BEGIN to take things personally after something negative is pointed out over and over again.

I would actually like you to ask him, as it would seem to simplest solution. It would put a lot of things straight. He wouldn't say he is from a whole dofferent era, but he might say that he and a different group had been attacked by a dragon and he was severly injured in the process. I did note in my first post that he has scars from when the dragon from the first RP raked claws across his torso. I also noted how it had broken his collar bone, which is an extremely painful process. Enough to make any man flinch from the thought. While I have not personally broken the bone; I have two friends who have. They have described it as I have above.

Bane has a little of myself in him, an I personally dont like many "songs". I personally prefer just a theme. Something to set the mood or lighten it. I love themes like "LAUNCH" from the movie Armageddon, or TRON: Legacy's "Arrival". No words, just music. Perhaps just trying somethig like that. Gyro's a smart guy. It would be realistic for him to figure it out.
WanderingTyrant said:
I dont think any less of you Hylion. In fact I see you more as a person to learn from, a mentor of sorts. You are so much better than me at this, and I like to think that I get better by Rping with you. However, one of my personal faults is that I BEGIN to take things personally after something negative is pointed out over and over again.
I would actually like you to ask him, as it would seem to simplest solution. It would put a lot of things straight. He wouldn't say he is from a whole dofferent era, but he might say that he and a different group had been attacked by a dragon and he was severly injured in the process. I did note in my first post that he has scars from when the dragon from the first RP raked claws across his torso. I also noted how it had broken his collar bone, which is an extremely painful process. Enough to make any man flinch from the thought. While I have not personally broken the bone; I have two friends who have. They have described it as I have above.

Bane has a little of myself in him, an I personally dont like many "songs". I personally prefer just a theme. Something to set the mood or lighten it. I love themes like "LAUNCH" from the movie Armageddon, or TRON: Legacy's "Arrival". No words, just music. Perhaps just trying somethig like that. Gyro's a smart guy. It would be realistic for him to figure it out.
I thank you for seeing my as a type of role model, but I myself am far from any definition of well. While I enjoy RPing with you (and would like you to stay), If your seeking guidance I would suggest the VIPs as some of them are much better than I. ^o^ But I would love to throw out pointer here and there, as well as tips and tricks.

Well, the lizard is still covered in armor, so the sight of any previous damage would not be visible to the bard. It is wrong of him to assume that the lizard is afraid of dragons, but Gyro isn't the smartest of men, that should be obvious form his weak grasp on English.

THe best way to discover something about someone is to try and fail, even if it means to fail and fail again. Gyro loves to play music, and definitely loves to sing, so you'll be gettin' non' 'o' tha' back 'round music, ay!
[QUOTE="The BetterKuja]I'm rather interested in what you have here. I'd like to reserve a spot, if I may. :D

Okies dokes, post a profile soon.
Given Name: Blake

Surname: Ravenford

Apparent Age: Early Twenties

Gender: Male

Race: Anguis (I'm pretty interested in this race, if I may use it for my character.)

Height and Weight: 5'7" 175 lbs

Brief History: Blake lived among the mountaintops, betting him and his kin. Blake was a flyer at heart and was his favorite pasttime. Whenever he wasn't losing track of time flying and exploring, he spent his time helping out the dragons and playing with his father.

Traits and Habits: Blake is very great at flying and is pretty experienced at fighting with short blades and when short blades aren't available to him, he can use his claws and his tail quite effectively. He is also skilled in elemental magic, and due to his training, he could change the color of his flames from red to blue, or white. Outside of battle, Blake has a humourous habit of chasing his tail for hours without tiring.

Succeeds In: Blake succeeds in hunting, fighting, flying, tracking and reconnaisance, and to an extent, tailoring

Falters In: Blake falters in keeping cool when people step on his tail. He doesn't like being in tight places.

Brought along with me: Upon leaving for the journey ahead, he took his favorite dagger and a silver necklace his mother made him, and one large pouch filled with food.

Appearance: ( This should do.)
[QUOTE="The BetterKuja]
Given Name: Blake

The application is fine, but he looked nothing like an Anguis. They're drake folk, so they'd have scales, wings, sharp teeth, ya' know what i mean?
(I thought I'd tweak this a little bit. I also put a new picture.)

Given Name: Blake

Surname: Ravenford

Apparent Age: Early Twenties

Gender: Male

Race: Anguis (I'm pretty interested in this race, if I may use it for my character.)

Height and Weight: 5'7" 175 lbs

Brief History: Blake lived among the mountaintops, betting him and his kin. Blake was a flyer at heart and was his favorite pasttime. Whenever he wasn't losing track of time flying and exploring, he spent his time helping out the dragons and playing with his father.

Traits and Habits: Personality-wise, Blake is child-like and whimsical. He usually has a smile that is occasionally hard to wipe off his face. Blake is very great at flying and is pretty experienced at fighting with short blades and when short blades aren't available to him, he can use his claws and his tail quite effectively. He is also skilled in elemental magic, and due to his training, he could change the color of his flames from red to blue, or white. Outside of battle, Blake has a humourous habit of chasing his tail for hours without tiring.

Succeeds In: Blake succeeds in hunting, fighting, flying, tracking and reconnaisance, and to an extent, tailoring

Falters In: Blake falters in keeping cool when people step on his tail. He doesn't like being in tight places.

Brought along with me: Upon leaving for the journey ahead, he took his favorite whip made from his father's scales and a silver necklace his mother made him, and one large pouch filled with food.

[QUOTE="The BetterKuja]
"Oh goodness. I forgot about my tail," Blake said, surprised he didn't notice. "Well they saw my tail, best not to hide anymore." Blake stood up getting from behind the boulder walking slowly to the party, as not anyone. "Excuse me, have you good folks know a man by the name of Kalhalar?," Blake asked, also saying, "Before I forget, my name is Blake Lautrec."

you might want to edit your post, Kalhalar has been out for a few posts now and he is now just walking around the group saying hello and what not. so'd probably see him xD just try to read over the last few posts before you post.
[QUOTE="Soses-fighter007]you might want to edit your post, Kalhalar has been out for a few posts now and he is now just walking around the group saying hello and what not. so'd probably see him xD just try to read over the last few posts before you post.

Yeah, what she said
[QUOTE="Original Hylion]

can we all just be in the mountain now? everyone is just kind of standing around like 'ready to go in the cave....going int he cave now.....lets go in the cave..." We jsut need one person to kind of nudge the group xD
[QUOTE="Soses-fighter007]can we all just be in the mountain now? everyone is just kind of standing around like 'ready to go in the cave....going int he cave now.....lets go in the cave..." We jsut need one person to kind of nudge the group xD

haha We have set up to go, but we simply have to wait for everyone to post so we don't end up leaving anyone behind, but if it takes to long we'll get it moving.

But my internet is out, so I am using my phone, atm. Don't expect to much from me for a little while
[QUOTE="Original Hylion]haha We have set up to go, but we simply have to wait for everyone to post so we don't end up leaving anyone behind, but if it takes to long we'll get it moving.
But my internet is out, so I am using my phone, atm. Don't expect to much from me for a little while

That's fine and all but if we just go anyone who hasn't posted can just include whatever in their next post. Is now Luke we are totally leaving their character behind lol and let us know when your internet is back 

GoddessOfGod said:
( that post was toward kahalar))))))
hey you need to make sure that if its OOC you post it here and not in the rp thread unless it is an OOC as well as a post. As you can see its easy enough to quote someone, copy the quote codes, then past it onto a new reply else where so you can still make sure that the person you are speaking to, knows what the post is in reference to. :) OOC posts tend to muddy up the thread if they get posted there randomly and there is an OOC thread already made. 

[QUOTE="Original Hylion]

hey if I made a chatroom would everyone use it?

(Tyrant I posted on your wall but i wasn't sure if it notified you or not. :) I'd like to talk about our characters ab it if its alright! :D )
Storms, =.= they take out my already crappy internet.

Chatroom? what do you mean?



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