Pray We Return(OOC)

[QUOTE="Nikki Rodgers]Not Me, I Understand. Actually, my Minimum is 5-7 Sentences. Is this okay?

I know you're not new :P you were in the first test thread. You're fine, dont worry.
[QUOTE="Nikki Rodgers]Okay! Yes I Roll that way. By the way, I'm following you Hylion, because the Chat room has gone insane.

Haha, I'd love to stick around to entertain you both but I have an IC thread to make. It'll be up in a bit.
[QUOTE="Akane Funata]how long is this gonna take? I'm not sure how long I can be on tonight.

Not long, and no need to worry, you can post tomorrow. I'm sure not everyone will be able to post tonight.
Yuuki18 said:
Is it okay to join, or is it too late?
^o^ you may still join 
Given Name: Lucis

Surname: Damnatio

Apparent Age: Late Twenties

Gender: Dood

Race: Hume

Height and Weight: 5'11" 210lbs

Brief History: While very few know of him, he know too much about himself for his own good. Born from two nobles, who were revered for starting one of the oldest towns around, Zephr. His father a great warrior and his mother a wondrous mage and a younger sister training to be a priestess at a college of red magic. What was he though, he is actually the adopted son, found within a cave by the mother who heard the cries of child, and the roars of demons. A baby born in utter darkness, but as soon as he was exposed to the light, he gained a quick and an amazing affinity with the warmth of fire and the Sun. He was quickly raised up to be a warrior, by the father who graciously took him in. He was happy where he was, but when time came for him to leave his parents and go out upon the world, he found things that would dampen the greatest of spirits. During his life, he experienced the much and knew more than any human should. He experienced the loss of a sister, then a loss of a friend, in desperation he hunted down those who did him wrong, too the point of near madness. He was finally struck down, but only to be rejuvenated by the Divus Nati, Cosmos. He made a covenant with the goddess and thus became a warrior of hers, in return she would keep the wounds of his past from haunting him. He was happy and he even found a wife. Though his luck seemed to be bad, for she one day decided to dig into his memory and bring up his pain. He came close to ending her, but could not let himself do such a thing, instead he searched out the one who defeated him. This time he succeeded, but at a cost. Once again, the goddess Cosmos gave him power enough to survive his wounds. From there, he went about as a hunter and a sell sword, but that was during the times of war. For a while he left, he was forced away by practically Terryal itself, for committing crimes that he could not deny, and could not stop himself from doing. Some time later, he was accepted, although in no better condition. At this point, his mind was barely keeping together, but someone had taken it upon themselves to help him forget, but only did worse, by clearing his memories for only a short time. He awoke in a cave with others, he wasn't sure why. He had no memory, but he could lead them to the surface, for he felt he had been there before. Once he had done so, he sought his memory back. Within a short time, it came upon him, whether he is doing any better or if he is worse off is not his own opinion. Now he only seeks...

Traits and Habits: He tends to ramble, for he usually has nothing to talk about. He can begin to trail off elsewhere or burrow down on one topic, or he can do the complete obvious and stay quiet. His opinions are insightful, but unique and blasphemous and thus he rarely speaks of his own opinions. With nothing to honestly drive him, he seeks the pleasure of woman and the fun of experience.

Succeeds In: Most people would say everything, when talking about Lucis, but he has his specialties. He is a good talker, one would guess he'd been taught by nobles, or had once been part of a military society and held a high ranking membership. As well, to add on, he has the tactical response of a military officer. But he also has fair knowledge of weaponry, most guess he is most skillful with the sword, that being the only weapon he uses now and days, but he has a well knowledge of most martial and exotic equipment.

Falters In: He is very judgmental, and sometimes even a snob, but quite odd that someone would judge others while having an addiction to drugs and sexual intercourse. Along with that addiction, is the fact that he fails at keeping his head when given small doses.

Brought along with me: His usual attire, a Falchion, a sword similar to a heavy scimitar. The Falchion had a short, heavy blade with a single edge. The sword has single edged blade which had a a slight curve on the blade. He has a lantern at his waist, with a flint and steel, an flask of oil, a canteen of water, a satchel for any other items he needs, and another satchel for food.

Appearance: Tis a link

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/569103505.png.4e0573ced240b27b14575aa20031f886.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="258" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/569103505.png.4e0573ced240b27b14575aa20031f886.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Given Name: Tarius or "Tari" for short

Surname: Lankforitz

Apparent Age: Tarius looks around the age of 21, however, he would be about 42 in human years.

Gender: Male

Race: Diuris

Height and Weight: 6'1 and 185Ibs

Brief History: Tarius was originally born in the village of the Diuris. Like many his mother died giving birth to him, however, unlike his peers he did not have a father. Years before his birth Tarius' father died in a battle, thus leaving his mother and now him alone. Nevertheless, Tarius was raised by his extended family or rather his fellow Diurises. He was adopted by the elder of the village and soon after became his apprentice. Although, he was not the elders child he was treated as such. Unlike hume, there wasn't an extremely strong link between family; everyone in the village considered their neighbors part of their family. This is to say Tarius was never short on family members. Years passed and Tarius trained with his mentor in the ways of combat and magic, more specifically archery and arcane magic. Although it took him many years to learn, he was able to learn a few useful sentences in arcane and master the way of the bow. At the young age of 20, or 10 in diuris years, his village was discovered and raided by a rouge ban of Saurians. The rouge bandits came in search of an arcane spell book held by none other than the village elder. Once he refused to forfeit his possession, the rouge beasts destroyed his village killing everyone. Tarius himself was almost killed but managed to escape, just barely. As he had never been outside the village a day in his life, he found the outside world to be quiet strange. That is when he met Kalhalar. At first Tarius was skeptical of the man, but after the man clothed and fed him, his opinion changed for the better. Nevertheless Kalhalar was a travaler at heart and did not stay for very long at all. Tarius said goodbye to his friend and set up shop in a local village Kalhalar had introduced him to. Everyone now and then his friend stops by and the two hit it off like old times. Years have passed now and Tarius still lives in the small village, helping to keep it safe so that it does not meet the same fate as his home.

Traits and Habits: Tarius is a genius archer, a prodigy almost, and has basic knowledge of the arcane arts. Although he lives frugally he does make it his goal to study arcane arts to the point of almost obsession. Nevertheless he still after many years only has basic knowledge of this elusive magic form. Tarius is a decent cook and loves music with a passion unlike any other (especially ones that remind of the diuris folk songs from his home village). He comes of as a loner but welcomes all with open arms, with the exception of saurians of course. He has a deep rooted hatred from them, however, he is able to dwindle it down to a form of snarky comments. Since he is a logical person he knows he can't blame all saurians, however, sometimes his emotions get the better of him. Has a fear of bugs, despite living in the forest for the majority of his early life. Because he is Diurian he is much more frail than the hume, thus he tends to stay away from physical activity if possible; sometimes this trait may make him appear more lazy. However unlike some of his race,who make come off as snobby and stuck up, Tarius enjoys having a good time, laughing with friends etc. At time he tends to tell corny jokes, which tends to surprise people because of his serious demeanor. Tarius has always ahd a problem with his temper, ever since he was a kid, he has always had anger problems. Although he is older now and is able to better harness that anger, once its out there will be danger.

Succeeds In: Archery, arcane magic, cooking, studying, having fun

Falters In: Singing, telling jokes, exploring due to the his fear of bugs, being overly active, direct combat, controlling his anger.

Brought along with me: A custom made diuris bow, arrows, book of (currently) unreadable arcane magic, several days worth of food, hunting knives, change of clothes, compact water storage bag


A nearly seven foot tall human, Hylion? Damn. That's tall. Its uncommon, but there are anomalies, and. Day-Bane is pretty big too. So I'm not complaining.


Yuuki, you should really wait until your character is ACCEPTED into the RP before posting. Jut because the RP is open doesn't mean that your character is perfect. While I personally do not have an issue with it, Hylion might.

Also, please try to realize that you're holding a bow at the ready in close proximity against a heavily armored saurian with a broadsword who happens to be twice Tarius' size. I wouldn't do that if I were Tarius because I would have a big disadvantage if I were not at a distance. I wont ask you to edit, but realize that Day-Bane will react agressively.
Oh shoot! I'm so sorry! I'm not used to the rp style here on this website, I apologize. Should I maybe delte my post and wait to be accepted? Or should I leave it there?

Lol he is at a disadvantage and he would definitely have a low chance of winning, but i'm sure things will work themselves out. :) He's just trying to rescue his friend, plus he's a bit misinformed about his friends imminent danger.

Dont apologize to me, think of it as a warning that others might get really mad. But it's not me you have to worry about. Hylion is the OP of the thread, his reaction should be the one you worry about.

Anyway, Day-Bane heard you say Kalhalar sent ya, so he moved his crossbow to 'Dragon girl'.

GoddessOfGod, dont take his reaction personal. I'm just thinking as if I were him. Day-Bane is not particularly fond of dragons, and has been injured badly by one. He wont be racist or anything, as he knows exactly how that feels. Just know he has a reason to be so quick to draw a weapon.
Yuuki18 said:
Given Name: Tarius or "Tari" for short
Accepted, but Tyrant is correct, be sure to wait for the Original Poster of the RP to accept you before going a head and posting. Tis fine this time.

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