Pray We Return(OOC)

WanderingTyrant said:
Fair enough, just tell me when the things up so I know exactly what rules you want me to follow.
Of course, now i simply need one more person before I begin the IC
Given Name: Akane

Surname: Funata

Apparent Age: 18

Gender: Female


Height and Weight: 5'7" 126 lb

Brief History: Akane has been traveling alone, since the death of her master.

Traits and Habits: Akane pretends to like being alone, though it's not true. She longs for companions, but lacks the capability to trust anyone anymore. She sleeps with her favorite knife in her hand, in case of emergency. She usually sleeps in trees, or

Succeeds In: Flexibility, speed, stealth, throwing knives, medicine

Falters In: strength, up close combat, hand to hand combat

Brought along with me: my knives, a bag of food, medical kit

[QUOTE="Akane Funata]
Given Name: Akane

Random parts cut off for me. I dont know if you didnt finish typing or something
oh, I wasn't completely sure about the race, so I wanted to wait until you got back on so I could ask questions. that's the only part I didn't fill out though.
[QUOTE="Akane Funata]

Traits and Habits: Akane pretends to like being alone, though it's not true. She longs for companions, but lacks the capability to trust anyone anymore. She sleeps with her favorite knife in her hand, in case of emergency. She usually sleeps in trees, or

This part cuts off for me though.

What's your question about the races?
What are they?

Akane pretends to like being alone, though it's not true. She longs for companions, but lacks the capability to trust anyone anymore. She sleeps with her favorite knife in her hand, in case of emergency. She usually sleeps in trees, or behind buildings if she's in a town. Refuses to communicate with anyone, but has a soft side for those in need.
[QUOTE="Akane Funata]Race: Drake Race

Okies, but could you give her a few more Anguis features, you know, scales, wings, drake body parts
[QUOTE="Akane Funata]

All good I guess, just alter your application to have the entire bio, the picture, and the race.
Given Name: Akane

Surname: Funata

Apparent Age: 18

Gender: Female

Race: Drake Race

Height and Weight: 5'7" 126 lb

Brief History: Akane has been traveling alone, since the death of her master.

Traits and Habits: Akane pretends to like being alone, though it's not true. She longs for companions, but lacks the capability to trust anyone anymore. She sleeps with her favorite knife in her hand, in case of emergency. She usually sleeps in trees, or behind buildings if she's in a town. Refuses to communicate with anyone, but has a soft side for those in need.

Succeeds In: Flexibility, speed, stealth, throwing knives, medicine

Falters In: strength, up close combat, hand to hand combat

Brought along with me: my knives, a bag of food, medical kit

[QUOTE="Akane Funata]
:D yay! how do we start?

I will put up an IC thread, put down a link, and there we are strickly In Character. I expect at least one paragraph per post and readable grammar from everyone. Are you new to RPing?

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