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Realistic or Modern Powers in Secret


Six Thousand Club
Your a high school student, and you just arrived at your new school, in Maine. It's cold, wet and misty. Your taking a walk one Saturday, along the cold foggy beach, when suddenly you find a red stone in the water. You pick it up and examine it carefully. Storm clouds roll in and lighting strikes the red rock, also managing to electrocute you, and you pass out. You wake up with a tingly feeling in your body, and find a strange tattoo somewhere located on your body. Soon you figure out your have powers, and the rest of the weekend you try to harness it. It's Monday, and you arrive at school. Your first day, as a total secretive freak.

So the rules are in the overview, please read them before creating a character.
Lilith strode into the school parking lot, with her white hoodie over her head and hunched over, her pale hands in her pockets and large boots splashing the rainy puddles on the ground. It was raining. Hard. Most people woudl think school would be canceled today, but in Maine, it was just a little rain. Not enough to have school out.

Lilith walked inside and left her hood a top her head. She walked through the hallways, with her boots squeaking on the polished floors. She headed for the cafeteria since she was early...
Ryan didn't even bother with any of the rain, he still rode his bike in to school and parked it out front. He never wore anything over his head even at high speeds much less just some rain. He began making his way toward the entrance and caught eye of the girl he had a crush on since he saw her, he began to blush and without hesitation he pulled the collar of his jacket up over his nose.

He pushed his way through the doors and stayed a ways behind Lilith but it was obvious he was there with all the chains, necklaces, rings, and piercings he had on. There was already a bit of a flirtatious aura going around with the girls that saw him, he always attracted attention good, bad or indifferent.

"When can I get a day in peace and silence to myself, damn girls and their fantasy." He let a bit of a growl slip through his teeth as he fixed his hair again back to its spiked look, luckily it didn't darken and look great when it was wet and still retained its frost white color.

@Queen of Fantasy
Lilith heard someone behind her, and she looked behind her and saw Ryan. She scoffed. He had a reputation for being the "most popular guy in school." She continued to walk without paying any attention to him.

She did have to be honest with herself though, he was handsome. But no way would a guy like that be interested in an outsider. She sat at a table and pulled out a sketchbook. She started sketching a women with a uniform, long black hair, and was pale. She always saw ghosts in the hallways of school. It kind of explained why people thought she was speaking to herself.

The person she was sketching was a school girl from the 1900's. She was murdered by a local jock. She was shoved into her locker and suffocated.

Ryan kept on walking through the halls to the commons area with the 'paparazzi' right behind him as always, how annoying. He walked past Lilith and turned his head to see if he could catch a glimpse of her face, but with her hood up he didn't get a good look, but her skin was quite pale, at least it was something, better than nothing.

He kept walking and kicked back in his usual spot at the corner of the commons with a direct line of sight to Lilith's seat.

One of the girls began. "Why would you be interested in her, she's -" Ryan interrupted her "Pick your words wisely, they may be the last ones you spit out." She hesitated to say anything else "I..... I'll just leave."

He propped his boots up on the table and leaned back in his chair waiting to see if he could maybe catch her face today, he had been at this for as long as he could remember her being here. He pulled out his phone and started messing with it to pass the time. @Queen of Fantasy
Lilith felt quite hot with the sweat jacket she was wearing. She pulled it off and placed it on the table. She wore she favorite bands T-shirt, shorts and boots. She pulled back her pink hair and glanced over at Ryan. He spoke to a girl quite angrily and she shook her head. She'd give anything for attention like he had.

She finished drawing the ghost girl she'd seen before when a cold rush of air hit her skin. She smiled and looked up seeing the same ghost looking at the picture.

"It looks quite good." The ghost mumbled giving a thumbs up. Lilith smiled at the ghost, which to others would be nothing. She nodded in thanks, not wanting to speak because she was already a total freak.

Ryan was busy arguing with the other girl that he missed Lilith tossing her sweater aside, damn, the one thing he wanted to see, that is aside from her face. If he didn't have his jacket pulled up so high everyone would've seen his jaw drop. He could definitely just hug her and smother her in his chest, well, jacket and arms.

Ryan got up out of his seat and started walking towards Lilith but started to freak out, what was he going to say, how was he going to say it, oh crap oh crap oh crap. Once he finally got to her table he couldn't say a thing, so all he could think of was something stupid, he brushed his hand through his hair and 'dropped' a ring on the table. Unfortunately it wasn't the ring he intended, he wanted to drop his gold ring but instead dropped the Blackwalker family ring, oh well he'll get it back eventually. @Queen of Fantasy
Lilith's eye brow rose. She was confused.

"Um... You dropped something."

She said picking up the ring and getting up to give it back to Ryan. She wondered if it was intent or on accident.

Ryan kept on walking and had already made his way out of the commons and towards the class, by the time Lilith had turned to say anything he had already left it with her, luckily he had all her classes and she would be able to get it to him then.

And then the bell rang, he was already in the back of the class with his feet up on his desk. 'Why can't I say anything to her, she's just another person, no, she's more than just another person, damn it Ryan get your shit together, your the most popular person in school'

He waited until the bell rang again for him to take his heavy jacket off and fold it nice and neat on his desk, he never took his gloves off. Under it was a white sleeveless with the Irish flag on it, its where he was originally from, his arms were both covered in tattoos of dragons, shoulder to wrist. Now he was waiting on Lilith....

@Queen of Fantasy
Phenex was walking to school since it wasn't that far and he was walking with his younger sister saying "hey perry winkle how do you think the new schools going to be like" he said walking with the school within sight and feels it starts raining and puts his wing up to cover his head.

@ashlyn heckman
Lilith rushes to class and was about to sit down when she saw Ryan she walked past his desk and purposefully dropped his ring on his desk. she gave a small smile and sat by him. Some of the girls in the class looked at her furiously.

"Hey sorry to be asking this but, did you drop this ring purposefully?"

Phenex looked at her and laughed a little saying "yeah with a lot more power" and kept walking till they reached the school and are outside the door and Phenex stops and shrinks his wing and puts on a jacket saying "now I'm good to go"meh says smiling and walks in holding the door for his sister and asks "what class do you have first sis" questioning her.

@ashlyn heckman
Phenex looks at a paper since he's he doesn't remeber stuff good saying "umm English I think I don't know this schedule is confusing to me" Phenex says scratching his head trying to figure out which class he has.
Ryan looked at his hand pretending to just notice that it was gone "Well, didn't notice that was missing." He picked it up and looked at it for a bit before putting it back on his finger "Thank you for bringing it back, must've been an accident."

He ran out of things to say to her 'think Ryan think, don't sound stupid' he looked around at the girls getting furious "Looks like you stepped into the paparazzi crew and started stepping on toes, good job" he gave a bit of a grin and then he just realized what he said 'oh great now I sound eregant, son of a bitch'

@Queen of Fantasy
i look at the paper "yep its english then after that its history" i said setting the umbrella down and getting 2 notebooks 1 for me and 1 for phenex.

Malcolm walked to school with his head down. It wasn't like he hated school, he was just tired. His face showed an annoyed expression like it always did.

Looking at his schedule, he noticed that he had English first. He cracked a little smile; English was his favorite subject. He looked for the classroom when he saw two people head the same way he was. They looked like siblings. "Hey, are you heading to English? Do you know where it is? I can't find the room number."

@Aqua @ashlyn heckman
Lilith scoffed. "It's my specialty. I love stepping on toes." She chuckled to herself and pulled her pink hair behind her ear, as the English teacher walked in and introduced herself.

As the teacher spoke, Lilith dosed off into "nap mode" and fell asleep on the desk.

Phenex rubs his said saying "thanks I might have forgotten my book some where" he says in a voice that was trying to brush it off laughing and then Phenex looks at the boy that just came up to them asking questions and looks at him confused saying "well..um..you see...um...my sister here is the brighter one I'm just the one with the looks and the singing voice and not to mention the combat abilities" Phenex says smiling happily.

@ashlyn heckman@Guilded Clover
'That went over a lot better than I though it would' he picked up his jacket and offered it to her "Its a lot softer than it looks, just brush the chains out of the way" he always used his jacket to sleep in class, but even though he had the highest scores in the class he still got in trouble.

@Queen of Fantasy
"Nahh it's fine. I got my own."

Lilith said a bit groggy. She lifted her sweat shirt up on her desk and placed her head on it and fell asleep. She had a habit of speaking to ghosts in her sleep, so she would say weird things...


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