[Poll] Abyssals or Infernals Game

Which Exalted game would you rather play?

  • Abyssal Exalted game

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Infernal Exalted game

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Whelp, I guess it's decision time... Seems we've wrung all the juice from this topic, unless anyone has anything to add?

I think I'll start drafting something...
Seconding xarvh... which I seem to be doing a lot lately oddly.

Them chat ideas from a couple days ago of Ebon Dragon and deathlord X in an uneasy alliance when everyone involved knows that they're just waiting for the first real opportunity to betray each other. Maybe even add rule by committee of multiple yozis/deathlords all wanting their finger in the pie, conflicting orders, gradually going downhill...

but in the process, the infernals/abyssals are slowly getting to know each other, intimacies are forming, perhaps even one of the infernals finds out about devil tiger charms, and by the end every one is going to have to decide, individually, whether they want to continue working for their bosses, become something more themselves - maybe Neverborn whispers offering Abyssals something similar to deviltiger to replace Deathlords? - or breaking off entirely because hey, creation isn't ALL bad.

I have a couple Infernal ideas, but sadly no Abyssals just yet.

EDUT: An Infernal shadow-witch, SUP DARK SAKURA, with a jonesing for the arcane and a mother who exalted as an abyssal -while- said character was in the chrysalis grotesque. A tricksy Fiend caste who actually wants to bring his favorite Yozi back to the perfection they were before the Primordial war, not that he's bothered letting her know that he's less interested in Reclamation than just making her better. A taciturn Slayer with a sense of justice and a gradually-building friendship with Alveua.

The Fiend is probably my favorite but he was also potentially slated to be Elysse's "friend" SO we'll have to see aboot that one. >_>
*Glorious Double-Posting Method*

Actually, how about running two campaigns concurrently with a shared setting? The Infernal group and the Abyssal group could be doing their own things in a broadly synchronized manner. If fate would bring them together, they might decide whether they are enemies, friends or something in between. This has the potential to include most desired game styles that've been proposed, I think.

If this happens, I might even volunteer to ST for the Abyssals part. It'll be my first time, though, so I may need help from the co-ST and players. =p
So, in the interest of being open-minded...

How might a co-ST situation work? I see an advantage in allow for more players to join...
With a lot of PMs, I guess. =d

We could basically start with separate games, but sharing same Creation. Stuff that happens Infernal side might affect the Abyssal side, and vice versa. This probably would be more obvious if they started out closer. But no matter how far, these are world-changing heroes -- they probably will intersect in one way or another. The ST will focus on their side, mostly, but will communicate with the co-ST to make sure that nothing critical is getting messed up and such.

Some problems might be pacing and poor communication, but they come off as something that can be worked out with practice and planning to me!

It could work... Well even...

It's been brought up now a few times in this thread, but how do people feel about a bigger, co-ST game?
I was really hoping for an all Infernals or more an all loyalist abyssals game rather than a blending even with two separate games.
I'd say keep only one type of exalts, loyalist Abyssals or Infernals, not mixing those two up. They explore different themes, in their own unique ways.
I would love a dual game, that makes it even more fun! That way people can explore both themes. I really don't see how having both games going could be bad; I mean, hell, if they are run in different places you might not even have to interact for a very long time. Plus it is something new; how often do you see a game where there are two separate teams of PCs? If this goes on long enough, it will be ridiculously fun.
An indirect interaction could be fun, too.

"Now what we need to do is to put Nexus under our control. We will poison the silver with Kimbery's love an--wait, what?! A bunch of Deathknights destroyed the city?"
Two separate teams of Infernals and Abyssals I have no problem with :) Would you allow players to have it both ways with a PC in each? I can see good and bad with that option - its' hard not to metagame.

EDIT: Hee and the poll is still tied!
Only if they hate each other at first sight. =D

Kidding (somewhat) aside, that could be fun. It might complicate things somewhat, though.
I...guess I don't have a problem with two separate games. It certainly would make my choice more difficult.
Seperate games should be fine, I suppose, as long as there is no forced interaction etc and plenty of room for each group to explore its unique themes and all that. Actually, whatever approach makes most people happier and more content. :)
I'm down with Team Death if I'm good enough. I don't know much about Infernals and their lore, to be honest.

Also I have a crapton of homebrew material in the Underworld. >_>
Sure, unless someone else steps up. As a word of warning, I've never ST'd anything before, but I'm willing to try. =D
Cheers for stepping up to the plate, I'm sure Samurai will offer advice on how to get the most out of your game IF no one else takes the bait.

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