[Poll] Abyssals or Infernals Game

Which Exalted game would you rather play?

  • Abyssal Exalted game

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Infernal Exalted game

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Maelstrom Engineer
I realize this is a VERY broad and general question seeing as so many different types of stories can be played in either case. But, I've been contemplating running both very heavily and wanted to see what the community demand was. Feel free to add additional thoughts or comments.
Can I vote for both? :D But I voted for Abyssal because Infernal games do crop up occasionally but hardly anyone seems to run a loyalist Abyssal game, usually the player has to ask to take an Abyssal in a mixed-group and then has to make sure his/her character doesn't rub the wrong way with the other PC's.
I voted for Infernals because I've been on an Infernals kick lately, but I have a few Abyssals I would love to play if we go that route. :)
I'll play an infernal too. I still hunger to play a wish granting character that just wants everyone to love her.
I'm so down for an Abyssals game if "Destroy Creation as quickly as possible" is one of the goals.
I have plenty of ideas for both, but I always find myself more inspired by Abyssals. I wonder why.
Well...that's quite a dillema. I'm actually quite fond on both. Abyssals are inverted Solars, with many of their charms and abilities being a darkened mirror of their solar counterparts, but still retain certain unique themes and imagery. Infernals on the other hand deal with a wide variety of subject, have somewhat more of free reign in terms of how they want to progress, are more unique and define themselves quite differently than other exalts, avoiding specialization by attribute or ability and revolving around the thematics of their patron Yozi. Plus that they also have another fully fleshed and supported Realm for themselves (Abyssals do as well) and a grand scheme to reinstate the Primordials, which sounds a lot like Titanomachy returns with a vengeance.

But what is more, they have the ability, albeit further down the road, to transcend their nature and the limitations imposed upon them, in such an epic way that they become something entirely new and not just reinstated Solars.

Ofcourse, anyone could argue that Abyssal redemption is also an epic story to be told as well as that Infernals - from a mechanics perspective - were made to work better with Exalted 2.0 and now are somewhat hampered, but most arguments are valid depending on one's point view.

I'd be hard pressed to choose since I'd like to explore the unique themes of both exalt types and I'd support either game.
Clearly you want to vote for Abyssals, because you also want to play a game where the goal is to destroy the world.
Actually being an avid reader of mythology since the day I learnt how to read, the ideas of titanomachy, fallen cosmic overlords that crave to be reinstated, traitorous gods and heroic individuals are quite appealing as well. ;)

To be honest, any game in which we get to have a unified party of same type exalts and explore the unique themes that they provide would be more than fine for me.
I agree with Ebon - whatever comes of this poll that the game have the participants all have the same direction (for whatever reasons) in mind.
Aren't the Infernals more apt to a "Destroy Creation as quickly as possible" type of game? I'd see the Abyssals as more conservative in their Creation-destruction approach.
Loyalist Infernals are more about taking over the world. Rogue Infernals are more about becoming a world.
Yes it would be.

I think I find myself more inspired by Abyssals because of the inherent tragedy they possess. The fact that they aren't chosen until the very moment of their death is a very moving picture for me.
I might add, with all the discussion of these two Exalted types, I'm a little shocked and excited that this discussion didn't explode. The excitement, for me, is in the fact that there are 5 players ready to play one of these Exalted types. No picking. No choosing. Done. I'll leave it open for a bit more and see what we get.
I think it would be fun to run a full circle of Infernals that are ultimately trying to break away after one of them discovered Heretical Charms...
I've never actually gotten to play an infernal before. I voted for the abyssal side of things because I find it easier to generate concepts.
A loyalist Infernal game would quite a change of pace. Alternatively a Loyalist Abyssal game would be unique too, but I don't like Abyssals as much. xD
An Infernal game sounds really neat so I voted for that.

Through I have wanted to so something with Necrotech for ages now so an Abyssal game would be really great too.

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