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Fandom Pokemon: The Telios Continent

In truth, Tentacruel had no idea that Rose had a 'crazy side' nor was it Blaziken that had said it. He simply wanted to get Blaziken into trouble, in a humorous way so that they could laugh about it, but apparently he had guessed accurately. Not wanting to snowball the situation way beyond what it already was, Tentacruel decided to be honest. "Heh...it wasn't Blaziken. It was me. I was just trying to get some humour going, since the conversation was getting a bit dry, but apparently I struck a nerve. Sorry." Kane loved that about Tentacruel - he always told the truth in the end. Besides, getting his friend into a bit of a fluster was one thing, but trouble was another - he wasn't going to be responsible for Blaziken being shunned from the group.

Even though he did nothing, Blaziken got up and walked over to the Lopunny and sat down crossed legged next to her, smiling as he did. He offered her a hand as a positive gesture, similar to a human's handshake, clearly intending to prove that he did not think of her that way at all. It was hard being mute, especially in situations like these, but he had learned how to at least how apology without words. In a way since he didn't use words, Blaziken's apologies seemed that much more sincere.

Kane, who looked at Blaziken move unaware of what they were discussing, looked back to Dylan. "Perhaps...but...I don't know." He sat in thought for a few moments before speaking again. "Would you mind if I watched your gym battle? I'd like to see how you fight."

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Clara’s lit up and she looked at Mason. “Really?? You’ll travel with me?! Awesome! I never had a travel buddy. It’s just usually just me and my two Pokémon. But it be really cool and fun to travel with someone else. Let’s do it!” Sylvia seemed quite pleased that meant Clara probably wouldn’t run into trouble now....oh who was she kidding Clara always got into trouble without even trying. But hey at least she wasn’t alone now to help Clara out of that trouble. Sylvia felt herself get lifted. “Here that Sylvia we got a new travel companion.” Sylvia smiled and nodded and then Clara practically squeezed the life out of her with a hug. She then put Sylvia down and turned to Mason. “So what else is there to do here at this festival?”
Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Mason Serrano
Cypress City Square

"There are mostly displays and tournaments going on throughout the day. At night is when the Gym Leader goes about with challengers, but these are much harder battles because the gym leader gets an advantage. A win at these events count as 2 Gym Badges instead of the usual one. The gym leader gets pretty hardcore at these events." Mason said with a smile at her acceptance. "If you have an appointment, you can go about fighting her throughout the day, but otherwise you have to wait until night." There was a small amusement park like thing going on as well, evident by the gigantic ferris wheel. "Otherwise, you can go to the stadium and look at the exhibition matches there between trainers not taking part in gym battles or future tournaments. There is also the Contest Stadium doing the same with Contest battles and Pokemon Showcases upon the hour." Mason shrugged. It was all good stuff. He couldn't really recommend any one thing to Clara. It was all in all city-wide fun. Pretty much whatever they needed would be here. Stores didn't close down, rides were going full force. The only negative seemed to be the massive amounts of people walking the streets TO enjoy it all
Ryker turned his attention towards Tentacruel, giving him a small nod. Honesty was a good quality not many people, or Pokémon, had such a thing nowadays. But this was a quality the Lucario appreciated to see. Tundra now had completely settled down from her earlier laughing fit over the jellyfish Pokémon's attempt of humor, but she still bore a toothy grin on her face and a small chuckle escaped her, "Hey! I found it funny if it makes you feel any better! Best. Joke. Ever!" Since Rose was a bit out of commission, usually it was her job to reign the rambunctious Weavile into proper behavior in public, it was up to Ryker to bring order back into things. "Tundra," the Weavile looked over to her left to see Ryker glare at her, causing her expression to drop, "I think the best thing for you to do now is to not kick Rose while she's down. You may regret it later." This had the ice type swallow hard, the only thing scarier than Rose mad, was Ryker mad. "Y-yes sir."

When Blaziken got up at started to walk Rose lifted her head a bit and watched him make his way over to her. Her pink orbs followed his movements, and gazed at him when he sat down on the floor next to her seat. The Lopunny smiled a bit as the fire type extended a hand to her in a friendly gesture. Rose in return, placed her own fluffy hand in Blaziken's. "Sweetie it's ok, I'm not that upset anymore," she told him in a gentle tone, "I know it's not your fault." The rabbit Pokémon's smile got a bit bigger as she gave a soft chuckle, "I forgive you though. You're too sweet for me not to."

Dylan noticed Blaziken walking and watched him as he made his way over to Rose, noting their interaction. Figuring something must have gone on between the two. But when Kane spoke again her blue eyes landed their attention back onto the young man. "You want to watch me battle?" That was the first anyone wanted to see her fight, some would have gotten angry at her advice. Mei could feel her cheeks get a bit hot with embarrassment as she gently scratched it with her finger, "Sure, I don't mind." Next thing she heard was Ryker chuckling over that, "You got yourself a cheerleader now?" The young woman looked over at her partner, a bit more embarrassed now, "He's not a cheerleader."
The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald

The Telios Continent is a culmination of Arceus's will. Modeled after himself, every [non-legendary and non-extinct] Pokemon can be found here or in the waters around it. The continent is absolutely enormous, though more can be found outside of it. Think of it as an Arceus level safari zone. The humans and the Pokemon live in harmony, all doing what they do. Living the Wild life, capturing, training Pokemon, and living together domestically or as job partner, or taking the competitive steps into the Competitive Battles, Contest Scene or showing off their glam in the Pageant scene. The humans maintain civilizations and mini civilizations (homes) within those civilizations. However they choose to go about living their lives, whether with or without a Pokemon to call a pet, a companion, a partner, or a friend, or another human to call their friend, their boy/girlfriend, their partner in crime, their husband/wife, their rival, their travelling companion, etc. this is a big world. Don't waste it living on what ifs. Take on some gyms, try to go beyond the waters, go to some contests. Hell, go up to space and try to find Deoxys. Who knows what Pokemon you'll find

The Wild Pokemon Life is shrouded is secrecy. In lands untouched by humans, Pokemon can gather together and explore this vast continent in groups, crawling through dungeons to discover this continent's secrets. Maybe even those in other parts of the world. Mountains, Icelands, Deserts, Forests, Rainforests, Human Urban Lands, everything is even bigger from the eyes of the little Pokemon who explore, and who want to live, love, and fight in it with all those friends they hold dear

(I'm interested if this is still open)
Clara listened Mason as named all the stuff that was going on. Sure was a lot happening how was she going to decide? Then something caught her eye. A roller coaster it look pretty fast and a lot of fun. Though she wasn’t sure if he was into that. If he wasn’t she would just get on it alone. “Hey Mason what about the rollercoaster?” She said as she pointed to it.
Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Tentacruel, who would've nodded back if he had a neck, appreciated Ryker not being angry with him. Or, maybe he was - at the very least, it wasn't visible to him. Out of sight, out of mind as they say. He heard what the Ice type had to say, and while he enjoyed that someone liked his jokes, he didn't dare to vocalise it. Instead, he pretended not to hear it and looked away. He didn't like getting in trouble just as much as he didn't like getting his friends in trouble. Besides, he legitimately found what Blaziken was doing interesting - he wanted to see how he could talk without needing his help.

The fiery Blaze Pokemon simply chuckled at Rose's answer - he was happy to be forgiven, though. He didn't want any bad blood to be congealing any time soon, after all - Blaziken enjoyed making new friends, and he didn't want to ruin his possible friendships with this lot over nothing. Blaziken nodded towards the Lopunny, happy, before he began getting up to head back to his seat.

Kane sighed relief as Dylan said yes. He felt a little nervous, truth be told, about seeing what Dylan could do. Still, if she was willing to allow him to see what makes her strong, he was all for it. If he was to become a prodigy in Pokemon battling like his dreams were, he needed to start somewhere. "So, are you heading over after we eat, or are you waiting until tomorrow? Hey, is the gym even open today with everything going on?"

Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
"I am rather curious about something though," Ryker openly stated in normal Pokémon language to that his trainer won't be able to overhear him, "Why is it that Kane is frustrated over becoming stronger? Not everyone is cut out to being a trainer and battling for a living. Besides, from what I've learned and understand he seems to have a love of the sea far greater than a love of the arena." After watching Blaziken go back to his seat Rose managed to hear what her teammate asked the other Pokémon, thanks to her excellent hearing. The Lopunny's pink orbs shifted between the fire type and water, who seemed to be the only two out of the four able to come up with any actual reasoning, even if one was mute. "You know. I'm rather curious about that myself," she then smiled softly, "But I'd also like to know what gives you guys the drive to fight in a battle. What reasons do you have to do so? You must have one or two, everyone does. I know I do; so does Drake, and Ryker, and Tundra, even Sky has his reasons."

Rose looked at Tentacruel rather happy as she placed one of her fluffy hands over her heart before speaking again, "You're not wrong for calling me crazy, because just as Tundra said I do have two different sides to me. And that other half of me is my love for battle, the thrill of it. That's what drives me." Drake glanced over at the Lopunny in a bit of shock. Usually she was not one to openly confess how she did, but when it came to anything about battling she grew excited and can't help but to jump in. The Garchomp felt swayed by his teammate to want to mention his own reasons for battling, "She is right when she said we have our reasons for doing what we do. I want become strong enough to be able to protect Dylan as she protected the day she rescued me." A relatively loud yawn could be heard coming from the opposite end of the table from beside Mei. It was from Sky who was waking up from his cat nap after hearing the chatter that had been going on. "Well if we're all dabbling in the open book thing I might as well speak now than be last," the Luxray yawned while blinking the sleep away from his yellow orbs, "I do as I'm told really. If Dylan needs me then I battle whatever opponent in front of me. But what I enjoy is all the petting and cuddling I get out of it later, no matter if I win or lose." Snickering could be heard from Tundra as she quickly looked at the other Pokémon, she knew that if she didn't speak right then and there she'd end up being put on the spot. "I'll cut to the chase for me. I do it because of my pride, losing ain't really my style. But as long as Dylan is proud of me in the end I guess a loss won't kill me every now and then." Finally it came down to Ryker being the last of the team to have yet to give their reasoning. But he already knew what he was going to say. "My reasons are the same as the others; to protect, the thrill, and knowing that if I lose it's not the end of the world. But I mostly do it because Dylan is my best friend. Though she may not show it, being able to learn about things through battling makes her happy. Especially when we all feel connected and are fighting as one." The other Pokémon silently nodded in agreement to Ryker's statement.

The young woman quietly shook her head when Kane asked about the Pokémon gym being open today during the festival, "I doubt that it is. Surely even the gym leader would like to take a day off and enjoy the festivities." With all the chattering coming from the right of her, Dylan looked over at her companions. She glanced down and noticed that even Sky was joining in on it. "They want to keep their conversation private," Mei said to Kane as her blue orbs went back to gazing at him, "I can tell because I can't hear Ryker's voice in my head when he opens his mouth." She had figured out over the years of being with her Lucario that if he didn't want her to know certain things when he spoke he'd interfere with their telepathic link so that all she heard was normal Pokémon talk.
The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Tentacruel sighed as he looked at Kane. The sea Pokemon seemed to smile under his tentacle-y body as he began thinking of all the answers to the questions. Both he and the Fire type listened well to Dylan's Pokemon, as they poured their heart to them, as Tentacruel began replying himself. "Kane...well, he loves the sea. We all do - two of us live in it. But we're designed to live in it, you know? Humans aren't. Besides, he needs to learn to love the land. You don't get friends on the sea, you can't have a family. And, I think, deep down he wants that, you know? He wants friends he can be there for, and you can't do that in the middle of the sea." This much was obvious to Tentacruel. Perhaps because he lives in the ocean, he can tell when someone shouldn't be living there. Humans, like all living beings, yearn for companionship at any level, and the sea can be a lonely place after a while. Especially since Kane's father was getting too old to sail.

Then, he moved onto his best friend. "Well, for Blaziken it's pretty simple. He's a Fighting type, and fighting is what he does. He may not want to spend every waking moment battling, and he may not wish to battle everything that comes across his path, but that is what he was born to do. To get stronger, and he feels - we all feel - that Kane is the one to do it. Is he the best Trainer? No, of course he isn't. But, we all feel that it's our job to make him the best as he works every day to make us the best." Blaziken nodded gently at the Water type's response, clearly satisfied with the answer.

"For me, it's very similar. I'm not a fighter - not really. Even when I was wild, I'd just poison my foe then weather the storm, as it were, until my foe couldn't take anymore of the toxins. Fortunately, Kane plays like that with me. But, I still wanna help him with his dreams. After all...after all, it was my dream to have a good life with friends, and he has given me that so what type of Tentacruel would I be if I didn't return the favour?" As Tentacruel opened the valve of his heart to his new acquaintances, he looked around to see all the faces of those who were listening. He didn't want to repeat himself, after all, so he was ensuring everyone who wanted to listen could hear him.

Then, it was Cradily's turn. Cradily acted almost like a father to Tentacruel and Kane's other Pokemon, so he wanted to get it just right for him. "Cradily...well, when most people see Kane and Cradily they see a Trainer and his Pokemon. For us, since we know them, we don't see that. We see the sort of bond brothers have. They grew up together, pretty much did everything together, they've gotten into arguments and made up...they're family. Cradily may be a dinosaur who can't understand us, yet he always seems able to understand Kane. I guess their bond is like with you and your Trainer, Ryker. Cradily does what he can to help Kane, because that is what family does."

"And Magneton..." Tentacruel hesitated slightly as he looked over to the magnet-clad Steel type. Magneton and Cradily were still playing, although Cradily had looked up and saw their food coming, so he ushered Magneton to the table so that it could feed like the others were about to. Magneton seemed to metallically squeak in delight, uterring "Power, power!" as it moved. It hungrily grabbed Kane's rechargeable torch and began lifting it in the air, as Kane looked around. "Well, Magneton is different. You see, Blaziken isn't the only Pokemon here who has had something taken from them. While the poison took his voice, something...terrible has taken Magneton's sanity. Something that must've terrified it out of its mind. Heh, all it goes on about when it is battling or under any different stress is this 'skeleton in the static' - whatever that means. Yet, I think there is a part of the old Magneton in there. I think it wants to get revenge on whatever scared it so much when it was a little Magnemite, and it knows that Kane would be willing to sacrifice himself for Magneton to be happy. Besides, it seems really happy to be with Cradily and Kane wouldn't want to break that bond." Just as he finished, their food arrived on large platters, which were set in the middle of the table.

Meanwhile, Kane looked to his female acquaintance. "Yeah...you ever wonder what Pokemon talk about? Do you think they talk about trivial things, like the weather, like we do? I mean, when their words aren't being telepathically sent to you, that is." Kane chuckled as he spoke, referencing Lucario's ability to project what it felt into the mind of his Trainer. Still, despite having no way to talk to his Pokemon, he knew exactly what they felt and wanted at all times. He had gone through so many adventures with his Pokemon, some good and some bad, and made loads of memories with them. He noticed that Magneton had found the torch he was going to feed it with, as usual - after all, Magnetons feed off of power, and not food - so he anticipated the arrival of their own food. Cradily always made sure that Magneton 'ate' with the rest of them, so when Magneton began recharging it usually meant that their food was coming. And, he was right. "Oh, look - our food's coming."

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Dylan's Pokémon listened in silence to Tentacruel as he spoke for all of Kane's Pokémon about their reasons for being, and Kane's reason for being on land. It seemed as if they weren't so different by the way the jellyfish spoke. Especially their trainers. They both were rather lonely in their own ways for their own reasons, but they both were still lonely nonetheless and needed to learn about human companionship. Even if Dylan were to deny it to the infinite power, Ryker knew that his trainer would like to have a human friend she could speak to every now and then at some point in her life. But that is a challenge all on its own in reality due to the young woman's personality.

Rose looked over at Blaziken with a smile, "I think I'd like to battle you one day. You and me in a one on one match could be interesting, plus I'll be able to learn about you a little more." The Lopunny did like a challenge every now and then, especially if she were at some sort of disadvantage. A mere type disadvantage would prove to make things interesting. But she did in fact want to learn in her own way about the mute fire type, and what better way than to battle? Gazing at him she chuckled softly.

"It seems that Tundra isn't the only crazed Pokémon at the table then it seems," Drake commented as he glanced over at the Weavile in question. Tundra was quick to look back at the Garchomp and hiss, "Hey I'm not crazy! Just hyperactive and prideful!" With a huff the dark sat crossed her arms and looked away from the dragon type who only shrugged his shoulders. At least she admitted that she was crazy on her own, even though she didn't use those words exactly. But Drake looked at Tentacruel from the corner of his eye with a small sort of smile on his face. It seemed that he wasn't the only Pokémon in the world who felt some form of favor that had to be returned to their trainer. At the other end of the table, Ryker turned his attention over to Cradily who was still playing with Magneton. He had sensed the bond between the fossil and the human boy when they first met, their auras were intertwined. It amazed him to know that even Pokémon of long ago are able to have such deep rooted connections with humans even if they were from an era before them.

Dylan blushed a bit at Kane's statement of telepathic communication, scratching her cheek softly as she glanced away from the boy. "Yes, well. I think they have normal conversations just as you and I have been having and other people have on a day to day basis. They all have dreams and such and pry enjoy sharing those stories more with other Pokémon. For all we know they could be talking about you and I or any other person in this building." Upon hearing Kane mention food, Mei and her Pokémon looked over to see a few waiters coming towards them with trays full of food. Her Pokémon though seemed more excited about the food than she was by the way they were smiling.
The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Clara listened Mason as named all the stuff that was going on. Sure was a lot happening how was she going to decide? Then something caught her eye. A roller coaster it look pretty fast and a lot of fun. Though she wasn’t sure if he was into that. If he wasn’t she would just get on it alone. “Hey Mason what about the rollercoaster?” She said as she pointed to it.
Kylesar1 Kylesar1

Time was really flying by in the festival. Before the townspeople knew it, it was 3 pm. 3 hours flew by just like that. At 5, the Iron Ghost tournament would start. On that note, things started to speed up a bit. People moved faster as if they all used Agility, trying to get to vendors and stalls to get their fills and stacks of snacks so they wouldn't have to leave at minimum until the intervention at the midway point of the Iron Ghost tournament. The sun was high and a few clouds started to come in, giving the people some much needed cooling off. Mason was having a good time with Clara after finding her Pokemon. they explored many food vendors and a couple of attractions within those areas. Clara sure could eat, that was for sure.

Mason Serrano
Cypress City Square

"Aye. I haven't gotten on any rides today, so why not?" Mason wasn't really the roller coaster type, but then again, he never really came to these events with friends before. Now that he made one, he'd be willing to try it out and stop being as much of a spectator as he usually was. Scarlett clung on to his arm. Despite the fact that she could float, Scarlett was actually scared of heights, but she wanted to stay with Mason even more, so she'd choose to bite the bullet rather than go back in that dreaded pokeball ever again. Heights and fast speed didn't exactly mix well, so she hoped that Mason would hold her close.

"Let's go." Mason started walking towards it, grabbing Clara's hand as to not get lost by the sudden fast forward movement unconsciously put forth by the townspeople. Scarlett clung on heavily to his head, as a lot of people bumped into him and each bump almost made her fall off.
Anna walked the streets as she watched the festival, while Lily walked along with her "Anna shouldn't we find a place to let Lance and Alexis out"

"I quite agree Lily, hmm..." Anna looked around as she scanned the area but couldn't find anything "guess we will keep looking, are you hungry Lily?"

"A little bit, any ideas?" She asked

Anna looked around seeing many stalls for snacks "hmm... What to choose"
“Alright!” Clara was about to start her way to the coaster but suddenly felt Mason grab her hand. She then looked around and noticed the crowd getting bigger. As they were walking Clara looked over to Sylvia. “Come on hold on to my wrist.” Sylvia nodded and took hold of it so she wouldn’t lose Clara in the crowd. As they were walking Clara couldn’t help but bump into a few people. Hopefully it wouldn’t be this bad once they made it to the coaster.
Kylesar1 Kylesar1
“Alright!” Clara was about to start her way to the coaster but suddenly felt Mason grab her hand. She then looked around and noticed the crowd getting bigger. As they were walking Clara looked over to Sylvia. “Come on hold on to my wrist.” Sylvia nodded and took hold of it so she wouldn’t lose Clara in the crowd. As they were walking Clara couldn’t help but bump into a few people. Hopefully it wouldn’t be this bad once they made it to the coaster.
Kylesar1 Kylesar1
...............and it was that bad. The line was HUMONGOUS. They couldn't even see the ride master. "No problem," Mason said. He had a flash pass, a ridiculously expensive pass that allowed them to advance forward to the front of the line, the back of the flashpass line (which was non-existent as they got priority). He held out a $100 bill to Clara. On top of all that he spent on her, that was proof that Mason was rich and fairly generous. "You need a flash pass if you plan on riding more than one ride before the Iron Ghost tournament starts."

He planned on asking her more about herself and her Pokemon when they got on before the ride actually started. Standing in line would provide ample time to converse, but then again they'd be conversing for about another hour and a half, so Clara should get a flash pass. They costed a good $40. I know, ridiculous for a simple festival, but it would have obvious use. They were usable in every line except the bathrooms and those of the already existent city shops.

The problem though was that they'd have to traverse to the midway point in the city again, which was a huge pain in the butt.
Rcticwolf Rcticwolf (if you want to interact with us)
While they were waiting in line almost all the people behind them moved on to something else as Anna took the spot behind them, at that point Lily couldn't help but snicker "next time, can you be a bit more subtle?" Anna asked as she was slightly giggling

"But I wanted to go on the ride"Lily replied "I know but you didnt need to cheat these people out of their chance to ride" Anna replied
Kane was far too naive and stubborn to admit that he was lonely - or, rather, craving human companionship. He had four great friends at his side at all times, but he refused to believe that he wanted anything else. He had made some human friends in his time around the world, Mason being one of them, but he never really stayed close with them. In a sense, it was as if he just wanted someone to talk to every now and then. Just someone he could share his problems with, and help them with their own issues. Still, he'd never admit it - not even to himself. Kane was always like that - in a sense, it was because of his mother. He always wanted to be the iron shield against the wooden sword - unbreaking, unyielding. His mother, and her crimes, taught him that bottling every thing up and hiding it all from view was the safest way to do things. Best way to protect himself. Of course, he just hasn't learned yet that it isn't the case.

Blaziken looked to the Rabbit Pokemon with a bit of surprise. Yes, she mentioned that she liked to battle, yet Blaziken never expected Rose to outright challenge him. To be honest, he wasn't sure. He could sense that she was far stronger than he was, and his pride would tear him apart if he lost. However, he had been asked to fight her. Rose wanted him to battle her, and his pride also couldn't let him pass up the offer. Slowly he nodded, but then looked back to Tentacruel, his eyes darting between the Poison type and his Trainer. "We'll try to convince Kane to allow it. Kane has one thing a lot of Trainers don't have - brains. He doesn't get in fights he knows that we are severely outmatched in so that we don't get hurt needlessly. Sure, he likes a challenge, but you guys are far stronger than us. Blaziken would lose the fight with you, Rose, and quickly - and besides, are there not better ways to learn more about him than figh-."

Then, Blaziken made a weak, croaking sound and cut off Tentacruel. Tentacruel looked over to his pal, who made the sound to attract his attention, then nodded in satisfaction to him. "Yeah, that could work. Say, how about you two train together? As in, rather than beating each other up and getting hurt, go to like a gym or maybe into the woods together and beat up rocks and stuff?" Tentacruel offered the idea, then turned to the plate that Kane had placed in front of him and began 'eating' - although, it looked more like he was covering his Poffin in acid before going in to devour it. Blaziken began to slurp his soup, and Cradily began eating the same meal that Tentacruel had.

After Kane had moved their plates, he moved onto his own - shepherd's pie. He never really understood why it was called 'shepherd's' pie - it wasn't like there was any Mareep in the pie. Just tofu. Oh well, maybe it was a shepherd who invented it? Shaking the thought from his head, he returned to Dylan. "Hmm...yeah, I guess. I wonder if they're discussing what they think of us? What do you think your Pokemon think of me and my Pokemon?"

Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 (sorry its an eensy bit late)
"You think that'd I'd actually be able to beat him? Like, five seconds in beat him or tens minutes in?" Rose tilted her head a bit in confusion as she pointed at herself when she spoke. Usually Pokémon weren't quick to point out that they'd lose, especially if they had a type advantage. Even more so if they were up against a Lopunny. But instead of getting upset or anything over it, Rose smiled. She soon started giggling and holding her cheeks with hands while her ears twitched, "Oh my! Why that's something I don't get to hear every day! I actually feel rather flattered about it!" The rabbit Pokémon continued to giggle, her cheeks started to feel hot under now the more she thought about it.

When Tentacruel suggested an alternative, training, Rose was still on her own little cloud nine. "Training? Oh sure! That's fine with me, I don't mind going out and smashing rocks or punching bags," she chuckled as she gently batted one hand as if she were fanning herself almost. Her attitude soon changed when her bowl of soup was placed in front of her, causing her attitude to become calmer. After picking up her spoon the Lopunny started to eat her spicy food. Tundra stabbed at the fruit salad of hers with a fork, making sure to dip each forkful in whipped cream. At the other end Drake merely stabbed his burger with one of his claws before inserting the whole thing in his mouth. Back towards Dylan's end Ryker was eating his curry with a spoon, Mei was eating her burger normally, and Sky was eating his poffins individually.

Hearing Kane speak caused Dylan to look up from her plate, and put her food down. Picking up her napkin she wiped her mouth properly before setting it down beside her plate. How did her team think about these strangers? From her observations they looked like they were having a pleasant time to be honest. "We like them," Ryker's voice echoed in her head, "Rose is even wanting to train with Blaziken sometime soon. She rather eager about it." Mei looked at her Lucario from the corner of her eye, "Really," she mumbled softly. A second later her blue eyed gaze rested on the sailor who sat across from her before deciding to speak again, "They like you, and your team. According to Ryker my Lopuuny would actually like to trainer with your Blaziken in the near future."
The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Blaziken, hearing the Lopunny's comments, nodded slowly. He was clearly ashamed of this fact, having to admit that he would lose a fight, but it was the truth. Rose was far stronger than he was, and was even on par with Cradily and Magneton - whom Blaziken and Tentacruel have never beaten - so the poor Fight type had barely a chance. All he could hope for was that she would miss some of her attacks, but that was about as unlikely as the chance that Blaziken had in beating her in fair combat. Still, she seemed pretty flattered about it, so Blaziken didn't feel all too bad about it. Blaziken could almost sense the heat coming from her cheeks, which made him chuckle slightly.

As soon as she mentioned that she'd be happy to train with him, Blaziken began to nod quickly - clearly ecstatic about the answer. If he could, he would've thanked her a thousand times. Instead, he had to settle on Tentacruel thanking her the single time. "He says thank you, by the way." He probably would've said more about it, but he seemed far more interested in the Poffins than anything else. As were most of Kane's Pokemon, to be honest.

Whilst Dylan spoke, Kane slowed his eating down so that he could speak back. Though, he didn't stop eating entirely - he was ravenous and was really enjoying his meal. "Oh, really?" Being told that the Lopunny wanted to train with his Blaziken, he looked down. Blaziken looked back, and nodded gently before returning to his soup. Even though he has never heard Blaziken utter a word, he could tell how he was feeling. "Yeah, Blaziken seems up for it. As long as neither of them get hurt, I see no harm in a bit of training."

Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
While the young woman picked up her tofu burger she looked at Kane, a bit surprised in fact by his condition regarding training. The boy seemed concerned for both Pokémon's well being, even when one of them wasn't his. Something like this wasn't really heard all too often. This also meant that her way of training needed to change for this one time so that Rose would be happy. "Alright, I shall accept your condition. Neither one of them shall get hurt. I'll try to see if there is a normal gym around here so that two of them may train without any violence," Dylan stated before taking a bit out of her food. Kane was one odd guy in her opinion, but then again, Mei herself never fit the social status or normal herself.

All the Pokémon appeared to be happy though with their choices in what they're eating. The smiles on their faces gave it away. Dylan was rather happy with her food to, though she didn't quiet express it physically. After some time passed Mei found herself to be full, pushing her plate away as it held about a quarter of uneaten food. One by one her Pokémon started to feel the effect of a full belly and moved their own plates, and bowls, out of the way a bit. But unlike their trainer the Pokémon had actually cleaned their dishes of any leftover food.

"Thank you," the young woman mumbled softly to her human acquaintance, "For allowing me to join you for lunch. Normally it's just me and my Pokémon, so it feels a little different." Ryker looked at his trainer rather pleased. The Lucario was happy to see his trainer slowly start to socialize with someone of the same species. What made him even more excited was the fact that he didn't have to usher her into doing so like he had been. Dylan was doing this all on her own. It also helped Ryker feel a bit relieved on the inside.
The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Clara looked at Mason confused when he gave her a $100 bill. He must of been loaded. But why was he handing her a This much?” Once he explained to her what it was for she nodded. “Ok! It’s fine with me if you don’t mind walking ba.....” She looked infront of her and noticed something. She then pointed. “Hey Mason look some of the people are leaving.” Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Rcticwolf Rcticwolf
Clara looked at Mason confused when he gave her a $100 bill. He must of been loaded. But why was he handing her a This much?” Once he explained to her what it was for she nodded. “Ok! It’s fine with me if you don’t mind walking ba.....” She looked infront of her and noticed something. She then pointed. “Hey Mason look some of the people are leaving.” Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Rcticwolf Rcticwolf

"Yeah that would be her fault" Anna chuckled
Like Dylan's Pokemon, Kane's party of four began to feel full...well, at least it seemed that way. Except for Magneton, who had a seemingly endless appetite for electrical power, everyone began to slow down their eating to avoid being ill. Still, they ate it all - they loved the food Kane had bought for them. Blaziken, even though his soup was the spiciest on the menu, sat back in complete relaxation - as if his mouth hadn't been subject to the raw heat of the soup - whilst Cradily just sort of...sat there, really. For the time being, he was happy that his stomach was sated and now he was struggling to find something else to do. Tentacruel just slumped back into his seat, sinking into it once again.

Kane nodded as Dylan replied, with a mouthful of pie in his mouth. After hastily swallowing the last of his classic farmer's dish, he looked back up to Dylan. "That's great, thanks. There's no need for our Pokemon to get injured after all. And, you're welcome. It's been nice for me, having you here. I never usually have this much company around. It's a pleasant change. So, you ready for the bill or do you want some time to get ready?"

As he spoke, he delved deep into his costume's pockets to find his wallet. It was an old wallet, to be certain - the leather was worn and crinkled (yet the stitching seemed to be new) and had sign of water damage. After pulling out a credit card, ready to swipe into the card reader when the staff were ready, he twiddled it in his hand as he awaited Dylan's reply.

Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
"No, I'm ready to pay as well," Dylan replied as she slipped her hand into her own costume pocket. It only took her a second before she felt the fabric of her wallet and pulled it out. Unlike Kane's hers was in rather well kept conditions- the icy colored bi-fold wallet almost appeared brand new thanks to gentle care. Pulling out her own credit card and set it down on the table. When her blue eyes fell on Kane again she noticed hid fidgeting manner, and assumed that he was feeling anxious again.

Though as she recalled his earlier statement regarding there Pokémon and his yearning to get stronger, Mei started to grow confused. "Kane," she hoped by saying his name that it'd grab the young man's attention, "You say that you want to get stronger, but yet you don't want your Pokémon to get hurt over, how should I put this... Stupid reasons. I also have a feeling that you're not really into the normal trainer life- traveling across various regions to battle gym leaders in hopes to become a champion... That doesn't seem like your style.... I'm just confused is all, I'm not trying to be rude." Though her normal tone of voice didn't seem to be helping the situation. Monotone was not the way to go. "But why are you doing it when your Pokémon seem to be happy going the untraditional route?" This was all so confusing. What reasoning did he have to want to get stronger? Did he feel indebted to them for one reason or another?
Ryker's voice echoed in her head which in turn caused her to look at him. The Lucario was looking up at his trainer when her blue eyed gaze met his red one, "You must learn how to tread lightly when it comes to certain things. His deep reasoning might end up being something too painful to talk about." Even if that was so, Dylan couldn't understand why someone would want to do it when they have a dislike for Pokémon getting hurt. Mei turned her gazed back to Kane as she waited for either an answer, or a scolding of some sort. No matter how Kane acted towards her after all her questions she'd face him like she face everything, without fear.
The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald

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