Pokemon RP Version

Night smiled softly and nodded listening to him about the battle. He then nodded in acceptance to his battle. "Well, my team can't do much at all, theres only a small handful of pokemon that can defeat rock type in this area." Night sighed softly and looked inside the pokeball of his just healed pokemon. He then tossed the ball into the air grinning. "Caterpie go!" he said as the small bug like pokemon was released in a flash of light. The caterpie stood in a battle ready position. "Already caterpie, lets have a little battle with Daniel."
Daniel stared at Night in understanding with his situation, he watched as Night's mood went from disappointment to confidence. Thinking to himself, he closed his eyes for a moment. "That's the spirit..." Daniel opened his eyes and stood up from leaning on the tree trunk, reaching for his Pokeball, he sent out the second member of his team. "Pidgey, let's show him what you can do." Gripping onto his Pokeball, he flung the ball out into the air, and within seconds the tiny bird Pokemon soared out of the red beam of light. Chirping loudly, with his wings spread out going with the flow of the wind, Pidgey had his target on ground level and waited for a command. "Pidgey, start it off with Gust!" Acting quickly and while in mid air, Pidgey pulled back and flapped his wings, sending a tornado of wind downwards towards Caterpie at great speed. Daniel watched cautiously at what his opponents next move would be, clearly having the flying type advantage over the bug type Pokemon.

Sylvia Harris

Sylvia was still cautiously walking behind the girl. Although she was afraid Squirt already blew it when he began to walk on the ground trying to pick up the pace and making their footsteps louder. It was a good thing Sylvia was nearby when the Pikachu jumped on the girl. The trainer quickly ran to the girl and knew what she had to do. The girl didn't have any pokemon that could defend her, so Sylvia had to use Squirt to save her from the Pikachu. “Go get ‘em Squirt!” She shouted.

Squirt quickly jumped in the air and used his best attack, water gun on the Pikachu.


Squirt used water gun!


Pikachu Lv. 4

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/57a8be4caa7ed_HealthBar(6).jpg.5833e79a6e42175d3cee39f2ac76cdfc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8307" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/57a8be4caa7ed_HealthBar(6).jpg.5833e79a6e42175d3cee39f2ac76cdfc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Squirt ♂ Lv.15

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/57a8be4cdc14b_HealthBar.jpg.8a61bae906ce9cb14fcdf20cde993a55.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8321" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/57a8be4cdc14b_HealthBar.jpg.8a61bae906ce9cb14fcdf20cde993a55.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>





(Special thanks to paipai900 for the health bars)



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Leibas entered Viridan Forest. The place was about the same as when he left it. He released Buddy from his pokeball and let him climb on his shoulder. "Alight, Buddy, we need to evolve you so you can put up a decent fight." Leibas said as he walked through the forest. As he walked, he saw two trainers battling each other; one with a pidgey and the other with a caterpie. This would be a good training experience. He sat down a distance away so him and Buddy could watch the fight. Leibas hoped it would show Buddy how to fight.
Night's eyes widened as the bug pokemon rushed off to the side trying to get away. "Caterpie use string shot, take out the wings!" The caterpie turned slightly to counter as Night ordered only to be grasped by the gust by his tail. The caterpie only flipped over onto it's back the pokemon's eyes wincing before rolling over and countering with the string shot this time shooting towards the wings using a wide spread trying to hit both of the pidgey's wings.

Daniel fixed his eyes on the counter attack, String Shot would be effective if made contact with his Pidgey's wings. Having the advantage in the air, being hit directly with this tricky tactic wouldn't be acceptable. He looked upwards at Pidgey and shouted his command.

"Pidgey! Don't let it get ahold of you!"

With quick and agile arial maneuvers, Pidgey dropped a few feet downward headfirst in a twirling motion avoiding the stiff and straight forward shot. Caterpie's attack continued into the sky before gravity took hold of it forcing the sticky substance to drop onto the top of a random tree. Pidgey soared downward towards Caterpie, his sharp eyes locked onto the bug Pokemon awaiting a command.

"Pidgey, counter with Sand Attack!"

As the bird Pokemon flew quickly down to just above ground level, he chirped and with a strong gesture of his wings picked up a cloud of blinding dirt towards Caterpie lowering it's accuracy. The area surrounding them became shrouded with a large cloud of dirt lowering everyones visibility for a few seconds.

"Pidgey, while it's blinded, finish it off with tackle!"

With birds being able to pick up the vibration of worms, insects, ect., Pidgey was able to pinpoint the location of Caterpie within the cloud of dust. Within seconds Pidgey would charge, full body, into the foe hitting Caterpie from its blind spot.

Night grumbled as the Pidgey blinded his caterpie. He hated this and knew for a fact the pidgey was much stronger then his own pokemon. Night shook his head and watched through the dust as the pidgey knocked the pokemon from the dust cloud. It was obvious his caterpie had been beaten. Sighing softly, he held his pokeball up returning the caterpie into it's own pokeball before smiling looking to the flying type pokemon. Night would then pull another pokeball from his bag tossing it out only to have a mouse like pokemon remove from the ball. Night would smile softly and look to the pidgey. If the pidgey was not returned Night's next action would be thundershock and striking the pidgey down.

"Pikachu, thundershock now! Strike that pidgey to the ground." The pikachu would stand still and close it's eyes tightly. Holding it's hands up. The cheeks sparking as the electricity flowed through the pokemons body."Chuuuu!" An electric discharge would be seen as it erupted from the pokemons body rushing to the pidgey at a quick pace.
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With new Pokémon in tow, Sheeta entered the clearing but was at once overcome by a sand attack that basically washed over her within seconds of stepping into the grove. Letting out a little chirp of surprise, she dove sideways into a bit of brush thinking that perhaps Team Rocket was back for her Pokémon. This however wasn't the case as she heard the familiar shout of Daniel as he ordered his Pidgey to finish something off with tackle. Sheeta shifted, her eyes peaking out from beyond the leaves. That was when she spotted the Pidgey gliding above the clouds of dust and figured that Daniel must have been in a Pokémon battle. Diving into the up kicked sand, Pidgey attacked what Sheeta couldn't see until the small green bug was throw from the settling dirt. Noticing the Caterpie, Sheeta blinked in confusion before she spotted Daniel's opponent not far off. So Night had challenged Daniel then? Perhaps it was actually the other way around. Sheeta gave a small smile, her legs straightening as she stood and dusted herself off. That was when she heard the gentle sound of another Pokémon being released which, of course, made her head shoot up in curiosity.

"Oh! A Pikachu!" Sheeta's eyes widened and a huge grin spread across her face, "I wonder when he got one of those, how interesting." She wanted a closer look, and seeing as the ones battling were her traveling companions she doubted that they'd really care. Pacing a few feet into the clearing, Sheeta picked up Nami and placed the Pokémon on her shoulder before crossing her arms to watch. She really was interested in the battle and not just because of the line-up. Sheeta hadn't really witnessed either of the boys fight, it made her curious to see which one was stronger. She wondered which one had the better tactics. It was clear that with the Pidgey and Caterpie the battle had probably been a little outmatched, what with caterpie being stuck on the ground. It was all to easy for Daniel to direct his Pidgey to confuse the Pokémon before giving the final attack when the Caterpie was blind to it's surroundings. In many ways that was a very basic and very effective combination that usually worked in the attacking parties' favor. In this case it had, but with Pidgey so clearly threatened by the thunder attack that Pikachu had. Well it made Sheeta wonder what Daniel was going to do. She had to admit that she could see a few way around the thunder shock that the Pikachu was most defiantly going to use, whether Daniel saw them was another question completely though.

"If Daniel doesn't move fast enough he's going to get swept away by that thunder," Sheeta said softly to Nami with an amused look plastered across her face, "Pidgey won't stand a chance if he's hit." It was very true, Electric type attacks had a very dangerous effect on flying type. It also happened that Flying type moves did very little against Electric type as well. In other words it meant that Daniel was in a very bad situation at the moment. Having said that though, this fight wasn't impossible. He just needed to use his Pidgey's talents against the small yellow Pokémon who was clearly better at far away attacks. Though now that she thought about it, Sheeta figured that since Pikachu was a mouse Pokémon it was probably pretty fast as well. Pikachu could be very lethal if it had the right trainer and was up against the right type of Pokémon. That reminded Sheeta that she had yet to scan a Pikachu with her Pokedex. Pulling it out, she held up the small device.

#025. Pikachu, mouse type Pokémon. When several of these Pokémon gather, their electricity could build and cause lightning storms.

"Not really helpful," She muttered with a sigh, "Lets see what else we have here." Shifting through a bit of the Pokémon's data she sighed. She had been right, Night's Pikachu had a huge advantage over Daniel's Pidgey. She still didn't doubt that it could be done, that the Pidgey could win, but it would be very hard. She wondered how long the fight had been going on for as she flipped her Pokedex closed and settled back to watch just as the Pikachu's cheeks began to light up.

"Knew it..." She mumbled.
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Once the dust cleared and he could visibly see his Pidgey victorious, Daniel held a caring expression, knowing initially that he had the advantage. What he wanted was to toughen up Night's Caterpie a bit, though it seemed he let his competitiveness get the better of him. Not usually being like this, Daniel sighed a bit, though he was still proud of his flying Pokemon.

"Great job Pidgey, you did wonderfully as usual."

Pidgey landed onto the ground and hopped around with a cocky attitude while chirping, quite enjoying the feeling of winning. Daniel couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at Pidgey's actions, and while scratching the back of his head he felt a bit ashamed of doing so. Within seconds, Daniel heard the whistling sound of another Pokemon being summoned onto the battle field.

As the red light faded a short, chubby rodent Pokemon covered in yellow fur stood there with a confident expression. Daniel blinked and whipped out his Pokedex to gain information.

#025 PIKACHU the Mouse Pokemon. When several of these Pokemon gather, their electricity could build and cause lightning storms.

Fixing his eyes again on Pikachu, he closed his Pokedex and returned his Pidgey quickly. Daniel was no fool, and being familiar with type advantages he knew that his Pidgey clearly had no chance being a flying type. One attack from this electric type Pokemon would be enough to one-hit KO his Pidgey which was unacceptable. Taking ahold of his other Pokeball, he gazed at it for a second and with a soft smile flung it out onto the battlefield. Within the red beam of light, stretched out Dratini, who let out a battle ready cry glaring towards Pikachu. It seemed as though Night was hasty in his special attack as Pikachu began to charge the red sacks on it's cheeks.

Daniel squinted his eyes and commanded Dratini.

"Take the ball by court! Dratini, use Twister!"

A strong wind shot towards Pikachu in a twirling motion, picking up random stones and leafs along the way which would cause minimal damage towards the electric Pokemon.

Night watched as the dratini attacked with the twister. His eyes narrowed as the twister rushed towards him. Night would examine the speed of the twister and smiled softly. "Pikachu, dart to the side and go around the twister. Then use quick attack." The pokemon darted to the side evading the spinning twister and rushed towards Dratini moving as quick as it could only to lung at the Dratini in a tackle attack. If landed it would knock the pokemon to the ground.

Using speed as his advantage was quite the clever tactic indeed, Daniel thought to himself. He knew that Pikachu's Quick Attack would be successful, and so did Dratini as she braced herself with barely enough time before a yellow flash could be seen hitting her serpent-like body. Daniel shouted his command quickly, making sure Dratini had enough time to successfully counter before she would be forced to the ground due to the slight weight difference between Pikachu and Dratini.

"Dratini, while Pikachu is in range! Wrap around it tightly!"

Wrapping her body around the electric mouse, Dratini held her grip tightly inflicting little damage though using Pikachu's body weight against him they both hit the ground roughly.

"Now Dratini, while you have it in your grasp, use Thunder Wave!"

Daniel decided to fight fire with fire, or in this case, electric with electric. With her grip still strong on Pikachu, Dratini sent a weak electric shock that was sure to cause paralysis once it made contact.

"While you have the upper hand, use Leer!"

Dratini glared at Pikachu with an intimidating look lowering it's defenses, and while inflicting more damage with Wrap, Dratini released Pikachu and twirled herself into the air with a loud cry preparing for her final attack.

Night bit his lip seeing the attack land only to be countered as Pikachu was circled around and wrapped up in Dratini's grab. The static discharge from Pikachu's body would surely paralyze the Dratini. Night smirked softly as a thought popped into his head. "Pikachu! Thundershock one more time!" Night knew with his pikachu being wrapped around like that and Dratini having direct contact it would shock the pokemon with no way of escaping. He would then smile softly hearing the command of thunder wave. Now both pokemon would be paralyzed in the end. Night knew of Dratini's special ability but this did give him a slight advantage. He would then watch as his pikachu cowered in the fear from the leer attack. The defense was lowered and this was bad for his pokemon, the only good outcome was his pokemon was released from Dratini's grasp. "Come on Pikachu. You can still win this." He would await the Dratini to shed it's own skin before using a thundershock attack. Hopefully this would work as he wanted it to and while being distracted by shedding the skin. Pikachu could hit the Dratini with a tackle. But that would have to wait until later.

Being zapped by the Electric Pokemon while Dratini was wrapped around the mouses body wasn't very effective and did little damage towards Dratini. With her being a Dragon type she resisted fairly against the shock, though her status ailment would be effected by the slim chance of Pikachu's static ability. Daniel had anticipated this initially, and figured his opponent would take the opportunity to paralyze Dratini while he had the chance too. This of course didn't worry Daniel much being that Dratini had her Shed Skin ability, however due to the non-volatile status ailment being paralysis, it would take a little time before Dratini could cure herself. Using Leer earlier would mostly be a front, though the last bit of damage dealt with Wrap hurt slightly more due to the glaring attack.

Daniel had another move in store, while Dratini flipped into the air, she went into a battle ready position. Dratini winced a bit from the paralysis but was successful in going onward with her attack. With both of their minds practically in sync with each other, Daniel shouted his command, with Dratini reacting almost right after Daniel's last few words.

"Dratini, finish Pikachu off with Dragon Rage!"

Having a set amount of damage regardless of the targets type, Dratini launched a shock wave of pure rage down towards the paralyzed Pikachu which would take out the rest of the Pokemon's HP if hit. The special attack roared as it made it's way towards the ground which would surround Pikachu and within seconds would land creating an exploding sound throughout the forest.

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Sheeta's eyes flickered around, Daniel had flipped the tables but it seemed Night wouldn't go down without a fight. Pikachu, being electric, would have never faired well against a dragon Pokémon. However, if Pikachu was Night's last chance then he very well had to fight it out. Still his Pikachu was damaged, it had sustained big wounds simply because of it's opponent's attack type. Sheeta just hoped he remembered that Daniel's other Pokémon was still fighting ready, even if he knocked Dratini off the board he still had a Pidgey to deal with. With the damage that Dratini had caused him, Night's Pikachu would not only be weak but so would his attack. It would ultimately be bad for the Pokémon's health if it was pushed that hard but it was a battle, fighting was expected. Shifted her weight onto the other foot, Sheeta took out her ball and returned Nami to it. She didn't know how long this battle would take if Night somehow defeated Dratini. All she knew was that the odds were not looking good for him, she decided that perhaps she should go find somewhere to sit. It had to be far enough away that if an attack went wild it wouldn't hit her or her Pokémon, which was why she had returned Nami to her Pokeball.

"Woah," Sheeta muttered as she a blinding light and large wave of heat washed over her, pushing her off sideways into the bush that she had been in before, "What the heck was that?" Rubbing her head, Sheeta scrambled to her feet to look at the battle. It seemed Dratini had played it's final move, but what it was Sheeta didn't know. All she knew was that if she ever faced Daniel's Dratini she'd have to watch out for it. She blinked through the after mess of the explosion, wondering if the Pikachu had somehow dodged it. Even if it had, could it still be conscious? Surely not, with the power from the attack it seemed rather skeptical. The wave had been strong enough to sweep Sheeta off her feet, though she was a bit closer then someone should be to a Pokémon battle.
Leibas and Buddy watched the battle unfold. It wasn't quite as exciting as fighting Brock, but maybe fighting a giant snake made of rock added to the excitement back there. He noted that string shot could be useful when aimed at specific spots. Maybe if he used string shot at a zubat's ears it would prevent it from using echolocation, thus blinding it. The battle seemed a bit one-sided though. If these were their only pokemon, they would have a bad time against Brock (well, maybe not the one with dratini). Still, he was interested in how this battle might turn out.
Night's eyes widened as he watched the blast from the Dratini rush towards his pikachu. The pokemon had already been paralyzed and unable to move. He could do nothing to help the poor pokemon. Night shielded his eyes from the blast only to look back at his pokemon which was on it's side laying on the ground. Night sighed softly and returned the pikachu looking to his pokemon. He knew he had lost the battle and wouldn't even bother putting Eevee up to be downed by the dratini. He shook his head lowering it in defeat only to look up and smile softly. "Well that was fun." His cheery mood had come back as he glanced to the two pokeballs. He would have to head back to the pokemon center once more soon enough but he simply placed the pokeball in his slot only to glance around. "Now that thats over what do we do?"
"It's customary to give some money to the winner." Leibas said to Night without moving from his spot, "Although I've always wondered why. It's almost like gambling. Then again, how else is a pokemon trainer supposed to buy pokeballs. Buying pokeballs gives money to Silph co. and supports the economy. In other words, Pokemon trainers are what keep economy from falling apart. That's why they encourage gym battles by giving the gym leaders rental pokemon instead of using their own. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to get a single badge. What were we talking about again?"
Night blinked softly hearing the man speak to him. "Well, I've never given money and gym leaders do use their own pokemon. They don't use rentals, trainers earn money by doing other things than just battling and such." Night then glanced to Daniel before looking back to the boy who spoke to him. "Pokemon battles are to toughen up a pokemon and get them ready for stronger trainers. Not for gambling or getting money."
"Of course trainers use their own pokemon; I was talking about gym leaders!" Leibas said as he did that gesture that looked like he was flipping a table over, "They use specific pokemon depending on how many gym badges you've already gotten. I've heard from other people that Brock uses a graveler, kabutops, omastar, ryhorn, and a stronger onix against the more powerful trainers, but I'm not even sure if that's his actual team." He got up, paused for a bit, and said, "Strange. most people ask who the heck I am."

The damage had been done, the battle between the Dragon and the Mouse was over due to Pikachu being fainted on the ground. As the red beam of light absorbed Pikachu, Night retrieved his Pokemon, and so did Daniel. Though before Dratini could be retrieved, she slithered behind a tree shying away from the people she was unfamiliar with. Shedding her skin, Dratini appeared cured of paralysis and noticeably longer than what she had been before. Not caring much for boosting, Dratini returned into the red beam of light with a relaxed expression, glad that she no longer had to battle. As Daniel held his Pokeball with a caring smile, he spoke under his breath.

"Good job Dratini..."

Glad that his friend Night wasn't in a foul mood, Daniel glanced over at the young trainer showing more of his modest personality.

"That Pikachu is quite the handful, I haven't had a great battle like that yet."

Smiling a bit he was glad there weren't any hard feelings, and with that they could continue on as partners in their endeavor. Out of nowhere, an unfamiliar voice caught Daniel's attention. He shifted his eyes towards where it was coming from, spotting a young man who appeared to be spectating some distance away within the bush. With a confused and blank expression, he listened to the mysterious young man who appeared to be talking to Night directly. Silph co... Rental Pokemon... Confused to what this guy was talking about who he figured to be a Pokemon trainer given his extensive knowledge, Daniel approached him, standing a few feet in front of him.

"It's polite for one to say their name first without one having to wonder or ask, don't you think?"

Giving off a kind smile he reached his dominant arm outward towards him gesturing a handshake.

"My name is Daniel, it's nice to meet you."

He stared at the young man, his eyes gentle and welcoming.

"I'm Brock! I'm Pewter's Gym Leader! I believe in rock hard defense and determination! That's why my Pokémon are all the Rock-type! Do you still want to challenge me? Fine then! Show me your best!" The Gym Leader known as Brock raised his ball with an outstretched arm, prepared to initiate the battle.

While the older male was filled with energy, Akashi was the exact opposite. His stance remained relaxed and his face held as much expression as the type the leader preferred. Akashi was never one to get hyped for situations like these. He may have been more outwardly expressive with his partners, but a stranger wasn't on the small list of people he would do so with.

Akashi reached for his belt and removed the sphere from his waist. He had done some research on the gyms and was aware of the fact that Brock used only Rock type Pokémon. In Akashi's eyes, that was a painfully flawed strategy. As long as someone had a team with a type advantage, they would have the upper hand. Flawed as it may be, Akashi knew that strategy wasn't the only factor in battles.

As if it have been planned out, both trainers threw the red and white spheres in synchronization, finally starting the battle. "Go, Geodude!" The Pokémon resembled an ordinary rock greatly. The only way to tell the difference was the two arms protruding from its body and its face.

As the rock Pokémon was released, so was Akashi's own choice of battle participant. "Regem." As the light faded, a male Nidoran was revealed, its large ears twitching as it showed off the purple spines on its back. Akashi had caught Regem, along with a few other Pokémon, before arriving in Pewter City. He still had a Pokédex to complete and it wouldn't have been very productive to skip areas. Besides, Regem held a type advantage and he was a nice companion to travel with.

"Geodude, use Tackle!" The floating rock charged at Regem, determined to hit its target. Tackle wasn't the best move on the list, but it was still pretty effective, depending on how one uses it. However, it works best if the move actually hits.

"Double Kick." After hearing its friend's message, the Nidoran let out a cry as the Geodude neared it. As it got close, Regem jumped slightly into the air and dealt a powerful kick. Using the momentum from the first attack, Regem jumped higher into the air and soon began to descend. Falling back to earth at a fast speed, Regem stuck out one of his four legs and allowed it to connect with the very top of the Geodude's head, effectively resulting in it fainting.

"Geodude, return!" A red beam enveloped the fallen Pokémon as it returned to its ball, allowing it to rest. Meanwhile, a small celebration was going on at the other side of the gym. "Good work, Regem." Regem stuck his nose into the air and smirked, anticipating his victory. His expression seemed to say something along the lines of "naturally". Akashi had found Regem to be quite prideful. Akashi didn't really have a problem with his friend's personality, but it would be hard for him when he found out that there were others much stronger than him out there. The world was a big place and they were only a small part of it. Akashi would let Regem enjoy himself for now, he had earned it.

"I'm not out yet! My determination is stil rock hard! Go, Onix!" The Gym Leader sent out yet another Pokémon, this one being his last. However, instead of a floating rock with arms and a face, a giant snake comprised of rocks was sent out onto the field. It released its cry, the noise making the gym actually shake a bit. Wasting no time, Brock sent out his orders. "Onix, use tackle!"

Regem tried to dodge, but the Onix was fast, way faster than average. "Bind!" Onix wrapped its snake-like body around Regem and began to squeeze. Regem did not look to be in good condition. Normally Bind wouldn't do so much damage, so why was Regen being damaged so easily. Quickly playing back the scenes in his head, Akashi came to a conclusion. "Screech..." The cry that the Onix had released was the move Screech in actuality. Attacking before the battle even starts, a good strategy.

After Regem released a smal cry of pain, Akashi immediately grabbed his companion's ball. "Return!" The red light envolped Regem, returning him to the safety of the device. Akashi wasn't going to let him suffer through that. "You did your best and that's all anyone can ask for. Take a well-earned rest." Akashi spoke with a comforting tone, attempting to sooth his injured friend. After placing the sphere back on his belt, Akashi immediately went into his analysis mode.

The Onix was fast and extremely sturdy, a definite problem in this battle. Regem was injured, so Fighting types were unavailable. After think for a few more seconds, Akashi was able to formulate a strategy. Akashi had no doubts that this would work.

Reaching for another ball, Akashi was prepared to send out another competitor. However, before he released his next choice, he quickly spoke with a soft tone of voice, inaudibile to anyone but him and whoever was inside the sphere. After speaking, the ball released the Pokémon inside. "Acula." Akashi had spent more time with the Bug Pokémon and they had grown closer. However, Acula was no longer a small Weedle. Now, Acula was in his second stage of evolution as a Kakuna. Bug types always evolved relatively quickly.

Once again, the Onix released its cry, wreaking Acula's defense. "Tackle!" Closing in fast, the Rock type was intent on finishing its opponent quickly. "Harden." Before the snake-like creature could connect, Acula raised his defense, making the attack more bearable. However, he did take a good bit if damage.

"Onix, finish him with Bind!" Quickly, Onix wrapped itself around Acula, attempting to squeeze out his health. "Keep using Harden." Acula did as instructed and continued to raise his defense. The struggle went on for a few more moments, one side continuously attacking and the other weakening its strength.

Realizing Acula wouldn't be able to take much more, Akashi returned him to his ball. "You did good, rest well." Attaching the ball to his belt, Akashi reached for another. This would be his last Pokémon in this battle. "Fiamma."

The familiar Charmander was released from the sphere, the flame on his tail growing brightly. Fiamma had grown more accustom to battle along the journey and was improving at an impressive rate. However, there appeared to be a problem with his choice.

"Fire isn't effective against Rock types! You should know that!" Fiamma was obviously at a disadvantage, but Akashi wasn't worried in the slightest. "Onix, use tackle!" Akashi wasn't worried, as he knew that this battle was already over.

Roaring, the Onix began to charge at Fiamma. However, something was amiss. The Onix was significantly slower than before, nowhere near its previous speed. The Gym Leader was confused as to why his Pokémon had suddenly become so slow and took a closer look. Upon further inspection, Brock noticed the thin, web-like substance covering Onix's rock body. "String Shot! When did that happen!?"

Akashi stared on as the Onix trudged through the field. "Every time your Onix connected with Acula, he released a thin layer of string." Akashi didn't want to hear the man yell even more out of confusion, so he ended the mystery before his eardrums bursted from the loud volume.

Before Akashi had released Acula, he had told it to use String Shot whenever he came into contact with Onix. Using Harden allowed Acula to take more attacks and release even more string, effectively slowing the Onix's speed. The Bind had been really fatal, just not to the one on the receiving end.

"Fiamma, Metal Claw." Fiamma nodded in affirmation and raised its arm, preparing the Steel type move. Steel was effective against Rock types, just like Fighting moves. This battle was over as soon as Regem was returned.

Taking advantage of Onix's slow speed, Fiamma charged. The moment Fiamma was in close proximity, he swiped at the rock body, dealing significant damage and effectively rendering the opponent unconscious. The battle officially was over, the victory going to Akashi.

Fiamma ran over to Akashi, overjoyed that he had prevailed. The Charmander jumped into Akashi's arms and received a loving rub on the head. "You did great, Partner." Fiamma grew a large grin, happy at the praise.

As the team had their small celebration, Brock approached. He didn't appear sad over the loss at all. On the contrary, the Gym Leader seemed to approve. "I took you for granted and so I lost. As proof of your victory, I confer on you this, the official Pokémon League Boulder Badge."

Akashi took the small badge in his hand and rubbed his finger over the surface. The bumpy texture ran down as he brushed over it more. It certainly fit its name. He pinned the badge to his lapel, keeping it safe and hidden from view. He would get an appropriate case later, but this would do for now.

"Also, take this." Akashi took the sealed disk from the Gym Leader's outstretched and looked it over. "This Technical Machine, or TM for short, contains Rock Tomb. It hurls boulders at the foe and lowers its speed."

Akashi stuffed the TM into his coat pocket to use at a later date. The object could come in handy in the future, especially when a Rock type was in need of it. He would wait to use it, until he was certain of what he intended to do.

"There are all kinds of Trainers in this huge world of ours and you appear to be very gifted as a Pokémon Trainer. So, let me make a suggestion. Go to the Gym in Cerulean and test your abilities."

Akashi gave a simple nod, before turning in the opposite direction and walking out the door. Fiamma climbed up his shoulder, opposite to the now present Mico, as they stepped into the outdoors of Pewter City. "We'll go to the Pokémon Center so you guys can rest and then we'll be off. Does that sound good?" The two Pokémon released a sound of agreement, content with the decision.

Akashi smiled a little at the reaction, as he walked towards the familiar red-roofed building. They were certainly happy about this victory. However, it was much to early to celebrate. There were seven more badges and a whole world of Pokémon to explore.
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"Oh, sorry about that." Leibas said as he shook Daniel's hand, "My name's Leibas Ofbacca. My friends call me Lei, everyone else calls me Baka." After shaking his hand, Leibas looked around the area. "I had come here to try to evolve Buddy, my caterpie, and I saw your battle. I figured that Buddy would get some experience by watching your battle; I hope you didn't mind."


C a r m i n e • C l a r e t

Freezing up with fear, Carmine's body seemed to stop moving as her mind turned to stone as the aggressive Pikachu appeared in front of her. As time began to affect her once more, Carmine could hear her heart's rapid pace as it threatened to jump out of her chest. If she could hear it, then the Pikachu would obviously pick up the sound waves. She had recalled that the very same event had occurred when she was younger.


"Beedrill, use Twineedle!" Ten year old Carmine Claret pointed at the attacking Pikachu, a hope to be able to capture such a Pokemon with her oh so faithful Beedrill. This Pikachu had an impressive defense, which most Pikachus tend to be low in.

Beedrill obediently followed her master's orders and performed the Poison move on the Pikachu, whose peculiar high defense stats seemed to protect most of the poison from him. But, the Electric type Pokemon didn't escape the venomous touch.

Quickly, Carmine reached for her Heal Ball, readying to throw it at the rodent-like Pokemon. Her mind was running wild with absolutely no thoughts at all, she just had to catch this Pokemon. "Come on, Beedrill... Use Fury Attack!" A rather weaker move, but that was all it would take to weaken the Pikachu enough to catch.

It was then when the Pikachu countered with a hard Iron Tail, slapping her Beedrill like a fly swatter. Beedrill flew back from the impact and took a moment to regain her balance. Carmine's eyes widened with shock, not only did this Pikachu have great defense, but it was quick enough to lay a hit on her Beedrill.

Before Beedrill could attack once more, the Pikachu fled from the battle scene, an obvious limp in its right hind leg. The ten year old still couldn't comprehend what had just happened would come back to slap her in the face when she was older.

~End Flashback~

It was the same Pikachu. Carmine recognized him from the familiar limp in his hind leg, it was lesser, but still there. A pang of guilt hit her in the chest when Carmine knew that she was the one who had caused such a thing to happen to the poor Pikachu. All because she wanted to catch him.

Not even bothering to take a step back, Carmine's dark eyes bored into the Pikachu, observing his every movement as he battled with the Squirtle from before. He would lose, a twitch of his back leg would cause him to get injured. All because of a foolish decision Carmine had made more than half a decade ago.

((OOC//: Sorry for the wait!))
Sylvia Harris

Squirt was in an intense head to head battle against the wild Pikachu. The Pikachu managed to deal some damage on Squirt, but it was too weak for it to win against Sylvia’s well trained Squirtle.


Squirt ♂ Lv.15

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/57a8be4fe29b7_HealthBar(3).jpg.d51f3c813c14a43b25500f39e72510e3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8466" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/57a8be4fe29b7_HealthBar(3).jpg.d51f3c813c14a43b25500f39e72510e3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/pikachu.png.c7ca96eafb0baa08217466d30d9a052c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8467" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/pikachu.png.c7ca96eafb0baa08217466d30d9a052c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Pikachu Lv. 4

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/57a8be4fe9364_HealthBar(9).jpg.8cb9eedbc35afe0e38333c339f3b41a6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8468" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/57a8be4fe9364_HealthBar(9).jpg.8cb9eedbc35afe0e38333c339f3b41a6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Sylvia already knew that Squirt would defeat the pikachu and let the girl go unharmed. She shouted out the final blow against it, "Use tackle!" She shouted, Sylvia knew that tackle would finish it.

Before Squirt could shoot it's attack at the pikachu though, the pikachu made a quick launch at Squirt and tackled him down. The pikachu shocked Squirt and bite him on the neck and he cried out in shock and pain. Quickly, Squirt tackled at the pikachu and threw it on the ground, knocking it out temporarily.

"No Squirt!" Sylvia shouted. She ran as fast as she could to check the wound on her Squirtle. The pikachu left a large red mark on it bad enough that Sylvia was afraid her first aid kit might not be enough to deal with the bite and the electrocution. It needed to be check by a Pokemon Center nurse.

Sylvia unfortunately didn't know this route very well since she'd never been to this area of the region before. The only way she got here was by help from locals at cities on her way here. She needed help from the girl, who seemed to know her way around quite well.

"Miss! Do you know where the Pokemon center is around here? Squirt needs medical attention!" She asked her.

((OOC//: I rushed this a little. I may edit it later))



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C a r m i n e • C l a r e t

Watching in both shock and horror, time seemed to slow down as the Pikachu fell to the ground, unconscious. Shifting her gaze of unbelief over to the girl with the Squirtle, Carmine felt herself frown as she harshly pointed off to the direction of the city, gesturing for the girl to just follow the path, making her way to Route One and heading towards the Poke Center. The Squirtle was bleeding, but the Pikachu was knocked out. Being knocked out in the wild would leave the Pokemon vulnerable to predators, it wasn't all happy-go-lucky out in the tall grass.

Hurrying over to the unconscious Pikachu, Carmine reached for the plastic bag that held the medical supplies her lookalike gave her. Who knew that they would come handy so soon. Disinfecting the Pokemon's wounds, cuts, and using a cold pack on the bruises, Carmine silently took care of the Pikachu she once battled six years ago. And she had brutally wounded him too, leaving his hind leg forever injured. It would have healed over properly if he had gotten real medical attention, but he didn't. He had just ran straight into the forest. And she hadn't thought anything about it.

((OOC//: Such. A short post.))

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