[Pokemon Prismatic]Chat here!

I'd be up for a battle against any of you once our characters do meet up. Which I suppose is going to happen in Capella or so. At least I don't think the forest makes a good picnic spot. :P

I should also work on getting Ellen her second pokemon. But I'm so picky/unlucky with encounter rolls xD
@DreamBeat Firstly: d'aww, poor Crystal (and Caterpie) D':

Secondly: I'm a bit confused about what catchrate we're using :'D Because I thought that

Toogee said:
According to the catch rates on Bulbapedia, about 265 pokemon have rates at or above 100 and thus will be auto-captures in this RP. Is that accurate?
NoviceOfRoleplay said:
Yes, they would be auto captures. @Toogee
Or do we go by the percentages given on Bulbapedia/Serebii (the "when ordinary pokeball is thrown at full health" ones)?
Ayari said:
@DreamBeat Firstly: d'aww, poor Crystal (and Caterpie) D':
Secondly: I'm a bit confused about what catchrate we're using :'D Because I thought that

Or do we go by the percentages given on Bulbapedia/Serebii (the "when ordinary pokeball is thrown at full health" ones)?
0.0 I didn't pay attention to the rules! AGH!! *pulls out hair* I actually had a response written for when she caught the Caterpie, but realized that my rolling was inaccurate, and then I deleted it... Poo.. Well, it's done. Thanks for letting me know ^.^ I'll be sure to remember next time *.*

EDIT: @Ayari Although I said that I would count my sentences last weekend, I ended up not doing it... I really need to do that soon.
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@DreamBeat Oh, so they are autocaptures then? That makes it easier! And we can always make it so that the Caterpie followed Crystal because it changed its mind and wanted to be caught after all? :P The capture would have been so fitting for the situation xD

Hm, I suppose I'll leave the battle to you, since I have battled recently. I can help write the Youngster's parts if you don't want to play the battle alone, but otherwise I'll just have Ellen cheer for you.
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Ayari said:
@DreamBeat Oh, so they are autocaptures then? That makes it easier! And we can always make it so that the Caterpie followed Crystal because it changed its mind and wanted to be caught after all? :P The capture would have been so fitting for the situation xD
Hm, I suppose I'll leave the battle to you, since I have battled recently. I can help write the Youngster's parts if you don't want to play the battle alone, but otherwise I'll just have Ellen cheer for you.
Thanks! I need to get going soon, but I just thought I would let you know that every post is now worth 2 experience points! :D

First of all, geeze! What level is your Eevee? I didn't think it was higher than 5, maybe 10.

Second of all, we can't just jump in. We have to roll dice in a battle. Go look at the tutorial for it. We also need to determine which of our pokemon are faster.
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:( I feel like such a noob. The criticism is real ( :( )( :( )( :( )( :( )( :( )( :( )( :( )( :( )( :( )( :( )( :( )( :( )( :( )( :( )( :( )( :( )( :( )( :( )( :( )( :( )( :( )( :( )( :( )( :( )( :( )( :( )(:'()(:'()(:'()(:'()(:'()(:'()(:'()(:'()(:'()(:'()(:'()(:'()(:'()(:'()(:'()(:'()(:'()(:'()(:'()(:'()(:'()(:'()(:'()(:'()(:'()(:'()(:'()(:'()(:'()(:'()(:'()(:'()(:'()(:'()(:'()(:'()(:'()(:'()(:'()(:'()(:'()(:'()(:'()(:'()(:'()
We're just trying to help, so you have a better understanding of the rp. We all want to move on

but the rules are there to help and keep things fair.(^.^)

So, please follow them and if you're lost, ask.(^U^)

@loupylou sorry but you can't use rare candies. Not unless unless a GM gives one to you or you buy it from a shop that has one. It's unfair otherwise
(Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh fine) He's been a trainer for like, 5 years I expected him to have at least one rare candy lol
@LoupyLou23 @Ayari Heyo! I haven't been on in a while. Sorry I didn't drop in before. To answer LoupyLou's question, yes, you can have more than one character. And Ayari, the battle looks so interesting! :D I'm learning just by watching xD Real life experience goes up! Again, sorry...
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay ^-^ Tanks u for answering that. So do you literally just pick another starter, then post another character thread?
LoupyLou23 said:
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay ^-^ Tanks u for answering that. So do you literally just pick another starter, then post another character thread?
Yeah. Don't forget to roll the stats :) Just a question. Will your two characters be interacting with each other? It's just a question out of curiosity
@LoupyLou23 Hey, sorry to be "That Guy", but rolling less than 50 means the pokemon is male. Also, for nature you roll a 20 sided die and then follow this scheme to choose one:

1-5: Normal Natures Hardy, Docile, Bashful, Quirky, and Serious (You can choose one of them)

6-8: Bold, Impish, Lax, Relaxed

9-11: Lonely, Adamant, Naughty, Brave

12-14: Modest,Mild,Rash, Quiet

15-17: Calm, Gentle, Careful, Sassy

18-20: Timid, Hasty, Jolly, Naive

And for IV's, first you roll to decide how many IVs get to be equal 31 and then you roll as many dice to decide which ones will be 31, all based on this:

1-3: Attack

4-6: Defense

7-10: Speed

11-13: Hp

14-17: Special Defense

18-20: Special Attack

(From this thread: Tutorial - {Tutorial 3}How to Catch/Encounter )

IVs are not actually raw stats, they're something that increases them, so you need a calculator to tell you what the stats will be. So after that, you put "31" in the IVs you got in this calculator Pokémon Stat Calculator — Calculate Pokémon’s Stats

And then it tells you the final stats.

Just thought I'd tell you so that you can fix it soon and get a GM to approve when they're online. :D
Umm............. ( -_- ")( -_- ")( -_- ")( -_- ")( -_- ")( -_- ")( -_- ")( -_- ")( -_- ")( -_- ") I did the exact same thing for my eevee and it was approved anyway... (-A-)(-A-)(-A-)(-A-)(-A-)(-A-)(-A-)(-A-)(-A-)(-A-)(-A-)(-A-)(-A-)(-A-)(-A-)(-A-)(-A-)(-A-)(-A-)(-A-)(-A-)(-A-)(-A-)(-A-)(-A-)(-A-)(-A-)(-A-)(-A-) (Yells at myself for an hour)(</3)(</3)(</3)(</3)(</3)(</3)(</3)(</3)(</3)(</3)(</3)(</3)(BU)(BU)(BU)(BU)(BU)(BU)(BU)(BU)(BU)

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