[Pokemon Prismatic]Chat here!

DreamBeat said:
Ah... sorry, I didn't get the reference. Roger that! I will await your pictures tomorrow ^.^
@DemonKitten I just figured something out... gah. I don't know if you've thought of it yet, but there's a tab at the bottom "Thready Display Options" You can make things alphabetical and sort them in categories so that if it gets too crowded, people filter through stuff to find things. I was wondering if [Gym 1] Capella Gym would come before [Gym 8] Vibra City Gym. I feel like the world turned so much more simple when I found out -.- It was right there... I should pay attention more.
I believe that would only change the display for Demon though, so if Kitten's wanting it to display for everybody that way, then it wouldn't really work for that.
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]I believe that would only change the display for Demon though, so if Kitten's wanting it to display for everybody that way, then it wouldn't really work for that.

Oh, I know that DemonKitten doesn't have the power to make everyone see that. I was just saying that people won't have to sift through all of the different threads to find the gyms, let alone the one they're looking for if they knew. Newbies like me who don't really pay attention to stuff like the "Thread Display Options" haha.. Cuz I just figured that it was there. I've been on RP Nation for a couple months now.
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]I've been on here a little over a year myself. A year and one month, minus six days :P

[QUOTE="The Doorman]Mah bro be getting murreddddddddddddddd, wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut.
How are the things in todayz.


Todayz, the world outside my house looks bright
We're all going to have a party at Tempo (meaning a lot of us are going to be there) so... I guess it's a good place to form groups or something.

Mm... Sorry if I'm just dumping this on the table here, but what if we had a roster like Fairy Tail: A New Beginning has? It would keep track of Inactive and Active players, whose in what guild (if any guilds form), player names, and character names.
Anyone want to let me in on the team ordeal? Like Beat said, starting at Tempo we'd all probably form partners or teams of a sort. But I think we should take into consideration how many people will actually be around to post when it starts, perhaps even wait and tag everyone when it starts to see who's still on board. Hate to question it, but we might put a lot of effort into something and not have enough people even there to properly make up a team.

Just my thoughts. I like the idea, makes for predetermined interaction in a way. Though perhaps it should be optional.

Could have this all backwards. Don't know enough about the idea.

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