[Pokemon Prismatic]Chat here!

It is the right eye of Jesus merging with Julius "Gyro" Caesar Zeppeli's right eye.

What else could it be?


If my JJBA image posting goes unchecked, I am going to over-saturate this thread.
King Crimson / Epitaph.

It (They) is (are) the stand(s) of a person (people) named Vinegar Doppio / Diavolo.

It (They) is (are) later the embodiment of Diavolo.

Side note: It has just occurred to me how complex the Joestar family tree is at the end of part six.
But guise.

Webcomics, do you read them.

Like, any of them.

They are all awesome mostly.


CalamariHero said:
King Crimson / Epitaph.
It (They) is (are) the stand(s) of a person (people) named Vinegar Doppio / Diavolo.

It (They) is (are) later the embodiment of Diavolo.

Side note: It has just occurred to me how complex the Joestar family tree is at the end of part six.
Cal I admire whatever the hell you're talking about. I'll give you that.

No 'TDM I don't read webcomics, I've tried to get into the comic verse but I've never had someone sit me down and give it a chance.

I'll stick to ten year olds riding fire breathing dragons thank you.
I don't do comics, webcomis have a different feel tho, like home made food compared to restaurant food.

It's more personal.

Some day you might, won't force it on ya tho.

Some of this fancy food I eat is delicious, but made out of care rather than profit makes it like a warm hug to your stomach, huhu.

Ahhhhh, food.
Very poetic. /snaps fingers

Weeeell I'm sleepy. Long day of kilts and ghost adventures. Talk to you guys tomorrow. Night! Thanks for the weirdness that will torture my dreams <3
Raerae said:
Very poetic. /snaps fingers
Weeeell I'm sleepy. Long day of kilts and ghost adventures. Talk to you guys tomorrow. Night! Thanks for the weirdness that will torture my dreams <3
[QUOTE="Edward Valentine]Can I get an update on what's going on? I still have no wifi till Tuesday. :(

Individual cities are being worked on by different people. I've taken on Deltablue and the snowy areas. Routes are in the works but no where near finished. Gyms are moving at a decent pace.

From what I know, that's the progress so far.

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