[Pokemon Prismatic]Chat here!

Man, I can't wait for the map to be all finished and pristine so everyone can get to work on the billions of quests we will have.
Well, I had to wait on quite a few answers before I could start, but I am working on it.

I won't have routes, or rivers added, the map I draw up will definitely call for editing and what not. But I've been under the assumption that that's fine. If I've done it right, it should be up later today. No promises though.
[*]6 Pokeballs{/slide}
[*]3 Potions{/slide}
{slide=Key Items}
[*]Region Map{/slide}
[border=4px Double white][bg=#888888][h]Paris's Bag[/h][/bg][/border]

[center][border=1px Solid white][bg=White][spoiler= Peek inside]
[img=http://cdn1.ebags.com/is/image/im4/144924_2_1?resmode=4&op_usm=1,1,1,&qlt=95,1&hei=500&wid=500] [/spoiler]

[spoiler= Money]1000[/spoiler][/center]
[border=1px Solid white][bg=White]
[*]6 Pokeballs{/slide}
[*]3 Potions{/slide}
{slide=Key Items}
[*]Region Map{/slide}
Hey guys just wanted to apologize for not being here for the last couple of day been getting slammed with 12 hour days at work but i should have some time friday to post my cs. Once again sorry for being mia.
[QUOTE="The Doorman]I only have to read the first 12 chapters so it isn't that bad.

Awesome thanks for the heads up~ I've only read the first chapter. Gotta get reading

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