[Pokemon Prismatic]Chat here!

Edward Valentine]question [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/15110-demonkitten/ said:
@DemonKitten[/URL] I got two of the same IV. What do I do?
Just reroll for the one duplicate~
I certainly don't see why not.

Though, from what I understand of the source material, it is a temporary status.
Oh my gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

I was formatting, and then the formatting spazzed so I'm just gonna slap together whatever, bleh.
Mega's wouldn't be too hard. Just have a quest that any person can go on (around level 30-40 probably) and when they finish it they can get a mega stone for x Pokemon that they have, The player would have two versions of that pokemons stats, regular and mega
By the way, Do y'all want me to make a GUI, provided I find the time? It would be secondary to my other tasks, as it is not entirely necessary, but it would likely make the program easier to use.
Alright. I will likely make it bug-pokemon themed: decorate it with combee.

Side note: The move "Attack Order" is "Appel Attak" in French.
Oh, now y'all are on board the bug-type train.

Side note: The Bug type is, overall, one of the weakest.

Also, Combee get their name from the words Honeycomb and Bee, alluding to honeybees.

You may have already put that puzzle together, but intriguingly, vespiquen gets it's name from the words Queen and a lati word, vespa. Vespa refers to wasps, but most specifically hornets, which are closer related to ants than honeybees, which are in the superfamily apoidea, in the order hymenoptera, whereas hornets are in the superfamily vespoidea, in the order hymenoptera.

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