[Pokemon Prismatic]Chat here!

Sorry, was editing settings.

Lol! They're certainly changing everything. I don't ever want Ash to leave though, I really won't watch if they change him. And no more weirdo looking characters like Tierno and Iris, please. Actually no more high pitched, know it all ten year old girls at all :P
Please no more Iris types.

Holy crap she annoyed me.



Cilan didn't bother me, but daaaaaaaaaaaaaang.

Iriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmno.

Even in-game I cringed.


Raerae said:
Cilan was a cheap imitation of Brock man.
And that's why he didn't bother me. Brock was awesome so Brock-types don't bother me.


They are both dorks.

Dorks are my favorite kind of people.

It's why I never really cared what Team Rocket did.


They are a dorkling trio.

If they are dorks or if they are super adorable, I can't not like them.
Breaking fourth walls since Mewtwo. /Salute

Well the newbies will never be Misty and Brock IMO. I'll start watching when they bring them back. ;3;
Haha, naw.

But I'm just saying, Cilan has been one of the most bearable newbs.

The side characters can be okay...

N is cool.


I want to pet his floofy hair xD

It's hard to think of many memorable characters though... Gah.

And the feels are gone.

Not saying I could do better, but the writers definitely could if they cared more.
Yeah, pretty dang weird...

But I do see it sometimes.

Sometimes I'm not sure it they are dorky adults or somewhat mature children xD


James always seemed like an immature teenager to me, while Jessie felt like a more mature young adult... Does that make sense?

Not so much like Spongebob as people in their high teens/ early twenties being dorks.
@DemonKitten that's alright. I probably would've overdone it soooooo bad.

@The Doorman I absolutely adore them. They have amazing chemistry, wouldn't be the same without the anti-heroes! Mewtwo held some of the not sentimentality of the series. Loved TR in there, too.

Awwwww wish I had the movie now ;3; I'm so stoked to talk about it with fellow pokenerds!

Meh, they're a perfect mesh for 20 IMO. Adorkable. <3

Once again, James gains my like because dork.


And these three just work so well together, all very different but they fit so well!

I might say I liked them more than the protagonists.

And mewtwo is badass.


Raerae said:
Meh, they're a perfect mesh for 20 IMO. Adorkable. <3
They are SO adorkable.
This looks like my paradise. Ive been looking for a pokemon this in-depth for since I joined. How do I join?
Well, for now you run in down down to the starter selection thread and choose a starter that does not have 3 reservations.

Next, you roll for IVs, and you use the narriland stat calculator to find out your Pokemon's stats.

Then, you start making your character as a pending thread.
......1 how do I roll and do I roll for starter. Two, Whats a Narriland stat calc.

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