Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Unknown [Inactive]

Marie laughed along with Pantera, "I guess you're right about Pokemon being eyeless but..." She moved forward behind her in line, "They don't look quite as creepy like that compared to ones like us." She finished.
Nikki and Bobby stepped forward in the line, looking around. "Hey look, a Fennekin-" Bobby started, and a glare silenced him, along with a tackle from a mud puppy. "LADIES, REMUS IS ON THE PREMISES!"

"What the hell are you doing here?!" Nikki shouted, shoving the water type off of Bobby.

"The ladies LOVE a hero."

"... You are so hopeless."

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PlaguedWithInsanity updated Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Unknown with a new update entry:


Now that teams are set up and finalized, each person will have to somehow discuss their team names, cooperating with the person their character is paired with. Find any kind of communication possible to talk with that person so that there is collaboration and team names are created. Submit the team names to me, @PlaguedWithInsanity via private message....
Read the rest of this update entry...
as em hurried down the path, hoping she wasent too late, she ran right into a Mudkip that was talking to other pokemon, "oh gosh im so sorry!!"
"Yeah, you're ri-" Pantera was interrupted by the Mudkip, as she turned in the direction of the sound. "Excuse me? Can I help you?" The Deino snapped at Remus. 'Water type, Mudkip, male.' She said to herself, analyzing the mud fish Pokemon by his sounds and scent.
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"What- oh, no problem man. No harm, no foul." Remus said, looking at the Turtwig, then he remarked, "You know, I knew. Turtwig once. Nice guy... Hi. I'm Remus." He stuck out a foot-fin-thing (I don't know what to call it) and smiled.

Nikki and Bobby both turned to the Deino and said in unison, "Ignore him. He's just a fool."

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Hi, uh (Em thought "should i say my real name?") Im, Em she decided to, hoping this was just a crazy dream, She stuck her littlle foot-thing out and shook hands, "are you here for the rescue team signups?
'Tch, clueless. Even a blind Pokemon knows more than you do regarding the Guild.' The Deino thought to herself, scoffing a little at the Turtwig.
Em could sense the rude vibe from the deino "and what's your name?" En said, a little too cheerfully

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"Pantera, now the registration is that way." She said coldly, pointing in the direction the Wigglytuff, who was hosting the sign-ups, was.
"Thanks!" She replied even more cheerfully as she strutted, or at least tried to, away from the group towards the sign up stand. Not used to having 4 legs yet, she did stumble a little.

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((Wait, Naomi can still be a guild member right?))

Naomi had been idly standing in line but she saw a espurr run by and she frowned but did not attempt to follow since she did not want to lose her place in line.
"Gah, so annoying. I mean, the sign is literally right there!" She said to Marie, the slightest bit irritated. The Deino could picture where objects were in her mind by sound waves and scents, so she was aware of her surroundings right now.
"I know it's ridiculous! And I thought I was confused at first..." Marie agreed. It didn't annoy her as much as it made her wonder why they seemed so confused. Everyone was in a line now unlike how it was when she first got there.
Pantera and Marie finally made it to the front of the line. "Uh, Marie, do you mind signing the papers? Because, you know." The Deino says, pointing to her eyes, to be discreet about the whole "blind" ordeal.
"Oh yeah sure!" Marie nodded and was handed the papers from Bonbon.

She finished up the basic information and handed it to Bonbon,
"Oh there's one more thing you need before you're officially signed up...a team name!" Bonbon giggled.

"A team name? Hmm..." The Fennekin began to think of ideas for what their name could be.
Em sighed as she got her papers, knowing that she would need a partner, everyone here seemed like they all knew each other, let's see, she thought to herself, the Fire fox and stegosaurs over their were together, the vulpix and um, the, what were they called, sphinx? Well what ever they were together, her only other option was the Mudkip, Remus

"Hey, do you maybe be partners, or um something"

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"What?" Remus looked up from admiring the others (girls mostly) and looked at the Turtwig, then blinked his eyes a few times, then smiled. "Sure! We can be team Lilypad! Get it? Cause lilypads are plants in water?"

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Okay great! She said with a sigh of relief, she was just glad she didn't have to work alone, like usual. With her new found confidence, she was eager to get started.

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Team Lilypad... Damnit, that sounds so girly.

Team Turtles? No.

Mud puppy? That's me... No.

Uhhhh, splash leaf? Ummm... Lilypad it is then...

Nikki gave the papers to Bobby and he started filling it out. "What's our name going to be?"


"Sounds awesome."

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"DragonFlame? That sounds awesome! I'll write it down!" Marie added the decided team name to the paper and handed it back to Bonbon.

"DragonFlame it is! Welcome to the Guild!" Bonbon grinned. She got out a new set of papers for the next team in line.
Em handed the papers to Bonbon. "Here you go mam! We are team Lilly pad" Em wasent thrilled with the name, but Remus seemed to like it.

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"Yay! We're officially a team!" Pantera exclaimed, overwhelmed with happiness.


While everyone was registering for teams, the French Noibat was observing the sign-ups to see what kind of Pokemon were registering this year. Sure, he didn't like doing this, but he was forced to. "Je ne veux vraiment pas à avoir des ennuis avec Team Rogue, donc je suppose que j'ai à ..." He whispered in his native language, floating in the shadows around the registration spot.

(Translation: I really don't want to get in trouble with Team Rogue, so I guess I have to...)

(And yes, I do know French, which is why I made him French, not German or Spanish)
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