Pokemon: Knights of Albion

This looks awesome! I would love to join, but I have a presentation I need to work on so it might take me a while to make a CS (Wednesday night by the latest). Do you think I should even start making a character?
Coralbee said:
Quick question, I'm just making sure I got this right: Do all Pokémon Need to have an evolution family? (For example, Charmander...)
Because I was actually planning to use Skarmony, which has no evolutions.
No they don't.

Elikacheese said:
The only problem I see is there is literally 0 snowy places I see.
There are snowy areas, it's just that one is on a mountain and another is somewhere south west. I'd have to check the map for the second one.
Hemlock said:
This looks awesome! I would love to join, but I have a presentation I need to work on so it might take me a while to make a CS (Wednesday night by the latest). Do you think I should even start making a character?
That's up to you when to make a character, I'll say you reserve a spot.
Alright everyone, how should we start the Rp? @IrritatedMind was very kind as to give me a couple ideas so I want your opinions on what we should choose cause I certainly can't cause I'm like having a brain fart.

The ruler of the place could assign knights to a group, or we could meet in a tavern. Some of us could bump into each other on the way to become a knight while others could of already been friends. Several ways for us to be paired together. Maybe there is a list of quests and we all sign up for it. It could start out as a race, but we could end up fighting a groupat the end and have to band together to win.

Which one do you guys choose?

Archdemon said:
Alright everyone, how should we start the Rp? @IrritatedMind was very kind as to give me a couple ideas so I want your opinions on what we should choose cause I certainly can't cause I'm like having a brain fart.
The ruler of the place could assign knights to a group, or we could meet in a tavern. Some of us could bump into each other on the way to become a knight while others could of already been friends. Several ways for us to be paired together. Maybe there is a list of quests and we all sign up for it. It could start out as a race, but we could end up fighting a groupat the end and have to band together to win.

Which one do you guys choose?
Tavern sounds fun!

No, you can have any "baby" evolution pokemon, such as charmander, squirtle, pidgey. You can also have non-evolveable pokemon such as Skarmory, and Absol.
I like the age difference between my character, to the other characters. He looks so young, and he's 23 while the others are about to be 20.
Sorry I posted in the wrong place. I'm multitasking so I didn't notice the other tabs. Are you still accepting though?
Btw where do our character keep their stuff? As in non-weapons, like berries, herbs, poisons, more poisons, herbs, maps, poison, and bandages?
Elikacheese said:
Btw where do our character keep their stuff? As in non-weapons, like berries, herbs, poisons, more poisons, herbs, maps, poison, and bandages?
Satchels and bags that they carry.
This is just a suggestion but I was thinking that all of the accepted CS should be put into a hide away tab format(mine for example) to make the character thread more organized and less chaotic.
made my character..and i was trying to hide my character sheet..but idk how

I've finished mine as well. Wish I could have done something about the amount of time it took to make it, but the bugs were my biggest problem. Just finished fixing everything up. (':3)

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