Senior Member
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Thursday, August 12th, Marko Village, WCS Rank 24,354. Current team: King Tauros, Maya Dragonair, Flor Ivysaur, Viridis Scyther, Diva Clefairy, Peque Swampert.
Mareep Festival
The swift deleted one clone after another until they hit the original. That wasn't much of an issue though, Gorochu just watched as the Swift hit his belly and barely did any damage. Reina's excitement went down. She sighed and crossed her arms. Naka wasn't giving it her all. That was annoying. "Gorochu, use Thunderbolt."
Gorochu looked confused and turned to face Reina, as if asking for an explanation. Reina just smiled and nodded. "Trust me!"
The orange mouse shrugged and smashes his tail on the ground before releasing a bolt of lightning towards the Pichu. Reina placed her hands on her hips. "Better? Got enough power now? Come on, let's fight for real!"
Gorochu smirked at Chu and got on his four legs, ready to spring into action.

3x Super Potions
4x Antidotes
3x Full Heals
x6 Great Balls
Oran berry, Sitrus Berry, Lum Berry
Rotom Phone
Tour Guide - Johto
Battling for Dummies book
Sleeping bag
Small cooking equipment and some ingredients
TR tbd
3x Super Potions
4x Antidotes
3x Full Heals
x6 Great Balls
Oran berry, Sitrus Berry, Lum Berry
Rotom Phone
Tour Guide - Johto
Battling for Dummies book
Sleeping bag
Small cooking equipment and some ingredients
TR tbd
Links broken so here's a sad song