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Fandom Pokémon: Johto (Roleplay Thread)


Thursday, August 12th, Marko Village, WCS Rank 24,354. Current team: King Tauros, Maya Dragonair, Flor Ivysaur, Viridis Scyther, Diva Clefairy, Peque Swampert.

Mareep Festival

The swift deleted one clone after another until they hit the original. That wasn't much of an issue though, Gorochu just watched as the Swift hit his belly and barely did any damage. Reina's excitement went down. She sighed and crossed her arms. Naka wasn't giving it her all. That was annoying. "Gorochu, use Thunderbolt."

Gorochu looked confused and turned to face Reina, as if asking for an explanation. Reina just smiled and nodded. "Trust me!"

The orange mouse shrugged and smashes his tail on the ground before releasing a bolt of lightning towards the Pichu. Reina placed her hands on her hips. "Better? Got enough power now? Come on, let's fight for real!"

Gorochu smirked at Chu and got on his four legs, ready to spring into action.

Interactions: Merciless Medic Merciless Medic mdebourg mdebourg

3x Super Potions
4x Antidotes
3x Full Heals
x6 Great Balls
Oran berry, Sitrus Berry, Lum Berry
Rotom Phone
Tour Guide - Johto
Battling for Dummies book
Sleeping bag
Small cooking equipment and some ingredients
TR tbd

Links broken so here's a sad song


Nakano Saito1740614061074.png
Date: August 12, 2022
Location: Mariko Village, Route 33, Johto
Interactions: Reina Cortez
Mentions: N/A
Hecotoro Hecotoro
Pokémon Team:
Tochi the Parasect
Fluffy the Flareon
Aero the Aerodactyl
Chu the Pichu
Silenus the Sceptile
Hattie the Hatterene

-Battle Stats:
Chu the Pichu: +3 SpA

Naka stood there in some confusion. Thunderbolt? But then it hit her when she saw the look on Reina's face. She chuckled. "Nasty Plot."

She smirked as the Thunderbolt hit her Pichu, the mouse also in some amount of surprise as she absorbed it without any issue, her power increasing. On top of that, she used Nasty Plot to increase her power even further.

Naka hummed, smiling. "Thank youuuu, Reina~. For Chu, it really has been years since she last fought like this." She smirked, continuing. "Chu, Mud-Slap."

Chu grinned as the power coursed through her body, her tail digging into the earth to fling another slab of mud at Gorochu. Maybe she could do this, but it was only because Gorochu offered up his energy to her. Which meant...

She needed to evolve.

No, no, she can't, Naka would be mad. She used her tail to jump up into the air, somersaulting to let loose a flurry of Swift stars down onto the ground. She'll show Naka she doesn't need to evolve, she could be just as good as a Pichu!

Naka watched as Pichu used an uninstructed Swift, sighing as she shook her head. "Oh, my darling mouse, you don't realize how much you're holding yourself back." She clicked her tongue before refocusing on the fight, huffing.


Thursday, August 12th, Marko Village, WCS Rank 24,354. Current team: King Tauros, Maya Dragonair, Flor Ivysaur, Viridis Scyther, Diva Clefairy, Peque Swampert.

Mareep Festival

"That's more like it, go Gorochu, Quick Attack into that Flame Charge!" Reina pumped her fist into the air while Gorochu went into action.

The fire electric mouse burst into a fast movement, easily avoiding the Mud-Slap and moving towards Chu's blind spot. As Gorochu became cloaked in fire, the Swift smashed against him. But he pushed through and rushed directly to where Chu would land, ready to send the mouse flying if the move connected.

Interactions: Merciless Medic Merciless Medic mdebourg mdebourg

3x Super Potions
4x Antidotes
3x Full Heals
x6 Great Balls
Oran berry, Sitrus Berry, Lum Berry
Rotom Phone
Tour Guide - Johto
Battling for Dummies book
Sleeping bag
Small cooking equipment and some ingredients
TR tbd

Links broken so here's a sad song


Nakano Saito1740634683145.png
Date: August 12, 2022
Location: Mariko Village, Route 33, Johto
Interactions: Reina Cortez
Mentions: N/A
Hecotoro Hecotoro
Pokémon Team:
Tochi the Parasect
Fluffy the Flareon
Aero the Aerodactyl
Chu the Pichu
Silenus the Sceptile
Hattie the Hatterene

-Battle Stats:
Chu the Pichu: +3 SpA
Gorochu: +1 Spe

Naka watched as Chu descended, the Gorochu charging towards her with a Flame Charge aided by Quick Attack's momentum. She smirked. "Chu, Double Team."

As soon as Chu landed, copies appeared of herself. The Pichu that was in her place disappeared as Gorochu connected with it.

"Quick Attack." It wasn't to attack though.

Many of the doubles began to run around quickly, jumbling up most efforts to find the real Pichu. All the while, the real one used Quick Attack to get into position.

Of course, Chu was starting to realize that - even with the boost - it was nothing in comparison to Gorochu's natural strength when evolved. It was demoralizing to know that one's tiny self couldn't compare to that of a person bigger than she. The only thing she was good at was running away, or ambushing. And even then, she figured it wouldn't do a whole lot. Every attack she had was resisted by Gorochu, those that aren't resisted barely do anything, and the one attack that Gorochu was double weak to might not even do a whole lot. But she had to try, she had to make sure that Mud-Slap was the cinch in this fight. If not...

She shuddered to think that maybe she was wrong.

Her real self ran near Gorochu from behind.

As she got into position, she used her tail to let loose a Mud-Slap towards Gorochu's back.

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Thursday, August 12th, Marko Village, WCS Rank 24,354. Current team: King Tauros, Maya Dragonair, Flor Ivysaur, Viridis Scyther, Diva Clefairy, Peque Swampert.

Mareep Festival

Gorochu turned arund and Fwooosh! Burst a hole through the Mud Slap with a Fire Punch. The orange mouse Pokemon smacked his tail on the ground while looking down at Chu. He greeted his teeth and his cheeks trembeled before he... yawned. Reina even felt embarrassed, Gorochu wasn't her Pokemon but watching your opponent get bored of you was a humiliation on its own.

Gorochu didn't even use a move, he just swung his tail at Chu and then jumped over her. He ran over to Reina, as if asking to leave. "Huh? Come on, Gorochu, I promise Naka and her Pokemon are really strong! Trust me they're just warming up."

Gorochu sighed and slowly started walking back to the field, looking over his shoulder to see if by any chance Reina had changed her mind. He set his eyes on Chu and sat down, waiting for the next move.

Interactions: Merciless Medic Merciless Medic mdebourg mdebourg

3x Super Potions
4x Antidotes
3x Full Heals
x6 Great Balls
Oran berry, Sitrus Berry, Lum Berry
Rotom Phone
Tour Guide - Johto
Battling for Dummies book
Sleeping bag
Small cooking equipment and some ingredients
TR tbd

Links broken so here's a sad song


Nakano Saito1740636568206.png
Date: August 12, 2022
Location: Mariko Village, Route 33, Johto
Interactions: Reina Cortez
Mentions: N/A
Hecotoro Hecotoro
Pokémon Team:
Tochi the Parasect
Fluffy the Flareon
Aero the Aerodactyl
Chu the Pichu > Pikachu
Silenus the Sceptile
Hattie the Hatterene

-Battle Stats:
Chu the Pichu/Pikachu: +3 SpA
Gorochu: +1 Spe

The mud...

It did nothing...

And even Gorochu looked at her with... Was that disdain? Pity? Boredom?

Chu didn't understand. Why was she not enough? She was then surprised as Gorochu's tail came for her and she was thrown to the side. She got up, her body trembling. Not from pain, but from confusion and anger and sorrow.

She wasn't enough...

She looked up at her trainer, tears in her eyes, ears back, as if questioning Naka 'why?'. Naka met them, and she suddenly found herself as a 10-year-old, staring at her Pichu who was crying because their opponent was too strong.

With a sweet smile, Naka put her hands to her chest. "Chu... There's a reason why I gave you that name. Because no matter what mouse you are - a Pichu, a Pikachu, or a Raichu - you're still my Chu. Don't shackle yourself."

Tears fell as Chu looked up at her trainer, but not from fear or anger. But with joy. She smiled, evolutionary light shining around her in a stunning dazzle of blue and white light.

Her tail grew longer, her body elongated, her triangular ears became more conical, and she had defined fingers and toes.

When she came to, she was a Pikachu and she looked at herself with confusion before looking back up at Naka, wondering if this was okay.

Naka just chuckled, giving her a thumbs up. "Let's show that Gorochu we mean business."

With a happy squeak, she turned her attention to the Gorochu, a grin on her face as her tail stuck straight up. "Let's try this again, Swift!" Chu swung her tail as she jumped back, larger stars than the ones she could conjure when she was a Pichu flew out towards Gorochu, homing in on him with increased speed than before.


Thursday, August 12th, Marko Village, WCS Rank 24,354. Current team: King Tauros, Maya Dragonair, Flor Ivysaur, Viridis Scyther, Diva Clefairy, Peque Swampert.

Mareep Festival

"It's about time! I told you Gorochu, they were going to pick thing up! Let's go!" Reina shouted, excitement filling her words.

Gorochu bounced back up after being knocked down by the Swift attack. His cheeks sparked and his tail smashed the ground. Gorochu burst into a Quick Attack, moving across the field with ease and once again becoming covered in Flame Charge. However, this time he kept running in circles around Chu. His speed reaching a point where it seemed that there were two Gorochu running in circles.

Interactions: Merciless Medic Merciless Medic mdebourg mdebourg

3x Super Potions
4x Antidotes
3x Full Heals
x6 Great Balls
Oran berry, Sitrus Berry, Lum Berry
Rotom Phone
Tour Guide - Johto
Battling for Dummies book
Sleeping bag
Small cooking equipment and some ingredients
TR tbd

Links broken so here's a sad song


Nakano Saito1740638141788.png
Date: August 12, 2022
Location: Mariko Village, Route 33, Johto
Interactions: Reina Cortez
Mentions: N/A
Hecotoro Hecotoro
Pokémon Team:
Chu the Pikachu
Tochi the Parasect
Fluffy the Flareon
Aero the Aerodactyl
Silenus the Sceptile
Hattie the Hatterene

-Battle Stats:
Chu the Pikachu: +3 SpA
Gorochu: +2 Spe

Naka smirked as Pikachu found her rhythm in the fight, even as Gorochu ran around her in circles. It felt like Gorochu was going to create a tornado of fire.

"Chu, Mud Twirl!" Now that Chu was bigger, she could pull off this move Naka had thought of when they were younger. Chu felt nostalgic as she recalled doing a breakdance maneuver, her tail and hands whipping around mud in a circle around her to hopefully stop the Gorochu in his tracks.

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Thursday, August 12th, Marko Village, WCS Rank 24,354. Current team: King Tauros, Maya Dragonair, Flor Ivysaur, Viridis Scyther, Diva Clefairy, Peque Swampert.

Mareep Festival

"Fine, keep turning up the heat! Go Go!" Reina's eyes were full of fire like the storm Gorochu was kicking up.

The Mud Slap was good, but Goro was still in the Quick Attack zone, avoiding such a slow move was simple. Not to mention, the momentum he was getting with Flame Charge. The area around Chu was beginning to heat up, if she stayed in the middle more, she would eventually start to feel the burn. As Goro ran, he left behind sparks and flames, even starting to burn the ground he left behind.

"I'll be honest with you Naka, I didn't even know he could do that!" Reina put on a big grin and scratched the back of her head.

Interactions: Merciless Medic Merciless Medic mdebourg mdebourg

3x Super Potions
4x Antidotes
3x Full Heals
x6 Great Balls
Oran berry, Sitrus Berry, Lum Berry
Rotom Phone
Tour Guide - Johto
Battling for Dummies book
Sleeping bag
Small cooking equipment and some ingredients
TR tbd

Links broken so here's a sad song


Nakano Saito1740639096330.png
Date: August 12, 2022
Location: Mariko Village, Route 33, Johto
Interactions: Reina Cortez
Mentions: N/A
Hecotoro Hecotoro
Pokémon Team:
Chu the Pikachu
Tochi the Parasect
Fluffy the Flareon
Aero the Aerodactyl
Silenus the Sceptile
Hattie the Hatterene

-Battle Stats:
Chu the Pikachu: +3 SpA
Gorochu: +2 Spe

Naka chuckled as Gorochu continued and the Mud Twirl absolutely missed. "Woo, it's getting hot in here..." She grinned, shaking her head. "Chu, jump and use Swift!"

Chu used her tail, jumping up to an even greater height than she could before. She then somersaulted as Swift stars rained down upon the storm that brewed below, the angle of her jump allowing her to leave the hot circle being created by the fiery mouse.

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Thursday, August 12th, Marko Village, WCS Rank 24,354. Current team: King Tauros, Maya Dragonair, Flor Ivysaur, Viridis Scyther, Diva Clefairy, Peque Swampert.

Mareep Festival

"Go, Gorochu! Blast off!" Reina shouted.

Goro suddenly shot like a rocket with flames covering his body as his Flame Charge clashed with the Swift, allowing him to power through it while his front paw became covered in flames. Gorochu reached the height of Chu and swung his right paw backwards, aiming the Fire Punch directly at her.

"Fire Punch!"

Interactions: Merciless Medic Merciless Medic mdebourg mdebourg

3x Super Potions
4x Antidotes
3x Full Heals
x6 Great Balls
Oran berry, Sitrus Berry, Lum Berry
Rotom Phone
Tour Guide - Johto
Battling for Dummies book
Sleeping bag
Small cooking equipment and some ingredients
TR tbd

Links broken so here's a sad song


Nakano Saito1740639601942.png
Date: August 12, 2022
Location: Mariko Village, Route 33, Johto
Interactions: Reina Cortez
Mentions: N/A
Hecotoro Hecotoro
Pokémon Team:
Chu the Pikachu
Tochi the Parasect
Fluffy the Flareon
Aero the Aerodactyl
Silenus the Sceptile
Hattie the Hatterene

Chu was surprised to suddenly see a Gorochu right in her face. She created an icy ball with Hidden Power in her palm as she tried to meet with the Fire Punch head on.

However, as the attack connected, the Hidden Power didn't do anything to save the Pikachu. Upon contact, the icy ball exploded into a glittering mist as Pikachu was punched towards the ground. She landed roughly, rolling and tumbling until she came to a stop.

She squeaked in defiance, struggling to get up.

She was standing up on her hands and feet, but then she collapsed.

Naka had lost, but Chu evolved at the end of it. With a smile, Naka chuckled as she returned her Pikachu to her Pokeball. "Nice going, Reina. Let's hope you can beat the next opponent. Both are difficult." She was definitely going to watch that fight.


Nakano & Reginald1740642028919.png1740642037007.png
Date: August 12, 2022
Location: Mariko Village, Route 33, Johto
Interactions: Reina Cortez, Andy Richter
Mentions: N/A
Hecotoro Hecotoro mdebourg mdebourg
Nakano’s WCS Rank: N/A
Reginald’s WCS Rank: 39.940
-Nakano’s Pokémon Team:

Chu the Pikachu
Tochi the Parasect
Fluffy the Flareon
Aero the Aerodactyl
Silenus the Sceptile
Hattie the Hatterene

-Reggie’s Pokémon Team:
Gordon the Annihilape
Emeric the Shiny Gengar
Bob the Shedinja
Large Marge the Drifblim
Elvira the Musharna
Runes the Runerigus
Crolm the Drakloak
Legion the Basculegion (Red)

2nd Semifinal Match: Ai & Cosmos the Ampharos VS Ren & Plus the Plusle

After the first semifinals match and the winner was Reina, the next semifinals match approached quite quickly.

The older lady wearing a wool coat and the young boy with a red cap came onto the battlefield for their next fight. Ren had sent out his Plusle without waiting, earning a chuckle from the elder, who tossed out her Pokéball for Ampharos’s reveal.

“Ohhh, you youngsters and your boundless energy.” She chuckled, humming. “Don’t disappoint me, Ren.”

“Hah, like I ever!” Ren sneered.

“Cosmos, Cotton Guard.” Ai commanded.

“Plus, Copycat!”

As the Ampharos created a dense wool coat to increase his defenses, so did the Plusle, copying the move.

“Confuse Ray.” Ai commanded, the Ampharos’s red gems shining eerily.

“Nasty Plot!” Ren also commanded, his Plusle managing to pull off the move with a sneer before he grew dizzy, dancing on his feet like a Spinda as he tried to keep himself upright.

“Now then, Meteor Beam.”

Ren was starting to look concerned. “Uh… Granny Ai?”

The Ampharos charged himself up, his gems turning white then orange. Ren shook his head.

“Plus, Alluring Voice!” Fighting through the confusion, Plus managed to make a disarming cry, causing Cosmos to become confused, as well.

Cosmos was now dizzy, but he managed to fire off the attack.

“Quick Attack!” Plus tried to dodge out of the way with Quick Attack, but the beam of rocky energy shot out and went around in odd shapes. It was hard to predict where it would end up going, but it did manage to hit the fleeing Plusle, knocking him back.

“Dang… Plus, Wish!” Plusle tried to make a wish, but he tripped and hurt himself.

“Cosmos, Dragon Pulse.” Ai commanded, but as the Ampharos pulled in energy for a pulse of draconic energy, it backfired, smoke leaving his maw as he coughed, hurting himself in confusion.

“Plus, we still have time. Wish!” Plusle clasped his hands together and tried again, but the energy he manifested to make the Wish also backfired, disrupting his move, even as he finally broke free from the confusion.

“Cosmos, Dragon Pulse again.” Ai commanded coolly. Finally, Cosmos fired off a pulsating draconic beam of energy. It hit the still recovering Plusle, knocking him out.

Ren kicked the dirt, huffing as he returned his Plusle, mad that confusion had hurt his win. “Urghh, not going easy on me, I see. Fine then!” He shouted, running off as the announcer announced the elder’s win.

Granny Ai chuckled, shaking her head. “Hmm… Now, to see if I can beat Reina. Let’s show her a good fight, Cosmos.” She said as she walked back into the stadium, wondering how fun the finals fight would go.

Reggie cheered as Reina won against Naka, but now there were two fights left. The elder of Mariko Village stomped the poor youngster thanks to Confuse Ray's contribution, and then it was just Gorochu versus Ampharos left.

It was a rather intense fight, Cosmos either missing thanks to Gorochu's speed and doubles or having his attacks matched by Gorochu's onslaught assault. Even without a Ground-Type attack, Gorochu managed to secure the win.

Reina was awarded two items out of a list of things she could have. Out of the six items, she chose the TR for Thunderbolt and the item Magnet. As the ten Shuca Berries, three Electric Gems, the other TR for Wild Charge, and the Thunderstone were shuttled away, there was more fanfare regarding Reina's win, and Reggie was definitely whistling and cheering for her the loudest.

Or, well, he tried.

After the excitement that was the Static Shock Tournament, Naka and Reggie enjoyed the rest of the festival - with Naka going alone and Reggie going along with Reina and Andy. Well, until Reggie was pulled into a little game he wanted to join.

With the Shear Sheer Sharing, he ended up making a scarf for Reina. It's several feet long and he made little pockets at the end so she can stuff her hands in them. He was rather proud of that.

Next was the Wooloo Toss, which Naka joined in with Reggie and anyone else familiar who wanted to try. Throwing a Wooloo sounded easy, and they only weighed about thirteen pounds. Catching them was also easy. But actually trying to throw them wasn't that easy because one had to get into a good position to throw it. Naka managed to throw hers like a shotput ball and it went pretty far, while Reggie struggled to follow her lead and didn't go very far. With Naka winning this competition, she got the TR for Fling.

The next event Naka joined Reggie and other familiar people one was the herding competition. Naka and her Sceptile competed, and so did Reggie and his Gengar. They did manage to herd a lot of sheep, but then they had to do poker. Neither Naka nor Reggie have ever played poker before and they... failed spectacularly.

Wanting to end their festivities on a high note, Reggie joined in on the Lamb Roast. Thanks to his understanding of how to cut, season, and cook meat, he managed to win first place. He was able to get tutored either Zap Cannon or Thunder Punch to one of his Pokemon. He sent his Annihilape to learn Thunder Punch and shared contact information with the tutor, and Reggie was to come to a Pokemon Center in a couple days to obtain his Annihilape through the machine. Meanwhile, his lamb roast was able to be enjoyed by his friends and all those who came by.

With all that out of the way, Naka and Reggie met up with Andy and Reina at the edge of Mariko Village, the festival vibes leaving their bodies relaxed and feeling good about all that had happened. Naka's newly-evolved Pikachu sat on her shoulder, her tail wagging happily as she had come to terms with her new form and seemed to like it.

Naka hummed, regarding each one. "I'm glad I came here. But now, I need to head back north, as I got more information regarding the Sanguine Swarm." She gave the three a nod and an offer for the two men to save her contact information, since Reina already had her contact info. "Hopefully, we meet later."

Reggie gladly shared contact information with Naka before looking at Reina. "While I would like to stay for your journey in Johto, the Alolan contests are calling for me, and I've already missed out on two of the contests. I can walk with you for a couple days, but once I get to Goldenrod, I'll need to take a plane." He smiled, but seemed a little sad that he had to go so soon.

Friday August 12th Marko village (mareep festival)

Team: Azurill (Aquamarine), Flaaffy(Tesla), Cleffa (Ruby), Igglybuff (Parfait), Ledyba (Iris)

Andy takes his seating the stands and watches Reinas matches, though he is rather confused about the chubbier than normal raichu as it appears. Despite the chubby physique, the Raichu seems to be quite nimble especially since it eventually tears through an electabuzz after a bit of a standoff. It was quite the sight to see, Tesla, Aquamarine and Ledyba acting as a tiny cheer squad making small electric pom-poms for a moment before Andy stops the trio. "Thanks guys but ghst is rather distracting to both fighters and not exactly fair"

Thankfully they don't do this when Naka and Reina fight. That battle of the mice was a back and forth complete with evolution on Nakas Chu but in the end the Gorochu was too much for the recent Pikachu. At least the two ended the battle on good terms, the group clapping at the end .

Reinas final fight was against an Ampharos which resulted in Goro winning that as well using alot of clashes and the occasional dodge with double team or general speed. "That is one tough Raichu" Andy nods as Reina claims her prizes for winning the tournament .

Once that's out of the way, its off to enjoy more sheep based events, Andy not being one to hurl wooloos at all, the lamb roast however was more his speed, coming in 3rd place there. The herding part is a piece of cake as he had to keep track of kids back in Mahogany, herding sheep wasn't a problem, poker on the other hand was the biggest fail, having never even heard of the game before.

"Well that was fun, I do hope you enjoy the day Tesla, we have some training to do now that this festival is winding down," the Flaaffy bleats happily, sparking a tiny bit as he smiles. "Congrats Reina, that Chu of yours is strong, you shouldn't have too much issue in the gyms if that tourney I anything to go by."

Hecotoro Hecotoro Merciless Medic Merciless Medic

Thursday, August 12th, Marko Village, WCS Rank 24,354. Current team: King Tauros, Maya Dragonair, Flor Ivysaur, Viridis Scyther, Diva Clefairy, Peque Swampert.

Mareep Festival

"Oh well, Gorochu isn't staying with me. I'm sending him pack to the my professor's ranch back home once we get to a Pokemon center." She hears the sigh of relief from Diva, Reina's Clefairy. "So, no more Naka for now?" Reina pouts.

The Metztlian grabs Naka for a big hug. "It was great seeing you again, let me know if you need help with those Zubat. I'm glad someone like you is looking into it." She finally let's go of Naka and hugs Reggie's arm. "Besides I can't pay too much attention to you since my time with my guero is limited. But seriously, next time we battle, we won't be helping you out."

With a quick farewell, and a spray of the mix Andy and Reina came up with to keep the Zubat away, the group sets off to their next destination.


Interactions: Merciless Medic Merciless Medic mdebourg mdebourg

3x Super Potions
4x Antidotes
3x Full Heals
x6 Great Balls
Oran berry, Sitrus Berry, Lum Berry
Rotom Phone
Tour Guide - Johto
Battling for Dummies book
Sleeping bag
Small cooking equipment and some ingredients
TR tbd

Links broken so here's a sad song


Thursday, August 13th, Route 38, WCS Rank 24,354. Current team: King Tauros, Maya Dragonair, Flor Ivysaur, Viridis Scyther, Diva Clefairy, Peque Swampert.

"Alright, we're all packed and ready to go!" Reina adjusted her backpack over her shoulder as she checked her pocket size guide book. "According to this, Route 38 has a lot of top notch trainers. So we should be able to find some great people to trainer with." She looked down at her Ivysaur and Nidorina. "You two are my training buddies today. We need to get you caught up to the others. Reggie, Andy, let's go!"

Reina was full of excitement, after getting a win. The trio began their march down Route 38. The Zubat keeping their distance thanks to the incoming sunlight and the spray they had improvised. The road was just as Reina had predicted, full of trainers going about, some in battles and others in the process of training. Reina was eager to start battling, but she wanted to find just the perfect opponent. She of course took any challenge from any wild Pokemon, helping Nidorina and Ivysaur out with Diva as their backup.

As they approached some Berry Trees, a familiar voice rang through the air. "Soar High Pokemon Trainers!" Reina turned around and made eye contact with a Bird Keeper she had battled earlier in her journey. "It seems we meet again, trainer! Are you up to challenge my beloved bird Pokemon once more?" The trainer removed the thick gloves on his hands and put them into his overalls pockets.

Reina looked at Reggie and Andy. "You don't mind if I take this one?" She didn't wait for an answer as she was already taking her spot. "Go, Sapphire!" Nidorina ran in front of her trainer.

"Ah! A new teammate? Very well, I will show you my newest partner also, go, Swellow!" The blue bird broke into the sky, flying in circles above them. "Let's see which blue Pokemon is the best!"

Just as the battle was about to start, two twins showed up. They were in their late teens but dressed in a lolita fashion. "Hey! You trainers here to take a break also?" They spoke at the same time. "Why not have a quick battle with us? I bet you're training too, huh?" They set their eyes on Reggie and Andy. "You two are free right? How about a quick tag battle? Each trainer chooses only one Pokemon!"

Interactions: Merciless Medic Merciless Medic mdebourg mdebourg

3x Super Potions
4x Antidotes
3x Full Heals
x6 Great Balls
Oran berry, Sitrus Berry, Lum Berry
Rotom Phone
Tour Guide - Johto
Battling for Dummies book
Sleeping bag
Small cooking equipment and some ingredients
TR tbd
TR Thunderbolt

Links broken so here's a sad song

Thursday August 13th Route 38.

Team: Azurill (Aquamarine), Flaaffy(Tesla), Cleffa (Ruby), Igglybuff (Parfait), Ledyba (Iris)

With that, Reina , Reggie and Andy are ready to go, heading to route 38. "According to this, Route 38 has a lot of top notch trainers. So we should be able to find some great people to train with." Reina says as they move along the route, Andy taking a few challenges from some wild pokemon as well given that most of his team was now quite behind thanks to getting Tesla to evolve. Andy takes 3 wild pokemon before stopping to have them relax and patch them up, the other 4 now at least not as behind as before.

While in the shade of some berry trees, a trainer would arrive, apparently one Reina had fought earlier as she immediately jumped into action."Nope I don't mind at all Reina" he chuckles rather late. Though he wouldn't be left out as 2 twins appear to challenge Reggie and himself.

Hey! You trainers here to take a break also?" They spoke at the same time. "Why not have a quick battle with us? I bet you're training too, huh?" They set their eyes on Reggie and Andy. "You two are free right? How about a quick tag battle? Each trainer chooses only one Pokemon!"

Upon hearing the terms, Andy nods, Sounds OK to me. That good for you Reggie?" he asks while sending Iris out as his choice

Ledyba (iris) moves: Supersonic, swift, Mach punch, reflect

Hecotoro Hecotoro Merciless Medic Merciless Medic
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Reginald Valerias1740720225321.png
Date: August 13, 2022
Location: Route 33, Johto
Interactions: Andy Richter, Reina Cortez
Mentions: N/A
mdebourg mdebourg Hecotoro Hecotoro
WCS Rank: 39,940
Pokémon Team:
Ignis the Kantonian Vulpix
Emeric the Shiny Gengar
Bob the Shedinja
Runes the Runerigus
Crolm the Drakloak
Yako the Hisuian Zorua
-Accessory Pokemon:
Large Marge the Drifblim
Elvira the Musharna
Legion the Basculegion (Red)
-Pokemon Tutoring:
Gordon the Annihilape (Thunder Punch)

After Reggie said goodbye and Reina got her hug in with Naka - who returned it - Reggie traveled with Reina and Andy once he pulled some Pokemon from home from Mariko Village's Pokemon Center while Gordon was busy learning Thunder Punch back in Mariko Village. As they traveled north, wearing the strange scented repel Reina made - which he learned during this time that it was an unholy concoction for specifically scaring off the Zubat line - Reggie helped cook for the group on their way up north.

Route 33 was full of up-and-coming trainers ready for battles, especially since the long stretch of the route was between two Pokemon Centers - one in Violet City where the Flying-Type Gym Leader, Falkner, was and one sitting right outside Union Cave, a common cavern route towards Azalea Town for the next gym badge in one's Johto journey. Because of this, Reggie had brought with him two Pokemon who didn't train too much since he caught them as he had been focusing on six of his main Pokemon.

He watched as Reina had found a trainer she fought before and jumped into a fight with him. Then some twins came over and wanted to do a tag battle. He chuckled, shaking his head. "Oh, kids." He looked at who Andy sent out while nodding at his question. "Yeah, I'll join." A Ledyba...

So, he sent out his Pokemon. Sensing battle, a red fox was sent out, the Kantonian Vulpix stretching and yawning before looking around. They saw the bug they were next to, then the twins. With a sigh, they shook their fur and readied themselves for battle. Reggie was pleased that even though the Pokemon was thrown into battle very quickly, they were handling their introduction to one of their first tag battles very well.

"Rose and Violet, ready to go, take the stage super cute duo!" Both trainers sent out their Pokemon. As the Poke Balls opened up, a Grimer and Koffin came out. A giggle escaped the twins as they set about to face their opponents.

"Together we fight and together you fall, Koffin smoke them all! But we are not done, Grimer make them go yuck!" The twins sang along as they sent out orders to their poison type Pokemon.

Koffin shrunk as he let out a wave of black smoke across the field, using it to hide themselves better from their enemies. Grimer than spit out a nasty Sludge towards Vulpix, going for that early damage while their enemies struggled to gain their footing.


Reginald Valerias1740722056033.png
Date: August 13, 2022
Location: Route 33, Johto
Interactions: Andy Richter, Reina Cortez
Mentions: N/A
mdebourg mdebourg Hecotoro Hecotoro
WCS Rank: 39,940
Pokémon Team:
Ignis the Kantonian Vulpix
Emeric the Shiny Gengar
Bob the Shedinja
Runes the Runerigus
Crolm the Drakloak
Yako the Hisuian Zorua
-Accessory Pokemon:
Large Marge the Drifblim
Elvira the Musharna
Legion the Basculegion (Red)
-Pokemon Tutoring:
Gordon the Annihilape (Thunder Punch)

Reggie smirked as the Koffing and Grimer came out, making him chuckle a little. "Huh... Should have expected that." He curled his nose at the smell, but shook his head. "Go, Swift!" Stars flew out of the Vulpix's tail, but they seemed marginally stronger than a regular Vulpix would have conjured up themselves. The stars slammed against the Sludge, stopping it in its tracks while the rest of the stars homed in on the Koffing. Reggie wasn't about to let the Smokescreen stop them in their tracks.

After that, he smirked. "Go, Shadow Sneak!" A clue that this Vulpix isn't as it seemed, the priority shadow shooting towards the Grimer and attacking it from behind, the shadow connected to the "Vulpix".

Thursday August 13th Route 38.

Team: Azurill (Aquamarine), Flaaffy(Tesla), Cleffa (Ruby), Igglybuff (Parfait), Ledyba (Iris)

Ledyba (iris) moves: Supersonic, swift, Mach punch, reflect

Andy is a bit slow on the uptake butead doesn't really let the smokescreen bother him or Iris. Okay let's just try a supersonic for now, but be ready to dodge" Iris beats her wings letting out soundwaves that ignore the smoke screen as long as the 2 poison types have a way to hear.

"Okay now swift, cut through that smokescreen " stars are loosed out to smack each of the two poison types while the 2 watch to see what occurs next from the koffing and Grimer.

Hecotoro Hecotoro Merciless Medic Merciless Medic
"Swift on this, Swift on that, Koffing use Poison Gas!"

Koffing flinched by the impact by two Swift moves, even though one was half used to stop Sludge. However, the impact only caused him to spin and release a cloud of Poisonous Smoke. The Supersonic waves missing the floating posion type too, which only made the twins cheer a bit more.

"Shadow Sneak? Shadow not, we fight back with Sneak Attack!"

Grimer took the same amount of damage as Koffing from the Swift attacks and just as the Shadow Sneak and Supersonic were going to connect, he also disappeared into his shadow. But, instead of attacking the Vulpix, they went after the Ledyba.

Thursday August 13th Route 38.

Team: Azurill (Aquamarine), Flaaffy(Tesla), Cleffa (Ruby), Igglybuff (Parfait), Ledyba (Iris)

That was a major issue, as the poison gas and shadow sneak both connect leaving the bug very much under the weather as she doesn't have anything to really deal with gas attacks not to mention the only other attack she knows doesn't fare well against either of them. Andy has her use reflect for the moment while focusing on dodging for the moment. Now something to annoy these 2 had to work or else this would be a quick and embarrassing battle

Hecotoro Hecotoro Merciless Medic Merciless Medic

Reginald Valerias1740792466633.png
Date: August 13, 2022
Location: Route 33, Johto
Interactions: Andy Richter, Reina Cortez
Mentions: N/A
mdebourg mdebourg Hecotoro Hecotoro
WCS Rank: 39,940
Pokémon Team:
Ignis the Kantonian Vulpix
Emeric the Shiny Gengar
Bob the Shedinja
Runes the Runerigus
Crolm the Drakloak
Yako the Hisuian Zorua
-Accessory Pokemon:
Large Marge the Drifblim
Elvira the Musharna
Legion the Basculegion (Red)
-Pokemon Tutoring:
Gordon the Annihilape (Thunder Punch)

The chants from the girls were strange, but Reggie was able to catch on. Sneak Attack was likely in the form of Shadow Sneak, since Grimer can't learn Feint Attack. Reggie noticed Shadow Sneak had hit the Ledyba, and the Poison Gas was on their field, poisoning them.

"Yako, Bitter Malice, Grimer!" Even as Yako felt sick from the Poison Gas, the visage of a resentful white kit with red leaking from her body was brief before a fire-like shadow surged towards the Grimer, upset that the Grimer hurt the Ledyba at all. The vision of a different Pokemon turned back into that of a red Vulpix, until someone hit the Zorua.

"How about you change in size and Minimize!"

Grimer, with the help of Smokescreen and now shrinking down, was almost invisible. The sludge Pokemon easily evaded incoming attacks as it sludged around the field.

"You're about to be in a bind, when we leave you blind! Pick up the slack, with Mud-Slap!"

From who knows where, mud was sent flying towards the Vulpix. At the same time, the Koffing added another layer of Smokescreen, making it even more impossibe to see the two poison types.


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