Merciless Medic
Walking Pokemon Dictionary
- One on One
- Group
Date: August 13, 2022
Location: Route 33, Johto
Interactions: Andy Richter, Reina Cortez
Mentions: N/A
WCS Rank: 39,940
Pokémon Team:
Ignis the Kantonian Vulpix
Emeric the Shiny Gengar
Bob the Shedinja
Runes the Runerigus
Crolm the Drakloak
Yako the Hisuian Zorua
-Accessory Pokemon:
Large Marge the Drifblim
Elvira the Musharna
Legion the Basculegion (Red)
-Befriended Pokemon:
Revenant the Hisuian Zoroark
-Pokemon Tutoring:
Gordon the Annihilape (Thunder Punch)
Location: Route 33, Johto
Interactions: Andy Richter, Reina Cortez
Mentions: N/A

WCS Rank: 39,940
Pokémon Team:
Ignis the Kantonian Vulpix
Emeric the Shiny Gengar
Bob the Shedinja
Runes the Runerigus
Crolm the Drakloak
Yako the Hisuian Zorua
-Accessory Pokemon:
Large Marge the Drifblim
Elvira the Musharna
Legion the Basculegion (Red)
-Befriended Pokemon:
Revenant the Hisuian Zoroark
-Pokemon Tutoring:
Gordon the Annihilape (Thunder Punch)
The little Dreepy whined as Maya was very unwilling to make friends, hence why the little guy tried to steal one of the snacks that was for Reina, as penance for being a raging dick. At least the Clefairy was okay - for once. Crolm's Dreepy didn't have a good idea of the Clefairy either though, considering what Emeric had said earlier about her.
At least the Ivysaur was chill...
Once Reggie did look at Reina more properly after giving her snacks, he was trying his hardest not to stare. But she was just wearing a black top and...
His eyes roamed.
Cheeks burned red.
He cleared his throat and eased away from his embarrassing staring when Reina looked so happy after she had the snack. He gave her the plate, staring at the Dreepy he still had by the scruff of its neck. "This little guy was trying to steal a cookie because Maya was mean." He gave a chuckle. "I'm not gonna reward him with snacks made for you and your team."
The Dreepy stuck out its tongue at the Dragonair before flying away and back to Crolm, resting back on his head.
The Hisuian Zoroark wasn't staring at anyone anymore at the very least, her eyes closed as the Gengar patted her head soothingly. After a moment, her presence would be barely felt as she went invisible by using her Illusion ability, making it look like she disappeared. Emeric chortled and moved back to the table, taking a snack made for him and humming happily.
Due to Reggie's heightened ghost senses though, he can still sense the presence of the Hisuian Zoroark. She was still, just hiding using her ability as she took a nap. The Hisuian Zorua in Reggie's handmade sling cooed happily after she finished her Pecha-snack, hopping out of the sling to walk up to Reina. She sat down in front of Reina, cooing softly and waving her paw, as if saying 'hi'.
The fiery Vulpix jumped off the rock and walked over to Andy and his Pokemon, chirping up at them and his tails wagged playfully. He pawed at the Azurill, then bowed like a dog to show he wanted to play.
Meanwhile, Reggie returned back to the table and made everyone their lunch. Once done, he had everything laid out on the table for Reina and Andy, and then making bowls of food for each Pokemon, setting them down on the ground next to each trainer and giving his own Pokemon their own foods. Even the bowl he made for Revenant disappeared.
Reggie hummed as he sat on the ground next to the table and hummed. "So, since our walk will take us to Violet City, what will we be doing? I heard there's the Alola Contests right now, and I want in before I miss my chance." He wondered if anyone was going to join him or if they're going to go their separate ways too.