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Fandom Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay? :D (closed to new members)

Name: Mew

Legendary?: yes

Rank: scout

Gender: Female?

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Crush: None.

Gijinka Form:

Pokemon Form:

Personality: Mew is known to be cheery and bubbly character yet holds back her true colors sometimes until she fully understands the other, she prefer to approach slowly. Mainly known to hide and observe yet a similar trait is being polite and friendly and likes to also play, Mew love making friends and always wishes the best for them to be happy, even if it means sacrificing herself.


  • Mewtwo (Respects)
  • Anything shiny or sparkly
  • Wide open spaces
  • Floating around
  • Giant Pokemon


  • There not much she don't like in specific, mainly people who are rude to others and tries using Pokemon/Humans.

Strengths: Mew has shown its ability to Levitate, create force fields, and change its form into any existing species of Pokémon, though she cannot use other Pokemon moves, just able to change appearance to fool others.

Weaknesses: Her weaknesses are Dark and Ghost type pokemon, she can become even frighten of them. She can also be unaware of her surroundings, she doesn't understand when to take a situation too seriously or not.

Family: Mew is unsure who her family is other than her clone Mewtwo which I guess she could call a brother.
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Woo! Imma join! I would like to reserve Mewtwo please
This will be my last character sheet for a long while probably xD And if I make anymore Gijinka, they won't be Legendary :3 Maybe xD


Name: Cresselia

Legendary?: Yes

Rank: Scout

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Crush: Cares for Darkrai deeply.

Gijinka Form:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/tumblr_llmolu9HNF1qerfvxo1_400.jpg.b5eb5c59cf024d59aa6ecf15a3bb57b3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142659" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/tumblr_llmolu9HNF1qerfvxo1_400.jpg.b5eb5c59cf024d59aa6ecf15a3bb57b3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Pokemon Form:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/bright_cresselia_by_rose_beuty-d5aghu5.jpg.0699b7c67388da71d5a90fa4444a8f82.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142656" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/bright_cresselia_by_rose_beuty-d5aghu5.jpg.0699b7c67388da71d5a90fa4444a8f82.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/cresselia_by_vertiris-d7rt6tj.jpg.945b80ef3ef9d5013581d8906ff87d4c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142655" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/cresselia_by_vertiris-d7rt6tj.jpg.945b80ef3ef9d5013581d8906ff87d4c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Sweet and shy are written all over her in permanent marker. Always sees the good in people, or tries to make them out as good. She rarely ever gets angry, and is really accepting of most things. She has to be to love someone like Darkrai, who's a darker being. Cresselia is in charge of raising and lowering the moon, and keeping dreams in check. To most, it is depicted as Darkrai and Cresselia constantly fighting and and butting heads over the unconscious dreams of others. So, no one would ever suspect that they actually like each other. It is unknown how they even grew to like each other. Still, this caring Pokemon is accepting and friendly to everyone at first, and is always willing to make a friend.

Likes: Darkrai, flowers, cookies (sugar cookies the most), good dreams, moons, flying, being happy, her garden

Dislikes: Bloodshed, fighting, bad dreams, not being able to help, soda, dirty environments

Strengths: Her ability to null nightmares, and her ability to make others levitate whenever she wants. And, her signature move called "Lunar Dance", only learned by herself. It causes any humans, and non-Legendary Pokemon, who see it to faint, but it heals them and protects them from darkness until the move is done.

Ghost, Dark and bug attacks. Forced Bad Dreams, which are dreams created by Darkrai/Alistair. She has work hard to nullify those.

Has none



  • cresselia_by_vertiris-d7rt6tj.jpg
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Name: Aurelia

Legendary?: None

Rank: Normal member

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Crush: None

Gijinka Form:

Pokemon Form:

Personality: Aurelia is a rather sweet girl who enjoys to help out anyone she can. Shes easily annoyed and short tempered, so don't press her buttons. Although she seems tough, Aurelia is actually scared of alot of things, one of her biggest fears is darkrai,but shes to proud to admit that she shows any fear


-Helping others

-Doctoring/ the medical field


- Relaxing

- Candy


-Cold weather



-Anything evil

-No being able to help the sick

Strengths: Her doctoring skills

Weaknesses: She lets her pride get in the way of her sometimes and does reckless things

Family: As for now, unknown. Feel free to make her a sibling

Name: Alistair

Legendary?: Yes, Darkrai

Rank: The Traitor, not sure what to put =o

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Crush: He loves Cresselia, hes had a crush on her for a while

Gijinka Form:

Pokemon Form:

Personality: Alistair hasn't always been so evil. In fact, he use to be very humble and gentle towards alot of others. However, the some of other legendaries begin to mistreat him and normal pokemon as well. Al had gotten to the point where he lost all the good he had and gave in into his inner darkness. Hes now curel and some would even say hes hungry for power


- Darkness

- Being obeyed


- Power

- Causing trouble

-Night time


-Those who get in his way



-Good Dreams

-Any one who stands in his way

Strengths: His ability to cause nightmares. hopefully it will shatter's one mind

Weaknesses: Good dreams and those who stand for good

Family: None

Name: Cylde

Legendary?: Yes, Mewtwo

Rank: Warrior

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Crush: Mew, is scared to tell her

Gijinka Form:

Pokemon Form:

Personality: Clyde can be a rather rude guy, hates to be bothered with. He really does want to be around people, but hes so good at hiding his soft side. Clyde is very silent and really doesn't like to talk, the only one he had talked to is mew. He doesn't like like to be ordered around, so Clyde is very Stubborn


- Mew

- Silence

- Being proper

- Pastries

- Reading and writing




-Loud noises

-Alot of people

- dirty or unorganized people

-anything spicy

Strengths: Is strong, and uses that to his advantage

Weaknesses: He is socially awkward and doesn't like to talk

Family: None
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All accepted :3 The link to the main page is at the top of the first post on page one x3 Post a starter and I'll jump in with a character? :3



"Oh...Sorry! I must of gotten distracted...Introductions are an order."

Pazzura Shima


"Please treat me like any other person."



"Nothing to brag about."

Second in Command


"I'm sure I am.....Unless...No, I'm sure."



"Is this needed for something?"



"This question is...very..."


Gijinka Form:

"Nothing out of the ordinary."


Pokemon Form:

"It's easy to maintain this....I hope you're alright with it."



"Do you have a special reason for this question?"

Pazzura may come off as aloof and distant to most but truly she just has a lot on her mind. She tends to worry about things but not out loud.She stares off into space often and when interrupted suddenly she'll say the first thing that was on her mind the apologies for not paying attention and yelling. When not spacing off people could say she is kind of courageous and friendly to most people. She prefers to keep everything perfect and neat so she is kind of a perfectionist. She's blunt when it calls for it and actually pretty loyal.She'll stick up for anyone that's in trouble and will try to assist any way she can. She's a bit too honest and kind of gullible though she is more academic smart. Sometimes she'll ask a lot of questions and doesn't like failing anything.


"You're rather...inquisitive."

Accomplishing something

Doing chores

Being relied on


Being complimented

Complimenting others

Anything Academic

Taking notes


"Everything has a bad side...Sadly."


Mindless bickering (Friendly debate is different)



Being insulted

People with too much pride



"Not many things..."

Academics have been a strong point. Also she is pretty fast.


"I saw this coming..."

Crying. She doesn't know what to do about it and will freak out.

The cold.


"It's not all that bad..."

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"Let's get this started."

Kare Last


"I'm sure."



"With my past how could I not...."



"Has been the same for as long as I remember."



"Both can be appealing in their own ways."



"Y-You! Do not ask that question..."


(Never admitting it)

Gijinka Form:


Pokemon Form:



Kare usually is very quiet and only speaks when being spoken to. He hates loud places and glares at just about everyone that insults him. He doesn't show much emotion but it's there under his constant poker face and semi hostile atmosphere. He's pretty sarcastic too and will ignore someone completely if he doesn't find them interesting or if he finds their conversation is meaningless.


Ignoring others

Peace and quiet

Learning about nature

Fighting (Kind of)




Annoying people

People who are persistent

Being beaten

Being ignored



He is hard to read and he can stay calm in most situations


His personality and temper get's in the way of things sometimes.


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So just a question, can Rayquaza be a second in command or are all the roles filled? Or can he only be a normal member as it looks like all positions are filled. Just curious is all.


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