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Fandom Pokémon: Galar (Roleplay Thread)

The Blazed Heart Crew, Route 9 (Circhester Bay)

"S-shit man didn't tell me it'd be so cold here."

"Quite whining already. This spot is a walking maze, gives us cover so none of the feds are on our tail."

"...still, I feel a chill on my neck."​

A pair of figures traversed through what seemed one of many ice chunks that covered the icy water that was at the heart at Circhester Bay. The pair were a young man and woman in their mid-20s, the former dragging what seemed to be a large crate with some small holes behind his back on some wheeler and the later holding a smaller box that seemed to fidget a bit in place. They were among a few let's just say less than orderly individuals who were contracted to round up some of the local Pokemon of interest with the intent to pawn them off to this party for a pretty penny. Though setting in this little meeting spot in what seemed to be a frozen set of small islands had not been the easiest set up for these smugglers.

"Damn it think mine is waking back up. How much longer!?" The female smugger muttered as the shiny Krabby in her container seemed startled and alarmed though helpless to escape as she seemed to get her answer as they approached a moderate sized building whose walls were nearly white as the ice they traversed upon. Likely a means of further blending in as they worked to transport their cargo to location. These guys were locals, taking advantage of the more lax policy of the Galar League which made it so largely only local authorities they had to worry over and had thus far avoided contact with.

Their job was simple: Their clientele, a sort of strange representative of this group "Apex" would meet the smugglers and their prizes at this destination once they had confirmed they had what was asked of them. They'd get paid, the cargo would be loaded off and all was well that ended well. Given that they managed to keep under the radar this long the two individuals entered the building where several other containers and a few of their colleagues waited for them as a sense of sinister optimism filled the air.

However, not every plan goes off without a hitch. And unknown to these smugglers, a group of unconventional foreign heroes already was set to make their move...


"Alright, we're set Captain!"
Up in the sky of the route was a most curious sight concealed by the clouds around it; this sort of crudely yet advanced sky ship made of steampunk and an inflated balloon over the haul as this was known as the SS Vanguard; the prized vessel of the Blazed Heart Crew. This group of adventuring mavericks who tried to do good at the right price were called to Galar to deal with this possible smuggling ring happening under the noses of the Galar League. They had gained a bit of infamy for being able to do the kind of crazy jobs most were cautious to attempt and while this was not their first treck in Galar, this did promise to be a more thrilling venture.

"Great! You and Maddie can load up on the bikes while me and Arthur get their attention~" Rodriguez smiled, the captain of the crew who was on the main deck with her Flygon as everyone seemed to be setting up in position. "Gramps" as it were was with his Lucario ready to tag along for the ride while Maddie and Big Zeke seemed to prepare a pair of special "sky bikes" as they were called for the descent though Rodriguez tapped to her ear piece to ensure a big piece of the puzzle was set.

"So Wiz, got the bugs set~?" Rodriguez asked as a floating monitor seemed to appear and a young girl on the other end from the comfort of her "command cave" as Zeke would call it seemed to respond. "For the millionth time they are not bugs! But yes, the eyes in the skies are being deployed now, I'll signal when i get into their system." "Wiz" or Penny spoke up as a few spherical drones of her own custom design seemed to fly down as they would set themselves in position along the facility.

If they worked as intended, they would work to hack the signals of the monitors, and general controls these guys were using which should make their arrival easier. With that all set Rodriguez smiled and stroked her partner on the back of its neck.

"Well then, let's take to the sky!" Rodriguez called out as she and Arthur seemed to move on its back and the Flygon cried out before it took to the air and began to descend down, keeping at cloud level for the time being while Zeke and Maddie prepared their bikes aiming to flank the facility once the chaos would begin.

Within the containers was a variety of wild Pokemon, either tranquilized or just recovering though even the ones awake lacked the strength to escape their reinforced containers as there was this feeling of fear and dread among them. Though the smugglers inside had a mix of at best indifference or worse almost a smug satisfaction for them being in this spot. Suppose if you didn't enjoy your job, what would be the point?

Cruel as the mentality was, the lead smugger who seemed to be a man with faded red hair and what seemed to be some claw scars across his right cheek, had tried to get into a call with his contact from "Apex" in order to confirm they had the goods to set up the pick up. Tried being the key word as for some reason the signal which seemed to work just fine earlier seemed to be jammed now as he lost the signal which seemed to grow a sense of irritation.

"Damn it, now we get signal problems." The lead smuggler cursed a bit as he called for an aid to come look at it while he prepared to light his cigar, though unknown to him a set of drones had set themselves along the rooftop of the building and already seemed to work to produce a jamming signal. As they would come to discover, not only did it knock their signal dead to prevent calls, but some even worked into the electrical system in order to freeze the image of security cameras in place and caused the alarms to fall silent. All of this info was relayed back to the Wiz in her room as the young girl got updates and when everything was in place.

"Alright Captain, you are set."

"Good, Hyper Beam!"

A resounding boom sounded as the main door to the base was blown open by the powerful hyper beam, which startled and alarmed the smugglers as a pair approached with Pokeballs in hand. Though before they had the chance, "Gramps" and a flash of light shot forward as his partner Lucario appeared and the two delivered some impresvie strikes to knock the two guards out.

"What the f..!?" The lead smuggler cursed, but he lacked time for that as a window burst open as Rodriguez rode in on the back of her partner Absol and landed with Arthur and Lucario as Flygon seemed to fly around outside causing some general havoc as the woman eyed the smugglers with a gleam behind her smirk.

"Oh sorry, we tend to bring a bit of flair with our entrances~"​
Route 9
Cassius "Kaz" Aspen

A breath of frigid air is blown from Cassius' lips as he looks up in the sky. Against what would be considered as a safe or smart choice he had been tailing a few really stupid smugglers. Honestly he was rather amused how stupidly obvious they were being. The local area wasn't exactly the best for his Pokémon but given that most of these idiots prepared for fights with water-type Pokémon their electric-types would stand little chance against the overwhelming force named Glory. It is after all her turn to battle today.

Tailing them to their base was the easy part. While confident he could handle the people inside it wouldn't be smart to charge in without a back up plan. Pulling out his phone he set up a automated timer for an hour. If he didn't have it handled by then it would alert the local authorities with a distress signal. The people in Spikemouth or Circhester would come looking. Regardless, their little smuggling project was going to meet a cold bitter end today. With a adjust to his soft colored coat and to protect from the cold he moved closer to the building reaching for his belt.

Then a light bulb seemingly flicked on in his head. He smirked and grabbed a ball off his belt. The ball popped open revealing a tall green Pokémon that seemed to be covered in armor. Sand seeping from the armored Pokémon slowly, its face resolute and focused. "Titania, do you think you can whip up a sand storm over there?" He pointed a little ways way from the building. "We should cut off the paths of possible escape. You should see a disturbance involving that building there then let the storm whip up. Don't let anyone past you that flees from that building Titania. If they try subdue them with force." The Tyranitar nods moving into position staring down the building near a large snowbank to hide itself.

The second ball he pulls from his belt released a Nidoking that immediately took stock of his surroundings. "Soveriegn see that building there?" The Poison-Ground pokemon nodded looking at it. "There is a bunch of people in there that poach Pokémon." A look of rage appeared on the Nidoking's face. "Me and Glory are going to flush them out of there. I want you to stand guard over there and dont let anyone pass that comes out of that building trying to escape." The Nidoking looked at where Cassius points. The the Pokémon nods with a resolute understanding and moves into position prepaired to punish the these evil people. It remembers when poachers attempted to take Pokémon from its old home in the Safari Zone. It would be a great pleasure to put these evil people in their place.

The third Pokéball he grabbed opened revealing the Garchomp that silently looked about before turning to Cassius. With a gesture from Cassius the Garchomp looked at the building from their hiding spot only to pause and look up clearly sensing something he doesn't. What happened next Cassius didn't expect would, a hyperbeam crashed into the building. That wasn't much different to how he was going to get inside.

The people that showed themselves as responsible for this happening, caused his jaw to drop. It's them, the Blazed Heart! He could identify them from a mere glance by how often he's seen the forum containing their known exploits!

Captain Maria Rodriguez, the lovely lady commanding attention and serving up dramatic justice with a dynamic entrance! Her partner Absol decisively accents her entrance with power and calm dominace. Her Flygon backing her up flawlessly with the majesty a dragon of it's caliber, demanding respect.

Next is Arthur Griffin, the older gentleman with more skill and experience in his hand than most do in their whole body. His Lucario is tough as titanium and just as strong. Rumors say it has broken through 8ft of solid steel with a single punch.

Ezekiel, not much to tell. Just look at him! A simple man built more solid than a concrete house reinforced by 3 inch thick rebar. He's by far the man with the muscle to get the hard work done. Some claim that he could arm wrestle with a Machoke and win. His Gurrdurr is easily on par with a Machoke without their restiction belt on if rumors are to be believed.

Next up, the medical professional. Maddison Meadows, the beautiful ice queen who if rumors are to be believed has a heart only for Pokémon and her medical practices. Her and her partner Blissey take care of the frightened Pokémon with warmth absent from her normal interactions with people. Some even suspect that she may have magic abilites when it comes to care of Pokémon but there is no proof to that claim.

Last but by no means the least is the technical princess, Penelope Baldwin. The efficiency of the whole teams exploits can be credited by her expert use of technology and her inventive mind. Her partner an Emolga is a mirror of herself compact and intelligent. Some people have made up a crazy rumor that Penelope doesn't exist and they are outsourcing for the tech to Silph or Devon Corp. Anyone with half a brain knows that isnt true. Not much can be credited to them in battle but when you want the lights to go out or lock down a building with their own security systems there is no one better!

This was when Titania cranked her Sandstream ability up full blast locking down the path a little ways away standing there like a unmoving mountain blocking the way to Spikemouth. As if mirroring her actions Soveriegn moved out of hiding and stood in the way of the path to Circhester with a look of unbridled rage focused on the building. Cassius facepalmed when he realized how this was going to look but then again he did tell them to block off the paths and target people that tried to get passed them that try to escape from the building. He and Glory will stay hidden for now. If need be he can send Glory to help them even though he is pretty certain they can handle it without issue.
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Freya McIntyre
Wondering Elf

Tuesday August 1st, Chirchester Bay, Route 9.

Usually amongst a traveling group of friends, you would hear the typical jolly song of the famous route 1 in Kanto. You might hear a narrator in your head saying how the friends are having fun and looking forward to their next adventure, probably with a cute little yellow mascot on the shoulder of the main character. Unfortunately, this isn't one of these situations.

Freya, one of the last remianing Galar Elves, sighed loudly. As much as she wanted to ignore Lizzie, her pink aura overweighted Freya's dark gloomy cloud. The elf wanted a dark edgy adventure to finding her brother, but her childhood friend, made everything pretty and shiny. It was sickening. The young trainer rubbed her hands together, trying to get rid of the cold in her fingers.


Freya stopped dead in her tracks, holding her hand out so Lizzie doesn't keep going. "Did you hear that?" She muttered under her breath, looking around the snow covered trees. "This way."

The dark girl didn't wait for her bright partner as she began pushing through the snow. Despite being basically summer, this area of Galar managed to stay in winter, to Freya's annoyance. Her boots kept her protected, but stepping through uncharted paths made it more difficult. Still, the elf had a goal in mind now and she was going to follow it despite the terrain.

A soft giggle could be heard from somewhere around the first. The laughter moved from one side to the other, like if being carried by the wind. However, Freya didn't seem to mind as she pushed through some branches and stopped. "Careful...not that I care but I don't want you knocking me down." She said as she looked down. It seemed they had arrived to a downhill of some sorts.

Down at the base there was a building. The site barely visible due to its white coloring amongst the snow, but what caught Freya's attention was something else. There was smoke and some drones about the place. Even more interesting, there seemed to be some sort of Pokemon fighting going on.

"Bad guys!" Freya, for the first time in a long time, sounded a bit excited. "Come on!" She slid downhill, at least she tried to, half way some rock tripped her and she started rolling down the snow, stopping until she reached the bottom. That didn't seemed to bother her though, she quickly got up and dusted the snow off as she rushed to a nearby bush. "Anabell, get us some intel."

A soft giggle was heard and then replaced by a soft breeze. Freya uncovered her long pointy ears, placing her bangs behind them, trying to get a better hearing of the situation. "What the fuck is going on?" She whispered, her eyes trying to grasp what was happening inside.



Date: August 2, 2022
Location: Hammerlocke, Galar
Interactions: Wilford Pine
Mentions: N/A
sSoul sSoul
WCS Rank: 72,303
Pokemon Team:
Galarian Meowth

While Wilford thought about the bigger picture of preparing for the long-run, Cole focused on the here and now. His Thwackey and Meowth needed treatment, and he didn't exactly have the tools to revive a downed Pokemon. He noticed Wilford was looking at his phone after being told to follow him and Cole thought he probably wouldn't notice if he slipped away, so Cole quickly disappeared towards the Pokemon Center to heal his Pokemon. It was a rather quick "put a ball in the machine and heal for ten seconds" deal with no line whatsoever before he was back out and having caught up to Wilford.

Once rejoined with Wilford and looking up at the hotel, Cole sighed.

"Hm, I'm tempted if there's anything else we could do here and that we have time for, but I guess not. After I meet your butler, I'll be heading off into the Hammerlocke Hills to find myself a Morelull and Machoke. Would you like some help in finding this Mimikyu, or you think you got it?" He asked more so out of curiosity than anything else. He wanted to gauge how much alone time he had away from Wilford. Nothing against Wilford, but Cole was itching for some time alone to do what he did best.

Being a menace to the innocent minds of his Pokemon, of course.


August 2nd
WCS Rank: 69,398
Interactions: Cole Forrest(Merciless Medic)

"If it's in one of the dens, your help would be mandatory. Otherwise, I'll be fine," Wilford kept his gaze forward as he entered the hotel, silently hoping Cole followed close enough to remain within earshot, "The hotel is in Motostoke, so if we were to go to the hotel first, we'd be wasting time. A better use of our time would be catching our respective Pokemon of interest here before going to the hotel. By the time we arrive, Henryson will have completed his cooking."

Truthfully, Wilford had never caught a Pokémon, much less one as massive as a Dynamax Pokemon. Of course, he wouldn't need to if his father could breed a team of 6. Why his old man decided to cheap out on forcing his son to live his dream was beyond the rich young man, but that wasn't important now. Fortunately, Wilford's education provided sufficient familiarity with the catching process. Throwing a Pokéball at a target couldn't be that hard, and weakening the Pokémon beforehand would only make it easier. Concerning such a task, his fodder would be the best to send out first to break the disguise and soften the target. From there, Monferno or Thwackey would weaken it enough for capture. A den encounter would be more challenging, but it should still be within his ability.

"Shall we run for the Hills?" Wilford chuckled as he spoke to his associate, his stride slowly leading toward the hills, indicating his dismissiveness to any answer Cole could provide.
Species: Monferno
Ability: Iron Fist
Battle Ready Moves:
Fire Punch(Egg Move)
Mach Punch
Thunder Punch(Egg Move)
Power Up Punch
Fake Out
Helping Hand(Egg Move)
Rusty Moves:

Species: Thwackey
Ability: Grassy Surge
Battle Ready Moves:
Fake Out
Razor Leaf
Branch Poke
Double Hit
Leech Seed(Egg Move)
Rusty Moves:
Species: Panpour
Ability: Torrent
Battle Ready Moves:
Disarming Voice(Egg Move)
Hydro Pump(Egg Move)
Play Nice
Water Gun
Species: Togepi
Ability: Serene Grace
Battle Ready Moves:
Fairy Wind
Extrasensory(Egg move)
Life Dew
Psycho Shift(Egg move)
Sweet Kiss
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Elizabeth “Lizzie” Roylott
August 1st - Circhester Bay, Galar (Route 9)

Lizzie chattered aimlessly as she strolled alongside her friend Freya, hands tucked into the pockets of her white winter coat to keep them warm. Despite her initial hesitance to start out on a journey, she had apparently accepted her fate and embraced the life of a traveler in a very Lizzie way; skipping along through the cold, making frequent commentary on the scenery, noting ideas that crossed her mind, questioning when they should make camp, and occasionally adding in snippets of song. Fortunately the cold meant she couldn't keep it up for too long at a time without the cold stinging her throat, but even then she usually just devolved into humming some tune or other.

It wasn't very clear how many of her comments were actually addressed to Freya. Lizzie could just as easily be talking to herself for all the answers she got, after all, but she didn't seem to mind. She was just starting to complain about Bodhi retreating back into his Pokéball instead of staying in her arms to help her keep warm when a booming sound echoed through the route, and she was stopped in her tracks by an outstretched hand from her goth companion. "Yeah, I heard it. Maybe some people having a battle nearby?" she suggested as she moved to follow Freya. "Could be fun to watch." She didn't add anything else for the moment, keeping her ears focused for more sounds and her eyes on her companion as she lead the way. For a while she heard nothing but the creaking of snow-laden trees and the crunch of their shoes crunching through the ice and snow beneath their feet.

Then she heard something else. She wasn't sure what to make of the sound at first, and in her focus she nearly ran into Freya as her companion looked down the slope they'd just arrived at the top of. Peeking past Freya, Lizzie saw smoke (concerning) and whirling sands (confusing) around a building near the base of the slope. A flash of colorful light gave her the impression that Pokemon were fighting down there. One of her hands drifted towards the three Pokéballs resting near her hip, but before she could speak of move, Freya had jumped into action.

On the one hand, Lizzie was glad to see her friend showing so much excitement! It was a nice break from the usual gloominess she was used to seeing from Freya since they'd reunited. On the other hand, when that excitement lead to actions such as leaping directly towards what she'd declared to be bad guys... maybe not so good. Lizzie started off after her friend, calling out as she did, "Freya! Wait up! If those are bad guys, maybe we should-" her words were cut off as Freya tripped and began tumbling down the icy slope. Tobogganing was fun, and she hadn't gone in a while, but rolling downhill out of control didn't seem quite so fun. She was a bit more mindful of her own steps, but still tried to descend quickly to catch up with Freya.

She slid to a stop at the base of the slope, kicking up some snow. "Hey hey, you okay? I'm surprised you didn't end up as a snowball and keep rolling away... hey, that rhymes!" she looked rather pleased at her accidental wordplay for a moment, but quickly shook herself and refocused. "Seriously though, you good?" she queried, glancing between her friend and... whatever was going on around that building. Seriously, a sandstorm in Circhester Bay? This was shaping up to be a really weird day. (Hey, that rhymed too!)

Atticus Pumpernickel
Aug. 1 - Circhester Bay

What am I doing?

The silent, frigid daytime air was broken up by the wandering, rhythmless trudging of boots through snow. The figure behind the aimless footsteps had an exhausted hunch to his posture, weighed down by a certain internal conflict sitting in the Pokeball he currently held in his hand. His eyes were a foggy grey, clouded with uncertainty as they rested gingerly upon the capsule, and his mind ran rampant with anxious questions.

Why was he doing this? Again? All these years, you'd think you'd have learned your lesson. But here he was, and as if his thoughts had been read like a book, POOF!

A flash of blue light burst forth from the Pokeball, revealing the Rabbit Pokemon, who greeted his trainer with a beaming smile.

That damned smile.

Atticus Pumpernickel pinched the bridge of his nose with a heavy sigh, his lack of energy completely overtaken by Flare's abundance thereof, and he couldn't hold back a humored snort. He'd asked himself these questions time and time again, especially when he'd first received his new partner, but every now and then, he'd be reminded of the answers. He just wished the moments weren't so few and far between.


Suddenly, a powerful explosion pierced the winter air, distant but still sending a slight tremor through the ground where Atticus and Flare stood. Atticus blinked in surprise and turned to locate the source of such a blast, and his eyes could make out flashes of colorful light followed by a sandstorm most uncharacteristic of this route's usual weather. A Pokemon battle? Had they gotten this fierce now? Regardless, Atticus had no problem walking right past so that he could get to... where was he headed again?

Flare, on the other hand, chirped excitedly and immediately made for the unknown site, much to Atticus' distress.

"Wha--hey! Why are you--"

With little choice than to follow behind, Atticus broke into a brisk jog in pursuit, groaning under his breath. He could only hope it would turn out to be something inconsequential, so that he could leave the scene immediately and return to brooding and walking aimlessly.
The Blazed Heart Crew
Route 9 (Circhester Bay)
August 1st

"We're preparing to enter the back Captain. Keep them busy and we'll get the Pokemon to safety."​

The voice of Zeke seemed to speak up through an earpiece as he and Maddie arrived on their sky bikes to the back of the facility. Rodriguez and Arthur were among their more heavy hitters within the team, and Zeke was the engineer but he had a couple of capable hands with him as he released his partners Crimson the Growlithe and Samson the Gurdurr.

"Crimson use Flamethrower right here!" Zeke called out, as the Growlithe complied and fired a blast of fire right on a section of the wall as it melted through creating a hole for them to sneak into while the smugglers had their hands full. Maddie in turn had kept close and her own partner Blissey out and ready to tend to any injured Pokemon while also having some support if they needed it.

Though Maddie took note of a sudden Sandstorm to hit the area, and seemed to be focused on the emergency or rear exists of the facility. Almost like trying to box them in.

"This...did Rodriguez have Flygon use this?" Maddie asked as Zeke had a shrug, but a few little eyes in the sky seemed to be scanning the areas as Penny from her monitors back up on the ship tried to make sense of this as she worked to activate some scanners and seemed to pick up on some figures who seemed to be near the are. Penny rubbed her chin a bit but the subjects in question and this SOS signal she picked up seemed to tip her off as she sighed.

"Really of all times? Uh guys the Sandstorm is from some other trainer, seems that they are attempting to aid us." Penny explained on the ear pieces as Rodriguez and Arthur got the message though their job had not changed. "Copy that. Everyone just focus on your jobs." Rodriguez said though the Smugglers had no way to discern context of the call or hear the other end of the line, but the leader called his men to defend their catches as a few of them seemed to release some of their own Pokemon.

A Houndoom, a pair of Sneasel, one Machoke and a Clawitzer were sent out among the panicked smuggler grunts, while a pair were sent outside to try and find a way to stop this Sandstorm though as the grunts attempted to mount a defense the Blazed Heart Crew struck first! "Absol Night Slash on the Clawitzer!" Rodriguez called out as her partner charged with a head of steam and slashed at the Water Type who cried out and was sent flying back.

"Shit! Sneasel use...!" A female smuggler attempted to call out but Arthur seemed quicker to the punch. "Alright use Aura Sphere!" Arthur called out, and while his eyes seemed faded his partner was sharp as it produced a powerful Aura Sphere that blasted at the Sneasel pair as both were forced to hop back but the explosive shockwave knocked them a good foot.

"Flamethrower!" One of the male smuggler grunts called out as his Houndoom attempted to blast at Lucario as it flanked it though Lucario seemed to pick up on the attempt with its Aura perception and jumped to just avoid the blast. Another male grunt attempted to have his Machoke Bulk Up, but shockingly Rodriguez charged into the creature and leapt over it with grace closing the distance on the grunt and landing a firm punch right across the grunt's face.

"This would've gotten me kicked out of the Pokemon League, but luckily this fight I don't need to be worried of getting my own hands dirty~" Rodriguez smirked a bit as this wild woman seemed to alarm the grunts and the leader looking back seemed to frown in visible disgust.

Outside Flygon had worked to use a Dragon Tail to total one of the get away cards of the baddies which sparked response by one of the sentries who sent a Fearow out though Flygon accepted the challenge and slammed into it aggressively. Everyone seemed to be doing their part though as Penny's scanners picked up on one presence, it seemed there was even more her various drones were picking up which only seemed to complicate the issue. Two more trainer signatures, no wait...three!? Was that right...what in the world was going on!?

"Uh guys we may have some more company outside..."​
Freya McIntyre
Wondering Elf

Tuesday August 1st, Chirchester Bay, Route 9.

"I'm fine, just, shoosh." Freya waved at her traveling companion without looking back. "I know one of them, I'm sure. Rotom, zoom in."

Freya waited as the Rotom Drone emerged from her coat pocket and floated in front of her. The phone zoomed in on the one riding the Flygon. "Where have I seen that woman?"

The elf snatched her phone out of the air and started scrolling through the screen quickly. As she did so, the giggling returned and materialized into a Shuppet that had a black bow on her horn. Freya looked at the ghost type for a second and nodded. "Anabell scouted the area, it seems this is a real outside the league fight. Probably because of... her!"

Freya held up a blurry image that resembled the woman on the Flygon. "Veteran trainer who fights evil outside the law. I know because I wanted to recruit them at one point..." Freya looked at the image for a few moments. "Lizzie, you can find your way home, right? I don't think you should follow me anymore. Not because I care, I'm just being modest."

Freya quickly pocketed her phone again, "This isn't your kind of place anyways." Freya, took out a Poke Ball that had been dyed black with a purple star on it. "Bye."

Freya stood up, looking at the aerial battle and then down at the grunts most likely trying to stop the Sandstorm. She lowered her snow goggles, adjust her hair over her ears and put her hoodie on. "The Sandstorm might be helping Flygon, right? So, keep those two busy." She looked at Lizzie over her shoulder, as if she wanted to say something, but couldn't.

Freya jumped over the bush, running across the snow as fast as she could until the grunts finally noticed her moving towards them. "Alucard!" She tossed the Poke Ball towards them. "Wing Attack!"

The Golbat emerged from her Poke Ball, it had a darker blue sking tone and a red streak down her back. The bat Pokemon rushed over the snow, her wings gaining a glow as she spread them and prepared for impact.

Alucard (Parent Briavery)

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Elizabeth “Lizzie” Roylott
August 1st - Circhester Bay, Galar (Route 9)

"Not sanctioned by the league...?" Lizzie queried, looking a little confused. "So not a friendly battle..." she bit her lip in concern. No rules, nothing keeping people from getting hurt. That sounded dangerous. Perhaps it would be best to stay out of that. Absentmindedly she started responding to Freya's question. "Well, yeah, it's not that far-" Suddenly her train of thought ground to a halt as she processed what her friend had asked her. Lizzie blinked in surprise. "H-hey! You can't just drag me on an adventure and then tell me to go home halfway between towns," she complained with a pout.

She hesitated, hovering around Freya as the goth girl began adjusting her goggles and grabbed a Pokéball. Lizzie frowned at these preparation, taking perhaps a little longer than she should have to realize that her friend intended to jump into the fray. She was about to try to talk Freya out of doing something so rash when the other girl suddenly vaulted over the bush and began sprinting towards the sandstorm-cloaked building.

Lizzie wavered, indecisive. Her brain was telling her to stay put, or even turn back as Freya had suggested. After all, she'd never wanted to go on a journey in the first place. She had been perfectly happy to stay at home, coding in her free time, baking, and helping around the shop. She had only started off on this journey because she wanted to help Freya find her brother. But if Freya didn't want her around anymore... it just made sense to go home. In any case, it certainly seemed unwise to rush into an unsanctioned battle between Arceus knows how many trainers.

Still, the logical side was struggling to overcome her instinctive urge to help. The urge that had drawn her out of her comfort zone to help her friend was now calling her to stay by Freya's side, to help her fight. She teetered between the two options for a moment, watching as Freya closed on a pair of grunts and called out her Golbat. Two versus one... she could definitely even those odds. Shuddering slightly, whether from cold or nerves she wasn't sure, she lurched forward (going around the bush rather than over it) and scrambled to catch up with Freya. As she ran her hand gripped the foremost Pokéball at her hip, its surface scratched and scattered with stickers. She nearly dropped it as she took it off her belt, but fortunately she was able to re-grip the orb before it fell.

Lizzie slowed to a halt shortly behind Freya, panting slightly. She tossed the Pokéball she held into the air, releasing Venus in a swirl of hearts, pink petals, and yellow sparkles. Venus glanced around, quickly taking in the situation and turning to bare her horn-fangs at the grunts and their Pokémon, activating her Intimidate ability. Her eyes met Lizzie's, apparently awaiting instruction. Lizzie honestly wasn't sure what command to make, her relative inexperience in battles making her discomfort with this situation greater than its chaotic nature alone would have. She roughly understood type matchups (she knew them by heart once, but like nearly everything else from school most of it had faded from disuse) but she wasn't certain what types her opponents would be weak to. She recalled something about moves matching the user's type being more effective, though, so...

"Venus, Iron Head!" she commanded, pointing towards the grunts' Pokémon. Her partner leapt forward, forehead and fang-horns glinting with metallic energy.

Route 9
Cassius "Kaz" Aspen

Titania keeping the sand roaring in the area she steps forward and roars furiously at the two grunts that dared to run towards her. The armored Pokémon glares at them and uses its tail to slap the ground willing the sandstorm to intensify. She wasn't going to allow the two to pass. It would take far more than just two of them to handle her. It was sudden but the arrival of a Golbat swooping in and the voice of a girl ordering a wing attack got a glance to the elf-like girl from the armored Pokémon but since she was attacking the grunts Titania had little interest in her.

Soveriegn stood not too far away from the building watching the battle rage. The Nidoking would wait even if he did nothing in this debacle. He'd stand vigilant and not allow any poacher pass. It took notice of Zeke and Maddie rounding the building it wasn't sure what they were doing but it took note of the Growlithe burning a hole in the building. It seemed they were with the woman attacking the base. He looked down at the ground and thought for a moment. Seeming to make up his mind the Pokémon took in a deep breath and with a turn of his body used surf to allow for a wave of water to drench the area behind it and planting an Ice Punch upon the water freezing it solid into a slick sheet of ice. Anyone heading that way would have a harder time getting away.

Cassius who was just observing saw the dog fight going on above the base hummed for a moment before making up his mind. "Glory," the Garchomp moved it's attention to Cassius with a intense look. It knew the tone her trainer just took, it was time to fight and win. "Go up there and assist the Flygon. Knock that Fearow from the sky."

With a huge leap Glory shot into the sky adjusting its body to shoot across the battlefield using Aereal Ace to close the gap. The Garchomp seemingly vanished only to appear just behind and slightly above the Fearow a vile purple glow coming from its claw. It struck downward with a Poison Jab directly towards the Fearow's back wanting to force the bird out of the air.

Timothy sat behind the desk with his feet on the counter. In his hand, he held a handheld video game. The game beeped, and it was silent in spikemuth. It was evening and no one was awake except the criminals and especially desperate merchants. It was around 9:30. One of the audinos peered over his shoulder to see what he was doing, and he let it take a closer look.

Cole Forrest1719102067759.png
Date: August 2, 2022
Location: Hammerlocke > Hammerlocke Hills, Galar
Interactions: Wilford Pine
Mentions: N/A
sSoul sSoul
WCS Rank: 72,303
Pokemon Team:
Galarian Meowth

Cole followed along, silent as he stuffed his hands in his jeans pockets and listened to Wilford. He hummed, the idea of food prepared by a butler sounding rather nice right about now. He smirked at the joke, chuckling a little as he followed Wilford along. "Hah, punny. Sure. Luckily for you, I know how to deal with a Dynamax Pokemon. Just beat it until it can't move anymore, and then surge Dynamax Energy into the PokeBall you wanna use to catch it. It's not too different to the catching of a Pokemon, it's just got an extra step."

He looked over his phone as he walked beside Wilford. "In either case, I gotta get rid of these four dead weights on my belt. They're starting to piss me off. After your whole thing with Mimikyu, I'm gonna go disappear for a bit. Let's meet up at the Hammerlocke gate." He smiled, yet it held no joy or happiness and it didn't reach his eyes. It was more of a placative gesture if anything.

He noticed there was a bit of a trade party happening near the gate of Hammerlocke, and he chuckled. "Hm... I should see what they got for sale there." He mused to himself before walking out the gate of Hammerlocke into Hammerlocke Hills.

The vast hills stretched out on either side of them, with a sheer drop off in front of them that led to a mass sandy bowl known as the Dusty Bowl. It was a bright sunny day that wasn't too hot. Klink floated about near mineral deposits, Inkay floated about and tried to harass some Espurr, Corvisquire and Unfezant flew overhead, Dubwool grazed in small herds. Cherubi and Greedent fought in trees, Sudowoodo hid near trees to blend in, Wobbuffet stayed hidden within the tall grass and shade of trees, and Stufful were seen preying upon Dubwool - or attempting to at least. A Vileplume could be seen on their left, playing with the flowers near the gate, and a Gourgeist was to their right, floating about as they had some Pumpkaboo following them.

To their right was a glowing den, its pillar of bright pink light shooting into the sky. "Oooh, a rare Pokemon is in that one. Mimikyu are rare here, so let's see if it's there." He then walked towards it, the Gourgeist eyeing them before deciding they weren't worth the trouble and taking their posse of Pumpkaboo away from the traveling humans.

Saga skipped around Spikemuth as Combee buzzed over her shoulder. It was far too quiet in the city for Saga but she decided to go out and explore the streets anyways. "Let's go Combee!" Saga cheered as she looked over Combee, "Let's explore this city!" However, they both couldn't get far into the city as it is already late and little attractions that catch their eye. So, with nothing left to do, Saga and Combee burst through a pokemon centre.

DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57
Timothy's eyes widened as the short bell jingled and a girl walked in. She was walking around with a combee and seemed confused so he nonchalantly asked "What can I do for you ma'am?" his game beeped as he doesn't pay full attention to her.

honeysweetest.co honeysweetest.co
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August 2, Wednesday - Turffield Town, Galar Region
Ken Blake

The Galar region was always known for their showmanship when it came to their gym challenges, but being there in person is a whole other experience from simply hearing mentions of it. Walking down the hall towards the stadium was a young man with a conductor hat wearing the Galar region's standard gym challenge uniform, the number 99 was plastered on the left leg of his shorts. He took one last look at his chosen partners, making sure they were ready for what laid ahead of them. "Well then, this will either be a great chance to see how far I've come as a trainer or I could lose horribly and get put in my place, I'd say it's about 50/50." The man mused to himself nonchalantly as he approached the exit.

Stepping out of the corridor onto the field, Ken was suddenly bombarded with a wave of applause and cheers. Everything appeared to be a lot grander to the Ultra class trainer now that he was at the center of the famous Galar gym trial; the crowd, the atmosphere, even the very stadium felt bigger than before. It was then that Ken began feeling his excitement welling up inside him. "Heh, now this is a grand stage for a pokemon battle, I like it."

Without wasting any more time, the young man quickly made his way to his side of the battlefield, awaiting the start of the battle. He adjusted his hat. "Let's get this started!"

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Tuesday, August 2nd

Turffield Stadium, Turffield City

Ken Blake
Mentions: Grand Overlord Koop Grand Overlord Koop

While Ken psyched himself up for his Gym challenge, Milo, ever cool and relaxed, had strolled into his trainer box. The smallest smile shaped his lips; he was looking forward to this battle. Trainers from outside Galar rarely tackled the Galar circuit at the Prestige level. The League was renowned for its difficulty and fierce competitiveness, few rose to the challenge, but those who did were often interesting fellows.

A referee floated over the field atop his Aegislash, he ran over the rules: this would be a six-on-six double battle; the challenger had 4 free switches while the gym leader had none; only one power up was allowed for this match; the battle would end when either all Pokémon on one side were deemed unable to battle or the trainer forfeited…

If he hadn’t heard the same speech ten thousand time before, then it was at least a thousand and plennty. Milo focused ono his Pokémon, selecting his first two choices. Once the ref’s flags came down, Milo was ready—pokéballs already flying onto the field. “Well then, shall we get this haystack rolling!”

In a flash Shiftry and Gourgeist (Super-Size) took the field and Milo showed no mercy, immediately making a call for—“Tailwind!”

A powerful wind blew in behind Milo’s team with the dance of Shiftry’s fans.


August 2, Wednesday - Turffield Town, Galar Region
Ken Blake

Ken was barely paying attention to the referee as the man explained the challenge rules. The young man was waiting for it, for the moment the red flags would come down to signal the start of the battle. His hands laid on his chosen vanguards, ready to throw them at a moment's notice. Fortunately, he didn't have to wait long.

As soon as the match began, Ken tossed 2 pokeballs into the air. "Fang! Sakura! Take the field!" Appearing on the battlefield were the pair of a Crobat and Heracross, facing off against the gym leader's chosen leads.

Milo wasted no time to gain some momentum, starting the battle off with a Tailwind. Seeing this, Ken smirked. "Alright, don't let them gain the advantage! Fang, let's match their Tailwind with our own!" With a string swing of his four wings, the Crobat created a hastening draft behind Ken's team to match that of Milo's. "Now Sakura, ride that airstream and use Megahorn on that Shiftry!" Immediately following Fang's set up, the Heracross used the newly created winds to carry herself towards her target, a light green glow covering her horn as she charged ahead.

Tuesday, August 2nd

Turffield Stadium, Tufrfield City

Ken Blake
Mentions: @Grand Master Koop

Field Conditions: Gym Leader Tailwind (3 Turns Rem.) | Challenger Tailwind (3 Turns Rem.)

Pokémon Con: Shiftry - Atk +1

Milo smiled. He hoped the Challenger brought more than a bit of type advantage, otherwise this would go very poorly for him. “Trick-or-Treat!”

Although Heracross’ Megahorn landed a square hit, Shiftry stayed the course and withstood that blow. It didn’t seem nearly as hurt as one might’ve expected given its double weakness to bug type moves. That was because rather than any of Ken’s Pokémon, the target of Trick or Treat had been Shiftry itself. Now boasting an additional Ghost typing, its double weakness to bug had dropped to a single weakness and its weakness to fighting type moves had been replaced with an immunity. What should’ve been an easy knock out was instead withstood as Milo countered with—"Rock Slide!”

With its Wind Rider ability powered up by Tailwind, Shiftry was feeling nimble and strong! It had no plans to let Heracross escape! Shiftry’s fans stirred devastating winds that ripped large rocks from the of the battlefield and smashed them straights towards its two opponents!


August 2, Wednesday - Turffield Town, Galar Region
Ken Blake

"Changing your own pokemon's type? That's interesting." Ken thought to himself. The gym leader's strategy wasn't something he has seen often. Most of the time, type changing moves are used on your opponent's pokemon in order to either gain a type advantage or to remove a type disadvantage. However, Milo gave the ghost typing to his own Shiftry, mitigating much of the damage Megahorn would have done had the grass and dark type stayed that dual type. “Very interesting.”

Milo wasn't done yet, immediately following Sakura's hit, a rain of rocks began falling from the sky. "Uh oh. Quick, Endure!" Lowering her stance , the Heracross braced for impact, mitigating some of the damage from the falling rocks. "As for you Fang, I think we better pivot away from this! Weave around the rocks then use U-Turn! Aim for Gourgeist!" Deciding to get his other pokemon out of the battle for now, the Crobat quickly shifted in the air into a dive. As it appeared the opposing Shiftry had its main focus on Sakura, Ken opted to attack the Gym Leader's other pokemon to gain some momentum. The Bat pokemon flew straight towards the opposing Pumpkin pokemon, doing its best to avoid the falling rocks as it did.

After the impact, Fang was absorbed back into his pokemon as his replacement took the field, a Dhelmise.

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Tuesday, August 2nd

Turffield Stadium, Tufrfield City

Ken Blake
Mentions: @Grand Master Koop

Field Conditions: Gym Leader Tailwind (2 Turns Rem.) | Challenger Tailwind (2 Turns Rem.)

Pokémon Con: Shiftry - Atk +1

Milo had minimized the damage on Shiftry, but the Tengu Pokémon weren’t known for their outstanding defenses. Natheless, it wasn’t Shiftry’s job to stick around. There were other, better Pokémon for that task. Instead, Shiftry’s job was to prime the field and exit with a BANG. Milo sat back permissively and allowed the challenger an uncontested U-Turn, and as soon as his new Pokémon came out—“Explosion.”

The wild grin on Shiftry’s face only grew wilder and larger as its body inflated to gargantuan size and rocked the battlefield with a thunderous explosion. Gourgeist was, of course, un-affected, but could the same be said of his opponent’s Pokémon?
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August 2, Wednesday - Turffield Town, Galar Region
Ken Blake

"Ah, that's not good." Hearing his opponent's call and seeing the sudden expansion of the Shiftry's mass, Ken had to think of something quick if he didn't want to lose his Heracross. Luckily, being a Ghost type, his Dhelmise was immune to the explosion so Sakura was the only pokemon on his side Ken had to worry about. With little time to think, Ken decided to risk it on his only option. "Sakura, Endure again?" There was nothing else he could have done, the explosion was already happening full force and his Dhelmise didn't have any reliable way to prevent his other pokemon from falling to said explosion. So, he had to take a chance and hope Endure pulls through.

Unfortunately, his Heracross couldn't Endure it. As the spoke cleared, Ken witnessed his Heracross laying on the ground, unable to continue battling. "Ah man, I shouldn't have wasted Endure early. This was my bad." He said out loud as he returned Sakura to her pokeball. Following that, the young man turned to the Gym Leader. "Well then, looks like we're both down one pokemon."

Tuesday, August 2nd

Turffield Stadium, Tufrfield City

Ken Blake
Mentions: @Grand Master Koop

Field Conditions: Gym Leader Tailwind (1 Turns Rem.) | Challenger Tailwind (1 Turns Rem.)

Pokémon Con:

Milo raised an eyebrow. This challenger… Well, if he was just going to stand there then Milo wasn’t going to complain. This was a Mastery Challenge, he needed to be much faster on the jump, or he’d leave himself wide open. Like now—“Gourgeist, Will o Wisp! Trevanant, it’s your turn! Sunny Day!”

Ghastly flames erupted from the jack-o-lantern pokémon’s eyes and flew towards Dehlmise, while Milo tossed out his next Pokémon. A massive travenant took the field, it’s branches alight with a mysterious power that caused the sun to intensify.


August 2nd
WCS Rank: 69,398
Interactions: Cole Forrest(Merciless Medic)

Wilford reflexively smirked as Cole acknowledged his pun, grateful he had someone who could appreciate the structure of humor, regardless of content. His smirk slowly faded as his companion described the process behind catching Dynamax Pokemon, reaffirming his initial comprehension. By the time Cole announced his intention to go his own way, the rich young man's expression neutralized, Cole's placative smile not registering on Wilford's radar.

After passively nodding to confirm he was listening, Wilford's eyes drifted toward the gate of Hammerlocke Hills, focusing on the trading trainers. The blond glanced at Cole, remembering his plans to discard the dead weight. Perhaps there was an opportunity for a more beneficial disposal method, but that would have to wait until they encountered the Mimikyu.

On that topic, the traveling duo eventually reached their intended destination: a small den resembling a well projecting a pillar of pink light into the air. Following the light with his eyes allowed Wilford to witness the overhead Corvisquire and Unfezant. He started searching the skies to look for a Corviknight Taxi but was brought back to earth by Cole's mention of a rare Pokemon in the den.

"After you?" Wilford turned to Cole upon approaching the den, hoping he could put his Galarian heritage to use. Of course, considering Cole's typical behavior, Wilford expected him to chicken out.
Species: Monferno
Ability: Iron Fist
Battle Ready Moves:
Fire Punch(Egg Move)
Mach Punch
Thunder Punch(Egg Move)
Power Up Punch
Fake Out
Helping Hand(Egg Move)
Rusty Moves:

Species: Thwackey
Ability: Grassy Surge
Battle Ready Moves:
Fake Out
Razor Leaf
Branch Poke
Double Hit
Leech Seed(Egg Move)
Rusty Moves:
Species: Panpour
Ability: Torrent
Battle Ready Moves:
Disarming Voice(Egg Move)
Hydro Pump(Egg Move)
Play Nice
Water Gun
Species: Togepi
Ability: Serene Grace
Battle Ready Moves:
Fairy Wind
Extrasensory(Egg move)
Life Dew
Psycho Shift(Egg move)
Sweet Kiss
The Blazed Heart Crew
Route 9 (Circhester Bay)
August 1st

"Shit this dumb Sandstorm, is this part of those Blaze punks?"

"No idea but the sooner we dispel it the better."​

The two grunts off to the side outside saw the Sandstorm swirl around their base and indeed Flygon by the front outside the base seemed to appreciate this little development even if unplanned as the sentry grunt's Pidgeot struggled to hang with it as Flygon tackled it to a wall. The storm seemed to intensify as they could barley make out the source of the storm, but saw the target none the less as they were determined to put a stop to it. The two grunts who were tasked with dealing with the Sandstorm seemed to send out a Skorupi and a Yanmega respectively. Though before either could use a move against the Sandstorm they themselves were suddenly struck by a Wing Attack and a Iron Head respectively.

"What the shit!?" One of the grunts cursed, as the pair turned and saw two new figures arrive onto the scene. Trainers, one with a Golbat and another with a Mawile.

"Great more problems. Skorupi use Pin Missile on the Golbat!" One grunt called out as several glowing pins fired from the Poison-type and were sent flying to the Golbat.

"Yanmega use Quick Attack on the Mawile!" The other grunt called as Yanmega dashed with a burst of speed and aimed to slam its frame against the other arrival.

The air battle in turn between the Flygon and the Fearow was not going super well. The Flygon had the edge from this unexpected Sandstorm, and just to compound the issue suddenly a GARCHOMP of all things arrived and fired a poison jab which hit the Fearow and seemed to knock it onto the ground with a thud.

"Okay this is just stupid!? Where do these people come from!? FEAROW USE STEEL WING!" The sentry grunt called out as the Fearow seemed to shake the sting of the jab and its wings shinned bright as it attempted to sail up and fly to deliver a blow against the Garchomp. The Flygon was curious about this new arrival, but it sensed an ally which was the main thing that mattered as it rushed in and used a Dragon Tail to block the Wing Attack before it could connect as the Fearow frowned as the trio fly in this little sky battle.

Penny observed all of this, well best she could given the Sandstorm and all, through her drones or eyes in the sky both puzzled but also a bit relieved they seemed to get some unexpected reinforcements.

"Seems this little base has attracted some people. We got some aid here on the outside." Penny said, speaking to the communicators in the ears of all the Blazed Heart Crew.

"Good to see the everyday people doing their part! Dark Pulse Absol!" Rodriguez said with a smile, literally riding the back of her partner as Absol jumped over the Clawitzer who attempted an Aqua Jet to strike but then was blasted in the back with the Dark Pulse as it slammed into the wall and seemed to slump. "Damn bitch...Machoke use Vital Throw!" A grunt called rubbing his chin from the punch as the Machoke charged the Absol who avoided the beast and delivered a powerful Air Slash to the chest which caused it to fly and actually crash into its trainer as both tumbled along the ground. Rodriguez hopped off her partner and had made a b-line for the head smuggler who seemed to to release an Electivire.

"You meddling worms ruined everything! Thunder Punch!" The smuggler leader called out as Rodriguez slid under the Electric type and struck a knee to the smuggler's gut. "Agh!"

"I do enjoy crashing parities, can't help myself~" Rodriguez winked as Absol jumped between them and the Electivire to act as a guard.

During this Houndoom attempted another Flamethrower on the Lucario but it seemed to dodge swiftly as Arthur called for it to deliver a Bone Rush as an energized bone appeared in its hands as it swung it like a club which caused the Houndoom to be dropped hard onto the ground. However, the twin Sneasel and their partners recovered as the used a blitzing Quick Attack combo to deal some damage back.

"Metal Claw!" Both the grunts called out as one Sneasel was on the front, another on the back but as they charged Arthur seemed calm as can be.

"Double Team~!" Arthur mused as Lucario began to form several after images around himself as the two Sneasels missed their target and slashed at a copy. "Now Aura Sphere~!" Arthur said with a smile as the Lucario and its copies all charged up energy as the two Sneasels tried to slash at the real one first, but were just off target as a pair of them fired at it and the real one slammed to the middle and blasted both Sneasel back!

Panic was setting in as the smugglers were on the losing end, some had tried to flee outside but between the Sandstorm around the base and then this sudden wall of ice that covered a blind spot within it they seemed trapped! During this Zeke and Maddie snuck inside as Zeke used his Growlthie Crimson to break some of the cages as the captured Pokemon were escorted out and Maddie used her Blissy to aid in their immediate first aid.

"Shit! They are taking the cargo!" One of the grunts yelled as a pair tried to rush them but Blissey used Protect to make a little barrier form the initial charge, and Zeke was more than happy to aid in the defense with Samson. "Dynamite Punch!"

"Gur!" The Gurdurer called out and slammed a fist to one grunt as Zeke laid out another with his own shot to the face.
Freya McIntyre
Wondering Elf

Tuesday August 1st, Chirchester Bay, Route 9.

"I told you to go home!" Freya snapped at the pink arrival while her Golbat got shot several times by the Pin Missile. "Alucard, Whirlwind!"

The Golbat took to the air, gathering energy by circling around her opponents one time. Once she was in front of Freya again, she released a powerful gust of wind that began blowing everything in front of her away.

"That's the opening we need." Freya was about to take off again, taking one step forward and then turning back to face Lizzie. "Come on!" She said annoyed, grabbing her friend's wrist. "I NEED to get to that Rodriguez girl."

Freya started to run, dragging Lizzie with her towards the base. "Alucard, keep those grunts away!"

Golbat let out a cry as she circled around to cover their backs, preparing another Whirlwind to blow anyone coming after them away. Freya and team looked for a way in. As they ran along the walls of the base, they noticed a hole that seemed to have been melted? into the wall. Taking advantage of the situation, Freya pulled Lizzie in. "Stay behind me."

She returned Alucard, switching her out for Ivy, the Gloom. "Hey, Ivy, remember when you discovered Sleep Powder and you ran around sleeping everything?"

The grass type looked up with confusion for a second and then smiled. "Yeah, do that again!"

Gloom sprinted into action, releasing a bright green powder as she did so, across the main floor. Freya covered her mouth with her hoodie as she followed after, trying to locate the captain of this place.

Alucard (Parent Briavery) Has a red streak down her back and is of a darker blue.
Ivy (Parent Ivysaur) Has a more blueish greenish skin color. Her leaves on her head are lighter.


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